02-10-2006 11:24 PM |
Originally Posted by Ignignokt
I am having the same problem. There are no items for sale in my shop now after no changes other than the upgrade.
Double check to see if you have modified estore_main somehow, it was modified on a forums someone let me have access to. It requires revert for v1.1.0 or higher.
Originally Posted by FROGGYJ
hrm if you click on an item listed under "MOST SOLD" works. But my store remains empty for the time being. Oh well I'm sure CMX will fix it up in no time.
Thanx for reporting this, solved in v1.1.0.1 attached now.
Originally Posted by caimakale
Holy Hooks Batman!!!
You added a few didn't you! It will be interesting to see what hacks come out now. Good work!
Yes, it should be very useful these hooks :)
Originally Posted by kofoid
All this happened to me too AND all the gifts that people have bought seem to be gone
Theres a new Admin Feature, called "Fix All Gift Postbits", you might need to run this.
Originally Posted by bashy
Is there a way that this can be incorperated to accept paypal payments
opposed to EBux Points?
LoL, quite possibly, but I'm still not sure I want to touch the paypal payment system. I dont know enough about how paypal's API works to warrant releasing a version that I think would be "stable" enough. Maybe someone else can help with one though.
Originally Posted by Gallio
Hello, Is there a way to show your points beside the user name when you post? I'm not sure how to it doesn't show up for me on my board.
Did you edit the postbit/postbit_legacy templates, if you did, it should show up in the postbit information.