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harty83 10-30-2008 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by mariusvr (Post 1654415)
This is the final hurdle before releasing a Beta version of JFusion, a revolutionary Joomla universal bridge. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Marius

Very unlikely the problem, but you are setting the password twice?

$newuser->set('password', $userinfo->password_clear);
$newuser->set('usergroupid', $usergroup);
$newuser->set('password', $userinfo->password_clear);
$newuserid = $newuser->save();

thewitt 11-13-2008 01:47 AM

This "Call to a member function" problem occurs when you try to use the Data Manager from within another program.

I have a stand alone php script that works great to set the usergroups using the Data Manager, however when I try to integrate it into my CMS, I get these errors.

I don't know if there is a workaround or not - short of removing the vB includes from the CMS application - but I suspect there is.

It's simply beyond my understanding.

I hat to go with the CURL and remote approach, but I might be forced into it if no one has any other ideas...


mariusvr 11-30-2008 10:13 PM

The problem was that the scope of the global variable is not available to all vbulletin code when called from a more complex script (standalone php file seems to work fine). Our newest addition to the JFusion programmers team has found a solution on how to make it work even from inside another program:


global $vbulletin;
require_once(CWD . './includes/init.php');

 //work around to make global vbulletin stick
$registry = $vbulletin;
$vbDb = $registry->db;
//declare as global vbulletin's registry and db objects
global $vbulletin,$db;
$vbulletin = $registry;
//vbulletin db object which is needed for vbulletin's project tools addon
$db = $vbDb;

This resets the global objects in the main script and allows it to be available for the next set of calls to the vb datamanager.

Thanks, Marius

harty83 11-30-2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by mariusvr (Post 1676051)

global $vbulletin;
require_once(CWD . './includes/init.php');

 //work around to make global vbulletin stick
$registry = $vbulletin;
$vbDb = $registry->db;
//declare as global vbulletin's registry and db objects
global $vbulletin,$db;
$vbulletin = $registry;
//vbulletin db object which is needed for vbulletin's project tools addon
$db = $vbDb;

Just as a FYI, the first line (global $vbulletin) is not necessary. That was overlooked on my part. The full code that got it working is


//load the vbulletin framework
define('VB_AREA', 'External');
define('SKIP_USERINFO', 1);
define('CWD', 'path/to/vbulletin/forum'));

require_once(CWD . './includes/init.php');

 //work around to make global vbulletin stick
$registry = $vbulletin;
$vbDb = $registry->db;
//declare as global vbulletin's registry and db objects
global $vbulletin,$db;
$vbulletin = $registry;
//vbulletin db object which is needed for vbulletin's project tools addon
$db = $vbDb;


mariusvr 11-30-2008 10:43 PM

No thank you Alan. Great piece of troubleshooting on the issue and you have raised the level of functionality for the vbulletin JFusion plugin by a lot! Its a pleasure to have you involved with JFusion.

Thanks, Marius

jdelator 12-18-2008 07:13 PM

Has this tutorial changed muched for 3.7 since it was original written for 3.5?

Sagi22 12-29-2008 02:44 PM

It seems for me that after including vBulletin's classes that the connection link to the DB is still open, and I can't access my previous DB link.
The problem is that my forum tables are in different datebase.
How I can disconnect from VB link?


apollothethird 01-20-2009 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Andreas (Post 664586)
As this is a common request for integration purposes, I thought I should write up another HowTo :)

If you want to add a new user to the vBulletin database, you can use Class vB_Datamanager_User.
This Calss does make sure that everything is OK, it will also take care of the default registration options.

Andreas, great code!

I have a userfield included in my registration process for Full Name. You can find it in the User Manager under the User Profile Fields section called ?Full Name?. Its writing ?field5? in the mysql database file.

Can you tell me how to include this in the new users? creation?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or comments.

-- L. James

L. D. James

positiverep 01-23-2009 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by jdelator (Post 1688191)
Has this tutorial changed muched for 3.7 since it was original written for 3.5?

I'm running 3.7 and had no problem installing the script.:D

smooth-c 01-29-2009 09:52 AM

I'm using the integration plugin between Interspire's Email Markerter and i'm now, out of the blue experiencing these problems.

This seems to be working flawlessly except lately i've noticed that it's missed out a few members and not added them to my mailing list.

Any ideas why this would happen? Here's my plugin code;


$username = $userinfo['username'];
$email= $userinfo['email'];
$userid= $userinfo['userid'];

$xml = "<xmlrequest>

$ch = curl_init('http://www.maximum-jackson.com/interspire/xml.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
$result = @curl_exec($ch);
$result === false) {
"Error performing request";
else {
$xml_doc = simplexml_load_string($result);
//echo 'Status is ', $xml_doc->status, '<br/>';
if ($xml_doc->status == 'SUCCESS') {
//echo 'Data is ', $xml_doc->data, '<br/>';
} else {
//echo 'Error is ', $xml_doc->errormessage, '<br/>';

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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