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garrynewman 10-26-2005 10:13 AM

OK, it seems to be working just fine. This fix will only work on new posts that are added to the forum. So if you get repeats just delete the OLD threads and you won't get any more (Or start from new).

in includes/class_ffrss.php
find the function "function post_thread($title, $message, $feed)"
and after global $vbulletin;


                $dupehash = md5($feed['feed_forum'] . $title . $message . $feed['feed_user'] . 'thread');

                if ($prevpost = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
                        SELECT posthash.threadid
                        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "posthash AS posthash
                        WHERE posthash.userid = " . $feed['feed_user'] . " AND
                                posthash.dupehash = '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($dupehash) . "'"))

then at the bottom of the function after $ThreadDM->save();



                        INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "posthash
                        (userid, threadid, dupehash, dateline)
                        (" . intval($feed['feed_user']) . ", " . intval($ThreadDM->fetch_field('threadid')) . ", '" . $dupehash . "', " . TIMENOW . ")

then, and I don't know whether this is 100% needed but..

replace the whole function get_dateline()



        function get_dateline()
                $this->dateline = TIMENOW + 1;
                return $this->dateline;

(in my test this prevented it from adding another invalid posthash)

Vierie 10-26-2005 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by DjTaz
Zero , Thanks a million for this great hack

... i have a feed on my boards 3.0.7 and it works great , but this hack on my test boards doesnt seem to want to let the same feed work ... any chance you can let me know what the problem is ?



That's an rdf-feed. You'll need that workaround: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=306

skizzy203 10-26-2005 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by TyleR
didnt work for the first few days, but has been working lately..only "bug" per-say is that characters are being displayed awkward..such as: WP: Lawmaker’s Abramoff ties under scrutiny

it sometimes does it in the description aswell.

I need a fix for this too, I read as far back as I could and didn't see anything that targeteted this problem. Is there anyone that knows what the deal is on the quotation (") and apostrophe (') charecters being replaced with garbage?

A fix for that would soothe my headache.

b6gm6n 10-26-2005 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by garrynewman
OK, it seems to be working just fine. This fix will only work on new posts that are added to the forum. So if you get repeats just delete the OLD threads and you won't get any more (Or start from new).

No errors, seems to work ok, im actually pulling an RSS feed of my photopost gallery installation, the feed gives various information about new uploads, uploader, thumbnail, comments etc... and is generated on the fly when a new upload is in, pulls them ok and works a treat, but although my cron log says it's run the 'cron_ffrss.php' i have rarely had an update, i hope this may fix that :)


slamdog 10-26-2005 09:46 PM

after trying all the fixes i'm still getting dupes from avn but not the bbc or sky news.

thanks to all who have helped/tried to fix so far.

the actual setup was a breeze, worked first time on gold.

nailerpa 10-28-2005 02:20 AM

I can't seem to get this to work. Can someone please post a screen shot of what the Navbar edit looks like exactly? Much appreciated!


Originally Posted by Carl Anderson

One other thing someone was asking how not to exclude these posts in new posts or todays posts - do this.. if you have rss feeds in 16 15 and 23

just add &exclude=6,15,23 to the end of the do=getnew url and it'll exlude the forums with the forumids 6, 15 and 23.

Thanks Zero another great hack...

chairman miaow 10-28-2005 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by slamdog
after trying all the fixes i'm still getting dupes from avn but not the bbc or sky news.

thanks to all who have helped/tried to fix so far.

the actual setup was a breeze, worked first time on gold.

Same here - got Sky and BBC feeds working fine now without duplicates....but the cron job doesn't appear to be updating the feeds still...

Vierie 10-28-2005 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by nailerpa
I can't seem to get this to work. Can someone please post a screen shot of what the Navbar edit looks like exactly? Much appreciated!

The code for "New Posts" is
PHP Code:


. If you want to exclude certain forums, you have to change that to
PHP Code:


x and y being the numbers of the forums you want to exclude.
With "Today's Posts" it's normally
PHP Code:


. You have to change that to
PHP Code:



Just look for these words in your navbar template and change them.

b6gm6n 10-28-2005 05:15 PM

Well, i'm not sure if it's this mod or the rss feed from my photopost gallery but the feed does not update via cron, it is being run according to my logs, if i manually click 'update feed' i get nothing also... BUT if i alter the 'Feed Read Direction' from newest first to newest last it'll update the feed...weird huh? either way it's a bug which stops this great hack from being totally automatic!

One which although good, is the crippled leg of my forum!
( i may have to amputate the duff leg )

Are there any other hacks along these lines?


nailerpa 10-28-2005 08:56 PM

Ugh...I'm just not getting it...still not working. Does this look right?

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily&exclude=97,98" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[todays_posts]</a></td>


Originally Posted by Vierie
The code for "New Posts" is
PHP Code:


. If you want to exclude certain forums, you have to change that to
PHP Code:


x and y being the numbers of the forums you want to exclude.
With "Today's Posts" it's normally
PHP Code:


. You have to change that to
PHP Code:



Just look for these words in your navbar template and change them.

ManagerJosh 10-28-2005 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by nailerpa
Ugh...I'm just not getting it...still not working. Does this look right?

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily&exclude=97,98" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[todays_posts]</a></td>

Okay for the double post, here's something we gotta fix ourselves. ZT isn't doing it, so we're on our own

From what I can tell, and piecing ZT's data, he's basing the last stuff on RSS by title of the RSS feed. I think we need to move this to date based. This might be a key problem as it isn't programmed to handle based on title. Plus titles change, and can throw the thing off. But dates shouldn't throw it off if its consistent enough.

See: $tableprefix_rssfeed, column: feed_lastadded

FASherman 10-29-2005 12:53 AM

Has anyone figured out how to limit this to the first X items in a feed?

testing2 10-29-2005 01:23 AM

This works great!

Anyway, is there a way to have all feeds listed in a single thread, as opposed to having a single thread for each title?

e.g.) Suppose I create a thread id 100, and the script adds just the title and link from the RSS feed to this thread. After a month (or day, or week), I (or the script) can start a new thread for that month, and adds the new data into that single thread..

I think it can be done with a little bit of tweaking to this script.. Each feed seems to have too little information to warrant a new thread, but I like the idea of having just the title of the news in a thread.

Anyone who can help me on how to do this?

garrynewman 10-29-2005 08:17 AM

Bah, my fix stopped working. Does the posthash table get cleared periodically?

GT1 10-29-2005 11:47 AM

Well I have read through all 28 pages of posts and I am guessing I am missing something because this still does not work....

I set it up completely, entered in my RSS and then when I go to click up date it says I did not specify a select or something like that. Can someone please help me out with this. Thank you.

b6gm6n 10-30-2005 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by GT1
Well I have read through all 28 pages of posts and I am guessing I am missing something because this still does not work....

Join the club mate, after weeks of no responce for updates do not work via cron, and dupes i gotta remove the hack, it's depressing.



Code Monkey 10-30-2005 06:38 PM

I couldn't get this to work, so I made articlebot work with vb 3.50.

Now I am happy again. :D

GT1 10-30-2005 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by JumpD
I couldn't get this to work, so I made articlebot work with vb 3.50.

Now I am happy again. :D

Well why not post and share with the rest of us? ;)

antboy 10-31-2005 04:22 AM

Have installed this (eg upload file use product manager to run xml file) but nothing shows - in fact did it twice :disappointed:

running 3.5 with photopost & cmps

can anyone help me debug what i have done wrong pls


Code Monkey 10-31-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by GT1
Well why not post and share with the rest of us? ;)

I did in the articlebot thread in 3.0 forums. I got it to run my existing feeds but the admin script still needs to be ported to enter new ones.

popowich 11-01-2005 01:05 AM


I have several feeds that are working nicely with vb3.5. The following feed I am having a problem with. The link is broken in the "archive" part of the link, within my forums there is a space inserted in the middle or the word archive. Is there a way for me to correct this issue?

The feed:


The examples:


(I fixed the fact that it's not a linked link already)

Thank you,

vau7 11-04-2005 04:06 AM

I have some uninterpreted HTML-Codes in the title:

for example an title looks like this:


Ja Rule mit &quot;Exodus&quot;-Compilation
Any fixes? I cant search this thread for &quot because it seems it is on the badwordslist.

edit: Ohh, and the Links arent parsed!

fluentdesigns 11-05-2005 05:06 PM

Ya it seems like Zero is not supporting this anymore. Anybody here willing to jump in and get this mod fixed for us? Very important mod to my community! :(

vau7 11-05-2005 07:38 PM

Oh that would be sad.

akoj 11-06-2005 02:44 AM

Great hack. Works perfectly for me!

Anyone use this as a cmps module yet? and if so, can you please share the instructions?

b6gm6n 11-06-2005 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by fluentdesigns
Ya it seems like Zero is not supporting this anymore. Anybody here willing to jump in and get this mod fixed for us? Very important mod to my community! :(

i had to ditch it, good, but dont work as intended, shame


fluentdesigns 11-07-2005 05:27 AM

yep me too.... *clicks uninstall*

NxTek 11-07-2005 12:43 PM

Same here. Another buggy unsupported hack. :ermm:

jluerken 11-07-2005 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by NxTek
Same here. Another buggy unsupported hack. :ermm:

It is working fine. I installed it on two different boards.
Whats your problem with it?

NxTek 11-07-2005 12:54 PM

Primarily the enclosure tag bug, but also duplicates and others listed on https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=342

jluerken 11-07-2005 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by NxTek
Primarily the enclosure tag bug, but also duplicates and others listed on https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=342

Sorry to say NxTek but I am not using RSS Feeds containing Video or Sound Files.

btw. this is not the meaning of RSS.
Its like using email for ftpying files :D

You can give this one a try: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...wpost&t=100269

TrickyD 11-08-2005 04:05 PM

Could someone offer me some assistance in getting the following feed working?



Originally Posted by error
While attempting to parse the document located at "http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/rss/nfl/news" the system encountered the following error:
Invalid URL To RSS Feed Given

Please check settings related to this issue.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.

Thanks in advance.

mindfrost82 11-08-2005 07:26 PM

For some reason, some of my RSS feeds imports the articles more than once.

They both seem to import the articles everytime it updates:



I'm not sure why though.

Mr. Tech 11-08-2005 11:44 PM

Hey! Great script!

Is it possible to stop the RSS feeds from showing up in the new posts page?

rWorld 11-09-2005 01:52 AM

I was able to install it, but I can't get it to work. How do I get rid of it? I can't find any removal instructions.
Do I just delete the folder and remove the scheduled task and plugin via admincp or is there a special uninstall procedure?

Regenerate 11-09-2005 08:15 AM

Hi guys,

To bad about ZT not supporting this anomore... :(

But I have a Q: does anyone know how to get the links in the posts working? I got lazy visitors that want to click around instead of copy-paste... :)

Here you see what I mean: http://www.dutchjoomlers.com/showthread.php?t=1183
You can see 2 links, 1 in the 'news body' and one below that is generated bij the Inferno RSS plugin with the code {XML[link]}.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

NxTek 11-09-2005 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by jluerken
Sorry to say NxTek but I am not using RSS Feeds containing Video or Sound Files.

btw. this is not the meaning of RSS.
Its like using email for ftpying files :D

Of course it's a meaning of RSS. How do you think Podcasting works? :)


You can give this one a try: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...wpost&t=100269
Yeah I will. I was using it on 3.0.x. Hopefully the author won't abandon support. :ermm:


Vierie 11-09-2005 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Regenerate
Hi guys,

To bad about ZT not supporting this anomore... :(

But I have a Q: does anyone know how to get the links in the posts working? I got lazy visitors that want to click around instead of copy-paste... :)

Here you see what I mean: http://www.dutchjoomlers.com/showthread.php?t=1183
You can see 2 links, 1 in the 'news body' and one below that is generated bij the Inferno RSS plugin with the code {XML[link]}.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Use [ url]{XML[link]}[ /url] instead of {XML[link]}.

Regenerate 11-09-2005 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Vierie
Use [ url]{XML[link]}[ /url] instead of {XML[link]}.

I can use BB code there? Ok, thx, I'll try...

nailerpa 11-09-2005 05:47 PM

I think there were a couple of posts within this thread on how to do this, but nothing has worked for me yet.


Originally Posted by Mr. Tech
Hey! Great script!

Is it possible to stop the RSS feeds from showing up in the new posts page?

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