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Ted S 12-29-2006 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by rnmcd (Post 1147081)
Parture, did you still install the hack with this bug?

To be clear, that's not a bug but simply a feature change request.

Joey805 01-01-2007 08:21 PM

Without sorting through 30 pages of posts, could someone tell me if it's necessary to upgrade to version 4.13? I am running VB 3.64 and version 4.06 of this mod.

Do I need up update? If so, why?

Thanks :)

Shazz 01-01-2007 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Joey805 (Post 1148698)
Without sorting through 30 pages of posts, could someone tell me if it's necessary to upgrade to version 4.13? I am running VB 3.64 and version 4.06 of this mod.

Do I need up update? If so, why?

Thanks :)

Not to big just

4.1.3 - Added support for Limited Guest Viewing system

Minor changes

SCRIPT3R 01-02-2007 07:23 PM


This article and its associated code was updated on June 24th, 2006

Version: 4.1.0
vB Version: 3.5.x / 3.6 Beta 2
perhaps the associated instructions could be updated?

stomph 01-04-2007 01:52 AM

Thanks for this handy hack! Could you add a welcome header for members awaiting activation from the admin? As far as I can see, the header for members awaiting activation is only for the Email-Activation. Is that correct?

Ted S 01-04-2007 02:45 AM

The header will effect any member in the waiting activation groups.

If you want to customize this, you can add your own headers to the welcome_header template.

imported_infitech 01-04-2007 03:13 AM

Anyone know how to add $numbermembers to this hack?

stomph 01-04-2007 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1150357)
The header will effect any member in the waiting activation groups.

If you want to customize this, you can add your own headers to the welcome_header template.

Wow, thanks for the fast reply!! :D I'll look into it. Kind regards

Kwak 01-05-2007 05:53 AM

Is there a way to change the welcome header message for each styles?

scopo911 01-05-2007 06:37 PM

Hi - I'm new to vB, but think this is exactly what we need. We have downloaded and installed and can see all administration. I'm having trouble getting it to work (I think).

1. How or When should I see the Welcome Header? When you first go to our forum (free4gov.org), you see the standard welcome page. When you try to enter a forum that requires registration, you see the standard registration page (You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page...). Should I be seeing the welcome page here?

2. How / where do I define the arguments that are used by the varname? For example, I am getting the error:
Welcome to the [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] forums. when I view the default text. Also the "contact us" link uses variable {4} that is not correctly defined. Not sure where these get defined.

Thanks! SP

Ted S 01-05-2007 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kwak (Post 1151187)
Is there a way to change the welcome header message for each styles?

Yup. You can customize the welcome+headers template for each style.

Ted S 01-05-2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by scopo911 (Post 1151474)
Hi - I'm new to vB, but think this is exactly what we need. We have downloaded and installed and can see all administration. I'm having trouble getting it to work (I think).

1. How or When should I see the Welcome Header? When you first go to our forum (free4gov.org), you see the standard welcome page. When you try to enter a forum that requires registration, you see the standard registration page (You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page...). Should I be seeing the welcome page here?

2. How / where do I define the arguments that are used by the varname? For example, I am getting the error:
Welcome to the [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] forums. when I view the default text. Also the "contact us" link uses variable {4} that is not correctly defined. Not sure where these get defined.

Thanks! SP

It looks like you didn't quite make it through the installation. You need to remove the default header (issue #2) and add the new ones (issue #1). Check the install.html file again and follow the second and third steps. If you run into issues, let me know.

Yago 01-07-2007 12:26 AM

Below is my original PM conversation with Ted. Following his recommendation, I have move the discussion to the board.

Originally Posted by Yago
Dear Sir,
I am very new to the Vb world and have only installed one hack to date which is the gender hack. Anyway your welcome header was to be my second hack but I ran into problems. Everything went as stated since I followed your instructions step by step. However at the end The original vb header is no longer showing and the new one does not show either. When I went to vbulletin options and scrolled down to the end like you said, thier is no "Welcome Header System" thier either. Please help me.


Have you added the variable $welcomeheaders to your header template?
Ted S


Ted S

If you have no messages showing and the options do not show in your control panel then you have not installed the plugin or activated the plugin system in your vbulletin installation. Also, I would ask that you direct all future questions to the appropriate public thread so others can see the answer. Thank you

Yago 01-07-2007 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Yago (Post 1152295)
Below is my original PM conversation with Ted. Following his recommendation, I have move the discussion to the board.

Originally Posted by Yago
Dear Sir,
I am very new to the Vb world and have only installed one hack to date which is the gender hack. Anyway your welcome header was to be my second hack but I ran into problems. Everything went as stated since I followed your instructions step by step. However at the end The original vb header is no longer showing and the new one does not show either. When I went to vbulletin options and scrolled down to the end like you said, thier is no "Welcome Header System" thier either. Please help me.


Have you added the variable $welcomeheaders to your header template?
Ted S


Ted S

If you have no messages showing and the options do not show in your control panel then you have not installed the plugin or activated the plugin system in your vbulletin installation. Also, I would ask that you direct all future questions to the appropriate public thread so others can see the answer. Thank you

I followed the installation steps one after the other and even marked them off in pencil on my check sheet.
When you click on installed products from the plugin area, you can see that welcome header is among the installed product in addition with vbulletin but it does not show as a plugin.

Ted S 01-07-2007 12:32 AM

When you view your vbulletin options page, do you see the welcome heaers system option at or near the end of the list?

Yago 01-07-2007 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1152299)
When you view your vbulletin options page, do you see the welcome heaers system option at or near the end of the list?

Nope it is no where to be found in that list.
That was the only step (which is at the end of step 4 ) which did not pan out for me.

Ted S 01-07-2007 12:43 AM

That would indicate that the Welcome Headers product is not installed or you have not enabled the plugin system.

Yago 01-07-2007 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1152303)
That would indicate that the Welcome Headers product is not installed or you have not enabled the plugin system.

Ok, I really do not know what else to do or say. I enabled the plugin system because prior to step 3 which is "Add the attached plugin"

The product to the best of my knowledge is in the installed but is not running. My original header is gone and their is nothin in its place.
I followed all the steps one after the other being a newbie, I did not want to miss anything and I believe I did not.

Yago 01-07-2007 04:09 AM

I did a partial reinstall, I checked it again from begin and the ony thing I had to redo was re-upload the plugin after I uninstalled it. Now it works fine. Thanks Ted for all your help and a nice hack

taffy056 01-07-2007 10:46 AM


Installed with no problems, almost! thanks for sharing :)

I am using the steel blue style, and the old header is still showing, part of the code is below, but I do not know what to remove, or even if this if this is the correct part of the code to remove. Hope someone can help.


PHP Code:

html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
no cache headers -->
meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1" />
meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
end no cache headers -->
<title><phrase 1="$vboptions[bbtitle]">$vbphrase[x_powered_by_vbulletin]</phrase></title>

<!-- main -->
table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%" align="center">

td class="tfoot" align="center" colspan="<if condition="$vboptions['showmoderatorcolumn']">6<else />5</if>"><div class="smallfont"><strong>
a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]do=markread" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[mark_forums_read]</a>
condition="$vboptions['forumleaders']">&nbsp; &nbsp;
a href="showgroups.php$session[sessionurl_q]rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[view_forum_leaders]</a></if><if condition="!$show['guest']">
member logout -->
nbsp; &nbsp;
a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&amp;logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]"  onclick="return log_out()"><phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[username]">$vbphrase[log_out_x]</phrase></a>
end member logout -->
<!-- /main --> 

scopo911 01-07-2007 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1151668)
It looks like you didn't quite make it through the installation. You need to remove the default header (issue #2) and add the new ones (issue #1). Check the install.html file again and follow the second and third steps. If you run into issues, let me know.

- Ted, this worked perfectly - thanks! Was wondering if there is a varaiable to link the user reading the welcome header to FAQ? "To find out more about our forum you can check out the FAQ"...something like that? Thanks.

Ted S 01-07-2007 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by scopo911 (Post 1152625)
- Ted, this worked perfectly - thanks! Was wondering if there is a varaiable to link the user reading the welcome header to FAQ? "To find out more about our forum you can check out the FAQ"...something like that? Thanks.

You can edit the phrases associated with the welcome headers through your ACP Options and add whatever links or text you like.

Ted S 01-07-2007 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by taffy056 (Post 1152531)

Installed with no problems, almost! thanks for sharing :)

I am using the steel blue style, and the old header is still showing, part of the code is below, but I do not know what to remove, or even if this if this is the correct part of the code to remove. Hope someone can help.


That looks like the wrong file. Youl should be modifying the forumhome template unless your custom style has dramatically changed things around, in which case you will have to search out the default welcome header code.

GruntHalo 01-08-2007 01:38 AM

Nice job I love this mod!

midirtrider 01-08-2007 01:05 PM

how can I get this to work with Vbadvanced?

I have it on my bb as I was just running 3.6.x but is there a way to intergrate it onto the Vba

Raptor 01-10-2007 02:20 PM

marvelous hack !

bober42 01-10-2007 10:10 PM

Ok im stuck !

Have installed and have it working on homepage and forumdisplay but it does not show on the showthread???

Have followed the instructions but cant suss it.

any ideas guys

Ted S 01-11-2007 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by bober42 (Post 1155816)
Ok im stuck !

Have installed and have it working on homepage and forumdisplay but it does not show on the showthread???

any ideas guys

What other hacks are you running?

bober42 01-11-2007 01:00 AM

guest tracking
limited guest viewing
members who have visited
Miserable Users
Most Ever Members, Posters, Guests or Chatters
Multiple Login Detector

All of which i disabled but still no joy.

I then made a new standard style with standard templates and still could not get it too show :confused:


Ted S 01-11-2007 01:27 AM

Limited guest viewing will make welcome headers not show on the showthread template.

bober42 01-11-2007 02:02 PM

Thanks for that. Instead of disabling the limited guest viewing i un-installed it and it worked.

Cant do with out limited guests so will make do. Is there template mods that can get around this?

Thanks anyway, welcome headers is a nice mod.


KipLarson 01-13-2007 08:13 AM

How might we add, adsense to it and have a little line between the welcome message and the adsense?

Also, I put my code in the navbar, because I didn't want it to show up on the index of my site in the vbadvanced portal... because I only wanted it to show up in the center column. (then again, as I type this... I suppose I could make a custom module and put that code inside it....)

But it's fine to just put it in the navbar right?

Edit: I've tried to edit the welcome_headers template in the style to put the ad code in, but the ad code just sends up sitting above the welcome message. I'd like to have the ad on one side and the welcome message on the other. Any ideas?

Edit again: I am such a noob, I figured it out. Just added another td alt1 tag around the ad before the first td alt 1 tag.

Ted S 01-14-2007 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by KipLarson (Post 1157840)
How might we add, adsense to it and have a little line between the welcome message and the adsense?

Edit the template welcome_headers as you see fit.


Originally Posted by KipLarson (Post 1157840)
But it's fine to just put it in the navbar right?


KipLarson 01-14-2007 09:13 AM

Ok, I tested this in 3.52 and I did run into a database error when I went to the admin cp > vbulletin options > welcome_headers template

When I tried to click to alter the standard messages it gave me a database error... I tried all of them and it gave me them each time.

So I just searched in the phrase manager and made the changes there. Not sure if anyone else had problems in 3.52, but I just wanted to give a heads up. I'll post back on my results later.

KipLarson 01-14-2007 09:31 AM

Oop, I ran into an error:

I get this after trying to activate new users accounts:

" We could not activate your account because this web address is not valid. Make sure that you have the entire address from the email, and that your email client has not split the address over several lines.

Please try again with the full address from the email that you received. If it still does not work, try filling in the activation form:
Activation form

If you do not know your activation code, you can find it in the email that was sent to you when you first registered. To have it sent again, please click here:
Send new email with activation code.

If all else fails, email the administrator, making sure that you include your registered email address and username."

And I even tried just manually entering in the activation code too.

KipLarson 01-15-2007 12:23 AM

I've also gotten another error that says the following templates need to be reverted:

Default Template Updated in 4.1.3 by Ted
Your Custom Template Last Edited in 3.5.2 by **me**

I did modify the code to add advertisements in there, but I did this on my 3.60 and 3.61 forums without a problem, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

What should I do? (sorry for all the posts)

Ted S 01-15-2007 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by KipLarson (Post 1158726)
Ok, I tested this in 3.52 and I did run into a database error when I went to the admin cp > vbulletin options > welcome_headers template

When I tried to click to alter the standard messages it gave me a database error... I tried all of them and it gave me them each time.

So I just searched in the phrase manager and made the changes there. Not sure if anyone else had problems in 3.52, but I just wanted to give a heads up. I'll post back on my results later.

It always helps to run the right version of the hack... you're running a 3.6 hack on vb 3.5

Ted S 01-15-2007 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by KipLarson (Post 1158732)
Oop, I ran into an error:

I get this after trying to activate new users accounts:

" We could not activate your account because this web address is not valid. Make sure that you have the entire address from the email, and that your email client has not split the address over several lines.

Please try again with the full address from the email that you received. If it still does not work, try filling in the activation form:
Activation form

If you do not know your activation code, you can find it in the email that was sent to you when you first registered. To have it sent again, please click here:
Send new email with activation code.

If all else fails, email the administrator, making sure that you include your registered email address and username."

And I even tried just manually entering in the activation code too.

That error is unrelated to this hack.

KipLarson 01-15-2007 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 1159519)
It always helps to run the right version of the hack... you're running a 3.6 hack on vb 3.5

Lol, well yes... but I uninstalled the 3.6 hack and reinstalled the 3.5 hack. I don't have the problem when I do the search for phrases, but I do still have the message that my templates need to be reverted.

Ted S 01-15-2007 04:37 PM

Please post your 3.5 questions in the 3.5 thread less I confuse myelf. ;)

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