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spence2 08-27-2004 10:09 AM


cclaerhout 08-27-2004 11:52 AM

I'm happy, even if it means i'll have to translate it again in french ;-)

www.tfw2005.com 08-27-2004 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Action-N
Can I have the Articles sort alphabeticaly instead of as summitted. Looking through the code, but wanted to get a post started here.

Thanks for this hack, I know I as well as others really needed it.

In case anyone else is searching this thread for this, I found it.

In your includes/functions_articles.php file

Find this:


$articles = $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "article
                                                                WHERE categoryid=$cid $moderationSQL ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT $start, $finish");

Replace with this:


$articles = $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "article
                                                                WHERE categoryid=$cid $moderationSQL ORDER BY title ASC LIMIT $start, $finish");

ASC is forwards, DESC is backwards. Datline is by post date, title is by alphabetically. I suppose you can also sort by other variables by replacing the word "title" in there, but thats up to you to figure out.


Mickie D 08-27-2004 07:54 PM

cant wait for the new update :)

well done all involved

Fargo 08-28-2004 10:04 AM

John, is there any possibility to give us a spoiler of what to expect with the new version (that is, if you don't forsee releasing it in the next day or so).

Not sure if you were including new features or just making bug fixes...

I would REALLY like to see an article description field included if possible. This would be shown under the title in the articles list, and would allow users to get a better idea of what the article is about before navigating to it. :)

trackpads 08-28-2004 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by ria.enigma
John, is there any possibility to give us a spoiler of what to expect with the new version (that is, if you don't forsee releasing it in the next day or so).

Not sure if you were including new features or just making bug fixes...

I would REALLY like to see an article description field included if possible. This would be shown under the title in the articles list, and would allow users to get a better idea of what the article is about before navigating to it. :)


Please dont forget about the counting articles in sub-sub-forums!

thanks for all your work!


Host Directory 08-30-2004 12:26 AM

I guess i will wait for the update before installing this hack.

Does anyone know what the deal is with uninstalling the hack ( if ever i wanted to )?

I notice it keeps with an install script... so does it also come with an unistall script or is this not needed?

Ted S 08-30-2004 01:10 AM

The install script has a remove feature which works out very nicely.

Host Directory 08-30-2004 01:12 AM

Cool.. i will be waiting for the update since its almost ready and then i will install this one.

zetetic 08-30-2004 01:54 AM

Tiny Bug:

On Article index page, username under "Last comment by" doesn't link to user profile as it should.


Edit template: article_lastcommentby


HTML Code:

<phrase 1="member.php?$session[sessionurl]username=$article[lastposter]" 2="$category[lastposter]">$vbphrase[by_x]</phrase>
Replace with:

HTML Code:

<phrase 1="member.php?$session[sessionurl]username=$category[lastposter]" 2="$category[lastposter]">$vbphrase[by_x]</phrase>

TCB 08-30-2004 10:31 AM

Looking forward to install this one on 3.0.3 :D

Any news on when the update might be released?

Ghostsuit 08-30-2004 04:45 PM

I was about to install this as well. Guess I'll wait on the new version. Any idea when it will be packaged John?

integra99 08-30-2004 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by John
It's done, I just haven't packaged it up yet.

Package it up!

deaconxgp 08-30-2004 05:29 PM

is there any reason why when i add images to the article they all show as red X's...?? i can click them and view them just fine but at the end of the article when you view the media thumbnails...they're nothing but red X's

also, how do i get an image next to the featured article?

j_86 08-30-2004 05:45 PM

Why not read through the thread ;)

MissKalunji 08-30-2004 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by integra99
Package it up!

package is up???

deaconxgp 08-30-2004 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
Why not read through the thread ;)

i did read through it, and i tried the other thread with the thumbnail fix but it still didn't work.

any ideas?

TCB 08-31-2004 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
package is up???

Yeah, John mentioned almost a week ago that the update was ready and that he only needed to package the files. So Integra99 refers to John's statement and 'asked' (in a pushing way ;)) 'please package up'...

Can't wait John :p

Nam 08-31-2004 01:56 PM

If you are using VbIndex is there a module to include your featured article??? PLEASE PLEASE HELP....THANKS SO MUCH!!!!

spence2 09-01-2004 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by spence2
That was posted on the 18th and today is the 27th; so, hopefully, that means any day now.

Originally Posted by John
It's done, I just haven't packaged it up yet.

Please pack 'er up for all us 3.03 souls groveling at your feet. :squareeyed:

trackpads 09-02-2004 06:31 AM

Is it possible to run two article systems on the same board?

AlfonsoC 09-02-2004 02:01 PM


Need a complete description of tables used by v3 articles 1.0.1... seems that something went wrong in the installation and some tables weren't created okay. So I cannot uninstall or install another time.

So, anyone can put the layout of the tables associated with v3 articles, please.

Host Directory 09-02-2004 05:34 PM

I couldn't wait for the new version - so i installed and everything works fine. Great hack but can anyone tell me what code i might need to change to do the following?

I would like to be able to place announcements in the articles section so that i request my users to write the articles and offer them link backs, ect.

I would also like to sticky some articles ( like sticky thread ) that are popular.

Anyone know how to do that? I think it would make this hack complete.

MissKalunji 09-03-2004 02:45 PM

anyone would be able to write a script for me? to show up the article in a non vb page

if yes please e-mail me : jamaican_dymes69@hotmail.com
Or send me a pm

I willing to pay!! i need it :nervous:

Thank u ppl

Host Directory 09-03-2004 02:54 PM

Yeah i wanted to be able to add it to a non vbpage also. They could put a option for admins to send the article to a non vbpage but it would have to be able to write the article into a menu system on another page. So it created a new link on a non vbpage - leading to the article on a non vb page.

I guess that would take a bit of coding.

AlfonsoC 09-03-2004 07:03 PM

After various days of battling with this hack. After trying to search more information about the table schema used by it, after sending several e-mails to the creator, after posting a request for information here (read my previous post to this) and today asking another time support for the creator (and willing to pay for this).

Got extremely p*ssed with this rogue hack and decided to get rid of it COMPLETELY of my system until a future version who solves the fails and cleans everything and deficiencies.

To get rid of v3 from your database you need to follow this simple steps:

0. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR DB! It's vital to recover it if anything goes wrong. This steps are done by me, but everything can fail and send your Forums DB to h*ll... Give yourself a second chance to get completely cleaned.

1. I assume that you tried to uninstall it via the install.php script provided by the programmer of the hack. If not, do it and follow next steps to get a completely clean system another time.

2. Connect to your database (check with your provider if your database is on a remote server), this is my case, so you need to issue from a shell of your account this command: mysql -h databasehost -D databasename -p -u yourusername

3. Issue this command on the mysql client: drop table articles ; repeat this command (drop table) with the next tables: articleattachment, articlecategory, articlepost, articlerating. This deletes phisically those tables from your database, note that at the end of each drop table <table name> you need to end that line with ; and double check the table name...

4. Next command is very delicate, so check ten times if needed before hitting enter, because will do surgery with a table who is vital for your forums and only you want to remove a column on a table, not restoring the database and start another time from step 2. :rolleyes:
On the mysql client you need to issue this command to remove the column added by the installer: alter table usergroup drop column articlepermissions ; (Note the ; at the end of the sentence).
Depending of the table size (small.... very small unless you run thousands of different groups) mysql client can wait for some time to return the control.

5. You've done it!. Probably you will have some more little bits from v3 articles on you DB (watch on phrase manager & template manager). But at least you've cleaned manually your DB (who the install script doesn't do giving the excuse of 'keeping' the content... wth! I want to get rid of everything!) and if you from time to time find anything you can safely remove it with complete peace of mind (will do, at least for this version).

6. Follow the install directions another time, but deleting what you added in the past (do some backups of the files before applying surgery - copy them to filename.php.original for example).

7. Remove the files you added.

8. Last but not least, click Uninstall on this thread if you previously clicked Install.


If you followed those steps in the order I've told you, seems to be 99% uninstalled, just found little bits hanging on the DB. So... since Uninstall doesnt work as intended, you need to thank the autor to do manually. Additions to the uninstall procedure.

Fire a shell session and connect to your mysql database (just follow another time step 2 on the procedure).

Do a simple query like this: select * from settinggroup where grouptitle="v3_articles" ;

MySQL will surely return you a row as a result. In this case, fire this command: DELETE FROM `settinggroup` WHERE `grouptitle` = 'v3_articles' LIMIT 1 ;

Revised all my tables and didn't found more things related to v3 articles on my system, so if you want/need it... following those simple steps will give you a 99.99999999(pure period)% system.

Host Directory 09-03-2004 07:17 PM

Sorry it didnt work out for you AlfonsoC. I installed this hack on my board and had no problems with it.

Its working fine for me.

TCB 09-04-2004 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Host Directory
Sorry it didnt work out for you AlfonsoC. I installed this hack on my board and had no problems with it.

Its working fine for me.

What vb version are you running? 3.0.1 ?

Host Directory 09-04-2004 02:31 PM

TCB i am running vb3.0.

Zachariah 09-05-2004 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by AlfonsoC

Need a complete description of tables used by v3 articles 1.0.1... seems that something went wrong in the installation and some tables weren't created okay. So I cannot uninstall or install another time.

So, anyone can put the layout of the tables associated with v3 articles, please.

Take apart the install files or XML imported files in the hack.

Host Directory 09-05-2004 11:57 PM

Does anyone know what i might do to make the article system do this.

I want to be able to add html on the main article template so that i can put a graphic saying ( Write articles for us ) and maybe a html text description next to it saying something like - Volunteer article writers needed.

The graphic would point to - http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/pro...editusergroups , so they could opt to join.

Obviously this html ( graphic and description ) would only show to members who did not have permission to write articles - otherwise the add an article graphic would show instead.

Should be easy to do this but i am not a coder.

Anyone have any suggestions?

spence2 09-06-2004 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by John
... there's going to be an update to this next week.


Originally Posted by spence2
That was posted on the 18th and today is the 27th; so, hopefully, that means any day now.


Originally Posted by John
It's done, I just haven't packaged it up yet.

Does anyone have an idea what is delaying this release?

JustAskJulie 09-06-2004 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nam
If you are using VbIndex is there a module to include your featured article??? PLEASE PLEASE HELP....THANKS SO MUCH!!!!

I believe there is one on the VbIndex site.

SamirDarji 09-07-2004 11:50 PM

Hey Julie, looks like I see you everywhere ;)

Goodspeed 09-08-2004 09:01 PM

Great hack!

I've a question: Is it possible to move articles between categories?

cclaerhout 09-09-2004 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Goodspeed
Great hack!

I've a question: Is it possible to move articles between categories?

No. May be in the next version that everybody's waiting for.

blueuniverse 09-09-2004 04:39 PM

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that should be in the next version, as he mentioned it would be a lot more like the default posting, thread system.

Any update on the release?

Ghostsuit 09-09-2004 04:56 PM

Last I spoke to him (day or two ago) he still hadn't packaged it. Probably just busy.

SamirDarji 09-09-2004 06:05 PM

Anybody have an exact list of the issues that the new package will address?

JamesFrost 09-10-2004 12:09 PM


another great hack. Is there any plan to allow users to give reputation to articles that they like?

James Frost

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