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mark99 05-04-2003 12:46 PM

Much like a few others have mentioned above, it appears as if the code for outputting the time is wrong. My server off-set is -1 hour and the time for posts is correct on my forum, yet on the output for this script it's +1 hour?

I can't change this because strangely the code for time 'appears' to be called from the forum, which ironically tells the correct time.

Also, how do you separate the time and date output? The time is wrong so I just want to display the date.

mcahill 05-28-2003 11:49 AM

Okay, the hack has been running fine for 3 months and was working fine last evening. Now it is not working at all and is throwing a blank screen.

I'm checking with the host to see if they've made any changes to PHP.ini or changed versions or anything like that.

Can anyone point me at a possible reason for the blank page problem?

Problem resolved: The ISP updated PHP without telling me...had to make a change to some of the other code on the page to deal with globals turned off.

Splitfyre 06-13-2003 01:54 AM

When I bring the php include tag into my index.php file I get the following error message:

Can't Select Database

What's up with that? Help

Splitfyre 06-13-2003 02:34 AM


03-31-01 at 10:58 PM said this in Post #27
If you're getting that far, then all your variables are indeed set correctly. Can you try something for me? I've attached a zip file to this message - open it, edit the username, password, database host ($dbhost), and database name ($dbname) in both files (testmysql1.php and testmysql2.php) and put both files on your server where the last10.php file is, then go to testmysql1.php in a web browser, e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/path/to/testmysql1.php and tell me what happens.
Then go to testmysql2.php e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/path/to/testmysql2.php and tell me what happens.

Sorry you're having problems. Hopefully this will solve it!

Tried this and got the same error indicating that it Cannot Select Database. :ermm:

bluecat 06-19-2003 12:14 PM

I know they just released vb3 beta, does anyone know if this hack will work with that version? I just laid out my home page with this hack and really don't want to have to change it if it doesn't work, for now anyway. Thanks.

Ryan McBain 06-20-2003 04:26 AM


Today at 06:14 AM bluecat said this in Post #445
I know they just released vb3 beta, does anyone know if this hack will work with that version? I just laid out my home page with this hack and really don't want to have to change it if it doesn't work, for now anyway. Thanks.
It works fine for me. Your gonna have to edit a few things, such as the link to the admincp but i does work. Just check out how i have it on ryanmcbain.com

Splitfyre 06-21-2003 09:32 PM

Cannot seem to get it to login to the db.

Ryan McBain 06-21-2003 11:22 PM


Today at 03:32 PM Splitfyre said this in Post #447
Cannot seem to get it to login to the db.
Im guessing that it is looking for the admincp folder, there is no admin folder anymore in vb3

peterjun 06-23-2003 07:00 PM

I setup my Last10 up a few months ago and it was working very smoothly... However, recently, it just suddenly stopped working! I have it set as a template (the $last10 in the templates) and it keeps showing me the top 5 messages from a month ago (when there have been new posts made!).

When I execute last10.php, I get this message:

MySQL reported this error while trying to retreive the info: No Database Selected

Thanks for any help!

SVTBlackLight01 07-14-2003 05:49 AM

Does anyone know what this error means?

Warning: main(): stream does not support seeking in /home/*****/public_html/last10.php on line 13

It just started showing up.

MamiRavi 07-18-2003 03:12 PM

oh thank god!! i finally got this to work! thanks!

Psidefect 07-20-2003 04:43 PM

Love this hack!

Wouldn't it be rather simple to make this a template? This may have been suggested, but I didn't read all 20 pages of the thread (first three or four and the last three or four and didn't see it). I would think as a template you wouldn't need to deal with the colors as it would get them from the db like every other page (and would be style specific too).

In terms of functionality, kudos. This is really a great hack.

oatmeal 07-29-2003 04:27 PM

I've configured last10 and it works great, but I now I want to have a page that looks just like the main forum page, but with the last10 output in place of the forum listings in the "<!-- main -->" section of the templete. I don't wan't to REPLACE my main forum page, however. I created a new templet called last10 and pasted that contents of the forum_home templet into it, replacing the forum listings with a call to last10.php.

My question is... how do I access this new templet from a url?

Great hack, btw.

EVO VIII Chris 08-04-2003 07:09 PM

I am a little confused here. I am totally new to PHP and I am wanting to use this on my sites mainpage which is non VB. My mainpage is www.vorspann.net I want to put in in the left vertical nav bar under the "Recent Discussions" cell and I did everything as it says in the readme file and I cant figure out why it wont work. Since I am using dreamweaver do I have to put a PHP include in the HTML where I want the table to appear or what? Also when I am setting up the config since my main index page is not in a folder would I just want the address to be http://www.vorspann.net/index.php?

Im lost

Logtenberg 09-03-2003 08:24 PM

Is there a tweak that can be made that will allow you to enter a parent forum you want to include and it correspondingly will show all posts in the sub-forums of that parent?

I have over a hundred sub-forums I'd like to include and I cringe at having to write in all their numbers...

Logtenberg 09-03-2003 11:01 PM

more importantly... is it possible to have a link that goes to the top of the forum as well as the the "...goto=newpost"?

dontpanic 09-05-2003 06:28 PM

Instead of showing the last threads, could we instead show the last posts...even if there are multiple posts in a single thread? I think this would be a cool change.

EVO VIII Chris 09-09-2003 02:09 PM

Why is it that this hack displays a error saying... Can not access database as Chris Jumonville@localhost using password: NO. This must mean it is not using my password at all but I know I have entered the right user name and password in the config.php file. I have two mysql users one is my name with no password and the other is my name with a password. When I try the name without a password it works. Its like this thing wont take my password... Why?


Byron 09-13-2003 05:56 PM

Can this hack work with Version 3?

Is there any Last XX Posts on non-vB page hack for version 3?

EVO VIII Chris 09-14-2003 09:37 PM

Very serious question here... How can I set this up if my forums are at forums.vorspann.net and my mainpage is at www.vorspann.net?


mark99 09-16-2003 09:19 AM

Yeah I'd like this to work with vB3 as well, I changed the path to config.php all I get is this error message:


MySQL reported this error while trying to retreive the info: Table 'db86213033.thread' doesn't exist

The Geek 09-24-2003 05:56 PM

Works a treat with vb3... just adjust the variables to point to the correct paths.

mark99 09-25-2003 07:55 AM

That doesn't help =), I've already done that - hence the above error even appearing in the first place. Can you attach your version or explain EXACTLY what you changed?

mark99 09-25-2003 08:38 AM

Ah, found the problem! It's because I'm using a prefix ($tableprefix) of 'vb3_' in the database. You have to change all the query and table calls to thus include 'vb3_' before them.

I'm not quite sure how to add '$tableprefix' before each call without it merging into one line and confusing things. Otherwise it needs to be done manually, which is a pain.

The Geek 09-25-2003 12:55 PM

To solve the prefix problem...

Try this (I am not where I can test the script... but it should work without any problems)
All it does is add $tableprefix before each table name in the From clause of each sql statement.

* edit - Like the true doofus I am... I did this and then read your post again... which clearly points out that you know all of this... but it should also point out where you were having problems ;) *

For example....
PHP Code:

$sql="SELECT bob FROM fred where 1=2"

PHP Code:

$sql="SELECT bob FROM " $tableprefix "fred where 1=2"

open last10.php

PHP Code:

// ooh a query!
$query "SELECT thread.lastpost,thread.title,thread.lastposter,thread.replycount,thread.views,user.userid,thread.threadid,thread.forumid$fsel,thread.iconid FROM thread,user$ftitle $wheresql ORDER BY thread.$ob $obdir LIMIT $maxthreads"

and change to
PHP Code:

// ooh a query!
$query "SELECT thread.lastpost,thread.title,thread.lastposter,thread.replycount,thread.views,user.userid,thread.threadid,thread.forumid$fsel,thread.iconid FROM " $tableprefix "thread,user$ftitle $wheresql ORDER BY thread.$ob $obdir LIMIT $maxthreads"

PHP Code:

$dtf mysql_query("SELECT value FROM setting WHERE varname='dateformat' OR varname='timeformat' OR varname='timeoffset' ORDER BY varname"); 

and change to
PHP Code:

$dtf mysql_query("SELECT value FROM " $tableprefix "setting WHERE varname='dateformat' OR varname='timeformat' OR varname='timeoffset' ORDER BY varname"); 

PHP Code:

$query0 "SELECT pagetext,postid,dateline,iconid FROM post WHERE threadid='$threads[threadid]' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1"

and change to
PHP Code:

$query0 "SELECT pagetext,postid,dateline,iconid FROM " $tableprefix "post WHERE threadid='$threads[threadid]' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1"

PHP Code:

$smilies mysql_query("SELECT smilietext,smiliepath FROM smilie"); 

change to
PHP Code:

$smilies mysql_query("SELECT smilietext,smiliepath " $tableprefix "FROM smilie"); 

In theory... that should sort it out.


dontpanic 09-28-2003 12:58 AM

Is there some way that this hack can be modified such that users who do not permissions to see a post normally cannot see them via this hack?

As an example. I have forums for my moderators that registered users cannot see. On the page this hack produces, they can see the threads...but obviously not access them. I am looking to filter the threads to remove them from displaying on this list based on user group.

Make sense?

Thanks and great hack!

Oh yeah..if I missed this somewhere in the last 31 pages, sorry! :)

Ripster 10-03-2003 10:02 AM

Hi, thanksd for the hack - exactly what I was looking for

One request - is it possible to not display 'Thread title' in the table? My site have a graphic above the forum links so this extra text is redundant. It has probably been answered somewhere in the thread but there's alot of stuff to plough through there!

Here's an illustration of what I mean, rhs of the page...


TIA for any help

sabret00the 10-07-2003 10:50 AM

everytime i try and work with this hack, i get this, someone please help me

PHP Code:

//...........Last X Posts v1.0.2...........\\
//......by Kevin ([email="kevin@tubescan.com)......\"]kevin@tubescan.com)......\\[/email]
// For vBulletin version 2 (betas 3, 4, 5, RC1, RC2)
// (c) 2001 Jelsoft Enterprises, Ltd.
// vBulletin.com thread: [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12324"]http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12324[/url]
//////// CONFIG EXPLANATION //////////
// a] $path > path to your config.php file (usually in the /admin directory) - NO TRAILING SLASH! ( e.g. forums/admin ) and DO NOT PUT config.php ON THE END OF THIS PATH OR THE SCRIPT WILL NOT WORK!!!!
// b] $url > URL to your board - NO TRAILING SLASH! ( e.g. [url="http://www.mysite.com/forums"]http://www.mysite.com/forums[/url] )
//  c] $urlimg > URL to your board's images - NO TRAILING SLASH ( e.g. [url="http://www.mysite.com/forums/images"]http://www.mysite.com/forums/images[/url] )
// d] $maxthreads > max threads to show. will show less if $last24 or $last7 limits it to less results than this number
// e] $ob > determines the sort order of the list. replycount and views are numbers, lastposter is a name, title is the name of the thread, and lastpost is the last             posts' date. set to one of the following: replycount , views , lastposter , title , lastpost (lastpost is most popular. it's the thread most recently replied              to, then the second-to-last most recent, etc.)
// f] $obdir > set to "desc" or "asc". which direction to sort? "desc" goes from bottom to top (9 to 1, z to a, etc.). "asc" goes top to bottom (1 to 9, a to z, etc.) leave this set to "desc" if you use lastpost for $ob or it will not work correctly!
// g] $last24 > set to 1 to limit the possible results to the last 24 hours; 0 for no limit (must set this to 0 if $last7 is set to 1)
// h] $last7 > set to 1 to limit the possible results to the last 24 hours; 0 for no limit (must set this to 0 if $last24 is set to 1)
// i] $bc1 > first alt color (for the alternating colored rows)
// j] $bc2 > second alt color
// k] $hc > head background color (title, last poster, etc.)
// l] $lc > text link color
// m] $tc > text color
// n] $f > font face
// o] $fs > font size in points - 8 is normal, 6 is on the small side, 10 on the large side. play around with it. :) just put a number here - no pt, pts, or anything!
// p] $lastposter > show the "last poster" column? 1 = yes; 0 = no
// q] $views > show the view count for each thread? 1 = yes; 0 = no
// r] $replies > show the reply count for each thread? 1 = yes; 0 = no
//  s] $lastpostdate > show the last post date and time for each thread? 1 = yes; 0 = no
// t] $len > maximum number of characters of the title to show. e.g. if the title is 60 characters and this is set to 25, only the first 25 characters of the title              will be shown (followed by ...)
//  u] $excludeforums > if you want to exclude certain forums from having their threads displayed, this is the place to enter their numbers. separate more than 1 number with commas, NO SPACES! e.g. 1,2,3,4 (note: $excludeforums and $includeforums are mutually exclusive, meaning DO NOT USE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME! only fill one or the other in with numbers!)
//  v] $includeforums > if you just want to use certain forums (instead of a whole list, or instead of excluding 10 of 12 forums or something similar), put their numbers here. separate more than one number with commas NO SPACES e.g. 1,2,3,4 (note: $excludeforums and $includeforums are mutually exclusive, meaning DO NOT USE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME! only fill one or the other in with numbers!)
//  w] $showmessages > if you want to show the text of the last post in each thread as well, set this to "1". set this to "0" if you don't.
//  x] $lplen > the maximum length of post to allow. if the post is longer than this, it will be shortened to this many characters and "..." added. if $showmessages is set to 0, this won't do anything.
//  y] $tw > the width of the table holding the information. can be a percent ( e.g. 95% ) or a number of pixels ( e.g. 300 ). leave blank if you want the table to be sized naturally.
//  z] $showdate > if you enable the "last post date" column and would like the date shown for each post as well as the time, set this to 1. if you have a busy board and all of posts are going to be from the current day, or if you set $last24 to 1, then you can set this to 0. if the last posts are likely to be spread over multiple days (for small boards, etc.) then you might want to set this to 1.
// aa] $cs > if you want to show a thin line around the cells (see the first example on the vBulletin.com thread referenced above) then set this to "1" (or higher - experiment with it!) otherwise set it to 0.
// ab] $showicon > if you want to show the icon the author chose for their post, set this to 1. otherwise set it to 0.
// ac] $showforumtitle > if you want to show the forum title, linked to that forum, for each thread also (forum title: thread title) then set this to 1. otherwise set it to 0.
// ad] $nb > if you want breaks in text to appear as such, set this to 1. otherwise set it to 0 (this may cause problems if there are large breaks in the text)
/////////////// CONFIG ///////////////
$path = "../forums/admin"; // path to your config.php file (usually in the /admin directory) - NO TRAILING SLASH! Do not include "config.php"
$url = "[url="http://www.ebslive.com/forums"]http://www.ebslive.com/forums[/url]"; // URL to your board - NO TRAILING SLASH!
$urlimg = "[url="http://www.ebslive.com/forums/images"]http://www.ebslive.com/forums/images[/url]"; // URL to your board's images - NO TRAILING SLASH!
$maxthreads = "25"; // max threads to show. will show less if $last24 or $last7 limits it to less results than this number
$ob = "lastpost"; // set to one of the following: replycount , views , lastposter , title , lastpost (lastpost is most popular. it's the thread most recently replied to, then the second-to-last most recent, etc.)
$obdir = "desc"; // which direction to sort? "desc" goes from bottom to top (9 to 1, z to a, etc.). "asc" goes top to bottom (1 to 9, a to z, etc.). if you use lastpost for $ob, leave this set to desc or it will not work correctly!
$last24 = "0"; // 1 = last 24 hours; 0 = all (must set this to 0 if $last7 is set to 1)
$last7 = "0"; // 1 = last 7 days; 0 = all (must set this to 0 if $last24 is set to 1)
$bc1 = "#ECF2FA"; // first alt color
$bc2 = "#ECF2FA"; // second alt color
$hc = "#ECF2FA"; // head background color
$lc = "#4F6BAO"; // link color
$tc = "#4F6BAO"; // text color
$f = "Tahoma"; // font face
$fs = "8"; // font size in points - 8 is normal, 6 is on the small side, 10 on the large side. play around with it. :)
$lastposter = "1"; // show last poster? 1 = yes; 0 = no
$views = "0"; // show view count? 1 = yes; 0 = no
$replies = "0"; // show reply count? 1 = yes; 0 = no
$lastpostdate = "0"; // show last post date and time? 1 = yes; 0 = no
$len = 25; // maximum number of characters of the title to show. e.g. if the title is 60 characters and this is set to 25, only the first 25 characters of the title will be shown (followed by ...)
$excludeforums = "20,17,18"; // if you want to exclude a forum, put it's ID here. more than one, seperate them with commas, NO SPACES! e.g. 1,2,3,4
$includeforums = ""; // if you only want to include certain forums, put their ids here. separate more than one with commas, NO SPACES! e.g. 1,2,3,4
$showmessages = "0"; // show the text of the last post too? 1 = yes; 0 = no
$lplen = "300"; // character length of last post text (if $showmessages is set to 0 this won't do anything).
$tw = "95%"; // width of the table that shows the info, in either a percent ( e.g. 95% ) or in pixels ( e.g. 300 ). leave blank if you want the table to be sized naturally
$showdate = "0"; // show the date, as well as the time? if the posts that show up in the list are likely to all be from today (or you set $last24 to "1"), you can set this to 0. if the posts are spread over multiple days, you probably want this set to 1.
$cs = "0"; // this is the cellspacing. 1 makes a thin line around the cells. 0 makes no line.
$showicon = "0"; // shows the posts' icon next to the post
$showforumtitle = "0"; // shows the forum title (linked to that forum) next to the thread title
$nb = "0"; // do you want breaks in text to appear as such? this may cause problems if there are large breaks in the text
///////////// END CONFIG /////////////

and heres the last10.php i can't see nothing wrong with either
PHP Code:

//...........Last X Posts v1.0.5...........\\
//......by Kevin ([email="kevin@tubescan.com)......\"]kevin@tubescan.com)......\\[/email]
// For vBulletin version 2 (betas 3, 4, 5, RC1, RC2, RC3)
// (c) 2001 Jelsoft Enterprises, Ltd.
// vBulletin.com thread: [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12324"]http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12324[/url]
// let's get connected
$db=mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) or die("Can't open connection to MySQL");
mysql_select_db($database) or die("Can't select database");
$hfs = $fs+2;
$fs .= "pt";
$hfs .= "pt";
if ($tw == "") {
 $twt = "";
} else {
 $twt = "width=\"$tw\"";
if ($cs == "") {
 $cs = 0;
// start up our table, decide whether to show
echo("<table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=$cs width=150 align=center><tr bgcolor=\"$hc\">\n");
if ($showicon == "1") {
echo("<td style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$hfs; color:$tc;\" width=\"75\"><b><nobr>Thread Title</nobr></b></td>\n");
// the last poster column,
if ($lastposter == "1") {
 echo("<td style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$hfs; color:$tc;\" align=\"center\" width=\"75\"><b><nobr>Last Poster</nobr></b></td>\n");
// the base WHERE statement
$wheresql = "WHERE thread.lastposter=user.username AND thread.open!='10'";
// we can't have both the last 24 hours *and* the last 7 days, so error out if needed
if ($last24 == "1" && $last7 == "1") {
 print("Error: \$last24 and \$last7 are both set to 1. Please change one of them to 0.");
// otherwise we're gonna find out which one it is
// last 24
if ($last24 == "1") {
 $time = time()-86400;
 $wheresql .= " AND thread.lastpost>'$time'";
// last 7
if ($last7 == "1") {
 $time = time()-604800;
 $wheresql .= " AND thread.lastpost>'$time'";
// are we trying to exclude *and* include forums? if so, error out
if ($excludeforums != "" && $includeforums != "") {
 print("Error: \$includeforums and \$excludeforums are both set with numbers. Please remove the numbers from <b>one</b> of these two to proceed.");
// otherwise figure out which one we're using
// include forums
if ($includeforums == "" or $includeforums <= "0") {
 $quarter = "no";
} else {
 $incfid = explode(",",$includeforums); $i = 0; $a = count($incfid);
 if ($a > 1) {
  $wheresql .= " AND (thread.forumid='$incfid[0]'";
  while ($i < $a) {
   $wheresql .= " OR thread.forumid='$incfid[$i]'"; ++$i;
  $wheresql .= ")";
 } else {
  $wheresql .= " AND thread.forumid='$incfid[$i]'";
// or exclude forums
if ($excludeforums == "" or $excludeforums <= "0") {
 $quarter = "no";
} else {
 $excfid = explode(",",$excludeforums); $i = 0; $a = count($excfid);
 while ($i < $a) {
  $wheresql .= " AND thread.forumid!='$excfid[$i]'"; ++$i;
if ($showforumtitle == "1") {
 $ftitle = ",forum";
 $fsel = ",forum.title AS ftitle";
 $wheresql .= " AND thread.forumid=forum.forumid";
// ooh a query!
$query = "SELECT thread.lastpost,thread.title,thread.lastposter,thread.replycount,thread.views,user.userid,thread.threadid,thread.forumid$fsel,thread.iconid FROM thread,user$ftitle $wheresql ORDER BY thread.$ob $obdir LIMIT $maxthreads";
// let's get the info
$tr = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL reported this error while trying to retreive the info: ".mysql_error());
$dtf = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM setting WHERE varname='dateformat' OR varname='timeformat' OR varname='timeoffset' ORDER BY varname");
$df = mysql_result($dtf,0,0);
$tf = mysql_result($dtf,1,0);
$tof = mysql_result($dtf,2,0);
if ($showdate == "1") {
 $fdt = "$df $tf";
} else {
 $fdt = "$tf";
$cols = 1;
// let's display the info
while ($threads = mysql_fetch_array($tr)) { 
 // are we going to show the message too?
 if ($showmessages == "1") {
  $query0 = "SELECT pagetext,postid,dateline,iconid FROM post WHERE threadid='$threads[threadid]' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1";
  $lastpost = mysql_query($query0) or die("MySQL reported this error while trying to retrieve the last post info: ".mysql_error());
  while ($lastpost1 = mysql_fetch_array($lastpost)) {
   $lastpostshort = $lastpost1[pagetext];
   $postii = $lastpost1[iconid];
  if (strlen($lastpostshort) > $lplen) {
   $lastpostshort = substr($lastpostshort,0,$lplen);
   $lastpostshort .= "...";
  $smilies = mysql_query("SELECT smilietext,smiliepath FROM smilie");
  while ($smiles = mysql_fetch_array($smilies)) {
   $lastpostshort = str_replace($smiles[smilietext],"<img src=\"".$url."/".$smiles[smiliepath]."\" border=0>",$lastpostshort);
  if ($nb == "1") {
   $lastpostshort = nl2br($lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[i]","<i>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/i]","</i>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[u]","<u>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/u]","</u>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[b]","<b>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/b]","</b>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[quote]","<br>quote:<br><hr> ",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/quote]"," <hr><br>\n",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[I]","<i>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/I]","</i>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[U]","<u>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/U]","</u>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[B]","<b>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/B]","</b>",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[QUOTE]","<br>quote:<br><hr> ",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/QUOTE]"," <hr><br>\n",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[CODE]","<br>code:<br><hr> ",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/CODE]"," <hr><br>\n",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[code]","<br>code:<br><hr> ",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/code]"," <hr><br>\n",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[img]","",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/img]","",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[img]https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/[/img]","",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[url]","",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/url]","",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[URL]","",$lastpostshort);
  $lastpostshort = str_replace("[/URL]","",$lastpostshort);
 // thanks to kier for this idea to do the alternating row colors
 if (($counter++ % 2) != 0) {
 } else {
 // if the title is more than $len characters, we need to cut it off and add ... to the end
 if (strlen($threads[title]) > $len) { 
  $title = substr($threads[title],0,$len);
  $title .= "...";
 } else { 
  $title = $threads[title];
 // convert the date to a format readable by non-unix geeks :)
 $fd = date($fdt,$threads[lastpost]);
 // display everything in a nice table. in the future we're gonna try to do this so others can format the data, but this is sufficient for now
 if ($showicon == "1") {
  echo("<td bgcolor=\"$bc\">");
  if ($postii != "0" && $postii != "") {
   echo("<img src=\"$urlimg/icons/icon$postii.gif\" border=\"0\">");
  if (($postii == "0" || $postii == "") && $threads[iconid] != "0" && $threads[iconid] != "") {
   echo("<img src=\"$urlimg/icons/icon$threads[iconid].gif\" border=\"0\">");
  if (($postii == "0" || $postii == "") && ($threads[iconid] == "0" || $threads[iconid] == "")) {
 echo("<td bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\"><nobr>");
 if ($showforumtitle == "1") {
  echo("<a href=\"$url/forumdisplay.php?forumid=$threads[forumid]\" style=\"color: $lc;\">$threads[ftitle]</a>: ");
 echo("<a href=\"$url/showthread.php?threadid=$threads[threadid]&goto=newpost\" style=\"color: $lc;\" title=\"$threads[title]\">$title</a></nobr></td>\n");
 // last poster column?
 if ($lastposter == "1") {
  echo("<td bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"$url/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=$threads[userid]\" style=\"color: $lc;\">$threads[lastposter]</a></td>\n");
 // the last post date & time column,
 if ($lastpostdate == "1") {
  echo("<td bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"center\">$fd</td>\n");
 // views column?
 if ($views == "1") {
  echo("<td bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"center\">$threads[views]</td>\n");
 // replies column?
 if ($replies == "1") {
  echo("<td bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"center\">$threads[replycount]</td>\n");
 // are we showing the last post?
 if ($showmessages == "1") {
  echo("<tr bgcolor=\"$bc\"><td colspan=\"$cols\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"left\">\n");
  echo("<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\">\n");
  echo("<tr bgcolor=\"$bc\"><td style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><b><nobr>Last Post:</nobr></b></td>\n");
  echo("<td style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:$tc;\" align=\"left\" width=\"100%\">$lastpostshort</td></tr>\n");
 $fd = "";
// close it all up
// bye!

sabret00the 10-07-2003 06:26 PM

still in need of dyer help with this :happysad:

mark99 10-11-2003 05:01 PM

Perhaps if you explained exactly what your problem is?

sabret00the 10-15-2003 12:46 PM

sorry i figured it out, it was bad html in the hack :)

theirs <nobr></nobr> tags which feck it up :)

ChevyRacing24 11-05-2003 08:47 PM

Will this hack work with the new vBulletin?

dennx 12-03-2003 05:27 AM

I'm having problems including the hack into an included page.. make sense? Homepage > include page with <? include("../last10.php"); ?> to last10.php.

Is this a prob? The hack works perfectly fine when pointing the browser to last10.php.

dennx 12-03-2003 05:41 AM

I get this error when using the include stated above...
Parse error: parse error in /var/www/html/global/last10.php on line 189

SVTBlackLight01 12-03-2003 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by dontpanic
Is there some way that this hack can be modified such that users who do not permissions to see a post normally cannot see them via this hack?

As an example. I have forums for my moderators that registered users cannot see. On the page this hack produces, they can see the threads...but obviously not access them. I am looking to filter the threads to remove them from displaying on this list based on user group.

Make sense?

Thanks and great hack!

Oh yeah..if I missed this somewhere in the last 31 pages, sorry! :)

The easiest way to do what you want is to add the ID of those forums to $includeforums in the last10config. That way it won't display any posts from those forums.

dontpanic 12-03-2003 11:01 PM

Thats what I ended up doing some time ago...was just curious to see if it could be done using the default forums permissions like Teck's archive hacks did. It's all good.

hockyfan 12-09-2003 03:33 AM

Will this hack work for a non vB page on a different site (ie., can a show threads from my forum on a different website)? If not, is there another way I can do it?


stark427 12-09-2003 03:23 PM

My main page is HTML (as you can see by viewing the source) but it has a .php extension.


The last10.php page work perfectly (except the wrong time)


but I cannot seem to be able to include it into the main page.

I have tried all the following:


            <?php require("last10.php");?>
            <?php include("last10.php");?>
            <!--#include file="last10.php"-->
            <!--#require file="last10.php"-->
            <!--#include virtual="last10.php"-->
            <!--#require virtual="last10.php"-->
            include ('./last10.php');
            include ('http://www.synthpopavenue.gr/last10.php');

but nothing seems to work :(
it just doesn't show up

any ideas?

thanx in advance

Gutspiller 01-06-2004 04:20 AM



I like your additions, but they only work if the person viewing the page has already visited your forum in the past. If they have not they get the dreaded error:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/sbw/forum/last10.php:2)
in /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/sbw/forum/admin/functions.php on line 1090

I like Tube's hack, but until it parses VBCode without the error above for new users I don't think a lot of people will be able to use it.
Does this hack now parse vbcode and HTMl (if enabled)? I added it a long time ago and am trying a new way of doing things and telling the hack to display the thread contents, but it doesn't parse html links when I use the vbcode tag button. Also, does it by default only show the first thread or will it begin to show the text of the first comments to the thread? I just want it to show all of the first thread and parse it the way it looks in the forum, but not to show any text from inside the comments. Can somebody please let me know if that's how the current version of this hack is working, or help me tweak it so that it can work that way? I would be very greatful and I have some cool news posting ideas for this hack.

Thank you!

mcahill 01-06-2004 03:00 PM

I have it running on my site and the only thing that needed to be changed to make it work was the location of the config file in the last10config.php folder must be switched to include/config.php or something like that.

Totally awesome. I'd budgeted 4 hours to get this hack working again, and it took 4 minutes.

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Template Usage:
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Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
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  • printthread_complete