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-   -   vRewrite - SEOed URLs for vBulletin (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=104484)

yayvb 02-20-2006 02:06 AM

I was able to get the code snipet to work, it seemed I posted the message right after you posted or something. :) So I was able to add those 3 lines to my headinclude.

Regarding the links bringing you to somewhere you aren't expecting to go, you said I can try to reproduce it? All I have to do is hover my mouse on the urls on the front to see that they work and then click to see that I go somewhere else.

(It may just be the ones that have NEWPOST on the front - clicking them brings me to the wrong post on my board.)

I tried your board techhelpforum I see a link that goes to a 404 (http://www.techhelpforum.com/jlcndcs...0-newpost.html) the rest go to the wrong location just like I was saying with mine!!!! ;)

More examples on your site having my problem:
http://www.techhelpforum.com/the-old...8-newpost.html (brings you to http://www.techhelpforum.com/resolve...-help-651.html)

http://www.techhelpforum.com/site-ru...8-newpost.html (brings you to http://www.techhelpforum.com/site-rules/t--.html) you may want to check these out... just click on any link on your forumhome page, the very top one may work, but try the bottomish ones.

yayvb 02-20-2006 03:44 AM


Your site is experiencing the same thing as mine, hopefully you can fix the problem. It doesn't just look that way for me or something right?

The forums that have the newpost in the URL on the front page go to the wrong place.

yayvb 02-20-2006 05:02 AM

I think I found something interesting:
If vrewrite is enabled then when I click on the links I am brought to other rewritten forums (but like I said I only see this problem happening with the newpost links on the forumhome front page).

If I enable it, refresh the main page so that all the links are rewritten, but instead of clicking a link and going to the wrong place, I disable the hack in another browser, then when I click the same rewritten link, I am actually brought to the right place. I tested this several times. So this tells me that the .htaccess file is working properly and the problem lies within the hack itself.

:) Hope I helped atleast a little.

Another interesting finding is that if while enabled on your site (and I'm sure mine too) if you have take a rewritten (NEWPOST) url like this one: http://www.techhelpforum.com/google-...0-newpost.html
and for instance just change the number to a number lower, you go to a different (but still wrong) forum. Does that help?

nintendo 02-20-2006 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal

If you find a bug, please let me know so I can fix in the next version.

Creating a reply generated a 404 error page.

RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/t\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\-page\.html$ showthread.php?t=$3&page=$4&is_vrewrite=yes [L]

fixed it. (For older apache versions, not having a \ before - or a period in the code for the new URL can generate an Internel Server Error message, a $ should be at the end of the code for the new URL, and security wise, ([^.]+) is better.)


RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/t\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)/go=([^.]+)$ showthread\.php?t=$3&goto=$4&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/p\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+).html$ showthread\.php?p=$3&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^f\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\-page([^.]+).html$ forumdisplay\.php?f=$2&page=$3&order=desc&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^f\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+).html/page([^.]+)daysprune([^.]+)\-order([^.]+)\-sort([^.]+)$ forumdisplay.php?f=$2&page=$3daysprune=$4&order=$5&sort=$6&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^f\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+).html/daysprune([^.]+)\-order([^.]+)\-sort([^.]+)$ forumdisplay\.php?f=$2&daysprune=$3&order=$4&sort=$5&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^f\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+).html$ forumdisplay\.php?f=$2&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^u\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+).html$ member\.php?u=$2&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\-newpost\.html$ showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/t\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\-page([^.]+)\.html$ showthread.php?t=$3&page=$4&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/t\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\-page\.html$ showthread.php?t=$3&page=$4&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/t\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\.html$ showthread.php?t=$3&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^markread.html$ forumdisplay\.php?do=markread [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/p\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\.html#([^.]+)$ showthread.php?p=$3#post$4 [L]
RewriteRule ^print\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\.html$ printthread.php?t=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^sendtofriend\-([^.]+)\-([^.]+)\.html$ sendmessage.php?do=sendtofriend&t=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^search\-([^.]+)\.html$ search.php?do=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)\-([^.]+)/newthread\.php$ newthread.php?do=newthread&f=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/newpostnoquote\-([^.]+)\.php$ newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)/newpost\-([^.]+)\.php$ newreply.php?do=newreply&p=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^p\-([^.]+)\.html$ showpost.php?p=$1&postcount=$1 [L]

nintendo 02-20-2006 11:14 AM

Two other bugs....


goes to


(All most all boards with only one thread go to that type of URL.)

If you have a forum linking to a URL on the same domain that is a mod to vBulletin, like the directory hack, it links to

instead of

The cause of that error is

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'index'"> <base href="$vboptions[bburl]/" /> </if>

trilljester 02-20-2006 02:27 PM

Confirming your bug reports, nintendo. I'm having the same newpost error as mentioned.

I've had to temporarily disable this, I've gotten 3 emails from users already complaining about wrong links. I've got faith in ya Immortal, though, you'll get it fixed!

Immortal 02-20-2006 03:03 PM

Thanks, I'll take a look at it. Not sure why it's doing that either.

hbalagh1 02-20-2006 03:56 PM

this is agreat, how ever i have an error with one of my user names

Nicole'sLilPetites is the username and when clicked on to view profile it comes up with a not registered user ....the url comes up as http://www.mydomain.com/u--.html

yayvb 02-20-2006 04:47 PM

Immortal don't forget to take a look at your own site to see that the newpost url's on the front page are bringing users to everywhere but their intended destination.

Immortal 02-20-2006 05:02 PM

I didn't forget ;)

yayvb 02-20-2006 05:15 PM

ok and I probably don't have to 2nd this, but I just logged into my site to see that people messaged me about the gallery not working. Reason being, the headinclude if statement:

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'index'"> <base href="$vboptions[bburl]/" /> </if>
was making it so that the gallery files are trying to be found in the root directory, but they're in the gallery directory.

I removed the if statement. Thanks for working so hard on this Immortal, I wish your big release was completely bug free so that you didn't have to do this figuring out the problem again. :) But I'm sure we all appreciate your hard work on this project.

Immortal 02-20-2006 05:39 PM

Ugh, heh. Now I see why I shouldn't of used headerinclude. I guess I'll change the if around to something more appropriate or just have it stuck back in those templates.

Brandon Sheley 02-20-2006 06:17 PM

hows this coming along ?

Bhuwan 02-20-2006 07:05 PM

"Mark Forums Read" doesn't work

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

MortysTW 02-20-2006 07:34 PM

You guys rule! I've been watching this thread but waiting for the stable release. And here it is and I installed it.

Only suggestion I'd give is in the instructions you say


3) In headerinclude, find:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$stylevar[charset]" />
Add below that:
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'index'"> <base href="$vboptions[bburl]/" /> </if>

I recommend adding the note that HEADERINCLUDE is a TEMPLATE. Not everyone using vB knows what they are doing. The newbies will be running back here asking what to do.

Also you have

Note: If you run your vB on a directory from a subdomain or root ex: http:///www.yoursite.com/forum or http://subdomain.site.com/forum you will need to open up the .htacess file and change Rewrite Base / to Rewrite Base /yourdir
I'd slip that in as part of Step 2 with the installation. Especially for those people doing this to a live board. Their site is crashed if they are like me and not good at reading ALL instructions and notes before installing something. I didn't see that NOTE until after I went running back to the instructions wondering why my site is crashed.

No biggie since I have a testing server that I tried this on.

Again, thank you a million times. I shall name my first born child vRewrite :surprised:

Immortal 02-20-2006 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by bchawla
"Mark Forums Read" doesn't work

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

Workin' just fine for me? :ninja:

Immortal 02-20-2006 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by MortysTW
You guys rule! I've been watching this thread but waiting for the stable release. And here it is and I installed it.

Only suggestion I'd give is in the instructions you say


3) In headerinclude, find:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$stylevar[charset]" />
Add below that:
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'index'"> <base href="$vboptions[bburl]/" /> </if>

I recommend adding the note that HEADERINCLUDE is a TEMPLATE. Not everyone using vB knows what they are doing. The newbies will be running back here asking what to do.

Also you have

I'd slip that in as part of Step 2 with the installation. Especially for those people doing this to a live board. Their site is crashed if they are like me and not good at reading ALL instructions and notes before installing something. I didn't see that NOTE until after I went running back to the instructions wondering why my site is crashed.

No biggie since I have a testing server that I tried this on.

Again, thank you a million times. I shall name my first born child vRewrite :surprised:

Glad you got it working. I've updated the install.html for the next version to say that. Just be watchful for 1.0.1 being released. May be today, or sometime later in this week :)

MortysTW 02-20-2006 08:14 PM

He's right about that Mark Forums read thing. If you use the QUICK LINKS on the forum index, it results to a page called /f--.html Which is a non existent page.

Immortal 02-20-2006 08:57 PM

It's markread.html for me? :?

ZippySLC 02-20-2006 09:32 PM

Has anybody had their users complain that the SEO'd links go to wrong threads?

I enabled the mod and had no problems with it personally. I had two users complain to me that if they clicked links to threads that occasionally they would be directed to wrong threads.

SouthernTn 02-20-2006 09:46 PM

I wonder if the url problem only results in boards that are already active.. for an example, Im thinking about installing this on a board that is brand new and no posts at all.

MortysTW 02-20-2006 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
It's markread.html for me? :?

When I drop the Quick Links dropdown menu, then hover over the Mark Forums Read link, I see that it says the link is /markread.html.

But after I click it and it runs through its process and the page reloads, it goes to /f--.html

I tested WITH new posts that could be marked as READ and also tried it when there were NO NEW posts to see if clicking MARKED READ when everything was read would result different. But they do the same.

I get the /f--.html

Immortal, let me know if you want access to my test forum to witness this

MortysTW 02-20-2006 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by SouthernTn
I wonder if the url problem only results in boards that are already active.. for an example, Im thinking about installing this on a board that is brand new and no posts at all.

Yes, its happening on a brand new forum. I created a brand new test forum on my test server specifically to try this mod.

Quite honestly, as beneficial as this is, a little error like this is no big deal. haha Cuz even though it has a nasty vbmessage after clicking, its still marking those threads as READ.

Immortal 02-20-2006 10:06 PM

Please, Morty if you wouldn't mind. I cannot duplicate it at all, with new posts on THF. Using the Quick Links or the one close to the footer.

As far as the new posts are concerned...it only does it every so often. Which is why I have not noticed it on my board. I have been running this version for a few weeks now, so it is still safe even with a minor bug. I'll try and get a new release fixing this sometime this week.

MortysTW 02-20-2006 11:09 PM

Check your PM's. I created an account for ya!

dazh 02-21-2006 08:06 AM

when members click on the next page you either get redirection limit for this URL exceeded or they get a completly different post that the one they were on?

trilljester 02-21-2006 01:31 PM

Immortal: Maybe you should release this to the pirated VB sites, it'll mess their users up so much, maybe they'll buy VB!

Immortal 02-21-2006 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by trilljester
Immortal: Maybe you should release this to the pirated VB sites, it'll mess their users up so much, maybe they'll buy VB!

What in the world are you talking about?

dazh 02-21-2006 06:06 PM

I am getting a problem when you click on the little arrow next to a members name to take you to the last post it takes you to the last thread in the forum instead of the last post in the thread

Immortal 02-21-2006 06:09 PM

That is related to the new post error :)

dazh 02-21-2006 06:09 PM

Is that something your working on?

trilljester 02-21-2006 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
What in the world are you talking about?

In your first post:

I do not want this spread to pirated users. Please stop piracy and do not share the source outside of this thread and vB.org/com. Thanks.
I'm saying release this to them with the messed up links, it'll screw their site up, and it'll force them to buy VB!

Immortal 02-21-2006 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by trilljester
In your first post:

I'm saying release this to them with the messed up links, it'll screw their site up, and it'll force them to buy VB!

And how and why would it "screw their site up"? I've been running it perfectly fine for weeks...

trilljester 02-21-2006 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
And how and why would it "screw their site up"? I've been running it perfectly fine for weeks...

I had to disable this mod because users were complaining about clicking links to threads and being taken to the wrong thread. Several others have mentioned this bug. It's a crippler.

Immortal 02-21-2006 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by trilljester
I had to disable this mod because users were complaining about clicking links to threads and being taken to the wrong thread. Several others have mentioned this bug. It's a crippler.

And I've been working on it? So why are you coming to the thread and +++++ing about it? Yah, that'll help speed things up, +++++ and +++++ until the developer gets fed up with it!

I do not get charge for this, I have my own client work that I must complete, my own day job, and my own life. "Chairty" and "freebie" work goes at bottom of the pile, so don't like it, don't use vRewrite and don't freaking +++++ about it. Because, honestly, I do not care a single thing about what you think or others. Bug reports, and support reports, fine. Just skim the thread first. But when you +++++ about something free, then I got a problem.

My suggestion? Suck it up, or don't use it. I really don't want to listen to you.

trilljester 02-22-2006 02:09 AM

Whoa dude, take a chill pill, I was just making a joke. Didn't realize you took your "charity" work so personal.

Unexplained.tv 02-22-2006 02:16 AM

Your comments were un-called for, Immortal and very un-professional. It was easy to see that the other member was merely Joking, take a chill pill.


Originally Posted by Immortal
And I've been working on it? So why are you coming to the thread and +++++ing about it? Yah, that'll help speed things up, +++++ and +++++ until the developer gets fed up with it!

I do not get charge for this, I have my own client work that I must complete, my own day job, and my own life. "Chairty" and "freebie" work goes at bottom of the pile, so don't like it, don't use vRewrite and don't freaking +++++ about it. Because, honestly, I do not care a single thing about what you think or others. Bug reports, and support reports, fine. Just skim the thread first. But when you +++++ about something free, then I got a problem.

My suggestion? Suck it up, or don't use it. I really don't want to listen to you.

MortysTW 02-22-2006 03:03 AM

Okay everyone. Group hug. This needs to be dropped and ended. No need for this thread to go to waist.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help Immortal with this issue. I'm not very good with code but alright with the templates. Let me know if you need anything on my test server. I believe I gave you plenty of admin options.

Bhuwan 02-22-2006 05:31 PM

I haven't seen any of "complainers" say thank you once to Immortal for the work this person has done.

Like the last poster siad, group hug -- lets move on and enjoy this great hack!

Sorry about my last post, it wasn;t very imformative, as I was too lazy haha.ANyways,
I am logged in as a guest on your forum and when attempting to click on "Mark Forums read" at the bottom of page, i get this error

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Iv'e tried to take the extact same steps on vBulletin.com, and it does what its supposed to then redireects me back to the main page (where I originally started)

Next I attempted this feature as a real user on your forum
I get the same error when trying to hit Mark Forums Read

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Iv;e attached an image so you can see which option I am clicking.

MortysTW 02-22-2006 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by bchawla
I haven't seen any of "complainers" say thank you once to Immortal for the work this person has done.

Like the last poster siad, group hug -- lets move on and enjoy this great hack!

Sorry about my last post, it wasn;t very imformative, as I was too lazy haha.ANyways,
I am logged in as a guest on your forum and when attempting to click on "Mark Forums read" at the bottom of page, i get this error

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Iv'e tried to take the extact same steps on vBulletin.com, and it does what its supposed to then redireects me back to the main page (where I originally started)

Next I attempted this feature as a real user on your forum
I get the same error when trying to hit Mark Forums Read

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Iv;e attached an image so you can see which option I am clicking.

Immortal is already aware of this and is currently trying to sort it out. I have the same thing occur on my TEST vb installation and have given Immortal an account on this test vb and he's troubleshooting it.

Maybe even as you are reading this. :nervous:

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