Danisty |
03-19-2007 03:17 AM |
Originally Posted by thincom2000
(Post 1206990)
This mod does not do exactly what you describe. It sounds like you are looking for an RSS-type feed.
This mod alters a forum of choice so that the first post of each thread becomes an article. The articles are pulled from threads, but only to the FORUMDISPLAY of that particular forum. The FORUMDISPLAY by no means really looks like a forum anymore as a result because the text of the recent articles displays there.
Clicking on an article title, clicking a "Read More" link (if you have a preview limit set), clicking the comments link, or clicking to view the last comment will all bring up a page similar to SHOWTHREAD, which displays the article at the top, and comments below. If you wanted to disable comments, you could just remove those links from the NEWSDISPLAY template, and
This hack makes use of forum permissions, because technically the news is still a forum, merely presented differently. So you could disable replies to threads, and set particular usergroups that are permitted to create threads (articles) per forum.
Yeah, I haven't been able to find a mod that does do exactly what I want. I was thinking about using this and just eliminating the ability to respond to threads and setting it so the entire article shows on the news page, but I would want to be able to make multiple news pages for the different categories. I could make the categories page with no problems and link to the individual news pages, but I don't even know if that's possible.
I haven't been able to figure out RSS feeds either. I've looked at all the threads I can find both here and at vbulletin.com and it seems like I won't be able to do exactly what I want. From what I could tell, RSS feeds require you to allow guests to view the forum you're feeding. I want to hide that from everyone so nobody knows the articles page is powered by vbulletin. I want it to look different because otherwise there would be no point in having an articles section like this.