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ArnyVee 03-22-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by dklassen (Post 1470290)
I'm running vBadvanced and when I select display on all pages it shows up on the portal home page as well. Any way to make it display on all pages but only forum pages?

I was just about to install it when I noticed this post. I want it to only show in the forum pages and not on the 'homepage'. Is that possible?

dklassen 03-23-2008 02:57 PM

In 3.7 when you place the code in the header template at the bottom, it misaligns posts, even when the mod is turned off. How can I fix?

TheWhite 03-29-2008 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by ArnyVee (Post 1471635)
I was just about to install it when I noticed this post. I want it to only show in the forum pages and not on the 'homepage'. Is that possible?

I third it :)

peterska2 03-29-2008 10:43 PM

I've noticed a lot of requests for features. These will be being reviewed when 3.7.0 gold is released and a new and improved version will be coming out to be fully 3.7 compatible with a number of the requests being fulfilled.

If you have feature requests and have sent them to me by PM, please note that PM requests are ignored. If your request is not in this thread then it will not be considered.

Also, a number of bug fixes will be included, so please make a big effort to report any bugs in this thread. Anything reported after 3.7.0 gold is released and before the new version of USC is completed and released will not be taken into account. Compatability with 3.6.x and USC 1.5 (preliminary versioning only) will not be guarenteed and will not be supported.

peasoup 03-30-2008 04:30 AM

Hello, this mod looks very appealing to me

I have 3.68, have inserted the code in the header and footer, and added a style border to it so I can see the new table in my forum, so the code is working. However how can I access it though the options in the Admin panel?, This may sound dumb but I cannot find it. Please help

cc8balla 03-31-2008 04:19 AM


I would like to request that USC can be collapsible, using javascript, to be completely non existent when users do not want a sidebar. That would REALLY set this apart from any other side column. Thank you for taking requests to make the best sidebar addon even better!

GrendelKhan{TSU 03-31-2008 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kerry-Anne (Post 1477950)
I've noticed a lot of requests for features. These will be being reviewed when 3.7.0 gold is released and a new and improved version will be coming out to be fully 3.7 compatible with a number of the requests being fulfilled.

If you have feature requests and have sent them to me by PM, please note that PM requests are ignored. If your request is not in this thread then it will not be considered.

Also, a number of bug fixes will be included, so please make a big effort to report any bugs in this thread. Anything reported after 3.7.0 gold is released and before the new version of USC is completed and released will not be taken into account. Compatability with 3.6.x and USC 1.5 (preliminary versioning only) will not be guarenteed and will not be supported.

looking forward to it (along with 3.7 Gold)


- Option for only viewable on FORUMHOME (noteably: NOT on CMPS/portal page or showthread pages)
- width settings


anarki2009 04-02-2008 02:01 AM

sorry i'm a noob, but i just dont under stand how to add more box's .

peterska2 04-02-2008 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by vb_mp (Post 1453214)
I had installed this and initially I liked it. Then I noticed that you cannot use conditionals like <if condition=$show['member']>... so how can we add code like login form...

renders this plugin useless... might as well just add these things to my header/footer by hand.

Fixed in version 2.0 due to a complete rewrite


Originally Posted by Strike-Force.ne (Post 1455368)
I've attempted to add a sixth block on the left column but can not get it to work, anyone know how and what to edit to accomplish this?

Will be fixed in version 2.0 - currently working on this issue.


Originally Posted by exstatic (Post 1461589)
Has anyone been able to get any variables, or code working in the blocks yet?

Fixed in version 2.0 providing the code is global (ie default code or runs in the global_start or global_complete hook locations)


Originally Posted by Goat Boy (Post 1462546)
Anyone know how to add code to do this

I have photopost install and I want it to display on all pages except photopost page.


Please provide the following information then this can be included:

From your photopost files, it will have a line in the main files that say....

define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'something');

I will need this line for all the photopost files to include it. I do not have photopost and therefore do not know what the required things to include and exclude are.


Originally Posted by molieman (Post 1441731)
Does anybody have a way to start the side colums below the navbar. So that the header and navbar are full width. I appreciate the help :)

Will be included in version 2.0


Originally Posted by dklassen (Post 1470290)
I'm running vBadvanced and when I select display on all pages it shows up on the portal home page as well. Any way to make it display on all pages but only forum pages?

Included in version 2.0


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1479246)
looking forward to it (along with 3.7 Gold)


- Option for only viewable on FORUMHOME (noteably: NOT on CMPS/portal page or showthread pages)
- width settings


Already included in version 1.0


Originally Posted by cc8balla (Post 1478825)

I would like to request that USC can be collapsible, using javascript, to be completely non existent when users do not want a sidebar. That would REALLY set this apart from any other side column. Thank you for taking requests to make the best sidebar addon even better!

Will be included in version 2.0 - not yet coded but on the to-do list

Originally Posted by longgsm (Post 1471379)
Can I ask... is it possible to get this to work for the all pages but not show in showthread (ex: only show in forumhome and forumdisplay, not showthread)

Can you help me?

Thanks and Best regards!

Included in version 2.0

peterska2 04-02-2008 05:00 PM

More information about version 2.0 development:

This was originally going to be version 1.5 but the amount of rewriting and new features being added warranted a whole new major version number so it is going to be version 2.0

Some of the features are going to be completely unexpected but as always it is easy to turn things on and off in the AdminCP.

At present, due to the complexity of the rewrite it is not upgradable. An upgrade script will be completed prior to version 2.0 being released which will need to be run before importing the new product. More instructions will follow regarding this when it is released.

As it stands, it is currently working well on vBulletin 3.7.0 RC1 (I've not upgraded my dev server to RC2 yet but full compatability will be checked). A lot of the original kinks have been ironed out, and many more glitches are being resolved as well as adding in the feature requests received and the new features that I have wanted to add to it for a while (they are top secret and will not be revealed until releasing it so don't bother asking what they are because I'm not telling).

The original code was designed to be extremely simple to use which, as a lot of people have rightly pointed out, introduced problems for anyone wanting to include any form of conditionals or calls to any functions. This is one of the reasons for the major rewrite and the necessity of having to also write an upgrade script. Most of, if not all of, the underlying code structure is being changed to resolve the issue. This does however cause it's own set of issues, by increasing the level of difficulty for use (no longer all settings, but using more templates which are edited to include the block contents) but it does not leave it overtly difficult. It does however solve the issues of not being able to add extra blocks easily by including 20 blocks in total by default which can be located as desired (yes - you will be able to add all 20 to one side only if you so wish - or more accurately you will be able to when that bit is finished being coded). An expansion product with a further 30 blocks will also be released. It will not be part of the main product as I doubt that many people will require more than 20 blocks, but of course there will always be someone who does.

The total code is approximately 40% complete at this time, excluding the expansion product and the upgrade script (that is one thing that I am not looking forward to!) although the upgrade script may not be required depending on how the final product installation code is written.

At the moment the script itself has evolved from a simple 3 plugin and 2 template product to a 30 template (and rising), 6 plugins (and rising), multiple phases (I lost count), 1 php file, and having a couple of entries added to the FAQ (not done yet but will be done before it is released). The sheer scale of the changes is why this is requiring 3.7.0 and will be unlikely to be backwards compatible with 3.6.9 (it certainly will not work with 3.6.5 or older).

Anyway, thats enough of me telling you what is included and the progress so far. I need to get back to actually doing it instead ;)

anarki2009 04-02-2008 05:51 PM

has any one added more blocks yet? if so how did you do it?

peterska2 04-02-2008 07:21 PM

The instructions are in the usc_sidecolumn_left and usc_sidecolumn_right templates. There is even templates in there for you to use that just need uncommenting. Or... wait for the new version to be released. I've just finished coding support for 20 blocks in it so you should not be short of blocks then.

Please search in this thread - the answers are there. In fact, the answer to this question is in the very first post of this thread which shows on all pages.

Subah 04-03-2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kerry-Anne (Post 1481111)
More information about version 2.0 development:

This was originally going to be version 1.5 but the amount of rewriting and new features being added warranted a whole new major version number so it is going to be version 2.0

Some of the features are going to be completely unexpected but as always it is easy to turn things on and off in the AdminCP.

At present, due to the complexity of the rewrite it is not upgradable. An upgrade script will be completed prior to version 2.0 being released which will need to be run before importing the new product. More instructions will follow regarding this when it is released.

As it stands, it is currently working well on vBulletin 3.7.0 RC1 (I've not upgraded my dev server to RC2 yet but full compatability will be checked). A lot of the original kinks have been ironed out, and many more glitches are being resolved as well as adding in the feature requests received and the new features that I have wanted to add to it for a while (they are top secret and will not be revealed until releasing it so don't bother asking what they are because I'm not telling).

The original code was designed to be extremely simple to use which, as a lot of people have rightly pointed out, introduced problems for anyone wanting to include any form of conditionals or calls to any functions. This is one of the reasons for the major rewrite and the necessity of having to also write an upgrade script. Most of, if not all of, the underlying code structure is being changed to resolve the issue. This does however cause it's own set of issues, by increasing the level of difficulty for use (no longer all settings, but using more templates which are edited to include the block contents) but it does not leave it overtly difficult. It does however solve the issues of not being able to add extra blocks easily by including 20 blocks in total by default which can be located as desired (yes - you will be able to add all 20 to one side only if you so wish - or more accurately you will be able to when that bit is finished being coded). An expansion product with a further 30 blocks will also be released. It will not be part of the main product as I doubt that many people will require more than 20 blocks, but of course there will always be someone who does.

The total code is approximately 40% complete at this time, excluding the expansion product and the upgrade script (that is one thing that I am not looking forward to!) although the upgrade script may not be required depending on how the final product installation code is written.

At the moment the script itself has evolved from a simple 3 plugin and 2 template product to a 30 template (and rising), 6 plugins (and rising), multiple phases (I lost count), 1 php file, and having a couple of entries added to the FAQ (not done yet but will be done before it is released). The sheer scale of the changes is why this is requiring 3.7.0 and will be unlikely to be backwards compatible with 3.6.9 (it certainly will not work with 3.6.5 or older).

Anyway, thats enough of me telling you what is included and the progress so far. I need to get back to actually doing it instead ;)

WoW Great idea :up: waitting it :D

peterska2 04-04-2008 09:27 PM

Right then ..... It's finished and is being tested. The FAQ entries are being ommited deliberately. The upgrade script is written and well tested, and everything is peachy :D

USC 2.0 requires a minimum of vBulletin 3.7.0 RC1

The documentation and change log needs writing, along with the essential upgrade path (do it wrong and you lose your existing contents - so be warned!) and then it can be released. All being well it will be released over the weekend at some point, otherwise it will be Monday. The changelog is very extensive and so it will take a lot of writing.

The only thing not included is an exception for photopost which is simply because there are so many different versions of photopost and they may all have different script names and it would be impossible to even guess what they are.

peterska2 04-04-2008 11:41 PM

Ultimate Side Columns 2.0 has been released.


tryance 04-06-2008 12:40 AM

I installed it but it has made two right columns...one tothe right side where its supposed to be but it has also added one at the bottom of my page directly above hte "styles" box where you can change skins. When I enter info in box 1, it goes in both places. How did this happen? I checked for duplicate code but the code is in how it says it's supposed to be. help...

peterska2 04-06-2008 12:42 AM

Can you confirm that you are using USC 1.0 and not USC 2.0?

If you are using USC 2.0 then please post in the correct thread for support.

malag 04-09-2008 01:19 PM

How edit code to reduce right column? (to next table)

peterska2 04-09-2008 01:29 PM

The width is controlled in the AdminCP > vBOptions > UCS

Or you can turn that column off completely in the same place.

PlymWS 04-19-2008 01:15 PM

I've searched through the entire thread but I can't find an answer to this :

I want to include and external RSS feed in my side columns. I would need to retireve the latest 5 items from the feed and place them in the 5 side column boxes.

I have seen some help regarding an RSS feed from the forum but I am after a solution that will take data from an external feed, not the VB external feed.

Any ideas on how I can achieve this ?

peterska2 04-19-2008 08:34 PM

This will require additional modification and would need a seperate mod to do this.

sdavis2702 04-21-2008 09:35 AM

Installed and I love it... thank you :)

anakayam.us 04-29-2008 06:16 AM

<font size="3">how to make the outside banner getting more closer with the side bar?</font>

UltraFanatics 05-06-2008 03:00 PM

Just so you know, when this mod is installed it affect the profile page.

It's such a shame as I LOVE this mod too :(

cleck673 05-16-2008 03:11 PM

ok, i've read 29 of 31 pages word for word in the last 2 hours and I don't see any solution to the problem I have.

I have taken one bit of advice that I found and added the starting code to the bottom of the navbar, but this made no change for me.

All I want this for is on the showthread pages. I have it set up that way in the options. When I enable the right bar, it shows up aligned with the rules and quick reply button and when I turn the left bar, it shows above the content.

The above is just on showthread though. It seems to work on other pages if I enable it for them.

I am using CA Evo fluid if that matters.

I asked at the designers forum, but a user said to read this thread... no luck :)

peterska2 05-17-2008 03:56 PM

make sure you have applied the edits to the templates correctly. That is the most common reasons for allignment issues with this version of USC. If you are using vbulletin 3.7 you should upgrade to version 2.2 in the other thread.

Switch02 05-18-2008 11:57 AM

Installed and work great, thanks

ceciliacelis 05-24-2008 08:59 AM

I just install USC 2.0 but i don't know how to put the information in the blocks because it doesn't appear.
Foro1.jpg shows how my forum appear now.
Foro2.jpg shows that i can't see the block one, block two, etc
Picture%2013.jpg shows that it can be see it the description of the blocks.
What can i do to see the blocks options?

peterska2 05-29-2008 01:17 AM

Please post in the correct thread for support. This thread is for USC 1.0

futuredood 06-14-2008 07:01 AM

is anybody able to get there avatar working in the side column? i can't get it to show up for the life of me.

rageedo 06-28-2008 02:58 PM

thanks very much :)

KAWIE1 07-24-2008 11:59 PM

This working good for 3.6.8? Lets see some links please.

Welshy2008 08-07-2008 01:28 PM

Thank You Kerry-Anne. Works a treat.

Welshy2008 08-07-2008 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by KAWIE1 (Post 1583481)
This working good for 3.6.8? Lets see some links please.

Yes - That is what I am running.

I would love to see the text within the boxes " Variable" and I would like to be able to put "Links" in them too. Both of the above as they are - stretch the forum.

I would love to use Hyper links to shorten the room used.

IE: [url = http://www.example.com ] Example.com[/url]

(with the spaces removed) to give us:-


Welshy2008 08-15-2008 11:03 PM


JMEWLS` 08-16-2008 02:18 AM

Can you get separate side columns for each forum?>

birdie 08-27-2008 11:02 PM

I still have 3.6 version and have used this code in one of the boxes:

<a href=?http://www.portaleducation.com.au? rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.podiatry-arena.com/images/Bowles.swf" width="120" height="450" alt="Portal Education" ></a>

Link doesn't work and image doesn't show up (its in the right place) - anyone point out what I not done right?

(the iframe code from Amazon affiliate program works fine in other boxes)

GDA 08-29-2008 02:53 PM

will this work with Ajax or any other feeds such as latest threads?

WAVERUNR 10-13-2008 04:42 PM

Im trying to add a LEFT COLUM to my forum.
Having trouble importing this to the forum. ( 3.6.8 ) I downloaded it to my computer but I cannot import the product.

Keep getting this error: XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1

Any help would be appreciated or if there other better ways to add left colum.

peterska2 10-28-2008 03:44 PM

Sounds like you got a duff download. Redownload and try again with the new package.

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