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Viol8or 12-24-2004 06:23 AM

Best wishes to all of you.
Can't wait to see version 3 showing up :)

BlackxRam 12-26-2004 03:03 AM

I really think this hack would be more complete with a defined offense like (Uber Spammer) that will automatically set a user and all IPS gathered under their name and set to the IP BAN list. I have not ONCE seen a hack that would allow this... and I think it would be a PERFECT addition to your hack.

So what do you say? You think it can be done?

sv1cec 12-26-2004 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by BlackxRam
I really think this hack would be more complete with a defined offense like (Uber Spammer) that will automatically set a user and all IPS gathered under their name and set to the IP BAN list. I have not ONCE seen a hack that would allow this... and I think it would be a PERFECT addition to your hack.

So what do you say? You think it can be done?

Well, it already has .... half of what you want.

In other words, it does allow you to define a warning type, which is characterized as "Permanent Ban". In other words, when this type of offence is commited and warned, the member is send directly to the banned members with a "permanent" ban duration.

As for the IP addresses, don't you think it's kind of dangerous? I mean an IP is not (unfortunatelly) always associated with one particular user. So, if you ban the IPs that that member has used in the past, it is quite possible, that you might be banning other legit members, who will try to visit the site in the future. Remote, indeed, but possible. Also, I spend some time this morning trying to find out if vB allows you to ban an IP address, I think I remember seeing something like that, but couldn't find it. Cosnidering that I went to bed at 5 am this morning, I am not very sure if my eyes could see what I was looking at. I'll check again later today.

For the time being, I am stuck with an issue which I can't understand. I have added the feature of sorting the Logs list, by the various columns presented there, in ascending or descending order (I thought that would be a useful feature). But for the life of me, I can't pass a certain sorting string to a parameter used in the select query. All other strings are passed find, but a string that asks the query to do an addition of two columns and sort on the result, doesn't work. If someone can help, please jump in or PM, or email me.


BlackxRam 12-26-2004 07:12 AM

Well Vbulletin does have the ability to ban IP addresses, however moderators and super moderators don't have the ability to access that part of the forum to do so. Whch is why when the situation arises to be able to do it automatically instead of manually adding in the ipaddresses i figured why not ask.

Are you considering adding a feature like Erwins hack that makes all posts by certain banned members invisible? Like perhaps putting them into the Mass Ignore feature in Vbulletin? That would be great as well.

deb0 12-26-2004 12:02 PM

I didn't get any errors installing this mod. But IN the legacy postbit, when I click Warn UserX or View UserX's Warning, I get a blank page with this url:


View UserX's warnings-

So many changes were made, I don' thave a clue where to start digging.

My board seriously needs this mod.

Plz help.

deb0 12-26-2004 01:57 PM

Nevermind, I fixed. Apparently rerunning the installer after all the changes and file uploads fixed it.

I haven't found any errors so far. Testing. This was an extensive hack, so I just wanna say "excellent job" so far.

deb0 12-26-2004 06:08 PM

Is there a way to remove a given warning from a member? This is important.

sv1cec 12-26-2004 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by deb0
Is there a way to remove a given warning from a member? This is important.

Two ways, one is to use the Remove link in the View XYZ's Warnings, and the other is to use the Complete Removal from the View Warning Logs in AdminCP.

The second method removes not only the related warning and its points, but also any bans associated with it (it does not unban the member if he is banned, you will have to do that manually, but reduces his bans number by one).


sv1cec 12-27-2004 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Two ways, one is to use the Remove link in the View XYZ's Warnings, and the other is to use the Complete Removal from the View Warning Logs in AdminCP.

The second method removes not only the related warning and its points, but also any bans associated with it (it does not unban the member if he is banned, you will have to do that manually, but reduces his bans number by one).


Just to wet your appetite, here is a list of the things you can expect in Version 3.0:

In a few words, I've managed to move a big chunk of code, from the various files which issue warnings (Warn.php, editpost.php, newreply.php, newthread.php, private.php), to the functions_warning.php file. This makes the hack much easier to install, in the first place. It also makes the automatic warning feature, much easier to implement, in other parts of vBulletin, thus allowing me to easily expand its functionality in the future. Finally additional features can be added more easily.

I also altered the way the banning worked. In other words, until version 2.3.5, when a member was banned, his total warning points remained into his account. If he received one more point, he was banned again, a second time. This (I think) was wrong, because:

a. Obviously, since the member is already banned, he can't commit more offences, which would lead to another warning. Obviously if a moderator ends up warning a post, posted by a banned user, this offence was commited before he was banned, but the warning for it, is coming after he was banned.

b. Let's take this example:

A member commits the following offences:

offence A : 5 points
offence B : 6 points
offence C : 3 points

The warning limit is 10 points. As the admin issues the first two warnings, the ban limit is reached and the member is banned. The member's total points are 11 at this moment. But the admin still has to add another warning, worth 3 points. The moment he does that, with the old system, the total points the member has, would go to 14, but he would also receive another ban (remember, that he was banned the moment the admin issued the second warning).

To avoid this problem, a member who is banned, can of course still be warned and his points increase accordingly, but he does not receive another ban, while his first is still in effect . In the example above, the last warning is issued and the user points reach 14, but his ban count remains at one. When he is unbanned, and if we suppose that none of his warnings have expired, he still has 14 points and if he receives one more then he will then receive his second ban.

Other functionality added:

It's just natural to add the option of e-mailing those users who get banned, to let them know that they got banned. A PM in this case, is useless, as they cannot log in the forums to read it, so an e-mail has to be used. Some admins however might not want to alert bad members with such an e-mail, so I added an option, with which you can define if you want e-mails send to the members who get banned or not. That required a new template to be added.

Some one suggested that a member might get a ban, but then learn his lesson and behave. Why should that ban be in his account for ever? Wouldn't it be logical to remove it, after a certain period passes? I think it would, or at least it sounds reasonable, so what I did, was to add an option, where you can define the duration that a ban will stay in a user's account. After that period, the ban will automatically be removed from the user's account. In other words, if that period is 6 months (which is entered as days in the program, i.e. 180 days), and he was banned on January 3rd, this ban will be shown in his account until July 3rd. If you check the User Manager page, in your AdminCP, before July 3rd, you will see that ban. If you check it after the above date, the user will appear as if he had never been banned. This required a new table to be added to the system.

Although this feature sounds reasonable, there might be others who will not consider it useful, so again, an option was added to control it. Finally, since maybe some admins want to have old bans expire, but want to see if their users were banned at some time, the above mentionned table can be checked to see if a member has ever been banned.

To see the contents of this table, you should use the "View Bans Per User" selection in the AWS Menu, in your Admincp. The table structure is self- explanatory, each record you see there, represents a warning which caused a ban. The Ban Rank is the order of bans that this user has received, in other words, if this is 1, this was his first ban, if this is 2, this was his second ban etc. . The Ban Status column has the following meanings:

"IUA" (In User's Account) : The ban is still active, so it is included in the Bans number shown in your User Management page.
"NAUA" (Not Affecting User's Account) : The ban has matured (in other words the user has been good for the time you specified and the cron job removed this ban from the user Bans number, shown in the User Management page.
"Permanent" : This warning caused a permanent ban, so this cannot be removed or rendered inactive.

If you do not use the Bans Maturity feature, you should not see any Inactive bans here, the records should either be Active or Permanent.

If you want to be able to see the expired bans, even though your user account bans have been reduced after he was good for quite some time, all you have to do, is to turn on the historical records option. If the Historical Records is set to Yes, the ban records will remain in that new table, but will be marked as Inactive.

The other columns of this table, show the details of the warning that caused the ban (like type of warning etc).

So, by checking this menu option, you can immediately see the bans history of your members.

Some clarification is in order here:

In the View Warning Logs menu option, there are two alternatives, one is to Remove a warning, and the other is to do a Complete Removal of a warning. The difference between these two actions, is not very clear, so here is the clarification.

The Remove action, is sort of a manual maturing of a warning. It removes the warning points from the user's account, it marks the warning as inactive, but does not reduce the number of warnings a user has received in his career in the forum, and it does not remove any bans that the warning might have caused, from the user's account.

The Complete Removal, is like undoing the warning. The warning points will be removed from the user's account, his warnings will be reduced by one, any associated ban that the warning has caused will be removed from the user's account (his bans will be reduced by one). The only thing that the Complete Removal will not do, is to unban the user and the reason for this, is because the program cannot be sure if the user is still banned, and if he is, if the user was banned because of the warning you are removing or because of another warning. As a result, if the user is banned, you will have to unban him manually.

If this is still not clear, do use the hack's thread for your questions.

Another feature that was added, was the sorting of the Log File. When you select to see the Warning Logs now, you will see a set of buttons, at the top row of the list, saying "Asce" and "Desc". You may click on those buttons to sort the list, according to that column, in ascending or descending order. I think this will help the admins, in better evaluate their members actions.

Finally, another feature that I added, was the ability to select if a moderator can enter a comment, when he is warning a member, or if the Warning Type Description will be send instead of a comment. If you want to make your moderators life easier, then set this option to Yes. Keep in mind that this option affects only, post-related warnings. The Non-Post-Related ones still allow the warner to add a comment.

Oh yes, I also added some statistics, warnings per warning type and warnings per moderator (well, per warner shall we say?).

The code is pretty stable at the moment, but since it involved several major changes I'll have a test environment set up tomorrow, where I'll be able to test the installation scripts and the functionality before releasing it. I guess you will have it before New Year.


Viol8or 12-27-2004 05:31 PM

Very nice :) Happy to see the stats are in there.
Maybe one more suggestion, coming from my users. It would be nice if we could set a level of when the warning indicator changes colour. Now it is always displayed in red in the post bit. But why not black or blue up to a warning level of ex. 7 and from then on in red?

sv1cec 12-27-2004 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Viol8or
Very nice :) Happy to see the stats are in there.
Maybe one more suggestion, coming from my users. It would be nice if we could set a level of when the warning indicator changes colour. Now it is always displayed in red in the post bit. But why not black or blue up to a warning level of ex. 7 and from then on in red?

No particular reason why this can't be done. The issue is that since I have no idea what limits the admins who use this hack use in this forum, I'll have to code it so that in the first 1/3 the color is black, the next 1/3 is blue (or whatever) and the next 1/3 it is red (or something). And of course, the fact that each admin would have his own color preferences, means that the colors should be selectable.

All this means a lot of coding, I'll keep it in mind for when I have some more spare time (but don't be surprised if it is included in V. 3.0, if the twins give me some time to work with it).

deb0 12-27-2004 08:18 PM

when I select view XYZ's warnings, there is no remove link. Matter of fact, under the Remove column, it says the warning is "Non-removable Warning". I don't see an option where I can chose that.

Vixion 12-27-2004 10:47 PM


I just installed this add-on to my forums, and I am using 2 different kind of languages (Dutch and English). Now the people that have installed Dutch as there main-language will also see the English text.

I can't find the text of the AWS in the Language / Phrase editor. Which 'prefix' do I need to edit?

SamirDarji 12-28-2004 06:25 AM

Well, I guess it was a good thing I didn't get around to installing this on the live forum, lol.

sv1cec 12-28-2004 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by deb0
when I select view XYZ's warnings, there is no remove link. Matter of fact, under the Remove column, it says the warning is "Non-removable Warning". I don't see an option where I can chose that.

No removable warning, means this was a warning which caused a permanent ban, or that this warning has matured and is now inactive. In that case, you cannot remove it from Warn.php. The only way to remove it is from AdminCP, View Warning Logs, Complete Removal.

sv1cec 12-28-2004 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Vixion

I just installed this add-on to my forums, and I am using 2 different kind of languages (Dutch and English). Now the people that have installed Dutch as there main-language will also see the English text.

I can't find the text of the AWS in the Language / Phrase editor. Which 'prefix' do I need to edit?

The templates are all starting with 'warn_'. The phrases are listed in the install_warn.php file towards the bottom. They do not all start with the same word, but most of them start with 'warning_', check that file out and you will find them. But there is some text also in the files, so I am not sure if the hack can be fully translated without touching the code.

If you do translate it, send me the files and I'll add the "Dutch Version".



sv1cec 12-28-2004 10:50 AM

Yeap, version 3.0 is out in a few moments, so it was a good thing you didn't bother installing it. You will be my first ... guinea pig (if you pardon the expression).


j_86 12-28-2004 11:51 AM

Good job :) Installing now.


Problem with the instructions:

CREATE TABLE `ban_dates` (
`banned_serno` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`banned_user` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`banned_ban` int(2) default '0',
`banned_warning` int(15) NOT NULL,
`banned_by` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`banned_dateline` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`banned_status` char(1).
`banned_reason` mediumtext,
PRIMARY KEY (`banned_serno`)

`banned_status` char(1).

should be

`banned_status` char(1),

sv1cec 12-28-2004 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
Good job :) Installing now.


Problem with the instructions:

CREATE TABLE `ban_dates` (
`banned_serno` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`banned_user` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`banned_ban` int(2) default '0',
`banned_warning` int(15) NOT NULL,
`banned_by` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`banned_dateline` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`banned_status` char(1).
`banned_reason` mediumtext,
PRIMARY KEY (`banned_serno`)

`banned_status` char(1).

should be

`banned_status` char(1),

Darn you are right, the two are so close together on this keyboard.

Let me correct that.

Rgds and tnx

j_86 12-28-2004 12:06 PM

Upgrade time: 3minutes
Working: Perfectly so far :)

Very nice work!

sv1cec 12-28-2004 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Viol8or
Very nice :) Happy to see the stats are in there.
Maybe one more suggestion, coming from my users. It would be nice if we could set a level of when the warning indicator changes colour. Now it is always displayed in red in the post bit. But why not black or blue up to a warning level of ex. 7 and from then on in red?

OK, here is a patch for the postbit template which will do what you want. It's not perfect, but I think it should work.

Go into your postbit or postbit_legacy templates and find the part that shows the Warnings Level and Number of Bans.

In that part of the code, you will find something like:

HTML Code:

<font color="#ff0000">
Try replacing that thing with:

HTML Code:

<if condition="$post[warning_level]<$limit">
<font color="#0000ff">
<else />
<font color="#ff0000">

Be careful, the font color is changed several times, so replace it as many times as needed.

Then open your showthread.php file and find:

PHP Code:


Below that add:

PHP Code:


Then open your includes/functions_showthread.php and find:

PHP Code:

global $bbuserinfo$session$ignore$permissions$hierarchical$viewoption$_REQUEST

Replace that with:

PHP Code:

global $bbuserinfo$session$ignore$permissions$hierarchical$viewoption$limit$_REQUEST

Blue up to 6 and from then on red, if your warnings limit is 10.

I hope you like it.

sv1cec 12-28-2004 12:57 PM

For those who just installed Version 3.0, please download the zip again, and upload the files includes/functions_warning.php and modcp/mod_warn.php to your web server again. Some debug information was left behind, which caused some messages to be displayed on the top of the warning screen. Nothing detrimental, but bothering. And the mod report was not correct.

Thanks and apologies.

Torqued 12-28-2004 01:08 PM

oh man.. I've been busy and still am on 1.3! lol! poor me! I know what I'm going to be doing this afternoon!

sv1cec 12-28-2004 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Torqued
oh man.. I've been busy and still am on 1.3! lol! poor me! I know what I'm going to be doing this afternoon!

I would suggest that you just use the uninstaller to remove the whole thing and install the latest version. If you have warnings you want to maintain, then just comment out the parts of the uninstaller which remove the tables and apply the database changes only.

Sorry!!! :-(

Torqued 12-28-2004 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
I would suggest that you just use the uninstaller to remove the whole thing and install the latest version. If you have warnings you want to maintain, then just comment out the parts of the uninstaller which remove the tables and apply the database changes only.

Sorry!!! :-(

Nah. No problem. I hadn't thought about the uninstaller.. i was gonna do it all manually! My board is still in early beta, so my only warnings are test ones. :) I'll try the uninstaller. Thanks!

Fibe 12-28-2004 03:08 PM

Get the following error when trying to save changed in warning options:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: update warning_options set
where oid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'autocomments' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054
Damn :(
Any idea what I could have done wrong?

And thanks ! Amazing hack.

Delphiprogrammi 12-28-2004 03:51 PM

hi John,

the upgrade went fine only if i choose the "view banned users" link i get a database crash


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid AS busergroupid,
userban.usergroupid AS ousergroupid, userban.reason AS reason,
IF(userban.displaygroupid = 0, userban.usergroupid, userban.displaygroupid) AS odisplaygroupid,
bandate, liftdate,
adminuser.userid AS adminid, adminuser.username AS adminname
FROM vb_3user AS user
LEFT JOIN vb_3userban AS userban ON(userban.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN vb_3user AS adminuser ON(adminuser.userid = userban.adminid)
WHERE user.usergroupid IN(8)
ORDER BY userban.liftdate ASC, user.username

mysql error: Unknown column 'userban.reason' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Tuesday 28th of December 2004 07:00:22 PM
Script: /admincp/admin_warn.php?act=viewbannedusers
Username: ****************
IP Address: ********

i did all the queries you told us to do in the upgradetolatestversion.txt file mmmm i'm lost i had to lock my forums :speechless:

there is a 'userban' table in my database but no userban.reason look at the image and you'll see what i mean

Delphiprogrammi 12-28-2004 04:41 PM


it's me again :D i managed to fix the database crash by running the follwwing SQL query


ALTER TABLE vb_3userban add column 'reason' char(3) after bandate
but i'm not sure if it's correct can you tell me ?????? :speechless:

Curzon564 12-28-2004 04:55 PM

The new sort feature rocks.
Thanks for the new version of this hack.

Everything works fine so far.

sv1cec 12-28-2004 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Fibe
Get the following error when trying to save changed in warning options:

Damn :(
Any idea what I could have done wrong?

And thanks ! Amazing hack.

You didn't add the autocomments column in the warning_options table.

Run this query:

ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options` add column `autocomments` char(3) after automaticpm


sv1cec 12-28-2004 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi

it's me again :D i managed to fix the database crash by running the follwwing SQL query


ALTER TABLE vb_3userban add column 'reason' char(3) after bandate
but i'm not sure if it's correct can you tell me ?????? :speechless:

That's because you were not running the latest version before version 3.0.

In version 2.3.4, there was a query:

ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."userban` ADD COLUMN `reason` mediumtext

So, now drop the reason you have inserted and add the proper reason, char(3) is not enough.


sv1cec 12-28-2004 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Curzon564
The new sort feature rocks.
Thanks for the new version of this hack.

Everything works fine so far.

Thank you Sir!

I have to admit, it gave me some headache to implement it, but thanks to a helpful soul here, Dean C, I got it working fine. And yes, I think that it is a cool feature too, it can provide you with so much information, just with the click of a button.

One other thing that the new version has, and which I really like, is that the routines which do the warning and then send the messages, are in one place now. So, if I want to add an automatic warning somewhere else, all I have to do, is call the routines (now they are ... functions), with the proper parameters. That was the reason why you had to remove the large chunk of code from editpost.php, newreply.php, private.php etc. It makes the code so much easier to maintain.


TRStealth 12-28-2004 07:23 PM

I keep getting this error when I try to run the query to update from 2.5 -> 3.0

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1103
error desc: Incorrect table name '".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options'

Delphiprogrammi 12-28-2004 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
That's because you were not running the latest version before version 3.0.

In version 2.3.4, there was a query:

ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."userban` ADD COLUMN `reason` mediumtext

So, now drop the reason you have inserted and add the proper reason, char(3) is not enough.


that worked fine thank you !! allis working now except the automatic pm feature if a user posts something and that post contains censored words (a pm is not sended althrough i enabled this) and i have cencored words defined but that isn't so bad i always can do this myself

happy holidays John !! :smoke:

Fibe 12-28-2004 08:16 PM

Something has gone wrong or i missed something.

I had Zero Tolerance warning hack 1.5. So I only followed the instructions from WarningSystemInstallationInstructions.txt and the upgrade_warn.php file ran without any error now though:
  • In admincp I have 2 tabs: Warning Systems and the old warning Options.
  • Clicking on "View Warning Logs" results in: Could not find phrase 'no_warnings_found'.
  • "View Banned users" results in:

    Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

    Invalid SQL:
    SELECT user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid AS busergroupid,
    userban.usergroupid AS ousergroupid, userban.reason AS reason,
    IF(userban.displaygroupid = 0, userban.usergroupid, userban.displaygroupid) AS odisplaygroupid,
    bandate, liftdate,
    adminuser.userid AS adminid, adminuser.username AS adminname
    FROM user AS user
    LEFT JOIN userban AS userban ON(userban.userid = user.userid)
    LEFT JOIN user AS adminuser ON(adminuser.userid = userban.adminid)
    WHERE user.usergroupid IN(8)
    ORDER BY userban.liftdate ASC, user.username

    mysql error: Unknown column 'userban.reason' in 'field list'

    mysql error number: 1054
  • And finally when clicking on "view warnings" inside someones posts I get an empty white screen.

So did i miss anything? or just messed up hardcore and should retry ?

Torqued 12-28-2004 11:06 PM


I had v1.3 installed. I ran the uninstaller, and removed the file changes manually. When trying to run the installer for 3.0, I'm getting the following:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/mydomain/public_html/forums/admincp/install_warn.php on line 285

edited to add:

I think I fixed it:

I found this in the install_warn.php file:


INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase` (languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (0, 'warning_nremoved', 'The selected warning was not totally removed.', 9000)");
INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase` (languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (0, 'warning_banliftcancelled', 'Unban User Cancelled.', 9000)");
and changed it to this:


INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase` (languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (0, 'warning_nremoved', 'The selected warning was not totally removed.', 9000)");
INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase` (languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (0, 'warning_banliftcancelled', 'Unban User Cancelled.', 9000)");
It looks like the $DB_site->query(" was missing. After making that change, the install_warn.php completed successfully. Just have to do the file/template edits now.

Curzon564 12-28-2004 11:18 PM


"View Banned users" results in:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid AS busergroupid,
userban.usergroupid AS ousergroupid, userban.reason AS reason,
IF(userban.displaygroupid = 0, userban.usergroupid, userban.displaygroupid) AS odisplaygroupid,
bandate, liftdate,
adminuser.userid AS adminid, adminuser.username AS adminname
FROM user AS user
LEFT JOIN userban AS userban ON(userban.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN user AS adminuser ON(adminuser.userid = userban.adminid)
WHERE user.usergroupid IN(8)
ORDER BY userban.liftdate ASC, user.username

mysql error: Unknown column 'userban.reason' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054
Check if there is a "reason" field in the userban table. If it isn't there look here . That should fix it.


And finally when clicking on "view warnings" inside someones posts I get an empty white screen.
Seems as if there are one ore more templates missing.

Torqued 12-28-2004 11:24 PM

Also, in the current .zip file, it looks like the functions_warning.php, install_warn.php, and mod_warn.php are not in the correct directories in the zip file. There are no files in the /uploads/modcp folder in the zip.

edited to add:


I got AWS v3.0 installed and it seems to be working so far... still have to work through testing a few more things..

Torqued 12-29-2004 01:05 AM

A question for those using this hack:

What sorts of things are you guys setting up warnings for?

skinny 12-29-2004 02:07 AM

I want to install this tonight, from fresh. Can we have confirmation that the files are correct in he latest zip. Having mod_warn outside the modcp folder seems wrong.

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  • Memory Usage 1,923KB
  • Queries Executed 10 (?)
More Information
Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
  • (1)ad_footer_start
  • (1)ad_header_end
  • (1)ad_header_logo
  • (1)ad_navbar_below
  • (3)bbcode_code_printable
  • (2)bbcode_html_printable
  • (4)bbcode_php_printable
  • (20)bbcode_quote_printable
  • (1)footer
  • (1)gobutton
  • (1)header
  • (1)headinclude
  • (6)option
  • (1)pagenav
  • (1)pagenav_curpage
  • (4)pagenav_pagelink
  • (1)pagenav_pagelinkrel
  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
  • (1)printthread
  • (40)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete