cdoyle |
01-26-2006 10:10 PM |
Well a few of us had problems trying to install it (it seems to only partially install), and now we cant' get it to uninstall.
I've been posting on here for the past couple weeks, and haven't been able to get any help.
What I finally ended up doing is, restoring my database from a older version before I had tried to install it. But now, when I go into the user permission settings, there is a section of blank options, and if I try and change any permissions for any group I get this.
PHP Code:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Platinum Member testing group',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'Platinum Member Tester',
`opentag` = '',
`closetag` = '',
`passwordexpires` = '0',
`passwordhistory` = '0',
`ispublicgroup` = '0',
`canoverride` = '0',
`forumpermissions` = '778247',
`genericpermissions` = '254284803',
`attachlimit` = '1000000',
`pmquota` = '0',
`pmpermissions` = '0',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`calendarpermissions` = '32',
`wolpermissions` = '1',
`adminpermissions` = '0',
`genericoptions` = '9',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '25000',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '50',
`avatarmaxheight` = '50',
`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
`userpagepermissions` = '0',
`arcadepermissions` = '0',
`itraderpermissions` = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=9;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'arcadepermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Thursday, January 26th 2006 @ 07:09:38 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Chris from Washington
Classname : vb_database
As you can see in the 'acradepermissions' is still showing up here. I'm just not sure how to finally get rid of this.
If you go back a couple pages, you can see my previous posts too. Not sure if that will help any?