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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - AME - Auto Media Embedding (youtube, Amazon, google, myspace, etc...) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150863)

Carlos2 07-24-2007 04:29 PM

Are any one for mp3??

Dannyloski 07-24-2007 04:49 PM

^ No still no MP3 Support ... It might be possible, but there hasn't been any support added ...

Nathan2006 07-24-2007 10:02 PM

Thank you for the update :)

loonytune15 07-25-2007 02:24 AM

OK I have a huge problem.

I installed the photopost add-on re ran the convert posts and now all my posts are gone.

Every post has disappeared...


UgLy-NeRd 07-25-2007 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1299552)
Ummm, why would you want it? I dont understand ... can you explain a little more?

This Hack does not support adding Embed Codes to your Post and converting them to the Video ... It never has. This Hack's purpose is for users to post the URL of the Video and then this Hack automatically converting it into the Actual Video. If you want to allow the Embed Code you need to allow HTML on your Site, but that it a very high security risk that you'll be taking on ...

I use it as a BBCode on my forum. ([digg]url[/digg]). It allows you to just place a digg image with the url to the website and a digg button below it, so you can click the button to digg, instead of having to go to digg's website and digg it.

jasculs 07-25-2007 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by loonytune15 (Post 1300775)
OK I have a huge problem.

I installed the photopost add-on re ran the convert posts and now all my posts are gone.

Every post has disappeared...


Can you go into thread? And if so are they just missing the postbits?

loonytune15 07-25-2007 06:22 AM

There is nothing there at all.

It has post reply then the bar with thread tools etc..

then the post reply button again..

AdmiralGeek 07-25-2007 07:53 AM


I have a few favours to pull, and this is a very promising hack. so I will get a few fellow geeks to work on a FLV, SWF, MP3-WAV- and all relative image formats for auto embedding. If all goes well they may be able to add a DIVx compatibility. the DIVx all depends on how annoying the auto plugin procedures will be for the users.

They may need to re-author your code in some ways, so with your permission can this go forward?

tim330i 07-25-2007 01:26 PM

Is there a way to work around the censor filter? We have HTML on and then censored out a ton of potentially troublesome tags, including the embed tag. Installed this hack and it doesn't seem to work around the censor, but this other hack does -


Anyway to make it work the way the other hack does?


iogames 07-25-2007 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1300315)
^ No still no MP3 Support ... It might be possible, but there hasn't been any support added ...

Great job Danny!

Have not seen 'Team Work' like this since I started using vB... :up:

Dannyloski 07-25-2007 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by loonytune15
OK I have a huge problem.

I installed the photopost add-on re ran the convert posts and now all my posts are gone.

Every post has disappeared...


Whoa, first time I heard of this one ... Please tell me you have a Backup of your Database ... If you do then just upload it ... If not, try disabling the Photopost Add-on and see if the post come back ... Do you have a link to your site I can see? Also, do you have a link to the Photopost Add-on?


Originally Posted by tim330i
Is there a way to work around the censor filter? We have HTML on and then censored out a ton of potentially troublesome tags, including the embed tag. Installed this hack and it doesn't seem to work around the censor, but this other hack does -


Anyway to make it work the way the other hack does?


You'll have to wait for The Geek to help you out with this one ...


Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
I have a few favours to pull, and this is a very promising hack. so I will get a few fellow geeks to work on a FLV, SWF, MP3-WAV- and all relative image formats for auto embedding. If all goes well they may be able to add a DIVx compatibility. the DIVx all depends on how annoying the auto plugin procedures will be for the users.

They may need to re-author your code in some ways, so with your permission can this go forward?

You'll need to wait for The Geek to come back and grant you permission, but to tell you the truth, they dont really need to do anything (as far as changing the Hack's Code) The way this hack is made it allows for users to add support to sites/content using the Import System and uploading an .xml file with the correct RegEx's ... I have already added support for DivX (link here) ... As far as FLV, SWF, MP3, WAV, etc ... I am working on something to see if it'll work ...


Originally Posted by iogames
Great job Danny!

Have not seen 'Team Work' like this since I started using vB... :up:

No problem, just glad I'm able to help ... :D

Dannyloski 07-25-2007 07:02 PM

Okay guys, small problem ... I was using RegExBuddy Trial Version to add support for AME, but well the trial version ended today. So I wont be able to add anymore RegEx/Support for AME unless someone is willing to buy the license for it, which is $39.95 USD (www.regexbuddy.com) ... I quite frankly am not gonna spend any money on buying it, so sorry guys ... I was working on a MP3, WAV, SWF, FLV RegEx, but I cannot finish it without this software ...

DieselMinded 07-25-2007 09:47 PM

Ill Buy you the software if you Add the ability to my site for Members to Buy Each other Gift Subscriptions


Dannyloski 07-25-2007 10:51 PM

^ Im not experienced enough to do that code, sorry :( ...

Finster 07-25-2007 11:50 PM

How do I take the player from the standard 4:3 and make my 16:9 videos render as widescreen with this player?

Conversely, if I do that, what will happen to the majority of videos from others that are 4:3?

Thanks guys!

loonytune15 07-26-2007 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1301430)
Whoa, first time I heard of this one ... Please tell me you have a Backup of your Database ... If you do then just upload it ... If not, try disabling the Photopost Add-on and see if the post come back ... Do you have a link to your site I can see? Also, do you have a link to the Photopost Add-on?

I have disabled the photobucket add-on. The link for it is in the 3rd post of this thread.

My site is in my sig.

and no I didn't have a back-up, as this was the second forum i installed this on and the first ran perfect. I haven;t installed the add-on for the other forum as yet..

Hornstar 07-26-2007 03:02 AM

Updated without any problems so far ^^ I should check my inbox on that account more often ^^

Hornstar 07-26-2007 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1301492)
Okay guys, small problem ... I was using RegExBuddy Trial Version to add support for AME, but well the trial version ended today. So I wont be able to add anymore RegEx/Support for AME unless someone is willing to buy the license for it, which is $39.95 USD (www.regexbuddy.com) ... I quite frankly am not gonna spend any money on buying it, so sorry guys ... I was working on a MP3, WAV, SWF, FLV RegEx, but I cannot finish it without this software ...

I have sent you a pm, with the full version :)

jasculs 07-26-2007 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by loonytune15 (Post 1300894)
There is nothing there at all.

It has post reply then the bar with thread tools etc..

then the post reply button again..

I had a similar problem like this one also....revert your postbit template and see what happens. That worked for me.

loonytune15 07-26-2007 06:17 AM


I have sourced the problem and its not with this hack.

I forgot i did an update with the moods hack at the same time i was doing the add-on for this hack as previously mentioned. After turning off all products, the posts reapeared, and when i diabled this hack the problem remained.

After turning off every hack one by one, I finally found the problem. Always the bottom hack in the list.. :(

So I will be reinstalling this hack and hopefully I can find out the problem in the other hack's thread.

Thanks for your help..

Carlos2 07-26-2007 08:39 AM

How can i do to quit autoplay in wmv files?

AdmiralGeek 07-26-2007 11:07 AM

the divx and photobucket are the same. The divx is suppose to play divx format not FLV. Photobucket only plays FLV, not divx. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=254 suppose to be teh divx

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=254 and this is teh photobucket format

can somebody replace the stage6/divx with the correct XML. as stage 6 only hosts divx videos and not FLV :)

AdmiralGeek 07-26-2007 11:22 AM

seven load and my video are the same also?

Dannyloski 07-26-2007 01:26 PM

AdmiralGeek, sorry I posted the wrong link for the DivX/Stage6 Add-On ... Click here ...

As far as the Sevenload and My Video being the same, that's not true ... Its just that the 3rd Post on this thread (which should contain all the Supported Add-Ons) is filled with incorrect links ... Here's Sevenload and here's My Video ... hope that helps ... If you others, just search throughout the thread until The Geek fixes Post #3 with all the correct URLs ...

Carlos2, try autoplay="false" if that does not work I'll check, but some of these do not allow stopping the autoplay as the Video's Configuration is added Server-Side and the Client-Side parameter we add have no effects ...

loonytune15, glad to hear the problem was not with this hack and that you fixed it :up:

hornstar1337, thanks for the effort, but that does not work ...

Finster, no idea what you're asking ... if you want to set the width or height for a certain Video Site to a certain amount, just hit the "[Edit]" button next to the Video Site on the AdminCP > AME CP > Display Setting's Page and under the Replacement Code (where you see the Embed Code) look for those parameters and change them ...

Underlab 07-27-2007 04:35 AM

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 46080 bytes) in /xxxx/xxxx/xxx/ptgstudios.com/forums/includes/class_dm_user.php on line 1520

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 46080 bytes) in /xxxx/xxxx/xxx/ptgstudios.com/forums/includes/class_dm_user.php on line 1778

I get these errors. When I do the trouble shoot test. And when I try to just a regular post, i get a white screen. My forums are basically fine, and the threads do post, but they do not convert into videos.

My server is powweb with a php 4 set-up. Site is http://www.ptgstudios.com/forums

I really would like to hook this thing up. What do I do?

alessai2 07-27-2007 04:50 AM

the best hack

thanks ,,

Ville 07-27-2007 06:50 AM

Installed (easily). Works (well)! Thank you!! :)

FreshPrince 07-27-2007 08:15 AM

So this mod will allow windows media player and real player to be used for embedding? Could it embed a video like this: http://www.euronews.net/index.php?pa...lng=1&option=1

Like the video on the right hand side? Thanks :)


FreshPrince 07-27-2007 08:23 AM

Do you think there is a way I can play videos from either BBC or EuroNews? Thanks

Euronews: http://www.euronews.net/index.php?pa...lng=1&option=1

BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6918551.stm (upper right)

Thank you.


TrIn@dOr 07-27-2007 10:54 AM

mmm i can figure out how to post an apple mov

Source: http://www.apple.com/trailers/dreamw...e_trailer.html

Add-on installed: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=298


irishblue 07-27-2007 03:13 PM

has anyone successfully embedded a yahoo video? if so, could you paste a sample working url you used?

here's the type of url I used:
I tried posting direct without going through a preview but it still displays it as a link instead of embed.

Dannyloski 07-27-2007 03:46 PM

irishblue, that's because the Yahoo Videos current do not support Videos outside US I believe ... yours contains "hk" in front of it ... It might be a quick fix, but without RegExBuddy I cant do it ... sorry ...

TrIn@dOr, that's because the link you're using is not a working one. The Add-On I made HERE is to display Videos added to your site. Although, it can be used for other Sites, but in order to work their link must contain the Actual Video URL Link in the Address Bar ... So in order to display that transformer Trailer you would have to use this link: http://images.apple.com/movies/dream...tlr4_h.640.mov, which can be found in the Page's Source Code ...

FreshPrince, it's might possible, but pretty tricky as those videos require the user to choose a Video Player before being able to watch it. We would need to first choose one either Windows Media Player or RealPlayer to use for this Hack. Then, we would also need to use the Extract RegEx function to set this up (I do not know how to use it still, so cant help you out). Finally, you would need to figure out which "Link" would be posted into the Forum Post, as those videos do not provide one. It must be a link that can be used with the Extract RegEx function ... Like I said this one will be quite tricky, but might be possible with the correct RegEx's ...

Underlab, I would love to help, but I have no idea why that's happening for you ... I'd say wait for The_Geek to get back and let him help you figuring this error out ...

TrIn@dOr 07-28-2007 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1303179)
TrIn@dOr, that's because the link you're using is not a working one. The Add-On I made HERE is to display Videos added to your site. Although, it can be used for other Sites, but in order to work their link must contain the Actual Video URL Link in the Address Bar ... So in order to display that transformer Trailer you would have to use this link: http://images.apple.com/movies/dream...tlr4_h.640.mov, which can be found in the Page's Source Code ...

Thanks for the help but something continues wrong, perhaps me :D

Look please at this example, i pasted your link of the trailer but i see it in a strange way.

Dannyloski 07-28-2007 02:45 AM

TrIn@dOr, I cannot see that post/thread cause I am not a member on your Forum ... But I put the link on My Forums and saw what you were trying to point out. The reason that's occurring is because the Trailer is in 16:9 Format, so you would have to modify the QuickTime RegEx. Simply go to AdminCP > AME CP > Display > Quicktime Movies > [EDIT] and under the Replacement Code change the "width" and the "height" attributes to your desired ones ... Note that the width and height attributes appear two times under the "Replacement" Code section and must be changed in both places

I think now I understand what Finster was talking about on this post regarding 16:9 and 4:3 Videos ...

a1whs.com 07-29-2007 06:53 AM

Alright marked as uninstall, seems like geek has not even tried what i asked him to , so troubleshooting the issue now seems far fetched.

Good luck geek.

Dannyloski 07-29-2007 08:46 PM

a1whs.com, you do understand that he is in Vacation and has limited access to the Comp ... He hasn't posted in a very good while due to this ... When he comes back I'm sure he will be able to help you out ... Be patient ...

mini2, yeah please do ... I wanna know which Hack is interferring with AME ... just curious to find out since all those links are working for me no matter how I post them (New Reply, Quick Reply, New Thread, etc)

JeepinJeff 07-29-2007 09:49 PM

Just tried to install it and it's not working. I hit quick reply on a post, put in a youtube url, and when I hit submit it said an error had occured and wouldn't post.

rinkrat 07-29-2007 10:36 PM



Dannyloski 07-29-2007 11:56 PM

JeepinJeff, its working for me ... Are you sure that you've uploaded all the files on the "Upload" folder to their correct destinations? Also, make sure that you imported the product via the Add/Import Product feature of vB.

rinkrat, I would love to give CollegeHumor.com a try, but I do not have RegExBuddy anymore (trial ran out) and I'm not going to spend $40.00 out my own pocket to buy it. If you want me to add support for CollegeHumor then you can buy a license for RegExBuddy, give me it, and I'll add Support for CollegeHumor and other sites that are requested.

As far as Break.com Support, that you need to wait until The Geek makes a tutorial on how to use the new feature of AME, which allows extraction of contents of a site, so that I can add support for Break.com and other videos sites that are not supported and have been requested.

iogames 07-30-2007 11:06 PM

Hi! Danny! what about this?


AOL Video :eek:

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