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-   -   vBRadio v1.0 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=83132)

Jimandbob 11-26-2006 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Greek76 (Post 1107051)
Will this work with 3.6.2? If its suppose to it doesnt lol.

if you follow the instructions to input the phrase entries earlier in the thread...It works fine in 3.6.2:rolleyes:

Also works in 3.6.4

Shazz 11-26-2006 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1124572)
*gossip!* I read someone recoded something in vbshout... and that's why vbshout is buggy :x

This is vBRadio bro..

da420 11-26-2006 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1125989)

This is vBRadio bro..

Um, yes, but you asked to hear the story on post #399, and they decided to share what they heard.

Personally, I think it's no ones business.

Veer 11-27-2006 11:02 AM

Hello friends, i need some help

I am installing vBRadio in vB 3.6.0
1st step of Installation is done, 2nd step is not completed

when i click :
Click on "Apply Database Modifications" to continue.

I Got Database Error:


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO site_phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_added', 'Radio Category Added', 1000,'vbulletin');;

MySQL Error : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Error Number : 1136
Date : Monday, November 27th 2006 @ 07:54:45 AM
Script : http://www.site.com/admincp/install_...php?do=steptwo
Referrer : http://www.site.com/admincp/install_...php?do=stepone
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vb_database
Can some one help me regarding this problem? :(


Veer 11-27-2006 02:24 PM

I got a response from Zero today:

I'm afraid the radio isn't compatible with 3.6.0.

- Zero Tolerance

Veer 11-27-2006 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by wobbly (Post 1081328)
thats what I said above ^^^^

You have to go to your phrases & languages and add the following manually.

phrase = radio_cat_added text= Radio Category Added

and the same for the rest

radio_cat_edited Radio Category Edited

radio_cat_deleted Radio Category Deleted

radio_cat_ndeleted Radio Category Not Deleted

radio_channel_added Radio Channel Added

radio_channel_edited Radio Channel Edited

radio_channel_deleted Radio Channel Deleted

radio_channel_ndeleted Radio Channel Not Deleted

Then delete the following lines from your install_vb radio.php


$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_added', 'Radio Category Added', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_edited', 'Radio Category Edited', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_deleted', 'Radio Category Deleted', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_ndeleted', 'Radio Category Not Deleted', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_channel_added', 'Radio Channel Added', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_channel_edited', 'Radio Channel Edited', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_channel_deleted', 'Radio Channel Deleted', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_channel_ndeleted', 'Radio Channel Not Deleted', 1000,'vbulletin');";

Then all you have to do is upload the install_vbradio.php and run the installer again.

Thank you so much wobbly, I Done It, As You Advised. :D

nexus851 12-07-2006 09:32 AM

Whats the command link so that my users can maximize the windows media player window?

i tried this, but this doesnt work...

HTML Code:

<a href='#' onClick='javascript:Player.settings.zoom=fullscreen;'>fullscreen</a>

anyone know the correct command?

yonglvnv 12-08-2006 08:59 PM

Works fine in vB3.64 with posted mods. One thing though, when I change station without first pushing stop, both stations play simultaneously. Did I miss a setting somewhere?

Shazz 12-08-2006 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by yonglvnv (Post 1134818)
Works fine in vB3.64 with posted mods. One thing though, when I change station without first pushing stop, both stations play simultaneously. Did I miss a setting somewhere?

You only have one vBRadio window open?
Very werid.

yonglvnv 12-08-2006 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1134819)
You only have one vBRadio window open?
Very werid.

I had about 10 tabs open at the time, so that might have been it, problem solved. Thanks.

I like your radio page. How did you get the entire media player with its controls to display on your page?

Shazz 12-08-2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by yonglvnv (Post 1134827)
I had about 10 tabs open at the time, so that might have been it, problem solved. Thanks.

I like your radio page. How did you get the entire media player with its controls to display on your page?

Glad your problem was solved! :D
and everything is All customized by me :)
Everything on my site is basically all re-made

yonglvnv 12-09-2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1134848)
Glad your problem was solved! :D
and everything is All customized by me :)
Everything on my site is basically all re-made

figured out the controls. Thanks.

yonglvnv 12-09-2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by bluesteel (Post 1069645)
I've been messing about with the RADIO template in an attempt to add graphical buttons for the controls and volume.

I have had some success, and thought I would share with those of you who haven't managed this yet. This is my first attempt at something like this, so please don't be too upset if it doesn't work lol

I am running this on 3.5.4. I can't vouch for any other version sorry.

  • Make a backup of your RADIO template
  • Replace your RADIO template content with the contents of the RADIO.txt file
  • Copy the images to your /forum/images/vBRadio folder
Thats it!

Now, I am really crap @ graphics, so don't get too excited about them :)
If anybody takes the time to create some better ones (and that won't be hard to do!), please feel free to share them with us.

Works great. Nice graphics!

nexus851 12-13-2006 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by nexus851 (Post 1133733)
Whats the command link so that my users can maximize the windows media player window?

i tried this, but this doesnt work...

HTML Code:

<a href='#' onClick='javascript:Player.settings.zoom=fullscreen;'>fullscreen</a>

anyone know the correct command?

bump, anyone help w/ above.....

Ruler68jg 12-29-2006 04:54 PM

I have recently installed it and now after [::: Step 2 - Setting System Environment :::]

In your browser (Internet Explorer/Mozilla etc..)
Go to this url: http://YOURSITE.COM/FORUMS/admincp/install_vbradio.php
[You will need to change the capitals within this url to meet your site's domain and forum location]

I get this error !
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO turkcephrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_added', 'Radio Category Added', 1000,'vbulletin');;

MySQL Error : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Error Number : 1136
Date : Friday, December 29th 2006 @ 07:47:00 PM
Script : http://www.biz7000.dk/turkformu/admi...php?do=steptwo
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : CihangirGazi
Classname : vb_database

Can you please assist ?

Kind regards

Zipoman 12-31-2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ruler68jg (Post 1147032)

I get this error !
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Look at the Details of this Hack :


vB Version: 3.5.0 Beta 1
I?m not shure, but I don?t think it will run with vB 3.6.4

@ Topic : Very nice Hack !!! Thanks for that !

yuriy 01-06-2007 12:36 PM

I don't really understand this post:

someone please help me, where do I enter phases, and how, I am so new to vB. plz help

jdelasko 01-12-2007 06:32 AM

Your explanations are as clear as mud to someone that is not familiar with php. Why not just post the entire modified installation file?

Also, you don't give a person enough information to manually add the phrases via the admin panel in vbulletin. Be more specific. All you give is the phrase for the text. What should a person select for Phrase type & varname in the admin control panel?

princessmandy 01-15-2007 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Zipoman (Post 1148076)
Look at the Details of this Hack :

I?m not shure, but I don?t think it will run with vB 3.6.4

@ Topic : Very nice Hack !!! Thanks for that !

It won't we tried it today on vB 3.6.4. Guess this mod is outdated. :(

SEYTAN_NL 01-15-2007 10:27 PM

second step 3.6.2

Could not find phrase 'invalid_or_empty_style_file'.

kylek 01-21-2007 04:57 AM

Just did a fresh install to 3.6.4 and it works if you follow the changes mentioned earlier.

Shazz 01-21-2007 05:06 AM

Even on the 3.6 had to touch it up since it does have a few buggys :P

Ryloth 02-04-2007 03:19 PM

Got it working on 3.6.4 with the help from pages 24 and 25!

MTVSlick 02-09-2007 12:03 PM

I cant seem to find the code to put the new code below? I have had this issue with afew mods already all code in NAVBAR I cant seem to find I am running 3.6 is this an issue?


Chachacha 02-28-2007 03:46 PM

After following the instructions on page 25, we still can't get it to work for v3.6.4. It would be tremendously appreciated if this modification could be updated.

Shazz 02-28-2007 04:14 PM

I highly doubt zero will,
Ill talk with him to maybe have permission to update it

Chachacha 02-28-2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1192731)
I highly doubt zero will,
Ill talk with him to maybe have permission to update it

You're my hero ;)

FRANKTHETANK 2 02-28-2007 05:56 PM

can someone just post the new install file edited i cant figure out what you are saying to edit ? do i delete the whole section and replace with your lines? sorry im not understanding. some one just post the edited file please

Shazz 02-28-2007 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chachacha (Post 1192734)
You're my hero ;)

IF he ever signed on IM so I could talk to him lmao

Chachacha 02-28-2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1192859)
IF he ever signed on IM so I could talk to him lmao

Thank you for caring.

Clynch 03-01-2007 06:04 AM

Dear Zero i am getting

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_added', 'Radio Category Added', 1000,'vbulletin');;

MySQL Error : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Error Number : 1136
Date : Thursday, March 1st 2007 @ 03:02:50 AM
Script : http://cory-lynch.com/forums/admincp...php?do=steptwo
Referrer : http://cory-lynch.com/forums/admincp...php?do=stepone
IP Address : (HIDDEN)
Username : Crash
Classname : vb_database

when running your installer at steptwo stepone works fine.

Raydar 03-01-2007 04:57 PM

Hi and Help please!

I am getting lost with the 3.6 mods on page 24 and 25. I don't understand why you need to create stuff in phrase manager and then delete it. What is a varname? If I just put any name, how does Vbulletin know what to look for? These are the types of questions that are popping into my head.

These mods are easy for advanced users of VBulletin, but hard for people like me (obviously, lol).

Also, I'm tyring to understand this -


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet (Post 1081269)

INSERT INTO phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_added', 'Radio Category Added', 1000,'vbulletin');;

MySQL Error : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Error Number : 1136
Date : Thursday, September 14th 2006 @ 11:27:01 PM
Script : http://www.talkjesus.com/admincp/ins...php?do=steptwo
Referrer : http://www.talkjesus.com/admincp/ins...php?do=stepone
IP Address : xx
Username : Chad
Classname : vb_database

your problem is this:


$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_added', 'Radio Category Added', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_edited', 'Radio Category Edited', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_deleted', 'Radio Category Deleted', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_ndeleted', 'Radio Category Not Deleted', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_channel_added', 'Radio Channel Added', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_channel_edited', 'Radio Channel Edited', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_channel_deleted', 'Radio Channel Deleted', 1000,'vbulletin');";
$install[] = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_channel_ndeleted', 'Radio Channel Not Deleted', 1000,'vbulletin');";

in the install_vBradio.php file between line 80 & 89... needs to be entered into your phrases ONE LINE A TIME .....

like so...

'', -1, 'radio_cat_added', 'Radio Category Added', 1000,'vbulletin'

I entered each one of these a new phrase which i named based on the line ex. RadioCatAdded..

after i got all of those entered.., i deleted line 80 - 89 REFRESHED (F5) and then went back to the install..

it worked fine...

then I was directed to uninstall the install_vBRadio.php and the xml file (in the AdminCP directory....

I appreciate the info given to me, and i hope this detailed info works for someone...

Is there a word missing from the following sentence -


in the install_vBradio.php file between line 80 & 89... needs to be entered into your phrases ONE LINE A TIME .....
After where it says - 89... needs to be entered into your,,,

Could you please tell me what needs to be entered? I'm not following this.

It would be very handy for us if this modded file was placed on here as an attachment so that we could just download it. Would anyone like to post one please?

Thanks for your time


Raydar 03-01-2007 06:00 PM

I have it sort of installed. In one post it was said to delete line 80 and 89 and then in another post it said delete lines 80 to 86. What should I delete here please? I have deleted lines 80 - 89.
I know this is a rough installation, but the bulk is done. If anyone here can help me clean it up, that would be great.

Is it possible to put internet tv stations through this? I notice that the little tv screen can do more than just cool graphics.

Also, where is a good place to get the links for stations, I went to shoutcast.com but I couldn't figure out how to get the links off that site, but it's 5.24 in the morning here, so that may explain it.

One final question i have is I want to put a message at the top of it saying to people that they may have to wait a few seconds for it to buffer. How can I do this please?

Thanks in advance for all my questions.


FRANKTHETANK 2 03-01-2007 07:53 PM

why cant someone just post the new modified file?jesus what would that take 5 mins.

Shazz 03-01-2007 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by FRANKTHETANK 2 (Post 1193608)
why cant someone just post the new modified file?jesus what would that take 5 mins.

Permission from author =\

Clynch 03-01-2007 08:07 PM

Shazz do you even have a copy of the working one? and if u do whynot just release it and give the credit to the author.. that should cover the leagallaities shouldn't it???

Shazz 03-01-2007 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Clynch (Post 1193618)
Shazz do you even have a copy of the working one? and if u do whynot just release it and give the credit to the author.. that should cover the leagallaities shouldn't it???

Yes I do...
But considering its editing baiscally the main part of the whole mod. It has his codes in it...
I would have to make sure its ok. (Due to the fact that it gets removed 99% of the time I do it)

Clynch 03-01-2007 09:44 PM

Well can you give us people that are having the current issue's with it a copy? on the side vs posting?? i do not neccessarly think that would be breaking the rules.

FRANKTHETANK 2 03-02-2007 05:36 AM

shazz can you pm me it or aim my aim name is doggy69699. i woudl like to put this up instaed of keep updating my mp3 player. please and thanks

linhhon2003 03-02-2007 07:17 PM

I just import File XML and with some problem


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.5:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO phrase VALUES ('', -1, 'radio_cat_added', 'Radio Category Added', 1000,'vbulletin');;

MySQL Error : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Error Number : 1136
Date : Friday, March 2nd 2007 @ 02:21:16 PM
Script : http://localhost/Forum/adminzone/ins...php?do=steptwo
Referrer : http://localhost/Forum/adminzone/ins...php?do=stepone
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vb_database

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