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The Geek 04-26-2005 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Oh 3.0 is pretty darn good! So.........wait's patiently to see what changes come

well the next is far sweeter. However its giving me a mental breakdown in the process.
Basically, the next version is far easier to cusomtize the categories. You can customise the style of the popup per category (ie a sponsor popup and an definition popup).
You will also have the option to track impressions and click thrus. The popups will also be able to expire.
This is all to build up and into the new GAB system.
On the way I made the regex a little smarter so it catches more instances safely and fixed some of the issues that have been brought up lately.

Its almost there.

The Geek 04-26-2005 01:24 PM

btw: what do you mena no coding media?

The popup js code has changed, a couple lines in functions_showthread have changed and there are a few more admincp options.
That means 3 file edits to do (which is all there ever was ;) ) as for the GAL files themselves - those have all changed :)

Kihon Kata 04-26-2005 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
well the next is far sweeter. However its giving me a mental breakdown in the process.
Basically, the next version is far easier to cusomtize the categories. You can customise the style of the popup per category (ie a sponsor popup and an definition popup).
You will also have the option to track impressions and click thrus. The popups will also be able to expire.
This is all to build up and into the new GAB system.
On the way I made the regex a little smarter so it catches more instances safely and fixed some of the issues that have been brought up lately.

Its almost there.

Oh my lord! You are the true king Geek. This sounds amazing! I'll upgrade mine asap! I am running 3.0 now and our users LOVE the mouseovers.

Taquila takes care of mental breakdowns ;)

Lionel 04-26-2005 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
please just be file updates no coding...
please just be file updates no coding...
please just be file updates no coding...

crossing them too
crossing them too
crossing them too

Kihon Kata 04-26-2005 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Oh my lord! You are the true king Geek. This sounds amazing! I'll upgrade mine asap! I am running 3.0 now and our users LOVE the mouseovers.

Taquila takes care of mental breakdowns ;)

Oh, pls....if you can, make our upgrade process a smooth one. Thank you very much

Kihon Kata 04-28-2005 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
btw: what do you mena no coding media?

The popup js code has changed, a couple lines in functions_showthread have changed and there are a few more admincp options.
That means 3 file edits to do (which is all there ever was ;) ) as for the GAL files themselves - those have all changed :)

Eta Geek?

The Geek 04-28-2005 07:34 AM

Trying to get it done today. Most likely have the coding done today and it may take another day for installation.upgrade package.

Just have to see how the rest of the coding goes.

T3MEDIA 04-28-2005 06:19 PM

For some reason if you have a link on the edge of your articles the box becomes too big and you will never be able to actually click on anything.

Anyone else having this issue?

The Geek 04-28-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
For some reason if you have a link on the edge of your articles the box becomes too big and you will never be able to actually click on anything.

Anyone else having this issue?

do you mean that the popup goes 'out of bounds'?

This has been improved for the next version but I cant say if its totally fixed yet.

New version is about done (and very sweet IMO) - now I ned to do the installer/upgrader :(
Man I cant wait till vb 3.1 comes out. Installers and upgraders chug.

Tom1234 04-28-2005 09:02 PM

Geek, can you have GAL make autolinks in the post title (not thread title) as well?

libertate 04-29-2005 01:42 AM

Ok, I installed this great hack. Thank you for making it.

Uhmmm... I do not understand the relationship between "Add new" and "Add category".

What is the difference between the two? I guess Category somehow relates to "new", since it can be picked in the edit, but...

And it doesn't seem to work. I have GAS installed, and I cannot see any of the changes in the articles.

I have a cagetory defined As
Description: ABC
Ordinal: 0
Replacement Code:
$description=Dr. ABC

Then I added "new":

Replacement text : ABC
Link : http://www.somewhere.com/link/link/link
Ignore threadid (dont autolink this thread) 0
Description : Dr. ABC
Ordinal 0
Category name Dr. ABC
Replacement code :
$description=Dr. ABC

Safe mode
<a href='$link' target='_blank' class='DEF' title='$description'>$text</a>
What am I missing? Nowhere where there is ABC is replaced by the link...

limey 04-29-2005 06:06 PM

I just installed as well, like it alot.

Two suggestions:
add a "duplicate this linked word" button in the admin panel so you can change the certain words from WalMart to walmart without having to retype the whole thing.

Make the pop up code have hte option of including a "Click to visit link" link in the popup code.

Yeh or nah? :)

The Geek 04-29-2005 06:39 PM

liberate - check the readme for a good explination of the categories.
Essentially, you can define replacement code as item level, category level or global level.
For instance, if your item and category replacements are blank, but your global replacement is:
<a href='$link' target='_blank' class='DEF' title='$description'>$text</a>
then it will use that code.
$link is the url you specify, $description is the alt text and $text is the word that gets replaced.

LImey - the replace should be case insensitive anyway so it wouldnt make much sense (unless of course there is a bug where its not being case insensitive ;) )

Just wait till 4.0 - Its seriously sweet :)

Shackbase 04-29-2005 07:05 PM

whats the eta on 4.0 geek? :)


The Geek 04-29-2005 07:18 PM

I always hate seeing this answer from other people... but here goes -
when its done ;)


Actually its not to far off now. Thought I would have finished the coding by early today but I rewrote it almost all virtually from scratch instead. The problem is I keep getting new ideas that require me to go back and rescrap loads of already written code. Couple that with regex hell (whoever invented it should go there - as brilliant as it is).
It a nutshell I am about 90% of the way done with the code and then I have to do an installer/upgrader.

For those that have not upgraded to 3.0 from 2.6 I would recommend it as I dont think ill include an upgrade from 2.6 to 4.0

I may get lucky and have it Sunday.

venomx 04-30-2005 03:30 AM

The Geek.

Under Settings theres a Replacement code
Under add new theres Replacement code
Under add new cat theres. Replacement code

How do these work? I thought putting it under Settings would auto fill in the other two when I go to add a new one but nope. If all 3 are filled it does this break anything? If we have it in the settings do we need to add the code when making a new unknown one? What if we have it in the cat and make a new link with that cat. do we need to add it to the link when we make it?

Sorry for so many questions, just wondering why its needed 3 times.. :P

greenhybrid 04-30-2005 04:19 AM

It seems there's a character limit on link text. Why? I can't use "real hybrid mileage database"

The Geek 04-30-2005 07:24 AM

hybrid - changed in 4.0 ;)

venom - this has changed in 4.0 as I think it was (and is) confusing to people.
Essentially if you had replacement code in the settings - you didnt ever have to put replacement code in any categories or individual items - it is a 'global' value. However you could 'override' the global by putting replacements in at the category level.
THe idea being that the global would be the default - but then you could have category override it.
FInally - you could also put replacement code at the individual item level which would override the category setting.

Anyway - as handy as it is - I think its confusing and overkill. In 4.0 Most settings are handled at the category level

venomx 04-30-2005 07:38 AM

I am glad we will have the option to track clicks or not because I just sold 5 links and he only bought them because it was a direct link to his site and not a redirect.. lol

Looks good!

blueuniverse 04-30-2005 07:42 AM

Is the usergroup feature going to be implemented in v4 (it looks like it from that screenshot) but just to check. :)

The Geek 04-30-2005 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by blueuniverse
Is the usergroup feature going to be implemented in v4 (it looks like it from that screenshot) but just to check. :)


KTBleeding 04-30-2005 02:34 PM

NICE! That looks like it has covered everything I could want out of a hack like this. Geek, keep it up, you're awesome.

libertate 04-30-2005 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
liberate - check the readme for a good explination of the categories.

Thank you, I get the concept now.

Unfortunatelly, I still do not having working. Not just that, I cannot see the links on your example page either (MMA thing)! I tried both Firefox, and IE still nothing.

Any more suggestions?

The global setting is the default link

<a href='$link' target='_blank' class='DEF' onmouseover="GAL_popup(this,$description);" onmouseout="GAL_hidepopup();">$text</a>

ChurchMedia 04-30-2005 08:14 PM

I didn't see this problem mentioned, but when I edit a link it changes ALL my links to the same information. Then when I delete one it deletes all of them. What do you think is causing that?

The Geek 05-01-2005 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by libertate
Thank you, I get the concept now.

Unfortunatelly, I still do not having working. Not just that, I cannot see the links on your example page either (MMA thing)! I tried both Firefox, and IE still nothing.

Any more suggestions?

The global setting is the default link

<a href='$link' target='_blank' class='DEF' onmouseover="GAL_popup(this,$description);" onmouseout="GAL_hidepopup();">$text</a>

liberate - my demos down as I am in the final stages of implimenting 4.0 :)
hmmm. your settings look right. Try changing the limit value to 0 to see if that helps. If not - double check your functions_showthread.php edit.

Church - er. Got me. SOunds like a bug however I would have thought that would have come up by now!


Right. I have finially finished coding an RC for 4.0 (I have literally spent about 10 hours on it today). I am just going to iron out a couple of minor issues and work on the extensability (so you can run ANY text through it i.e. PM's, portal text, etc...) Then I will write an installer and most likely release tomorrow.

nJoy ;)

ChurchMedia 05-01-2005 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Church - er. Got me. SOunds like a bug however I would have thought that would have come up by now!

I deleted the tables and re-ran the installer. It seems to be fine now. Just a weird thang...

Thanks for the cool hack!

libertate 05-01-2005 02:07 AM

I did the same and seems to work, except for the javascript piece. I get the following link. The description seems correct, except for the GAL_REMOVAL stuff, and that it does not show... Any thoughts?


<a href='http://www.working.com' target='_blank' class='DEF' onmouseover="GAL_popup(this,'Dr. Test\' New test <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->alpha <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->beta <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->gamma <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->delta, <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->Dr. <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->epsilon\' <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->New <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->test <!--GAL_REMOVAL-->package.');" onmouseout="GAL_hidepopup();">replaceme</a>
An other minor "bug" I found. If the message contains html anchor for a link, then the text within the anchor open and close still gets processed.


Text to replace : TEST
with : <a href="http://www.otherexample.com">test</a>
Original text:

<a hre="http://www.example.com">this is a test big one!</a>
Resulting text after GAL

<a hre="http://www.example.com">this is a <a href="http://www.otherexample.com">test</a> big one!</a>
This is also the case when regular BBCode URL is used.

As for the ordinals - Great! It works perfectly. When there is a "collission" the ordinals take care of it. i.e. when I have "Bob" and "Bob Smith" whichever has the lower ordinal will be the one executed. Not just that, if the first ordinal is exhausted through the "Limit replacement" order, the next occurence is used... Awesome!

This is like an Amazon money machine!

The Geek 05-01-2005 07:44 AM

re: the js code - are you sure the change to vbulletin_menu.js has been made and that you have stuck the popup html in one of your templates (i.e. header)?
The gal removal is to prevent your description getting autolinked (which could screw it up big time).

There is no way to (sanely) discover if the text is already in a link. I minimise it as much as possible with safemode.

The Geek 05-03-2005 02:18 PM


GAL 4.0RC1 is in the beat section here-> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=80929

memobug 05-06-2005 08:03 AM

This site has some really sophisticated rollovers. I haven't played with the JS here with GAL, but can it do something like this? See the green links when you hover.




venomx 05-06-2005 08:35 AM

If someone has the code for that I would love to have it hehe
Just the popup part...

The Geek 05-06-2005 09:28 AM

You can do that with GAL4

T3MEDIA 05-06-2005 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by memobug
This site has some really sophisticated rollovers. I haven't played with the JS here with GAL, but can it do something like this? See the green links when you hover.




Listen if ANYONE has the DHTML that can do that please advise!

The Geek 05-06-2005 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
Listen if ANYONE has the DHTML that can do that please advise!

we are talking about the advertising rollover from msn right?

venomx 05-06-2005 05:51 PM

I think I am :)

gilbert 05-06-2005 07:39 PM

How do i enter a 2 word phrase?

venomx 05-06-2005 07:48 PM

Just enter it...

gilbert 05-06-2005 07:52 PM

doesnt work, I entered a 2 word phrase and no link gets added

KAC 05-07-2005 01:16 PM

Can you keep the popup box from coming up?

venomx 05-07-2005 01:21 PM

KAC yes..

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