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chrisbr 05-04-2009 04:48 PM

I have just installed this on a bord i keep getting spam registrations onto; i had previously seen the API's on stopforumspam.com and wondered if anyone would ever implement it, of course someone has - GREAT WORK and i will see how this runs for me


ddmobley 05-04-2009 06:10 PM

I can confirm the latest release (.61) will work on 3.5.4 if you use the attached product XML file, which simply replaces the "select : pipe" sections with CDATA for select method code. Installed fine after that was edited. Installers should remember to refresh their ACP navigation window when they first install it so they can see the new log file menu item. This edit to the XML file should be forward-compatible.

Good job.

ddmobley 05-05-2009 03:02 PM

I can't tell you how much I appreciate this mod. In less than 24 hours, it has allowed only 2 legit registrations to go through while blocking 15 spammers. Thanks again.

Donation sent!

orchidsi 05-15-2009 03:18 PM

Awesome! Works very well on 3.8.0 for me.

wpwood3 05-19-2009 07:31 PM

Working great on 3.8.2
Thanks for a great mod!

Titania 05-19-2009 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1800447)
This error presents itself when a couple of things happen.
1. Your forum cant contact the remote database in the allowed period of time
2. Our database is down (cough, it happens, I blame Russ :) )
3. Youve exceeded the (newly implemented) limit of 5,000 queries in a 24 hour period (which is unlikely).

Are you using cURL for doing the queries? Its one of the options in vbStopForumSpam configuration. With cURL, you can control the timeout time window a little more but thats often at the cost of risks a "mysql has disapeared" error.

I am using cURL (as it was set by default).

Over the last week or two, things seem to have returned to normal and I'm no longer getting time outs so I'm a happy camper :)
As I mentioned earlier, this mod has saved me heaps of work removing spammers manually. Great work.

BarryW 06-07-2009 05:41 AM

We are getting multiple entries in the spam log. One accepted user has 25 entries!
We are also getting rejections due to 'Result on field username' ???

Any idea's?


mmurtha 06-07-2009 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by BarryW (Post 1824926)
We are getting multiple entries in the spam log. One accepted user has 25 entries!
We are also getting rejections due to 'Result on field username' ???

Any idea's?


Hey Barry,

This has been my experience with this Mod -

The "accepted" listings in the stopforumspam logs could be either that the user did not respond to the email you sent during the registration process (if you sent one), or that the user got past the SFS Mod, but got stopped by your settings in VBulletin. The .logs show all who try to register whether they were able to or not.

The "Rejections" due to result on field username means that the Mod is doing its thing, and catching the spammers, then preventing them from registering on your forum.

What happens is, recorded spammers are reported to StopForumSpam by their username, IP address, and email address (these are the field results), so when the Mod goes to the SFS site, the site relays varification back to yours.

So basically, the logs are letting you know who is caught, and who was allowed to register.

Hope this helps ...


P.S. This Mod is a really great one. Let it do its job, and you will be pleasently surprised at how many spammers it stops dead cold! ;)

BarryW 06-07-2009 11:06 AM

Thanks for the prompt reply Mary. I understand the multiple logs now.

I am still a little concerned that it looks at user names as it is rejecting quite legitimate users on my site. I have just had a user rejected because his chosen username was Andrew? There are no other Andrew's on my site, the spam database does not find any issue with his IP or email Address.

Other than this its been a great tool.

EDIT: I have just found out that usernames can be removed from the search.



ddmobley 06-07-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by BarryW (Post 1824926)
We are getting multiple entries in the spam log. One accepted user has 25 entries!

If a legitimate user re-submits the new user registration multiple times, it will show up in the log multiple times. For example, where they change a setting, or fail the CAPTCHA, or edit their email address, each time it is resubmitted, it shows up in the log.


Originally Posted by BarryW (Post 1824926)
We are also getting rejections due to 'Result on field username' ???


Originally Posted by BarryW (Post 1825007)
I am still a little concerned that it looks at user names as it is rejecting quite legitimate users on my site. I have just had a user rejected because his chosen username was Andrew? There are no other Andrew's on my site, the spam database does not find any issue with his IP or email Address.

You have to be careful of the username searches. StopForumSpam.com searches for partial matches to username searches, which can result in high false positives. Your user "Andrew" did return a hit on StopForumSpam.com, but it also turned up false positives for other usernames that include the phrase "andrew" in it, even email addresses. I would prefer StopForumSpam.com to modify their username searches to only return exact matches, otherwise the username search becomes nearly useless.

BarryW 06-07-2009 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by ddmobley (Post 1825135)
... I would prefer StopForumSpam.com to modify their username searches to only return exact matches, otherwise the username search becomes nearly useless.

Thanks for your reply. I've learnt a lot about this tool today. I like the tool but I agree about modifying the username searches. My spam log has already rejected a few potential members.


Wired1 06-07-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by ddmobley (Post 1825135)
You have to be careful of the username searches. StopForumSpam.com searches for partial matches to username searches, which can result in high false positives. Your user "Andrew" did return a hit on StopForumSpam.com, but it also turned up false positives for other usernames that include the phrase "andrew" in it, even email addresses. I would prefer StopForumSpam.com to modify their username searches to only return exact matches, otherwise the username search becomes nearly useless.

When this mod searches their database, it's different than the general search on the website. I believe it already only searches for exact matches, whereas the search on their website always searches all fields.

David Bott 06-08-2009 10:22 PM

Greetings all...

Interesting plug-in and have it running on AVSForum at this time.

Seeing we get 300+ new registrations a day on the site, I was wondering if their is a way to only log the rejections? You know, the log entries like "Result on field email - kokja@ua.fm - Spammer and rejected by policy"

Thank you kindly for your help and the very nice addition.

Wired1 06-08-2009 11:24 PM

Probably, but it's a good thing to have both available. When looking at the logs, you can see where spammers attempt various login combos, and which ones get rejected vs. accepted.

Example: They're attempting to create a login by using a specific IP / username combo, but they keep changing the email address. 3 out of 30 email addresses aren't blocked, and all attempted within a 5 minute period. It's a safe bet those 3 are spammer accounts, and you can report them to the list.

abrecher 06-09-2009 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by BarryW (Post 1825007)

EDIT: I have just found out that usernames can be removed from the search.

How can one do that please ?

rrudeboy 06-09-2009 02:05 AM

installed it and hoping it'll work.... anyway to test without being banned :}

pedigree 06-09-2009 08:44 AM

the site does exact matches only but is case insenstive.


Originally Posted by Wired1 (Post 1825252)
When this mod searches their database, it's different than the general search on the website. I believe it already only searches for exact matches, whereas the search on their website always searches all fields.

Spot on

again, as the thread is getting long and I know from these posts that people arent reading it in completion

vBulletin accepts the form, sanity checks it
Passes control to the mod. The mod does tests against the remote database and if all tests come back negative, passes control back to vBulletin for its checks, captcha, dup usernames etc.

If there are multiple logs, its because the mod has passed it and vbulletin has rejected it. There is nothing that I can do about other than attempt to supress duplicate log entries, but then you dont see the whole picture.

pedigree 06-09-2009 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by abrecher (Post 1826103)
How can one do that please ?

Look at the mod options

pedigree 06-09-2009 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by David Bott (Post 1826002)
Greetings all...

Interesting plug-in and have it running on AVSForum at this time.

Seeing we get 300+ new registrations a day on the site, I was wondering if their is a way to only log the rejections? You know, the log entries like "Result on field email - kokja@ua.fm - Spammer and rejected by policy"

Thank you kindly for your help and the very nice addition.


You can edit the php and comment out the line near the bottom that adds the log entries that you dont want to see.

BarryW 06-09-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by abrecher (Post 1826103)
How can one do that please ?

Goto: -



David Bott 06-09-2009 05:31 PM

Thank you pedigree. My bigging thing right now seems to be with timeouts. Not a lot, but enough. We could be one that actually hits your 5000 a day based on our traffic. ;)

Wired1 06-09-2009 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by David Bott (Post 1826533)
Thank you pedigree. My bigging thing right now seems to be with timeouts. Not a lot, but enough. We could be one that actually hits your 5000 a day based on our traffic. ;)

Easy enough to check. Go to the logs, enter in 5000, and check the date of the first and last entry on the page :)

Makc666 06-09-2009 11:11 PM

  1. Proposal: I am sure that there have to be three separate logs or any way to filter the logs in ACP:
    • Allowed Registrations
    • Disallowed Registrations
    • Registrations was not able to check (due to time out)

    As for now it is very hard to browse the log.
  2. Proposal: Also it will be nice to have some calendar filter.
    So you can check only today registrations.

P.S. pedigree, the application is great! Thanks!

Makc666 06-10-2009 12:33 AM

Just found this one in logs - a lot of them (name, IP, mail is changed):


someuser 2009-06-10 02:32:11 email@here.com 1230123.123.123 Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:32:05 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:32:02 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:59 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:56 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:54 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:52 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:43 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:34 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:28 email@here.com Allowed registration
Of course there is no such user on forum.
This means it was trying to brake captcha or some question.

Proposal: It will be nice if in next version (hope 0.7*) there will be a way to report such user directly from log with one click!!!

Wired1 06-10-2009 12:53 AM

Logs like that are why I have other mods in place where a human can only click on the submit button every 15 seconds :)

Baf_Jams 06-15-2009 08:50 PM

Great Works a treat Thanks :) Marked as installed

luism 06-17-2009 04:15 PM

So I installed it.. and in my products in only shows as version .6 and not .61?
Why is that?
I used the zip file and xml on top of this thread from today June 17..

So if I did this correctly...
If i currently have any new user to wait for me to accept them.. the spammers won't even get to the point where I can reject them from the "List Users Awaiting Moderation"?


I am hoping this works :)


Wired1 06-17-2009 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by luism (Post 1831380)
So I installed it.. and in my products in only shows as version .6 and not .61?

You have the correct one. He just never updated the version number on the actual product :)


If i currently have any new user to wait for me to accept them.. the spammers won't even get to the point where I can reject them from the "List Users Awaiting Moderation"?

mizzlinhie 06-18-2009 10:49 AM

How come I don't see the "Front-End Error Messages" in the Admin Control Panel / Languages & Phrases / Phrase Manager / ?

I tried to register an account in my forum using a spam email and it leads to the database error page instead of "registration denied" page like the picture above.

NexDog 06-19-2009 04:37 AM

Have had this installed for 3 months and working fine. Then in the last week I had 3 people contact us saying their signup was rejected as spam. Haven't had any spam in ages, but not many new signups either.......

NexDog 06-19-2009 04:44 AM

Edit: didn't upload XML etc. I uploaded it to forum root but the log doesn't appear under stats still.

NexDog 06-19-2009 05:02 AM

I also tried it in admincp. And also did do=buildbitfields. Still no log, aarghh..

NexDog 06-19-2009 05:14 AM

Figured it out. Move along. Nothing to see here.

I can't believe how many spammy registrations this thing is blocking. I think maybe 15 to 25 per day. Incredible!

pedigree 06-19-2009 02:07 PM

Thanks :)

pedigree 06-19-2009 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by mizzlinhie (Post 1831798)
How come I don't see the "Front-End Error Messages" in the Admin Control Panel / Languages & Phrases / Phrase Manager / ?

I tried to register an account in my forum using a spam email and it leads to the database error page instead of "registration denied" page like the picture above.

You havent installed it correctly then

ddmobley 06-19-2009 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Wired1 (Post 1825252)
When this mod searches their database, it's different than the general search on the website. I believe it already only searches for exact matches, whereas the search on their website always searches all fields.

What differentiates the search to do exact matches for just a username? Do you have a coding example?

pedigree 06-19-2009 06:06 PM

mod search with

select where username = "username"

site searches with

select where field like *text*

ddmobley 06-19-2009 06:24 PM

Ahh, gotcha. Site is using SQL search structure... Thanks.

Jon1422 06-20-2009 09:38 AM

Most excellent! Thank you!

JohnAnderson 06-20-2009 12:37 PM

quick question does this work with 3.8.x or is it only for 3.6.x

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