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Lynne 01-01-2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by mandingo (Post 1943643)
How would I add my forum's sidebar,getting kinda stuck,brain turning to spaghetti.
a nudge in the right direction may be all I need.

I have no idea how to add sidebars. That is a template thing and you can probably find a tutorial or mod that will show you the code to add to your template to do that.


Originally Posted by SuperGLS (Post 1943994)
Couple questions about this one.

When I try to add any HTML code underneath the ###Your Custom Code Goes Here### section I get this error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/elantrax/public_html/forums/cotm.php on line 41

When I just add regular text underneath the ###Your Custom Code Goes Here### section it only displays the word "text" no matter what I have typed in.

Here's the URL. Everything else seems to be working fine.


You don't just add text in a php file. You need to assign it to a variable and then out put the variable in the template. Or, just put the text in the template.

Originally Posted by simon157 (Post 1944043)
Hi, could someone please, please help me as I'm struggling adding code containing php code to my template. It's driving me nuts !! The code I want to add is the following so it loads within the forum environment, but I'm completely stuck...

Hope you can help :(


You do not put php in templates. You put the php in the php page and then assign the output to a variable and put the variable in the template. Don't forget to register the variable for use in the template first.

simon157 01-01-2010 03:07 PM

Thanks Lynne, but could you possibly help me with the coding for the first one. Once I have an idea then I will be able to cover the rest of my pages. Sorry, if I'm asking to much, but I'm by no means a programmer and new to vbulletin. Thanks very much.


Lynne 01-01-2010 03:16 PM

You should post out in the main forums for help with converting your code for use in a page (that really isn't what this article is about and your stuff will get lost in here among other posts). You may also want to look at how vbulletin does it in their pages. You will probably want a second template for your while loop stuff also.

SuperGLS 01-01-2010 03:52 PM

I see. So can you give me an example of what type of "stuff" should go underneath the ###### YOUR CUSTOM CODE GOES HERE ##### part of the xxxxxx.php file that you've instructed us to make?

EDIT- I know this is newb question!

cellarius 01-02-2010 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by SuperGLS (Post 1944093)
I see. So can you give me an example of what type of "stuff" should go underneath the ###### YOUR CUSTOM CODE GOES HERE ##### part of the xxxxxx.php file that you've instructed us to make?

EDIT- I know this is newb question!

There already is an example in the code given. Assigning a value to the variable $pagetitle, then registering $pagetitle for use in the template.

SuperGLS 01-02-2010 12:42 PM

Ohhh, I think I understand now, so...

PHP Code:


// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

// #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################

// change this depending on your filename

// ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
// get special phrase groups
$phrasegroups = array();

// get special data templates from the datastore
$specialtemplates = array();

// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array('TEST', <<<<Change this to the template name (case sensitive)

// pre-cache templates used by specific actions
$actiontemplates = array();

// ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
// if your page is outside of your normal vb forums directory, you should change directories by uncommenting the next line
// chdir ('/path/to/your/forums');

// #######################################################################
// ######################## START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// #######################################################################

$navbits construct_navbits(array('' => 'Test Page')); <<<<Change this to what you want to show in the navbar

$pagetitle 'My Page Title'; <<<<<Make 'My Page Title' the name of the .php file that you want to display & do NOT add any other code (html/php/whateverto this area.


$templater vB_Template::create('TEST');


Make the template from the code in the first post, but don't change anything there, right?

Upload whatever .php file you want to call to the yoursite/forum/ folder.

So, does everything I've <<<<<'d next to and everything I've marked in red look ok? Thanks in advance!

simon157 01-02-2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 1944065)
You should post out in the main forums for help with converting your code for use in a page (that really isn't what this article is about and your stuff will get lost in here among other posts). You may also want to look at how vbulletin does it in their pages. You will probably want a second template for your while loop stuff also.

I've posted my issue out in the forums as suggested but still no response. I've come to a complete stand still until I can get this sorted. Any chance of some help.



cellarius 01-02-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by SuperGLS (Post 1944910)
Ohhh, I think I understand now, so...

Sorry to say: No, you don't...


Make the template from the code in the first post, but don't change anything there, right?

Upload whatever .php file you want to call to the yoursite/forum/ folder.
Both is wrong. Of course you can change the template, that's what templates are for, and the only php file is the one where you put the php-code from firstpost. Where it says to put your custom code, you need to put your custom code.

Have you tried to get it running as is, i.e. exactly like explained in the article before making any changes?

What exactly are you trying to do anyway? What php-code do you want to execute?

simon157 01-02-2010 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 1944971)
Sorry to say: No, you don't...

Both is wrong. Of course you can change the template, that's what templates are for, and the only php file is the one where you put the php-code from firstpost. Where it says to put your custom code, you need to put your custom code.

Have you tried to get it running as is, i.e. exactly like explained in the article before making any changes?

What exactly are you trying to do anyway? What php-code do you want to execute?

I have the same problem Cellarius. I'm trying to run the following code in a new template and I've completely stuck. Can you help at all?? I've tried everything, but I'm not a coder.

PHP Code:

<?php require_once('Connections2/databasecon.php'); ?>
$pageNum_usersightings 0;
if (isset(
$_GET['pageNum_usersightings'])) {
$pageNum_usersightings $_GET['pageNum_usersightings'];
$startRow_usersightings $pageNum_usersightings $maxRows_usersightings;

$query_usersightings "SELECT * FROM sightings ORDER BY id DESC";
$query_limit_usersightings sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d"$query_usersightings$startRow_usersightings$maxRows_usersightings);
$usersightings mysql_query($query_limit_usersightings$databasecon) or die(mysql_error());
$row_usersightings mysql_fetch_assoc($usersightings);

if (isset(
$_GET['totalRows_usersightings'])) {
$totalRows_usersightings $_GET['totalRows_usersightings'];
} else {
$all_usersightings mysql_query($query_usersightings);
$totalRows_usersightings mysql_num_rows($all_usersightings);
$totalPages_usersightings ceil($totalRows_usersightings/$maxRows_usersightings)-1;
<div id="container">
<div style="padding-left: 10px; padding-top:5px;">
  <a href="index.php?pageid=sightingssubmit.php"><strong>Submit a sighting </strong></a> | <a href="index.php?pageid=Sightings.php"><strong>Show all sightings   </strong></a>|                           <a href="index.php?pageid=Sightings.php&<?php printf("%spageNum_usersightings=%d%s"$currentPagemax(0$pageNum_usersightings 1), $queryString_usersightings); ?>">Previous</a> | <span class="style55"><a href="index.php?pageid=Sightings.php&<?php printf("%spageNum_usersightings=%d%s"$currentPagemin($totalPages_usersightings$pageNum_usersightings 1), $queryString_usersightings); ?>">Next</a>
              <span class="style55">              </div>
<br />
<table width="95%" border="0" align="center" bgcolor="#FCFCFC">
               <td bgcolor="#848E7B"><div align="left" class="style1">No.</div></td>
      <td bgcolor="#848E7B"><div align="left" class="style1">Species</div></td>
      <td bgcolor="#848E7B"><div align="left" class="style1">Date</div></td>
      <td bgcolor="#848E7B"><div align="left" class="style1">Location</div></td>
      <td bgcolor="#848E7B"><div align="left" class="style1">Recorder</div></td>
      <td bgcolor="#848E7B"><div align="left" class="style1">Details</div></td>
             <?php do { ?>
                 <td width="30" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFff4"><div align="left" class="style131 "> <?php echo $row_usersightings['id']; ?></div></td>
                 <td width="150" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFff4"><div align="left" class="style131"><?php echo $row_usersightings['species']; ?></div></td>
                 <td width="50" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFff4"><div align="left" class="style131"><?php echo $row_usersightings['date']; ?></div></td>
                 <td width="120" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFff4"><div align="left" class="style131"><?php echo $row_usersightings['location']; ?></div></td>
                 <td width="100" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFff4"><div align="left" class="style131"><?php echo $row_usersightings['recorder']; ?></div></td>
                 <td width="350" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFff4"><div align="left" class="style131"><?php echo $row_usersightings['Notes']; ?></div></td>
               <?php } while ($row_usersightings mysql_fetch_assoc($usersightings)); ?>

Thanks Simon

SuperGLS 01-03-2010 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 1944971)
Sorry to say: No, you don't...

Haha, ok, don't feel bad, can't hurt my feelings!

Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 1944971)
Both is wrong. Of course you can change the template, that's what templates are for, and the only php file is the one where you put the php-code from firstpost. Where it says to put your custom code, you need to put your custom code.

Have you tried to get it running as is, i.e. exactly like explained in the article before making any changes?

What exactly are you trying to do anyway? What php-code do you want to execute?

I know you can change the template, but I don't need to change anything in it, right?

From what you are saying here I understand now I'm supposed to have just one template and one php file (the one included above that will include all of my custom code).

Right now I have it running exactly how it is. See here.


The template works great and it seems ok, but whenever I try to add anything to the ###add your custom code### section of that PHP file I throw errors.

Maybe this isn't the right thing for me. I don't need to add php stuff I guess, just HTML code, but I figured that would still be possible. Guess not? If not that's ok too, I can jump on another solution. Basically I want it to look like this:


I just found this HOW TO guide from Lynne after I used a different HOW TO guide to make that above. The reason I wanted to use this one from Lynne is because the URL would be a lot better.

So, am I out of luck or what? Thanks a great deal for any help!

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