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Paul M 11-15-2007 04:40 PM

I've had it happen randomly in the past, so I no longer use the option.

JohnBee 11-15-2007 06:06 PM

Walked into my forum today only to find it was closed for backup! I received countless emails that the site was closed all day.

What's more interesting is I had no option to turn it back on lol
Anyways, I uninstalled this hack until it gets fixed.

Paul M 11-15-2007 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by JohnBee (Post 1383227)
What's more interesting is I had no option to turn it back on lol
Anyways, I uninstalled this hack until it gets fixed.

You turn it on in the ACP.

It's not going to get "fixed" as there is nothing to fix, it's just a blip that sometimes happens. Like database errors.

Uninstalling it is a pointless and extreme route to take, just don't use the option if it bothers you. There is no need to close the forum during a backup.

melbo 11-15-2007 09:49 PM

Strange. I had the same thing happen last night.
Forum was closed all day and I had to go into vb options/ turn your forum on and off and turn it off and then back on to clear it up.

I've used this backup without fail for awhile now and this is the first problem I've had.
Odd that it happened to another forum as well at the same time.

In scheduled tasks / database backup / edit, I see no option to not turn the forum off. How would I do this?

Thanks. I really love this mod.

I'm going to check it tomorrow morning and see if it happens again tonight.

djbaxter 11-15-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by melbo (Post 1383371)
In scheduled tasks / database backup / edit, I see no option to not turn the forum off. How would I do this?

Open /includes/mysqlbackupconfig.php.

Find at lines 8-10:


  //  Forum Shutdown System
  $backup['SHUTDOWN'] = 0;
  $backup['MESSAGE'] = "The Forum is closed because a database backup is in progress.";

Make sure that $backup['SHUTDOWN'] = 0.

melbo 11-15-2007 10:56 PM


JohnBee 11-16-2007 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1383307)
You turn it on in the ACP.

It's not going to get "fixed" as there is nothing to fix, it's just a blip that sometimes happens. Like database errors.

Uninstalling it is a pointless and extreme route to take, just don't use the option if it bothers you. There is no need to close the forum during a backup.

Right... the problem is it was not off in ACP so there was nothing to turn on. It went away once the forums were turned off in ACP then back on again.

djbaxter 11-17-2007 11:34 AM

I've been running this mod for some time now, I think since 3.64 or maybe earlier.

This morning, I received an email warning with this error - the Backup add-on is the only cron job that would have been running at the time in question:


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SHOW CREATE TABLE `vbtaggregate_temp_1195286160`;

MySQL Error : Table '{forum info deleted}.vbtaggregate_temp_1195286160' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Saturday, November 17th 2007 @ 03:44:40 AM
Script : http://{forum info deleted}/cron.php?&rand=961734
Referrer :
IP Address : {forum info deleted}
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vb_database
This is the first time I've seen this. Any ideas as to what caused it? I haven't changed anything that I can recall nor even added any new add-ons in at least several days.

Paul M 11-17-2007 02:45 PM

Looks like something created a temporary table, which had then been deleted by the time it came to be backed up.

powerful_rogue 11-18-2007 06:41 PM

This is fantastic. Although one problem. It only goes as far as announcementread before stopping. No errors or anything, it just stops. (Been doing it manually to test)

Ive read through the topic and seen people with a simialr problem who said it was to do with their host. As my host is usless as solving problems despite me paying a fortune each month, I decided to back up the normal way using VB's built in system. It came back with this:


Database Backup

Processing: access

Processing: adminhelp

Processing: administrator

Processing: adminlog

Processing: adminmessage

Processing: adminutil

Processing: adv_modules

Processing: adv_pages

Processing: adv_setting

Processing: adv_settinggroup

Processing: announcement

Processing: announcementread

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in /includes/class_core.php on line 371
Database Error Database error
The Dover Locals database has encountered a problem.
Below is line 371-385


if ($queryresult = $this->functions[$buffered ? 'query' : 'query_unbuffered']($this->sql, $link))
// unset $sql to lower memory .. this isn't an error, so it's not needed
$this->sql = '';

return $queryresult;

// unset $sql to lower memory .. error will have already been thrown
$this->sql = '';
Am I right in thinking this is definatly a problem with the server my site is hosted on? If so, what do I need to ask them?

All the best

Paul M 11-18-2007 08:17 PM

Yep, that's an error with mysql - try running a repair on the table, sometimes that can help even though it seems ok.

powerful_rogue 11-19-2007 08:19 AM


Are you trying to execute this backup from phpMyAdmin or from within vBulletin?

If it's the former, I have justed tested the export function and it worked successfully - you just need to remember to compress the database in a zipped archive at export. If it's the latter, then vBulletin need to explain what it is that needs to be changed, as we cannot be expected to support the workings of their application.

However, judging by the error message you kindly supplied, I would guess that vBulletin requires a bigger PHP memory limit in order to run the backup function. It could be that vBulletin's backup function doesn't compress the database sufficiently or requires a large memory limit - you can increase PHP memory limit using php.ini.

In any event, executing the backup from phpMyAdmin works. If there are functions within vBulletin that are being limited by your current server configuration, please obtain details from vBulletin as to the necessary server requirements so that we can assist you in making the necessary changes. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

With kind regards from Berlin
Above is the reply I got from my hosts.
I managed to download a backup via vbulletin where I can save to the pc, however if I try to use this mod, or use vbulletins feature and try to save to my webspace it comes back with the memory error.

Would increasing the PHP memory limit using php.ini help? If it would i'll get back in touch with them as I have no idea what it is!

Failing that, anything else I need to ask the hosts?


steven s 11-19-2007 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by zetetic (Post 1382987)
I upgraded to PHP 5.2.5 yesterday, and the forum didn't re-open after the backup last night. Any idea why that might happen?

Same here. My host installed php 5.2.4.
The common denominator must be php v5.
I disabled the mod.

Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1383397)
Open /includes/mysqlbackupconfig.php.

Find at lines 8-10:


  //  Forum Shutdown System
  $backup['SHUTDOWN'] = 0;
  $backup['MESSAGE'] = "The Forum is closed because a database backup is in progress.";

Make sure that $backup['SHUTDOWN'] = 0.

What does this do?
Disables the shut function but still does the backup?

Paul M 11-19-2007 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by 1996 328ti (Post 1385418)
What does this do?
Disables the shut function but still does the backup?


Paul M 11-19-2007 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1385387)
Would increasing the PHP memory limit using php.ini help? If it would i'll get back in touch with them as I have no idea what it is!

Quite possibly yes, it would. What is your current limit (check in your ACP, at the top of the index page).

powerful_rogue 11-19-2007 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1385426)
Quite possibly yes, it would. What is your current limit (check in your ACP, at the top of the index page).


Server Type SunOS
Web Server Apache v1.3.37 (cgi)
PHP 4.4.7 P
PHP Max Post Size 8.00 MB
PHP Maximum Upload Size 2.00 MB
PHP Memory Limit 20.00 MB
MySQL Version 4.0.27-log
MySQL Packet Size 1.00 MB
I tried using MySqlDumper as well and that timed out as well. That showed I had a Max Execution Time of 30 seconds.

Paul M 11-19-2007 12:21 PM

You php memory is currently 20M, I would set it to a minimum of 32M.

JFYI, I use 64M

powerful_rogue 11-19-2007 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1385517)
You php memory is currently 20M, I would set it to a minimum of 32M.

JFYI, I use 64M

Thanks Paul.

Ive created a php.ini file with the instructions inside:


max_ execution_time=0
However the chap I spoke to wasnt sure where you would need to place this in the vbulletin directory. Any ideas where I would need to place it? The male was also quite shocked at the size of my DB - currentyl 65MB - Is this large in terms of forums?

Thanks for your help.

Paul M 11-19-2007 02:57 PM

You need to ask your host about where to put your ini file.

65M is a fairly small database.

BTW, I would suggest you change the php memory limit to 64M, it's normally set in multiples of 2 (i.e. 4,8,16,32,64,128 etc) - and is not related to the database size.

powerful_rogue 11-19-2007 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1385597)
You need to ask your host about where to put your ini file.

65M is a fairly small database.

BTW, I would suggest you change the php memory limit to 64M, it's normally set in multiples of 2 (i.e. 4,8,16,32,64,128 etc) - and is not related to the database size.

Thanks, I'll alter to 64.
He said as he's never used vbulletin before he had no idea what directory it had to go in. I'll check over on vb.com

Thank for all your help, hopefully i'll get this to work!

Triky 11-20-2007 12:17 PM

Hey, Paul.. I would like to know one thing. I've added a new folder called f_backups on my site root. I want to redirect there all my backup files. Now, my question(s) is(are): wich is the path I have to put on the mysqlbackupconfig.php file? ./f_backup? Will be that folder secure, on my server? I mean.. I want that only accesible by me..

ChurchMedia 11-26-2007 01:51 AM

Hi Paul,

I've been using this mod for a long time and it's saved my butt more than once. I'm having the same problem with it not turning the forums back on after backup. I've set it to NOT turn them off for now, but thought you would like to know.

Quick question: This mod is the "Lite" version. Is there another version?

BTW, I'd love to see the mod expanded to automatically delete backups that are X days old.

Thanks for the awesome work! :)

Paul M 11-26-2007 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by ChurchMedia (Post 1389435)
I've been using this mod for a long time and it's saved my butt more than once. I'm having the same problem with it not turning the forums back on after backup. I've set it to NOT turn them off for now, but thought you would like to know.

Quick question: This mod is the "Lite" version. Is there another version?

BTW, I'd love to see the mod expanded to automatically delete backups that are X days old.

There are no other versions, the "lite" is just an historic name from the 3.0 > 3.5 conversion.

As I'm sure I've said a number of times, I didn't write this, just converted it, and the way it closes/opens the forums is not ideal. One day I may change it, but not for now, its a low priority mod for me as it does what I need it to do. For the same reason it's unlikely that any new features will get added anytime soon.

MPDesignZ 12-01-2007 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1379909)
That means you don't have permission to create the backup file. You need to sort out your write permissions.

I'm getting the same error and I've set the directory that the backups are to go into at 777 already, so I'm at a loss as to what permissions we are talking about here.


Artangel 12-01-2007 07:53 AM

thanks to this mod... but the problem is, when i used this mod, it cause too much bytes rather than manual backup of my forum using ssh..

for example..

if i use ssh/remote backup, its only 500mb+, in this mod now its 1GB+

Paul M 12-01-2007 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by MPDesignZ (Post 1392704)
I'm getting the same error and I've set the directory that the backups are to go into at 777 already, so I'm at a loss as to what permissions we are talking about here.

Probably open_basdir restrictions.

MPDesignZ 12-01-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1392862)
Probably open_basdir restrictions.

Not sure what that is. :( Where would I find the open_basedir?


Paul M 12-01-2007 03:31 PM

open_basedir restrictions are part of how php is set-up, speak to your host to find out what they may be on your set-up.

Triky 12-01-2007 05:26 PM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1386205&postcount=461" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showp...&postcount=461</a>

Can you help me, Paul M?

Paul M 12-01-2007 09:09 PM

Not really, I cannot answer server specific questions as I have no idea how you are set-up.

MPDesignZ 12-02-2007 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1392983)
open_basedir restrictions are part of how php is set-up, speak to your host to find out what they may be on your set-up.

Ok it was allowing backups just fine before and now they are not working on the regular database backup system within vbulletin. This is why I went in search of this mod and was trying it out, so I think this maybe another issue all together that I will have to address. I will keep the php open_basedir in mind just in case. But I was able to do backups before we installed FlashChat.


member007 12-05-2007 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1081288)
Go to your Scheduled Task Manager in the ACP and run the cron job.

Works great!! Only problem is that I got too many sql files being generated instead of one sql file to restore. For example, I got Live-2007-12-05-access.sql, Live-2007-12-05-adminhelp.sql, Live-2007-12-05-administrator.sql and the list goes on and on. How does this happen?

ChurchMedia 12-05-2007 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by member007 (Post 1395335)
Works great!! Only problem is that I got too many sql files being generated instead of one sql file to restore. For example, I got Live-2007-12-05-access.sql, Live-2007-12-05-adminhelp.sql, Live-2007-12-05-administrator.sql and the list goes on and on. How does this happen?

That's just the way it's coded. It has its benefits. All of my PHP scripts share the same database, so I like the tables to be separated like that. If you wanted to restore all of them at once, I'm pretty sure you could just use a wildcard (*.sql) to dump back into the database.

Paul M 12-05-2007 05:12 PM

It's controlled by a setting in the config file (just read the file).

edgecutioner 12-07-2007 10:20 AM

In accordance to this post by SkyCatcher on Linux Distros, if your host uses cPanel, you can get your root directory by seeing the 'Home Directory' and adding that value with the directory of the desired folder where your autobackup goes. In my setup, it's like this:

$backup['DUMP_PATH'] = 'home/(my username)/ws/autobackup'; // Path to backups folder, with trailing slash
where home/(my username), I got that from cPanel and I just appended the directory I wanted.

Thanks for the port Paul ;)

hqvtl2004 12-07-2007 11:12 PM

Can you add new function that send backup file to an specific email address? I think it's will be great feature in next version.


MrApples 12-10-2007 09:17 PM

Whats the minimum Chmod?

TrIn@dOr 12-11-2007 10:20 AM

Perhaps someone can help me.

After executing this nice script, i have in my selected folder under the today date my 118 sql files. Each one represent a table, Ok?

In my CMD i copy *.sql to theone.sql, right?, to make only 1 file.

Then, locally in my phpmyadmin i try to import the unique file trough the dir ./upload (large file procedure for phpmyadim), yes?

But im getting a halt on the table 85, and all the rest of the tables are not imported.

Why?, need help, this is critical for us.

Thanks in advance.

Paul M 12-11-2007 06:33 PM

That sounds like a phpmyadmin issue - but someone might have a clue if you tell us what error message you get.

control1110 12-13-2007 05:04 PM

I am looking at the config file and something is confusing me does this mod take the forum into offline mode while it is doing the backup or can users still use the forum?

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