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fastforward 05-15-2001 01:52 AM


If you want to try out the new function to strip the bbcode, replace your existing one with this.

You can be the guinea pig and take all the flack from the usenet users if it goes wrong :D No, but seriously, I'd appreciate some help in testing it. It's getting a bit boring posting test messages to myself :)

sub remove_bb_code {
    my $text = $_[0];
    my ($bbo,$bbc);
    $text =~ s/&/&/ig;
    $text =~ s/\[size=[0-9]+\]|\[\/size\]//ig;
    $text =~ s/\[color=(\"\#)?[A-Za-z0-9]+(\")?\]|\[\/color\]//ig;
    $text =~ s/\[url=(\")?//ig; $text =~ s/(\")?\](.)+\[\/url\]//gi;
    $text =~ s/\[email=(\")?//ig; $text =~ s/(\")?\](.)+\[\/email\]//gi;
    $text =~ s/\[font=(\"\#)?[A-Za-z]+(\")?\]|\[\/font\]//ig;
    $text =~ s/\[list(=)?[1Aa]?\]|\[\/list(=)?[1Aa]?\]//ig;
    $text =~ s/\[\*\]/ - /ig;
    $text =~ s/\[(\/)?code\]//ig;
    my $bbcodes = db_fetch("SELECT bbcodetag FROM bbcode");
    while (my $bbcode = $bbcodes->fetchrow_array) {
          $text =~ s/$bbo|$bbc//gi;
    return $text;

Dioxin 05-15-2001 12:38 PM


Originally posted by tamarian

How about a a listing of the database schema? Only the relevant table/fields.

I'm still running the old hack 1.8 on RC3 since my database is no longer compatible with the last hack. Couldn't figure which fields I didn't revert/update.

Looking forward to the update!

this would be a nice feature. i am also on hack release 1.8 and i plan to alter the tables manually. this would save me a lot of time :)


jarvis 05-15-2001 06:25 PM

Well, update on the Win32 install...

Looks like this won't work with Win32 systems without additional coding.

Also, some of the Perl mods don't match up, or I can't find them.

Net::NNTP and SMTP are not listed as ActivePerl mods, but NNTPClient and SMTP client are. Might be same, but then again, I'm not a technical expert.

All of the others I can find, except Date::Parse and MIME::WordDecoder.

So, I guess I'll have to wait until someone ports this to a Win32 Environment (hint, hint, maybe even money) :D

Thanks though for the hack...

n3n 05-16-2001 06:28 AM

here is html version of it.. nothing that i have done
i just added content type and br tags to it
so you can execute it online with browsers..

i was tired of getting into telnet and execute it to see the realtime result of the page.. :mad:

just replace the existing newnews.pl with attached file (newnews.txt) and rename it to newnews.pl and call it from a web browser..
i checked if it works with crontab and it works of course.. ;)

fastforward 05-16-2001 12:50 PM

Nice one. I'll see if I can get time to add this. I'll add some checking to see if it's running on the console or a browser and hide the <br>'s accordingly.

SeanM 05-16-2001 02:38 PM

Are there any problems with upgrading to RC3? I have noticed that the Usenet Gateway hack has been updated to work with RC3. Just curious if there's any problems..

n3n 05-16-2001 09:49 PM


Originally posted by fastforward
Nice one. I'll see if I can get time to add this. I'll add some checking to see if it's running on the console or a browser and hide the <br>'s accordingly.
(so i don't have modify coming up version of it any more..:cool: )

Dioxin 05-18-2001 01:58 PM

one question:

if i add this:
PHP Code:

ORDER BY seqdateline $postorder

to showthread, the postorder istn't correct. i use the latest release.

why do you use this function in newnews.pl:
PHP Code:

sub order_local_posts {
my $posts db_fetch("SELECT threadid,postid,dateline FROM post WHERE isusenetpost=0 AND ord=0");
   while (
my $post $posts->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $countposts db_fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM post WHERE threadid = $post->{threadid} AND dateline < $post->{dateline}");
my $ord $countposts->fetchrow_array;
db_execute("UPDATE post SET ord=$ord, seq=$ord+1 WHERE postid = $post->{postid}");

it counts all posts and update the seq-field. but wgy?? if a member post to a forum, the post is added with seq = 0 and the post is displayed in the middle of the thread. so i removed the "order by seq".

please help, thanx in advance.

fastforward 05-18-2001 02:32 PM

The date you have elected to use for posts in your control panel will determine whether these functions are needed.

If you remove the order by seq line and you have selected nntpdate in your control panel, then usenet posts will not be ordered correctly for reasons explained in several posts in this thread. To get around it the posts are 'sequenced' and the thread is ordered using that column. The order_local_posts() function is to allow people to use the nntp date without editing the newreply.php file. It will simply add the sequence number for any local posts when the script is executed.

This is all irrelevent in the next release anyway so I shouldn't worry about it to much. But the bottom line is in the current version, those things are needed unless you want confused users.

Mark Hewitt 05-18-2001 02:35 PM

I actually removed the seq part a long time ago as it was causing threads in my normal forums to appear out of order.

Dioxin 05-18-2001 03:15 PM

for your "fast" answer :)

when is the next release expected?

fastforward 05-18-2001 03:49 PM


Originally posted by Dioxin
for your "fast" answer :)

when is the next release expected?

Definately this weekend... I promise :)

I have it all up and running at dbforums.com, I just need to document it all. There's been a few changes in the tables and code edits required.

To get the most out of this next release, you need to create a seperate template set more suited to a usenet article layout. I decided it was silly trying to squeeze a usenet article into the forum layout when I should be changing the forum layout to accomodate the usenet article.

Another change (related to your seq issue) is that both local timestamp and nntp timestamps are stored in the table. The seq column has been removed. You now just order on dateline (default) or the nntpdateline.

fastforward 05-19-2001 04:46 AM

And here's another one...

This is release 20010519 for vB2.0 RC3.

Quite a lot of changes in this one. The biggest change is probably the ability to reply to individual usenet posts at any level of the thread and have ot thread correctly on usenet. (The quote button is used for this.) For this to work you MUST make a small code edit to newreply.php AND add a hidden field to the newreply template.

To get the most out of this you should consider creating a complete set of custom templates for the usenet forums. You can then show the nntpdate but still maintain a logical order by dateline. You can also hide the posts/location etc and display the full nntp From: header just like a real usenet post. See http://dbforums.com to see what I mean.

  1. Added reply to particular post capability to ensure outgoing posts are threaded correctly when they reach usenet.
  2. Changed indexing routine to support the new vB search thread title option.
  3. Changed method of ordering usenet posts in forums to a more robust method. (Additional column containing nntpdate replaces the seq column)
  4. Improved stripping of vB codes from outgoing posts.
  5. Added new column containing nntp from line that can be referenced in templates.
  6. Added global 'posting enabled' switch to control panel.
  7. Improved autopurge function. It's now a lot quicker.
Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed problem of lastactivethread not being updated when a post was deleted.
  2. Fixed problem with mailing archives threading. Some posts were not being loaded if there were no references.
  3. Fixed bug causing quotes not to be indented.
  4. Probably some other stuff that I can't remember.
If possible you should do a clean install with this version. If not possible, you should go through the table structures carefully. Let me know if you need clarification on the need of any columns.

With only days before the vB final (hopefully) I want to clear up any bugs asap. If you do find any, make sure they're little ones that can be fixed easily :)


Note to n3n: I didn't get around to adding the html to newnews.pl. I decided to wait and do it properly with an option to run it from the control panel and automatically set up a cron job etc.

Note to jarvis: I'll see what I can do about getting it to work under windows. It does work under Cygwin though if you can't wait.

jarvis 05-19-2001 05:07 AM


You've got an awesome product, and if you are doing dev on a Win32 version, then I will wait. Like I said b4, I am willing to pay for this version as it is exactly what I've been looking for. Right now, I'm using DNews from netwinsite, but if I could incorporate ng's into my existing forums, whoa... (drool) Darn you Unix giys :)

Dioxin 05-21-2001 04:10 PM

hi fastforward,

i get these message from my telnet:

Query failed:
UPDATE usenet_outgoing SET refs = concat(refs,' ','<3b08a44a$0$304$6e37e724@news.dpn.de>') WHERE inreplyto = 23810

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Unknown column 'inreplyto' in 'where clause' at newnews.pl line 601.

the table usenet_outgoing has no field called 'inreplyto'

please help.. i use the latest version.

btw, your instruction set for the new release is not complete. all the insert statements for the spam- and usenet_replace table are missing.

fastforward 05-21-2001 06:39 PM


Originally posted by Dioxin
hi fastforward,

i get these message from my telnet:

Query failed:
UPDATE usenet_outgoing SET refs = concat(refs,' ','<3b08a44a$0$304$6e37e724@news.dpn.de>') WHERE inreplyto = 23810

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Unknown column 'inreplyto' in 'where clause' at newnews.pl line 601.

the table usenet_outgoing has no field called 'inreplyto'

please help.. i use the latest version.

btw, your instruction set for the new release is not complete. all the insert statements for the spam- and usenet_replace table are missing.

Yeah I just got those errors aswell. I forgot to add the inreplyto columns to the usenet_outgoing and the usenet_outgoing_log table. Outgoing messages will not be sent until I fix it. You can add the columns yourself if you like they should be of type int and unsigned. I can't get a fix out until tomorrow night I'm afraid. I also need to make sure there are no more issues with the release version.

Sorry about that.

chrispadfield 05-21-2001 11:03 PM

Now vb2.0 is out i am really looking forward to this.

I do have one request though, we talked about this before a bit.

Basically, the "first time" a user goes to post a newsgroup message i want a confirmation page to come up explaning exactly what they are doing.

What would be needed here..

i) an extra field in user Y, N for has seen warning sort of thing.

ii) an extra modification to newthread/newreply.php to check for Y/N if it is a newsgroup post. If N then display a new page with warning on it, with the message etc as hidden variables. If they press "accept" or whatever you use then the message is sent and everyone is happy.

i would really like this if it is possible.

fastforward 05-21-2001 11:54 PM


Originally posted by chrispadfield
Basically, the "first time" a user goes to post a newsgroup message i want a confirmation page to come up explaning exactly what they are doing.
The way I have done this on dbforums.com is using templates. Every usenet post has a sidebar where all the vbcode stuff used to be advising them that their post is about to placed in the public domain and to read the faq etc etc...

If you really really really really need it :) I'll put it on the to do list, but I desperately need to spend some time getting my site updated. My intention was to fix any bugs and leave it alone for a few weeks.

There's still plenty I want to add to the hack in the next big release though, including full mime and binary attachment support.

fastforward 05-22-2001 04:39 AM

This release certifies the hack for vB 2.0 :)

There have been a couple of bugfixes:
  1. Added missing columns to usenet_outgoing & usenet_outgoing_log tables
  2. Fixed problem with autopurge. Local posts that were made in a usenet forum were being expired too early... much much too early!

Download latest version for vB 2.0

I was going to officially move the hack to vbulletin.org but the discussion bit is broken so it'll have to stay here.

chrispadfield 05-22-2001 08:07 AM

i like how you have done it, update your site i will work on a new tmeplate set, seems a good plan with the new reply feature as well.

mcncyo 05-22-2001 10:07 AM

the only thing i can't get installed with CPAN is the Bundle::MySQL i went to CPAN website and it isn't listed anymore.

Does anyone know where i can get it?

fastforward 05-22-2001 12:16 PM


Originally posted by cyo
the only thing i can't get installed with CPAN is the Bundle::MySQL i went to CPAN website and it isn't listed anymore.

Does anyone know where i can get it?

It's actually part of 'Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2216' They must have changed the name on me :)

Here's the link: http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=Msql-Mysql-modules

annams 05-22-2001 04:36 PM

I am using the default template and have BB code turned on in the forums. Whenever a new post is made while keeping the "Automatically parse URLs" turned on, the resulting post shows up with the following text in the usenet:

[ url

No url is sent to the usenet posting. This was a problem present in the older version. Can you please provide a fix.


Gilby 05-22-2001 06:13 PM


Originally posted by annams
No url is sent to the usenet posting. This was a problem present in the older version. Can you please provide a fix.
Here is a fix (within the remove_bb_code subroutine), replace this:
PHP Code:

    $text =~ s/\[url=(\")?//ig; $text =~ s/(\")?\](.)+\[\/url\]//gi;      # url
$text =~ s/\[email=(\")?//ig; $text =~ s/(\")?\](.)+\[\/email\]//gi;  # email 

with this:
PHP Code:

    $text =~ s/\[url(=)?(\")?//ig; $text =~ s/(\")?\](.+)\[\/url\]/ $2/gi;      # url
$text =~ s/\[email(=)?(\")?//ig; $text =~ s/(\")?\](.+)\[\/email\]/ $2/gi;  # email 

The probelm was that it didn't recognize the url code when it was like: [ url ] http://www.gilby.com [ /url ]

I also made it so that any internal text that is in the url code is not removed, so if I had [ url="http://www.gilby.com" ] My Site [ /url ], it would replace it with http://www.gilby.com My Site. Still not perfect, but no text is lost.

fastforward 05-22-2001 09:09 PM

Thanks Gilby. I wasn't looking forward to trying to fix that one :)

AWS 05-22-2001 11:36 PM

I got this hack running on Win2k and Apache. Check it out at http://resource-zone.com

If any else wants to get it running with NT I'll post a howto to this thread. The way I set it up should also work with IIS.

jarvis 05-23-2001 12:19 AM

Ooh, ooh.... me, me!!

I want an NT/IIS how-to!! :D

I gave it an initial effort, but realized I was in over my head, and I couldn't translate some of the needed modules over to ActiveState Perl. Would love to try your suggestions.


NgtCrwlr 05-23-2001 01:11 AM

fastforward, words just can't tell you how much I appreciate your vBulletin usenet hack. I had installed the hack on rc2 dev board just to see if I could get all the perl modules installed etc. The rest is history... I am now working on customizing the vB2 final usenet hack.

I'm wondering if you are planning to release your usenet templates? The templates are my next project and if you don't mind... being able to use your templates as a guide would sure save time and a few brain cells.

Thanks again for sharing your brilliant work.


Larry "NgtCrwlr" Mingus

PS: You should hook up with a hosting company because anyone using your hack will soon need a dedicated server. :D

fastforward 05-23-2001 02:05 AM

Ah.. kind words indeed. It makes it all worthwhile :)

I can't take all the credit though. My thanks go to:
  • Gilby for his code fixes and orphan handling functions.
  • Chris Padfield for keeping me motivated early on and providing the feature list.
  • Tamarian for not suing after trashing his forums ;)
  • Anybody else brave enough to install this hack on their production server :eek:
  • Jelsoft for ummm... that forum software thingy they wrote :p
  • And most importantly, Randall Schwarz for Perl and all the Perl module writers... Yayyy! :D

PS I've had a few requests for the templates so I'll make the them available tomorrow.

Dontom 05-23-2001 07:29 PM

Hi, I am trying to install this hack - does this mean Date/Parse.pm is not installed?



Can't locate Date/Parse.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-lin
ux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5
/site_perl/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at ./newnews.pl line 48.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./newnews.pl line 48.

Gilby 05-23-2001 07:39 PM


Originally posted by Dontom
Hi, I am trying to install this hack - does this mean Date/Parse.pm is not installed?

Yup, that error means that this perl module is not installed. Look in the installation instructrions of this hack which explains how to install the required modules.

Dontom 05-23-2001 08:58 PM

Sorry, again a dumb perl-question..
I have just installed above mentioned module, now I get the following (I uploaded newnews.pl ascii and chmoded it to 755)


sh: /bin/ps: Permission denied

Any Idea?

Gilby 05-23-2001 09:04 PM


Originally posted by Dontom
Any Idea?
Comment out this section:

# check for previous instance
my $pid=$$;
my $old_pid=0;
if (-e $pid_file) {
print W $pid;
my $ps_pid=`/bin/ps xaww | grep newnews.pl | grep -v "grep"`;
if($pid+0 == $old_pid+0){
  system("kill -9 $old_pid");

Just put in # at the beginning of each of those lines. That code checks to see if the script is already running and if it is, it terminates itself. Apparently the command to check if it's running is not set to give you permissions to run it on your server.

AWS 05-23-2001 09:22 PM

How I installed on win2k.

Lets get the tool you'll need first.

Download nmake.


Log on as Admin.

Create a dir on C. Mine is called mods and extract nmake there.

Open a console and follow the directions in the usenet install file to install the modules.
When you run CPAN the first time it will ask you to configure it. The main paths you have to set is the dir to download to which would be the dir you created.
The path to nmake.
Path to your zip utility.
Make sure you set to ask before it installs dependencies.
The rest you don't have to worry about.
3 of the modules will install with no errors 2 will build but won't install, but, we won't let that stop you.
During the install it will find some dependencies. Let it install them but remember the ones that error. One of the 3 errored on my install.
You'll know when they error.
Now you have all the modules you need.
For the ones that errored we''ll just move the files to where they need to be.
I don't remember which ones errored but to move them is pretty easy.
After you have all the modules installed. exit CPAN and command prompt cd to the dir you extracted the newnews.pl file. Once there type

perl newnews.pl

it will error but we want it too so we can see where to move the files to.

When it error you get a can't find dirname/module.pm with the path to all the perl modules. Dirname and .pm name is what we want. Mail was one that errored on mine. What you'll do is open explorer and head into C:\path\to\perl\lib dir. If you don't have the dir name it was looking for create it and then head into the build directory you setup. You will see dirs for each modules you created. Open the mail dir and in it you'll find a folder called blib open it and you'll see another folder called Mail. Open it and copy the .pm file into the mail dir you created in /perl/lib.
If you get an error can't find module.pm just copy the module out of the build dir into /lib.
Run the script again and watch for the next error. Do the same thing you did above for each error.
When you get to the error 'kill not a recognized command or batch file' all the modules are installed and working correctly.

Now the last step.

Go to


and download and install the gnu tools. You need them for the script to run. Do the net install. Install them all. This is about 16 megs of files. When it starts the install choose to install for all. That way all users can use them.
When they are installed click the cygwin icon on the desktop to get to open the bash shell.

cd /path/to/newnews.pl

then ./newnews.pl

perl will overload and you'll get a stackdump error. No problem. We only wanted to let windows know cygwin is installed. If you happen to get any module errors there don't worry about them.
Exit the shell and open windows console again. Make sure you create the forum to hold the postings before you run the script.

cd path/to/newnews.pl

then perl newnews.pl

Watch the magic happen as it grabs the news.
This will take about any hour. The install time I mean not the time it takes to get the news.
I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific about the exact files I had to move and the dirs I had to create.

Fastforward, thanks for the great hack. I should have never switched to win2k from FreeBSD. At least they let me keep Apache. Wouldn't have to go through all the trouble to get the hack running.


Dontom 05-23-2001 09:26 PM

Gilby, Thank you - it works!!!


Originally posted by Gilby

Just put in # at the beginning of each of those lines. That code checks to see if the script is already running and if it is, it terminates itself. Apparently the command to check if it's running is not set to give you permissions to run it on your server.

NgtCrwlr 05-23-2001 09:55 PM

Those of you trying to get the proper modules installed you may find this little program handy. I found this at Gossamer Threads about two years ago, knowing that some day I might need it.

Then along comes fastforward with his modules dependent marvelous Perl wizardry, and I just smiled and said "I think I can handle this, now where did I put that little program?." ;)

Save this code as a .cgi file (modules.cgi or whatever) then upload to your cgi-bin and call it with your browser.




# uncomment the line below if you have installed any modules locally
# change the line to reflect your server settings

# use lib "/path/to/my_modules/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005";

use strict;
use File::Find;
my (@mod, %done, $dir);
find(\&get, grep { -r and -d } @INC);
@mod = grep(!$done{$_}++, @mod);
foreach $dir (sort { length $b <=> length $a } @INC) {
  foreach (@mod) { next if s,^\Q$dir,,; }
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
foreach (@mod) { s,^/(.*)\.pm$,$1,; s,/,::,g; print "$_<br>\n"; }
print "Done! ($#mod modules!)\n\n";
sub get { /^.*\.pm$/ && /$ARGV[0]/i && push @mod, $File::Find::name; }


fastforward 05-23-2001 10:06 PM

A few people have asked for a copy of my templates to use as an example for the usenet bits. Here's the default and usenet styles from dbforums.com

They were actually created on RC3 so there are some that should really be reverted. I was going to tidy them up but other peoples HTML skills are probably a lot better than mine... besides, Startrek Voyager two hour 'end of series' finale is on tonight so I don't want to be messing about with templates :D

chrispadfield 05-24-2001 12:37 PM


Originally posted by fastforward

They were actually created on RC3 so there are some that should really be reverted. I was going to tidy them up but other peoples HTML skills are probably a lot better than mine... besides, Startrek Voyager two hour 'end of series' finale is on tonight so I don't want to be messing about with templates :D

www.talkstartrek.com wants to hear your comments afterwards ;)

NgtCrwlr 05-24-2001 01:03 PM

fastforward... a big high five at-chya, I managed to get the templates working well enough that I can go to bed with a gleaming smile.


Thanks man, I hope some day to be able to repay you in some way, for the work you have put into this project. This is just too good to be true. :cool:

That's it I'm down for the count.


NgtCrwlr 05-25-2001 03:54 AM

I think I have found a posting date bug....

I finally got around to setting up a test forum to try out posting from vB2 to usenet. The first two posts one a reply and the other a new thread are both showing Date: 12-31-1969 07:00 PM in the usenet template.

Here's what it looks like.

From phpmyadmin I see that the nntpdateline field is 0 for both posts, so I'm off to figure out why it is not being updated.

If anyone has already figured this out I'd appreciate a toot.


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