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-   -   Paypal Donations for vBulletin 3.0.7 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=82978)

PixelFx 07-03-2005 09:47 PM

yeah .. doesn't seem to work not sure why ..

Cloudrunner 07-03-2005 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by PixelFx
yeah .. doesn't seem to work not sure why ..

Change Module Type' select PHP

This is what I had problems with before hand. Change that not to PH (there is no option for that) but to file. Then do the rest of the edits

PixelFx 07-04-2005 03:30 AM

ok I think I got it working ..

Blackhat 07-04-2005 11:27 AM

how can I show a donation block in the right column of my forum ?



n_wattam 07-04-2005 12:42 PM

Found a bug in your script...

Basically in my paypal settings i have Postage Calculations set up. even though you have postage set to 0.00 its still pickup up my Postage Calculations and addint this value to the overall donation total..

n_wattam 07-04-2005 01:12 PM

Found another bug

This one is to do with the currency settings...

I have my currency set to GBP, i have created a Goal and also a button for that goal. The button amount is set to the value of 5.00

This 5.00 if i'm correct should be that of what the currency is set to, so £5.00, however i also have 'Show currency selector' enabled, and when looking in there GBP is equal to £2.77 and the USD is equal to $5.00

Interesting, after running cron job, this works ok now....

n_wattam 07-04-2005 01:20 PM

Decimal places with currency


Your money will go towards the following goals
We have collected a total of ?5.3 since 1st July 2005
This is on one of mine, you have 5.3 which should be 5.30 really...

n_wattam 07-04-2005 01:43 PM

the value for


Postage & Packing:https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2005/07/7.gif$0.00 USD
on the paypal screen is showing $ USD as defult regardless of your currency being set in the options.

however when you enter a value to donate, it does then change to your currect currecy format

Cloudrunner 07-04-2005 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by n_wattam
Found another bug

This one is to do with the currency settings...

I have my currency set to GBP, i have created a Goal and also a button for that goal. The button amount is set to the value of 5.00

This 5.00 if i'm correct should be that of what the currency is set to, so ?5.00, however i also have 'Show currency selector' enabled, and when looking in there GBP is equal to ?2.77 and the USD is equal to $5.00

Interesting, after running cron job, this works ok now....

*Points to the first post (one MUST read the entire thing, that's why I spent an hour putting it together...kind of aggravating when you take the time to explain how it works then get ignored...)


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner in the first post of this hack!
...<snip>...The system defaults to use the USD currency. If you change this currency in the Donations settings, then to get the correct exchange pricing, you need to run the CRON file to update your Exchange Rates table.

To do this simply log into your AdminCP and then do the following:

  1. Scroll down your navigation bar on the left and find the Scheduled tasks navigation group, open that up and click on "Scheduled Task Manager".
  2. Find the CRON named "Donations Currency Exchange Quotes"
  3. To the right of that you will find a button named "Run Now"
  4. Click that button and wait until the system says Done.
Once the system has reloaded the exchange rates using your new currency you are ready to go and start collecting donations...<snip>...

Cloudrunner 07-04-2005 02:02 PM

That's Paypal's settings, you cannot turn off the shipping and recieving thing for some reason...

Originally Posted by n_wattam
the value for

on the paypal screen is showing $ USD as defult regardless of your currency being set in the options.

however when you enter a value to donate, it does then change to your currect currecy format

Cloudrunner 07-04-2005 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by n_wattam
Basically in my paypal settings i have Postage Calculations set up. even though you have postage set to 0.00 its still pickup up my Postage Calculations and addint this value to the overall donation total..

As far as paypal adding postage to your totals, that's a paypal profile setting, you got it set to override what the system tells it to do. Since it is in your paypal profile where the problem lies, I cannot assist in this scenario.

n_wattam 07-04-2005 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
As far as paypal adding postage to your totals, that's a paypal profile setting, you got it set to override what the system tells it to do. Since it is in your paypal profile where the problem lies, I cannot assist in this scenario.

Bummer... never mind, i have switched it of for now..

n_wattam 07-04-2005 02:41 PM

on the donation page


Your money will go towards the following goals
We have not yet collected any donations.
I have a member who has already donated money to the site before i came across your mod, which is excellent by the way :rolleyes:.

Basically i want to show hes made a donation as credit due etc.. So i've used the manual add donator which you supply in the admincp, however this does not appear in the above QUOTE. I'm guessing it uses the logs to keep track etc of fund, and thus not including the manual add ones.

Is this an oversite on your part or ment to be like this. If so could an option be included in the settings to include this.

Cloudrunner 07-04-2005 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by n_wattam
on the donation page

I have a member who has already donated money to the site before i came across your mod, which is excellent by the way :rolleyes:.

Basically i want to show hes made a donation as credit due etc.. So i've used the manual add donator which you supply in the admincp, however this does not appear in the above QUOTE. I'm guessing it uses the logs to keep track etc of fund, and thus not including the manual add ones.

Is this an oversite on your part or ment to be like this. If so could an option be included in the settings to include this.

That's designed actually...If you edit the actual transaction details then Paypal will not provide support you for that specific transaction should a problem arise since your data and theirs will not match.

n_wattam 07-04-2005 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
That's designed actually...If you edit the actual transaction details then Paypal will not provide support you for that specific transaction should a problem arise since your data and theirs will not match.

I realise that would happen, however the varable you use to display the total ammount over all, could you not include this varable to also count the overall manually added donations?

If this varible is supplyed by paypal, then what a about?

$overall_ammount = paypal_total + manual_total etc

If you get my meaning, then display the $overall_ammount


Also in the settings when you add a manual donation, what about a tick box next to it???

Include donation in total displayed ammmount? YES / NO

Cloudrunner 07-04-2005 05:53 PM

Not to be rude, but what part of the following statements did you miss?


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner in post#414
...<snip>...If you edit the actual transaction details then Paypal will not provide support...<snip>...


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner in post#395
...<snip>...As of this point forward, support will not be offered for this version of the donations system so that I can focus on the 3.5 version...<snip>...

Here's the deal boss, the total amount collected displays off of the transactions received from paypal.

That table I have left purposefully unable to be edited via the AdminCP so that YOU, the end user, will still be able to call Paypal and get support from them concerning rogue transactions should any arise without having to worry about whether this edit or that edit changed something in the transaction that will cause Paypal to negate your claim. I will not change that.

If this creates a problem for you then simply turn that part off in your donation settings...I knew someone would +++++ about that functionality of the system, which is WHY I added the switch there to be able to turn that off...(the setting that you are looking for in this case is titled "Show Cumulative Total?")

Now as for my previous statements, let me be clear on this, I will address true MAJOR bugs (ie. bugs that concern security of the forum, database, or transaction communications), but as I am no longer supporting THIS VERSION of the modification, I am not doing ANY enhancements to it. If you wish to do so, feel free to do it, I've attached the manual for how to get your server and paypal to talk.

My only requirement is that if you use any of the code you leave the comments on every file intact.

Good day

Blackhat 07-04-2005 06:32 PM

Is it possible to auto. move donors into a new usergroup please ?

n_wattam 07-04-2005 06:34 PM

Sorry if i've offended, i didnt realise you was doing the 3.5v.... Was just offering some input.

Again sorry

Cloudrunner 07-04-2005 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by n_wattam
Sorry if i've offended, i didnt realise you was doing the 3.5v.... Was just offering some input.

Again sorry

no offense taken, just a little aggravated is all...


Originally Posted by Blackhat
Is it possible to auto. move donors into a new usergroup please ?

To put it simply...


WYSIWYG with this one...

please refer to my previous post#416

cgarossi 07-05-2005 09:53 AM

Im getting this error:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT donor.userid, donor.total, user.username, user.showdonor
FROM donation_donors AS donor
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(user.userid = donor.userid)
WHERE donor.userid != '0'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 6

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Tuesday 05th of July 2005 11:46:28 AM
Script: http://www.northeasternswat.com/index.php
Username: Rossi
IP Address:
It seems that


$query_users = $DB_site->query("SELECT donor.userid, donor.total, user.username, user.showdonor
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."donation_donors AS donor
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."user AS user ON(user.userid = donor.userid)
WHERE donor.userid != '0'
LIMIT 0,".$vboptions['donate_CMPS_users']);
This variable .$vboptions['donate_CMPS_users'] is returning nothing!

How can I fix this? I am using cmps v1.0.

cgarossi 07-05-2005 12:33 PM

Could somone please help? :(

cgarossi 07-05-2005 02:35 PM

Dont worry I fixed it :)

Gottcha 07-07-2005 05:02 PM

cant download the zip file...says the file is corrupt...any ideas

|oR|Greg 07-07-2005 07:11 PM

Downloaded ok for me...

I attached it, try that.

mkdevo 07-07-2005 08:11 PM

ok, found a problem..

i had a bunch of donors that i added manually. these all show up ok - their tags are in the postbit/profile, they're on the donors list, etc.. however, i just had my first member donate through the new system, and we can't seem to get his 'donor' tags to show in the postbit or his profile. he has the 'show donor status' checked in his User CP, he shows up on the 'all donors' list, and his donation shows up as 'verified by paypal and completed' in the admincp..

any idea why i can't get his 'donor' tag to show up in his postbit/profile??

also (not sure if it's been asked), any chance of getting .psd's of the trophy guys?

mkdevo 07-12-2005 11:48 AM

CR - still around?

guvner 07-12-2005 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by mkdevo
ok, found a problem..

i had a bunch of donors that i added manually. these all show up ok - their tags are in the postbit/profile, they're on the donors list, etc.. however, i just had my first member donate through the new system, and we can't seem to get his 'donor' tags to show in the postbit or his profile. he has the 'show donor status' checked in his User CP, he shows up on the 'all donors' list, and his donation shows up as 'verified by paypal and completed' in the admincp..

any idea why i can't get his 'donor' tag to show up in his postbit/profile??

I had the same problem - it turned out to be because i had previously edited both my postbit legacy and profile templates and managed to change enough that it couldn't display the donor gifs - so I reverted those templates and the donor gifs appeared. :)

Cloudrunner 07-16-2005 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by guvner
I had the same problem - it turned out to be because i had previously edited both my postbit legacy and profile templates and managed to change enough that it couldn't display the donor gifs - so I reverted those templates and the donor gifs appeared. :)

I've made some changes to the system for 3.5, and will be implementing those into this one as well. Don't expect an update this weekend, but there will be one by next weekend for the 3.0.7 folks.

Also, it seems that we've been nominated for HoTM, unexpected, but thank you to all who have voted for this hack there. I'm at a loss as to what to say, except, you've convinced me not to stop work on this version either...so...back to the drawing board...

Thank you!

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

mkdevo 07-17-2005 07:31 PM

ok - weirdest thing...

somehow, today, all of my paypal donations templates are gone - from all my styles!

how on earth would this happen? any ideas? also, can i reinstall JUST the custom templates? (admincp stuff is still there, donors are still recorded, but donate.php just gives me a blank page now..)


Cloudrunner 07-17-2005 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by mkdevo
ok - weirdest thing...

somehow, today, all of my paypal donations templates are gone - from all my styles!

how on earth would this happen? any ideas? also, can i reinstall JUST the custom templates? (admincp stuff is still there, donors are still recorded, but donate.php just gives me a blank page now..)


If you run the installer again (with all the files in the install folder on your server as well) you can install JUST the templates.

insanekelso 07-17-2005 09:08 PM

getting an error when viewing ppverify.php

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /global.php on line 329

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions.php on line 2290

any idea, this was after a reinstall. installed ok after a full uninstall.
First "real" donation created a mysql database error (which i forgot to not..doh!) and was held in the invalid transactions area, all values for this transaction where zero.

found error output:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'
mysql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

Date: Sunday 17th of July 2005 11:08:43 PM

Cloudrunner 07-17-2005 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by insanekelso
getting an error when viewing ppverify.php

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /global.php on line 329

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions.php on line 2290

any idea, this was after a reinstall. installed ok after a full uninstall.
First "real" donation created a mysql database error (which i forgot to not..doh!) and was held in the invalid transactions area, all values for this transaction where zero.

found error output:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'
mysql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

Date: Sunday 17th of July 2005 11:08:43 PM
Script: http://arpclan.gaming.multiplay.co.u...s/ppverify.php

ppverify is not designed to be viewable from any browser. The only thing that will view ppverify without an error (as designed) is paypal's server.

As far as the DB error goes, you have a conflicting txn_id. You will need to remove the empty txn_id row. i.e. the row that contains the empty txn_id field. That field should NEVER be empty. Ever, if it is, then you will get a invalid marker and the system will give you notice of the invalidity of the transaction. This is an indicator of an attempt at compromising the system.

Clean out that specific transaction, and the system *should* again work. Lemme know what you come up with.

:Judge: 07-17-2005 10:08 PM

I was half asleep and reverted all my templates, got everything back together now except one bug.

The % Bar is not going up now after I add a donor.
What should I be looking at to repair this?

Cloudrunner 07-17-2005 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by :Judge:
I was half asleep and reverted all my templates, got everything back together now except one bug.

The % Bar is not going up now after I add a donor.
What should I be looking at to repair this?

If you manually add a donor then to get the goals percentage to increase you will need to manually add that to the goal itself, just edit the goal and input the total amount collected.

This is by design, but I am looking at rearranging that setup.

:Judge: 07-17-2005 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
If you manually add a donor then to get the goals percentage to increase you will need to manually add that to the goal itself, just edit the goal and input the total amount collected.

This is by design, but I am looking at rearranging that setup.

Cloud I am sorry to have wasted your time with that question, granted it isn't super obvious but common sense should have told me that..... I need some rest.

Thanks again!

KTBleeding 07-18-2005 01:38 AM

I just want to say that this is one of the coolest hacks I've ever seen.

/me installs and thanks Couldrunner

Cloudrunner 07-18-2005 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding
I just want to say that this is one of the coolest hacks I've ever seen.

[high]* KTBleeding installs and thanks Couldrunner[/high]

No problem, not only does it do a service, but it's good eye candy as well for a site...

I've been toying with a few ideas on the system here for both 3.0.7 and 3.5 that I'll be working on shortly...namely special reward functions for donations over X amount...but I am still working on that.

mkdevo 07-18-2005 10:59 AM

currently running away with the HOTM!! :up::up:

Cloudrunner 07-18-2005 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by mkdevo
currently running away with the HOTM!! :up::up:

*blushes heavily*

Honestly folks, it's just something that people were asking for, and I needed it as well, so I did it...it's not a big deal...

I've suspended work for a little bit for a project for my own site where I'm putting together some videos to show my users the intricacies of the new vB so that they have a basic knowledge of how to use the site. When that is finished, I'll get back on the ball...

mkdevo 07-19-2005 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by mkdevo
also (not sure if it's been asked), any chance of getting .psd's of the trophy guys?

cloud - not sure if you saw this before... ^^

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