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rapsearch 04-10-2007 01:37 PM

haha..4 real?... thanks for pointing this out :D

Smoothie 04-10-2007 02:39 PM

I actually have version 1.0.9 sitting right here on my hard drive. :)

And here it is. May sure you check the version number to be on the safe side. I just did and it's 1.0.9

djbaxter 04-10-2007 02:46 PM

Good stuff, Smoothie.

I'd suggest people who are having problems with version 1.10 use 1.09 until Chris finds the fix.

Smoothie 04-10-2007 03:07 PM

For you guys that are having issues with members possible reporting this as spam. You should really include a message in the email stating that:


If you have received this email it is because you have elected to "allow this site to contact you via email. If you would like to opt out of future contact from this site, you can change your notification options here: <a href="$forumurl/profile.php?do=editoptions">$forumurl/profile.php?do=editoptions</a> and uncheck the box next to "Receive Email from Administrators." You must be logged in to change your options.

cowudders14 04-10-2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1221138)
So would the fix be to change

PHP Code:



PHP Code:



Yep, I think that will fix it. I'll be perfectly honest and say I'm not 100% sure, but I think so!

cowudders14 04-10-2007 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1224215)
For you guys that are having issues with members possible reporting this as spam. You should really include a message in the email stating that:

Hmm - That's a good idea. Chris - it may be a good idea to add something like that to the default message in the mod.

djbaxter 04-11-2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1224215)
For you guys that are having issues with members possible reporting this as spam. You should really include a message in the email stating that:


Originally Posted by cowudders14 (Post 1224348)
Hmm - That's a good idea. Chris - it may be a good idea to add something like that to the default message in the mod.

You can do that from the add-on options. I have a similar statement in all of the emails goping out from my forum, including the newsletter.

crazymeezer 04-11-2007 11:00 AM

This is a great mod, brought back quite a few new members. But having a couple of small problems.

I installed this last night, but did not set it to active. Woke up this morning and it had sent emails out anyway.

Now I go to try and send it to other usergroups and i get the no inactive members message.

You might also want to reword, or add more description to the frequency part. I too thought it meant how many times to email them, and I had set it to 1.

GreeceMonkey 04-11-2007 03:16 PM

I think this is a really good mod, it has many more possibilities.

I was thinking of ways we can monitor the activity of people that do come back

1) If they stay perminantly or for a long time
2) if they just disapear again after a few weeks.

Is this mod tied into the receive email options in the profile ?

I was wondering if we can take this one step further, and create a new user group for people that have gone. Such as a 'gone away' user group, and put them back into there original group as a secondary user group, when they come back.

I would be very interested in monitoring the activity of these people that do come back. I cant think of another way of still keeping the original group, as there last activity will be current when they come back.

This may be possible in a manual type way, but I think it is important to monitor the long term progress of the gone away people.

Great mod as it is though.

MikeHolohan 04-11-2007 06:06 PM

You also need a way to mail it to the admin too, so we can see what is actually being sent out, how it is formatted etc... I just sent out some and have no idea what they look like...lol... Mike.

blogtorank 04-11-2007 06:31 PM

Thanks for the update!

Fungsten 04-11-2007 07:16 PM

the "From" in the email is still blank when it gets sent out.

On Edit:

I installed 1.10. But the "From" is still blank.

DieselMinded 04-11-2007 09:25 PM

HOLY COW !!!! CLICKED UNINSTALL and it crashed my site , Kept getting database errors left and right Made my site slow too , Had to Run the repair Tables script in the maitenace to get my site back running

This is the only Hack-Mod i installed and uninstalled this week :( :(


DieselMinded 04-12-2007 01:10 AM

Now my paid subscriptions are not sending me an email How dio i Fix This


djbaxter 04-12-2007 01:26 AM

Go back to version 1.09 and see if that fixes the problem.

voteforbird 04-12-2007 02:32 AM

I went back to 1.09 and nothing sends.

DieselMinded 04-12-2007 09:54 PM

Im Punting on this , will have to find out how to fix my paid subscriptions emails from the database


trickfly 04-13-2007 09:50 AM

This mod just dosen't work!

Please UPDATE!!!!!!

RDX1 04-13-2007 01:01 PM

I have been getting numerous reports that the emails are being sent out multiple times, even though it is set out to be only sent once.

djbaxter 04-13-2007 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by RDX1 (Post 1226680)
I have been getting numerous reports that the emails are being sent out multiple times, even though it is set out to be only sent once.

If you had bopthered to read the thread, you'd already know the answer to this.

You have NOT "set this to send out emails only once". You have set it to send out emails every day.

Change the value for "Frequency" to something more reasonable, like 30 (days) or 60 or 90.

RDX1 04-13-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1226690)
If you had bopthered to read the thread, you'd already know the answer to this.

You have NOT "set this to send out emails only once". You have set it to send out emails every day.

Change the value for "Frequency" to something more reasonable, like 30 (days) or 60 or 90.

:rolleyes: Yes, let me read through over 450 posts and 16 pages. :rolleyes:

There's no "set this to send out emails only once" :rolleyes:

deezelpope 04-13-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by trickfly (Post 1226540)
This mod just dosen't work!

Please UPDATE!!!!!!

It does, too, work! Beautifully, in fact!:D

And it was just updated a week ago!:rolleyes:

deezelpope 04-13-2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by RDX1 (Post 1226869)
:rolleyes: Yes, let me read through over 450 posts and 16 pages. :rolleyes:

There's no "set this to send out emails only once" :rolleyes:

It's called a "search" and it's here for that reason. It's like some of you people are afraid to do a little work for the answers. A little kindness goes a long way, people. These are FREE modifications!!! WTF?! All these authors have day jobs, and are doing this in their SPARE time. There's no reason to be rude.

They never claimed there was...you're the one who said it. Setting the frequency isn't that difficult...there's two places in your AdminCP...in vBulletin options and Scheduled Task Manager.

C Braithwaite 04-13-2007 07:06 PM

hi all - sorry I've been having a romantic holiday in Paris and I have only just arrived home - I've had to skim over a lot of the posts, but i get a rough Idea.

I will make comparisons between versions to make sure everything is okay, but for the time being emails should be formatted for plain text.

on a side note, I found it quite amusing to find an email in my inbox reminding me about a forum i once joined.. ;)

DieselMinded 04-13-2007 08:40 PM

Good Potential But I think Ill just Use Mass Email to users when I wish to , BTW got my Subsciption mailer working again had to repair tables again


djbaxter 04-14-2007 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by RDX1 (Post 1226869)
:rolleyes: Yes, let me read through over 450 posts and 16 pages. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry. You're right, of course. What was I thinking? That you might actually take the time to find the answer for yourself? I mean, I know that your question has in fact been previously answered in this thread at least a dozen times, but why should anyone expect you to do any of the work yourself?

I hope you can forgive me for my social gaffe... :rolleyes:

Chachacha 04-14-2007 01:05 AM

Well this modification sounded good until I installed it and realized that it puts a link to the modder's website in the footer. I really don't like that ...so I disabled the product.

blogtorank 04-14-2007 01:11 AM

You mean to tell me that's why they have the "Search This Mod" pull down up top? :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227127)
I'm sorry. You're right, of course. What was I thinking? That you might actually take the time to find the answer for yourself? I mean, I know that your question has in fact been previously answered in this thread at least a dozen times, but why should anyone expect you to do any of the work yourself?

I hope you can forgive me for my social gaffe... :rolleyes:

Chachacha 04-14-2007 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by deezelpope (Post 1226920)
It's called a "search" and it's here for that reason. It's like some of you people are afraid to do a little work for the answers. A little kindness goes a long way, people. These are FREE modifications!!! WTF?! All these authors have day jobs, and are doing this in their SPARE time. There's no reason to be rude.

They never claimed there was...you're the one who said it. Setting the frequency isn't that difficult...there's two places in your AdminCP...in vBulletin options and Scheduled Task Manager.

I don't see where RDX1 was rude. YOU seem to be the rude one.

Btw, using the search doesn't always work.

You need to check your attitude at the door.


djbaxter 04-14-2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Chachacha (Post 1227140)
Well this modification sounded good until I installed it and realized that it puts a link to the modder's website in the footer. I really don't like that ...so I disabled the product.


Originally Posted by Chachacha (Post 1227145)
I don't see where RDX1 was rude. YOU seem to be the rude one.... You need to check your attitude at the door.

Another one who can't read or who is too lazy to read... and this one has the audacity to suggest that some else has an attitude problem... :rolleyes:

Don't like the add-on? Don't install it. Nobody here will mourn your loss.

Don't like the footer link? The add-on contains an option to delete it... but of course you don't read instructions so you missed that... :rolleyes:

Let me be blunt here: Sometimes the explosion of lazy "gimme gimme and don't expect anything in return" morons on this planet over the past couple of decades fills me with despair for the future of our species. :mad:

blogtorank 04-14-2007 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Chachacha (Post 1227145)

You need to check your attitude at the door.

"At the door" WTF I have pixels and resolutions... :eek:

Let's drop the whole thing and stay on topic, use the search function period!

Chachacha 04-14-2007 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227150)
Another one who can't read or who is too lazy to read... and this one has the audacity to suggest that some else has an attitude problem... :rolleyes:

More false accusations of rudeness. I was NOT rude at all. Its called "constructive criticism".


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227150)
Don't like the add-on? Don't install it. Nobody here will mourn your loss.

Did I even suggest that I don't like the add-on? No. I DID however state that I don't like one specific aspect of it ...and I have a right to do so. I was not rude about it.


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227150)
Don't like the footer link? The add-on contains an option to delete it... but of course you don't read instructions so you missed that... :rolleyes:

The "instructions" to remove the link is a JOKE. Heres what the "instructions" say: "You have the option to remove the link via the admincp". Now if thats what you call "instructions" ...then your mommy dropped you on your empty head one too many times when you were a baby.


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227150)
Let me be blunt here: Sometimes the explosion of lazy "gimme gimme and don't expect anything in return" morons on this planet over the past couple of decades fills me with despair for the future of our species. :mad:

Now let ME be blunt: You and your little crony (deezelpope) need to take some mydol and change your tampons ...because your pre-menstrual attitudes are nauseating. It has nothing to do with laziness. I read and re-read everything ...and there are no REAL instructions for removing the link from the footer. Also, RDX1 is right, you shouldn't jump somebody for not reading through hundreds of posts. Just because you're coders doesn't mean that YOU are the only ones who have a lot of other things to do and don't have a lot of time to work with. Get off your high horse and grow up. Being a jerk will get you nowhere.

EDIT: I found the option to remove the footer link. I guess I missed it when I investigated the options for this add-on. My mistake ...but you still need to handle things more maturely. Calling people names and insulting them is not the way to handle criticism.

djbaxter 04-14-2007 02:12 AM

Please just go away before you embarrass yourself even further.

You don't like the mod. We get it. Move on.

You can't understand the instructions, even though they're written in straightforward English. We get that too. Move on.

Chachacha 04-14-2007 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227162)
Please just go away before you embarrass yourself even further.

You don't like the mod. We get it. Move on.

You can't understand the instructions, even though they're written in straightforward English. We get that too. Move on.

I like the mod. Where did I say that I DON'T like it? Not once did I say that.

An oversight is not embarrassing. You're the one who should be embarrassed ...due to your lack of maturity.

You learn how to be civilized and I'll move on. Thanks.

RDX1 04-14-2007 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1227150)
Let me be blunt here: Sometimes the explosion of lazy "gimme gimme and don't expect anything in return" morons on this planet over the past couple of decades fills me with despair for the future of our species. :mad:

Let me be blunt here: Sometimes the explosion of egotistic maniacs and "children who want to be know it all" morons on this planet over the past couple of decades fills me with despair for the future of our species. :mad:

Thanks for the defense Chachacha. This is one of the exact reasons I don't feel like spending 25 minutes reading through every post for all of the hacks I have installed. Unlike some people that may or may not post in these threads, I don't have the time or mindset to argue with children.

Also it seems that the modification has also stopped working since I upgraded to 1.10. I thought upgrading would fix the problem I was having, atleast know that I know what the problem was I may revert back. This hack has increased user activities, been getting 1,500-2,000 more posts a day due to it and 150+ more active members.

C Braithwaite 04-14-2007 07:26 AM

rar.. too many arguments.

okay. vBulletin does not send out HTML emails, so all emails need to be sent out in plain text - im sure this isn't a problem for most as it's only reminder. sorry to anyone who is sending out super fancy html rich reminders. I will somehow sort out the html, but that may be a case of creating a separate plugin. I dont know.

Since the update the plugin is still working, however it is working in a different manner. It only runs once per day, at 1 minute past 1am, and then adds all of the messages to the mail queue.

It is then down to the vBulletin mail system to send out the emails.

I will make minor modifications to the product for the default template.

blogtorank 04-14-2007 07:56 AM

Here's an HTML e-mail hack


Paul M 04-14-2007 10:31 AM

Time for you all to grow up in this thread. No more childish arguments and posts please.

Mrdby 04-14-2007 12:06 PM


carpefile 04-14-2007 12:11 PM

Thanks for the update Chris. :)

Sorry your support thread has turned into a soap opera. :(

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