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Slapyo 08-28-2004 12:23 AM

If you were to go through and pull out advertisements you would have to edit the code in which case it would be for that specific feed only and would work for only that feed.

bitg, i'm not exactly sure. what rss feeds are you using. i would suggest that you goto the article bot which provides many more options but does the same thing.


mobilephonegame 09-04-2004 08:56 AM

Hi All,
ive read through this thread, but am no nearer finding a solution

my php is 4.3+ ive installed without any errors showing

ive added a bot, and scheduled for every 59 mins, allocated forum id & News user id

all goes fine until i manually select "run now" in sshedule tasks

all im shown is:

PHP Code:

Warningmain(class.RSS.php): failed to open streamNo such file or directory in /home/public_html/gamesarcade/includes/RSS/rss_update.php on line 17 


PHP Code:

Fatal errormain(): Failed opening required 'class.RSS.php' (include_path=''in /home/public_html/gamesarcade/includes/RSS/rss_update.php on line 17 

no other errors appear in the admin area, ive even done the fix for users using a lower spec of php and still doesnt work...

can anyone throw some light>?

the RSS im wanting to use, and have set up is:

any assist with this to get it working would be gr8 :-)

Beermonster 09-04-2004 02:14 PM

Works perfect :)

[high]* Beermonster clicks install[/high]

mobilephonegame 09-04-2004 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Beermonster
Works perfect :)

[high]* Beermonster clicks install[/high]

<< couldnt get it to work, so used another, and that worked first time :tired: :-)

Beermonster 09-05-2004 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
I installed this the other day and it pulled in 7 messages from the feed which is very cool. However, I have got nothing since then. I though I messed up the cron. I ran the script manually and it comes back with the message "RSS News Feed".

Is that all it is supposed to say?

I added 3 more feeds going to the same forum and I get no posts from any of them.

What am I doing wrong?

BTW, I have attached a picture of my cron screen. Did I do it right?

First of all you have set your cron to check every 0 minutes try setting it to 59

Also I'm the same as you some feeds work and some don't, I'm just getting no posts from them, anyone else have a problem with it?

martinh4 09-05-2004 05:30 PM

Installed and it's working great. :)

venomx 09-05-2004 08:05 PM

Ok I run VB3.0.3 and tried Article Bot and it works fine except on the forum home it doesnt updat the Last Post field. Does this hack have the same problem?

Slapyo 09-07-2004 05:12 PM

it might be how article bot inserts the post. article bot may insert the post manually...but this bot will use vB's function to make a new post. however i would still go with article bot because it offers many more features than this one. make the suggestion to the article bot dev.

Blam Forumz 09-11-2004 06:36 PM

My scheduled task is called rss.php it has everything that it should have,the filename is ./rss.php

and when i run it, all i get is a message saying:


and no post in the forum i setup the bots to post in... help, i use 3.0.2 and i dotn know how to check my php version

DanGarion 09-13-2004 07:35 PM

If I try to run the scheduled task I all I get is the name of my Scheduled task and nothing that says "Done".

If I try to bring up the rss.php file it's just a blank page.

I don't see any errors generated anywhere.

http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/rss/raw.php is the feed.

Slapyo 09-16-2004 01:38 AM

dan, that is a rdf feed not a rss feed. try article bot, it is located in the integration forum. it does rdf i think.

blueuniverse 09-16-2004 02:57 PM

Is there any way, to make it accept 287 character, RSS addresses in the source box. Currently it is limiting me to 148. Don't ask about the long feed, it is one of those super configurable ones.

How would I do this?

Slapyo 09-17-2004 05:04 AM

i'm not sure. i only made changes to the script and still don't know all the ins and outs about it. i do know that article bot is alot more advanced in what it does as compared to this bot.

blueuniverse 09-17-2004 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by blueuniverse
Is there any way, to make it accept 287 character, RSS addresses in the source box. Currently it is limiting me to 148. Don't ask about the long feed, it is one of those super configurable ones.

How would I do this?

Ignore this now, I sorted it by editing the field in phpMyAdmin

Slapyo 09-18-2004 05:12 AM

oh ok cool ... ;) glad you got it working the way you want.

scoobycray 09-18-2004 10:21 AM

Iv'e installed but do not get anything happening....

If I run the scheduled task manually its just says rss.php and nohing else.

running php 4.3.4 and setup the forum ID and user all OK trying to use RSS Feed URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline...rld/rss091.xml

Any ideas? Would love to get this running....

scoobycray 09-18-2004 11:49 AM

DOn't worry fixed it - for anyone else just check you are putting the user ID NUMBER and not the Users name when you add a new bot :)

scoobycray 09-19-2004 10:16 AM

I had the same issue with BBC where it grabs the first set of headlines when you first run it but will bot update, no idea why though.

ToddW 09-24-2004 07:17 PM

MoreOver Feeds aren't working for me... Any idea why?

TheRegister feed wroked then I moved to a new sub-forum and they didn't update in here when I ran the cron..?

58sniper 09-27-2004 01:12 AM

One minor suggestion....

adv_portal_news_archivebits ends up spitting out a line like this:


<b><a href="http://dev.defensivetactics.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51" title="<br /><br />View the Entire Article<br />">Development:  AL QAEDA SEEN PLANNING FOR 'SPECTACULAR ATTACK'</a></b>
I'm concerned about the breaks in the title parameter. That's causing some validation problems.

In rss_update.php, I found this:
PHP Code:

$rss_description .= "{br}{br}[url=" $rss_allItems[$j][LINK] . "]View the Entire Article[/url]{br}"

If I pull out the three breaks, is that going to cause problems elsewhere?

ToddW 09-27-2004 02:27 AM

I`m still waiting for help with MoreOver's feedt rhat uses spaces.. %20 .. anyone ?

msimonds 09-27-2004 06:29 PM

This is a great mod, installed and working great, I do have a question though.

If I add over 30 rss feeds (individual team forums), i run the cron job and a few times I have received Time out errors. Is there a max number of feeds we can use!! ALSO

WHat is the proper setting to uptdate this once every 24 hours or once ever 12 hours


msimonds 09-27-2004 07:17 PM

when I run the cron job, this is the error that I am getting

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/rantman/public_html/forums/includes/RSS/rss_update.php on line 62

Is there a way to increase the time!!

58sniper 09-29-2004 02:36 AM

Okay, I seem to be having an issue with this. I got it installed without a problem. I added a feed, added it as a cron job, and then manually ran the cron job. It promptly added 10 posts without a problem. And then it never added anything again, even when cron ran the script. If I manually run the script - same problem.

Now - if I delete the news and manually run it again, I get 10 new posts without a problem. But nothing after that.

Anyone else run into that?

Slapyo 09-29-2004 04:41 AM

is their a date field? if there isn't then it can't check to see if the date is the same ... so it won't add any new posts. post your feed and i can look at it.

58sniper 09-29-2004 11:06 AM

That looks to be the problem.
http://www.defensereview.com/backend.php is my feed.
I'll test with some other feeds and let ya know. Thanks for the clue.

ToddW 09-29-2004 09:18 PM

Did anyone figure out how to get moreover to work with the spaces it uses? None of my moreover feeds work..

Slapyo 09-30-2004 03:45 AM

post the feed toddw ... that way i can look at it.

ToddW 09-30-2004 04:12 AM

Here's just one of the hundreds they offer.
All use the %20 - and none work with this RSS News Feed Hack :disappointed:



nelto 09-30-2004 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by 58sniper
Okay, I seem to be having an issue with this. I got it installed without a problem. I added a feed, added it as a cron job, and then manually ran the cron job. It promptly added 10 posts without a problem. And then it never added anything again, even when cron ran the script. If I manually run the script - same problem.

Now - if I delete the news and manually run it again, I get 10 new posts without a problem. But nothing after that.

Anyone else run into that?

Yes me, Im having the same problem.
Any help here would be appreciated.

58sniper 09-30-2004 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by nelto
Yes me, Im having the same problem.
Any help here would be appreciated.

The suggestion by Slapyo appears to have resolved my problem. Your best bet is to view the actual feed in your browser and see if there is a pubDate field.


Broken: http://www.defensereview.com/backend.php
Correct: http://news.com.com/2547-1_3-0-5.xml

View each, and you'll notice that the correct feed has a pubDate field for each item. The first one was the one I originally used for testing, and it didn't work. I changed to the other, and it's been working fine since.

Scutter 10-01-2004 02:58 PM

I'm thinking about using this hack but would like it to do 2 different things, first is what was intended as a rss news feed, secondly there is an XML feed from an online game which I play, the tags in this XML file are different than a news feed (names). Would it be quite simple to alter the sript to allow this? For example I was thinking that I could insert a simple if statement in the template that makes the posts to say something like (in simple terms so you get what I'm thinking)
If bot = this bot then
post title = some tag
post description = some other tag

I presume it is possible, but is it just a couple of template changes or will I need to alter the files of this hack to do it?

Slapyo 10-01-2004 11:31 PM

scutter, no template changes ... it would all be within the script.

Slapyo 10-01-2004 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by ToddW
Here's just one of the hundreds they offer.
All use the %20 - and none work with this RSS News Feed Hack :disappointed:



toddw, the %20 corresponds to a space. try removing the %20 and replacing it with a space. however you will have a problem since there is no pubDate field in the news feed. the pubDate field is required because of the need to check for new news.


http://p.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?c=Human rights news&o=rss

ToddW 10-02-2004 10:10 PM

How come MoreOver doesn't use a PUB Date Field? Is there a way around this for MoreOver Feeds?

edit- Looks like since they 'refresh' every 15 minutes they don't find the need for a pubdate field ??? :ermm:

58sniper 10-02-2004 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by ToddW
How come MoreOver doesn't use a PUB Date Field? Is there a way around this for MoreOver Feeds?

edit- Looks like since they 'refresh' every 15 minutes they don't find the need for a pubdate field ??? :ermm:

Because their feeds are RSS 0.91 feeds, and you typically don't see pubDate in 0.91 feeds.

Nothing you can do about it other than complain to MoreOver.

rjerina 10-07-2004 06:55 AM

i installed this, it did the first feed read, but it seems to not be finding new entries, or just not adding new entries?

using the feed http://rss.pcworld.com/rss/latestnews.rss

the most recent article should be "New Cool, Quiet Laptop Hard Drives", but the most recent is "Is XP's Fix Safe?"

not sure what is going on.

58sniper 10-07-2004 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by rjerina
i installed this, it did the first feed read, but it seems to not be finding new entries, or just not adding new entries?

using the feed http://rss.pcworld.com/rss/latestnews.rss

the most recent article should be "New Cool, Quiet Laptop Hard Drives", but the most recent is "Is XP's Fix Safe?"

not sure what is going on.

They don't have a pubDate field in their feeds. See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=431

rjerina 10-07-2004 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by 58sniper
They don't have a pubDate field in their feeds. See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=431

so i cant use this feed? thats a bummer :(

this sucks. i cant use the best pc computing news feed i have found thus far, because this thing needs pub dates? why doesnt it just check against titles or links. seems kind of lame and limited.

58sniper 10-07-2004 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by rjerina
so i cant use this feed? thats a bummer :(

this sucks. i cant use the best pc computing news feed i have found thus far, because this thing needs pub dates? why doesnt it just check against titles or links. seems kind of lame and limited.

If you read this entire thread, you'd know it's because without a pubDate field, the script doesn't know when it was released, and, thus, if it's new or not. Perhaps if PC Computing got off their @ss and came out with an RSS 2.0 feed, instead of using that 0.91 feed, the world would be a better place.

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