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SamirDarji 12-01-2004 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by afterglow
Could someone really coach me on how to make the styles i have show up on the portal as well?

It sounds like you installed the different styles without using a parent-child setup. What you need to do is have each of the different styles be a child-style to a parent one. This way, the cmps changes are done to the parent style and all the child styles get the changes too. This is the easiest way to make it work and probably the best way as well.

afterglow 12-01-2004 11:42 PM

I'm not sure if i did the right thing but i made the default template the parent style and then uploaded the styles and then re-installed but the styles won't appear still. Here, please have a look at my newly installed portal.. I'm still a novice to this so please could someone tell me exactly how to do it inside the admin cp including which button or menu i have to choose to get this right? And one more thing, i also have problem with the header. I want the whole header, the one with the logo to be all white. Currently, there's gray in there. Which template do i have to modify to make it white?

Thanks and regards,

obiwan8472 12-02-2004 03:28 PM

right.. got a problem. Some other people in this thread have also had a similar problem, but i cudn't find a solution.

The problem is..once the hacks installed, the majority of my members have problems accessin the board. it logs them in, but doesn't keep them logged in and keeps asking for their username and password. Whatever they do it.. it wont keep them logged in.

Now i've tinkered and its definetnyl something to do with global.php. As if i dont modify that, everythings fine (apart from the homepage dont work lol)

I've altered the Cookie Domain from blank to .theouteredge.net with no luck.

Any ideas? Thanks

SamirDarji 12-02-2004 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by obiwan8472
The problem is..once the hacks installed, the majority of my members have problems accessin the board. it logs them in, but doesn't keep them logged in and keeps asking for their username and password. Whatever they do it.. it wont keep them logged in.

I've heard of this situation too. Definitely a cookie issue. I remember quite a bit of discussion on this over at vbadvanced.com. I'm sure you'll find a solution there.

SamirDarji 12-02-2004 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by afterglow
I'm not sure if i did the right thing but i made the default template the parent style and then uploaded the styles and then re-installed but the styles won't appear still.

Ok, making the default style parent was right, but then you have to make the new styles as children to the parent.
The way you do that is Admincp-->Styles & Templates-->Download / Upload Styles.
Set the Import/Upload settings like you did before
Set Merge Into Style to (Create New Style)
Set Ignore Style Version to Yes
Set Title for Uploaded Style to nothing (leave it blank)
Set Parent Style to that default style that you made the parent style
Set Display Order to whatever you want
Set Allow User Selection to Yes

Try that and let me know when you did and I'll look at your site again.

afterglow 12-02-2004 09:27 PM

I read your post carefully and confirm that i did exactly as described but for some reasons, my templates still don't show up. Users can change styles inside the forum though so i think i did the right thing.

Is it possible that i'm missing something on the styles modification? Do i need to modify some stuff on each styles i uploaded?

thanks and regards,

SamirDarji 12-02-2004 10:53 PM

Hmmm...this is stumping me. For my local test setup I wrote exactly what I did and it works fine.

I just took a look at it and it is working, but the image paths aren't finding the graphics. You'll have to modify those in each of the styles like you had to for the default style when you installed vbadvanced. You're almost there!

Grant Sherwood 12-04-2004 09:12 AM

Well after alittle challenges here and there i got it to work and love it! Good job!!

Megareus Rex 12-05-2004 11:20 PM

Ok, I've encountered a problem. Whenever I try to add new modules, it seems to work (for me), but it causes an HTML tag to be broken at the end of the page (after everything else it has a </html tag, but its broken and without the final > on the end). Although it still works for me for some reason (whether or not I'm logged on), everyone else only gets a white page.

Why do add-on modules like that break that tag? Any ideas?

docvader 12-06-2004 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by obiwan8472
right.. got a problem. Some other people in this thread have also had a similar problem, but i cudn't find a solution.

The problem is..once the hacks installed, the majority of my members have problems accessin the board. it logs them in, but doesn't keep them logged in and keeps asking for their username and password. Whatever they do it.. it wont keep them logged in.

As was said before, it's a cookie issue. I started using the new Netscape, and I had this problem. It has to do with the cookie settings that people use; Netscape for example has a whole bunch of settings that you can change now.

heynurse 12-06-2004 05:01 AM

I'm just curious how this hack runs on a larger site? (57,000 members, 1100 post/day) Does it increase server load significantly? What are the larger sites that use this hack?

I noticed that the competing portal hack, claims to have less queries than it's competition? Is there any true comparison anywhere?

Thanks in (vb)advance :)

Lonny 12-06-2004 09:49 AM

does this app offers a feature similar to this one:




SamirDarji 12-06-2004 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lonny
does this app offers a feature similar to this one:




Somewhat. You can get a good feel for it at www.vbadvanced.com. There's a thread there that allows people to post their sites. You can also check out my site at www.huntsvillecarscene.com

bmroyer 12-07-2004 12:26 AM

i installed this portal successfully, but I edited the files wrong I think. I get all these errors. I can get into the admin cp though. Check it out www.unknownwriters.net click on the forums and other stuff. I got something screwed up. If the files are edited wrong then im screwed, I dont understand how to edit them/copy/paste

paulmjno 12-07-2004 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by bmroyer
i installed this portal successfully, but I edited the files wrong I think. I get all these errors. I can get into the admin cp though. Check it out www.unknownwriters.net click on the forums and other stuff. I got something screwed up. If the files are edited wrong then im screwed, I dont understand how to edit them/copy/paste

Dude, why are you installing a hack if you don't know how to copy & paste?

paulmjno 12-07-2004 01:33 AM

How can I make it so that on the Portal page, a link in the navbar is displayed to reach the Forums, and vice versa?

Adrian Schneider 12-07-2004 02:35 AM

<a href="http://www.vbadvanced.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3637&highlight=forum+link" target="_blank">http://www.vbadvanced.com/forum/show...ght=forum+link</a>

Roo 12-07-2004 07:52 PM

hey, I copied and pasted everything exactly and I keep getting htis message when I go to any page on my forum now:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/qporg/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 1887

anyone help me? :confused:

Roo 12-08-2004 01:02 AM

ok I am getting my parse error from this line off script in functions.php, but I think I have looked at it too long and I can't see what in it's causing it:

if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'online' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'calendar' OR (THIS_SCRIPT == 'adv_index' AND $vboptions['showcalendar']) OR (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index' AND $vboptions['showevents']))


Deaths 12-10-2004 04:11 PM

Hey there,

I installed everything as told , the installer went well , everything has been installed.
The only problem is , when I try opening my cmps_index.php , i get this error :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_portal_output() in /home/death/public_html/cmps_index.php on line 27
Any help would be appreciated :)

PS : Yes , I have checked my edits in global.php , I did that 3 times , still the same error...

Roo 12-10-2004 09:13 PM

I am having all sorts of problems getting this to work, everytime I overwrite my current files with the changes you have I get a parse error from the functions.php file. I have a thread running in the PHP / MySQL / JS / (X)HTML forum bit none of the suggestions sem to be working. I would really like to get htis feature up and running but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Is it compatible with the latest version of the forum? THe thread link is here so you can see what's been suggested: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...6&goto=newpost

BarHopper 12-11-2004 04:28 PM

I get global and functions errors.

fleccy 12-12-2004 07:16 AM

excellent portal, works fine www.radclifferiverside.co.uk and is vbadvanced.com down? i can't seem to get on it.

TheEnd 12-13-2004 06:09 PM

Is there a shoutbox for this?

paulmjno 12-14-2004 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by TheEnd
Is there a shoutbox for this?

No. :( I hope there will be one soon, though...

TheEnd 12-14-2004 09:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
How do I make a custom module to read a template?
I made a template the exact width, etc. as the tables there now on the side. I want to make it a navigation bar. I have the module where I want it under edit modules, then I click it, edited it, but it won't work. I made the template under the default style. Any ideas what I am missing?
adv_navigation (Module)

Module Title: adv_navigation
Module Identifier:
File to Include: NONE
OR Template to Include: adv_navigation
Active: YES
Column: Left
Display Order: 2
Templates Used:
Unregistered / Not Logged In Yes
Registered Users Yes
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Yes
(COPPA) Users Awaiting Moderation Yes
Super Moderators Yes
Rec0n Team Admin Yes
Rec0n Team Moderators Yes
Banned Users Yes
Rec0n Team Member Yes
friends Yes

adv_navigation (I added this template under the default style, it is not under the vBA catagory though, dunno if that matters.)

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%"
            align=center border=0>
      <TD class=tcat><SPAN class=smallfont><STRONG><span class="tcat"><SPAN class=smallfont><STRONG>? <A
                  href="http://rec0n.nauticaltech.com/" target="_self">Rec0n Team</A></STRONG></SPAN></span></TD>
      <TD class=alt1><DIV><A
                  target=_blank>Team Members</A></DIV>
                  target=_self>About Rec0n</A></DIV></TD>

Thats all I think I need to include, anyone needs any other information, please lemmie know. Thanks.

SamirDarji 12-15-2004 04:32 AM

The only thing I can think of is that you need to name the template starting with adv_portal_xxx and then use the template name as xxx. This comes straight from my config of my Site Navigation module.

TheEnd 12-15-2004 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
The only thing I can think of is that you need to name the template starting with adv_portal_xxx and then use the template name as xxx. This comes straight from my config of my Site Navigation module.

WORKS! Thanks a bunch.

TheEnd 12-15-2004 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by TheEnd
WORKS! Thanks a bunch.

How about making new pages. I made a new page=roster.

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%"
            align=center border=0>
      <TD class=tcat><SPAN class=smallfont><STRONG><span class="tcat"><SPAN class=smallfont><STRONG>? <A
                  href="http://rec0n.nauticaltech.com/" target="_self">Rec0n Team</A></STRONG></SPAN></span></TD>
      <TD class=alt1><DIV><A
                  target=_blank>Team Members</A></DIV>
                  target=_self>About Rec0n</A></DIV></TD>


Page Title:Roster
Page Identifier:roster
Page Template:adv_portal_roster
Custom Style for this Page:DEFAULT

It doesn't show anything. (I know that the table is a nav bar, i'm in a hurry and its a test.)
Any ideas whats going on?

SamirDarji 12-15-2004 02:43 PM

Be sure that the "Custom Page Content" box is checked.

camoman 12-16-2004 03:04 AM

Anyone tested this wil VB 3.0.3?

TheEnd 12-16-2004 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
Be sure that the "Custom Page Content" box is checked.


chas_h 12-16-2004 02:15 PM

Is this hack incompatible with later versions of PHP or MySql? I had it running fine on my old server but am getting all kinds of errors on the new one. Fwiw, VB installs and works fine, it's only when I try to add the CMPS that it starts to freak out.



I just found the answer to this question over at the Vbadvanced forum. It's an issue with CMPS and php5. There is a fix there, I will try it, thanks.



paulmjno 12-17-2004 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by camoman
Anyone tested this wil VB 3.0.3?

Yes. Works perfectly.

TheEnd 12-18-2004 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by paulmjno
Yes. Works perfectly.

Same here.

morrow 12-20-2004 02:20 PM

I'm sure I just missed something here, but some of my modules simply don't show up.

Here's an example of one that should show up but doesn't.

Module Title: Mini Calendar
Module Identifier:
File to Include: minicalendar.php
OR Template to Include:
Active: YES
Column: Right
Display Order: 2
Templates Used:adv_portal_calendar, calendar_smallmonth_day, calendar_smallmonth_day_other, calendar_smallmonth_header, calendar_smallmonth_week
Unregistered / Not Logged In Yes
Registered Users Yes
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Yes
(COPPA) Users Awaiting Moderation Yes
Super Moderators Yes
Rec0n Team Admin Yes
Rec0n Team Moderators Yes
Banned Users Yes
Rec0n Team Member Yes
friends Yes

When I try to make my own modules, they don't show up either. If you visit my site, you'll notice that a few of the modules work fine. Any idea of what I'm not doing?



SamirDarji 12-20-2004 04:51 PM

When I was making my own modules, I noticed if they had errors or were outputting errors, they wouldn't show at all. If all the standard modules work, then I would do some debugging on your php file that is the source of the module by running the php file directly.

aussiev8 12-21-2004 04:58 AM

just a question before i download it, my forum is in the root, would it have to be moved?

RCSwap 12-21-2004 12:17 PM

Ok I know I've read this before but I can't seem to find it. When I go to my main page and login, it says I've logged in, it shows me in the active users list but it's still giving me a login option and not the page that shows the avatar,buddies and other stuff.

It will show the right page if I'm going from my forum to the homepage.

Any ideas?

dssart 12-21-2004 08:30 PM

Can someone please tell me if this hack is what I'm looking for..I want to be able to include on my homepage a small section which shows the last 10 posts to the forum, and maybe a sentence or two of the posted thread?

One important thing, I have a layout for my homepage I don't want to change. Can a feature of this hack run on my html homepage with no problems or modifications to the existing layout of my site? Ideally I would like to include a table on my page and have the content dumped into it.

Kudos to the author of this hack. Well done even if it turns out it won't work for me.

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