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Creed 02-23-2005 12:43 PM

Sorry Glenn379, as I was away for the day (regarding AIM) ;)

Now on to the good stuff, if anyone actually cares...I decided to release the standalone add-on :) Its in the attached zip. Hope you like it!

Also, I released with some updated screenies here

Eagle Creek 03-02-2005 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Creed
Sorry Glenn379, as I was away for the day (regarding AIM) ;)

Now on to the good stuff, if anyone actually cares...I decided to release the standalone add-on :) Its in the attached zip. Hope you like it!

Also, I released with some updated screenies here

So is it working on 3.0.7?

Creed 03-03-2005 02:51 AM

Yeah, I installed on 3.0.7 and works fine :)

Eagle Creek 03-03-2005 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Creed
Yeah, I installed on 3.0.7 and works fine :)


Uuhm, I mean, thankyou :)

Flow Fusion 03-03-2005 10:48 PM

OK I see for all these updates and awards to work together you need to uninstall first. Then replace the "function.php" file with the first one. Reinstall the hacks and put the edited file back.

Arial 03-05-2005 01:37 PM

Anybody interested in earning some $$$ utilising their knowledge of this hack go here:

Flow Fusion 03-11-2005 10:58 AM

OK how do I upgrade this hack? I noticed after I upgrade my VB I need to uninstall this hack and reinstall then give out all my awards again? This is so very tedious. And Yes the awards are perm. @ ^^^

Flow Fusion 03-12-2005 10:24 AM


xug 03-13-2005 10:53 AM

Just do only the file changes and check if the templates need to be changed, I didn't need to change anything in my templates.

I cut the install file so that only these file and template changes show.
See attached .html.txt file - rename to .html

I do run vB 3.0.7 and it runs fine, no problems seen yet.

Good Luck

Flow Fusion 03-13-2005 10:59 AM

How do I check the templates? Cause I hate that I have to uninstall and reinstall all the time...

xug 03-13-2005 11:26 AM

Rename the above file and load it into a browser.

Where it states to modify the templates follow these instructions (these are all original instructions, no changes made) and see if the changes are still there or not, if not execute these instructions ;)

All files changes must be done for sure, because with an vB upgrade you upload new files and these need to be adjusted again.

And please be patient because it's a pretty big hack, make a copy of the file you want to change before you do so.

Flow Fusion 03-13-2005 07:42 PM

Thanks I'll try it in the morning.

Flow Fusion 03-15-2005 04:27 PM

I don't know why it went out but I installed the HTL installer and I got a database error cause it was already installed but somehow it fixed it lol. But thanks for the help. All my files were edited as the attachment stated. Hope they stay up.

GamerzWorld 03-18-2005 07:18 PM

Is there a way to make it so that i can have small version in postbit and when you click larger image. I made large and small images of same awards but obviously it ruins style with large images. Any ideas

Arial 03-19-2005 07:07 AM

Don't think so, I am having to have one written for me from scratch to support that and other features.

dssart 03-19-2005 01:56 PM

Arial, if you're having an awards/medals/cards hack written from scratch and you're interested in sharing some of the development costs PM me. This hack appears to be dead or at least dying. I had this working on my forum for 2 months, all my members loved it, but I never re-installed it because it was to much of a hassle to do the uninstall/install whenever VB updated. I was also thinking about having someone re-do this also complete with a one-click install/uninstall and many of the additional features discussed here. Let me know.

trackpads 03-19-2005 02:37 PM

I am willing to invest in a new one as well.

Creed 03-19-2005 11:24 PM

As far as an Install script, wouldn't be too hard to write. As far as completely re-writing it...may take more time than I have to do so. I would like to help, but I'm stretched thin as it is right now ;)

mtha 03-20-2005 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by GamerzWorld
Is there a way to make it so that i can have smallversion in postbit and when you click larger image. I made large andsmall images of same awards but obviously it ruins style with largeimages. Any ideas

:) Idea is having another field in award table, call it bigimage_url, and give it the link to your bigger image.

When displaying award (in award page, or in member profile), use big image instead of the small one.

Simple as it is. thinsg to do:

01. a query to add additional field
02. change /admincp/award.php to show this field, so that you can put URL for big images
03. change AWARD and/or MEMBER template, to use new URL for big image instead of old one.

I might be interested in writing something like this too.

Additional features would be ...

- Giving One award to One person multiple time,
For example, if you have a "Member of the month" award, and someone get it twice, you can give your member 2 of the award.

- A complete - seperated award management system in AdminCP would be nice.
this would include
+ list all award and add new award (already featured)
+ list all members who get each awards (and/or all awards for one member)
+ give/take away some member some award(s), without having to edit userprofile (using the vB's user.php) because giving award is a seperatework from editing profile.

and other features mentioned.

GamerzWorld 03-20-2005 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by mtha
:) Idea is having another field in award table, call it bigimage_url, and give it the link to your bigger image.

When displaying award (in award page, or in member profile), use big image instead of the small one.

Simple as it is. thinsg to do:

01. a query to add additional field
02. change /admincp/award.php to show this field, so that you can put URL for big images
03. change AWARD and/or MEMBER template, to use new URL for big image instead of old one.

I might be interested in writing something like this too.

Additional features would be ...

- Giving One award to One person multiple time,
For example, if you have a "Member of the month" award, and someone get it twice, you can give your member 2 of the award.

- A complete - seperated award management system in AdminCP would be nice.
this would include
+ list all award and add new award (already featured)
+ list all members who get each awards (and/or all awards for one member)
+ give/take away some member some award(s), without having to edit userprofile (using the vB's user.php) because giving award is a seperatework from editing profile.

and other features mentioned.

Do you think you could do simple addition of making bigger ;)

mtha 03-20-2005 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by GamerzWorld
Do you think you could do simple addition of making bigger ;)

Working on it, as your request :D

... and done, wait for update :D

and here's the quick release

anyone who want to improve the original hack, feel free to include the add-on

Creed 03-20-2005 10:51 PM

Here is also a nice little fix for the postbit image sizing...as well as a couple of new features I guess :) Please make note, that you can change the size of the images by specifying your own height= and width= in the awards_postbit template.

mtha 03-21-2005 07:32 PM

just went to phpbb site, and look at their Medal System Mod:

Didnt install that mod and test it, but the database structure looks much better.

They add medals (awards) by issue_id, with fields medal_id, user_id, issue_reason, issue_time, which allow you to limit the size of database, without adding a whole bunch of empty awards for all users (like the current one does)

I know that Arial is paying for the hack to be made, but ... just wondering if anyone can share the idea :D

mtha 03-21-2005 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Arial
Don't think so, I am having to have one written for me from scratch to support that and other features.

Arial, how far do you have your new hack coded on?

I am thinking about writing something like that too, but there's no point making duplicate versions.

well well, I have 50% code done. database structure setup, able tomanage awards, give/remove awards in AdminCP. Now just need to do thedisplay part :D

I may have the first release in few days.

uaetoon 03-23-2005 10:15 PM

i have this prop in part 3

what can i do plez

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE award (
awardid smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
description varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
icon_url varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (awardid)

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
' at line 7

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Wednesday 23rd of March 2005 06:10:51 PM
Script: http://xxxxxxx/vb/admincp/awards_ins...step=doqueries
IP Address:

Arial 03-25-2005 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by mtha
Arial, how far do you have your new hack coded on?

I am thinking about writing something like that too, but there's no point making duplicate versions.

well well, I have 50% code done. database structure setup, able tomanage awards, give/remove awards in AdminCP. Now just need to do thedisplay part :D

I may have the first release in few days.

Well the guy was only starting tommorow to be honest, having seen your doing one that may well do the job I have also asked just asked him to hold off and see how yours works.

Arial 03-25-2005 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by dssart
Arial, if you're having an awards/medals/cards hack written from scratch and you're interested in sharing some of the development costs PM me. This hack appears to be dead or at least dying. I had this working on my forum for 2 months, all my members loved it, but I never re-installed it because it was to much of a hassle to do the uninstall/install whenever VB updated. I was also thinking about having someone re-do this also complete with a one-click install/uninstall and many of the additional features discussed here. Let me know.

Sorry was not recieving notifications on this thread, if you want to share the costs and use the hack that would be fine, feel free to PM,, it also looks like Mtha is creating a new version as well, which you may find suits your purposes and not cost you anything.

The version I am having done is basically a complete copy of the phbb version with a few extra toys thrown in but I've just asked the developer to hold off as he has not started yet, if Mtha version turns out to be as good as the phpbb version I would rather use that and make Mtha a small contribution for the time spent.

Arial 03-25-2005 07:08 AM


What is your hack based on ? Will it work / display in the same fashion that the Phpbb version does or is it more along the lines of this version?

dssart 03-25-2005 09:35 AM

Arial: Sounds good. My opinion, it seems mtha is enjoying the project and is visible within the forum. That's great for any of us who like to read how he's doing on this great add-on.

mtha: keep going man! but whatever you do, please make installation as easy as uninstallation. Ideally two or three clicks. No more hand-editing of code. That's stone-age. I'll bet 75% of the problem messages pertaining to this hack are errors in inserting the code. If that isn't possible, then at a maximum 2 or 3 files which need to be hand-edited. Also, a hack which is "version change resistant" would be great (although probably not realistic from a coding point of view) when VBulletin goes on their update binges every few months. I can't speak for Arial, or anyone else who may be interested in this hack, but if it works and installation is a breeze, I'd be happy to send you a few bucks when you've got a working app.

Arial 03-25-2005 09:53 AM

Ditto dssart, I'm happy to contribute if its' what we are after, personally I feel the phpbb version displays the medals etc in a far more appealing fashion, so that's what we are after.

If Mtha is going down that route, I will happily donate / contribute to your time, if not I will carry on with my guy and pay him to do the entire thing for us as a personal project.

mtha 03-25-2005 04:03 PM


What is your hack based on ? Will it work / display in the samefashionthat the Phpbb version does or is it more along the lines ofthisversion?
neither or both :D

I will have the database somewhat the same with phpbb one (on the idea), and the code is partly based on this version.

I write the code based on both this hack and phpBBhack.The displaythingie is not very important though. The featureswill be some howdifferent, which I like better.

Rightnow, I come to the point where you can give awardtosomeone,andtakeit away from, in control panel. Havent come tothe part of displaying inthe public profiles, so I dont know how I will arrange the awards inprofile and awards list yet

I didnt add the "Award Category" either. doyouthinkit'sgood/importantto add that too? Well I may need to createanewthreadfor the matter,otherwise, I would hijack this thread :D


Originally Posted by Arial
Ditto dssart, I'm happy to contribute ifits'whatweareafter, personally I feel the phpbb version displaysthemedalsetcin afar more appealing fashion, so that's what we are after.

If Mtha is going down that route, I will happilydonate/contributetoyour time, if not I will carry on with my guy andpayhimto dotheentire thing for us as a personal project.

Thanks, but that's up to you to decide. I'm writing the hack formyself,and make it availabe for everyone. donations are alwayswelcome. releasetime is not set yet. features depends on ... :D


mtha: keep going man! but whatever you do,pleasemakeinstallation aseasy as uninstallation. Ideally two or threeclicks.Nomorehand-editing of code. That's stone-age. I'll bet 75%oftheproblemmessages pertaining to this hack are errors ininsertingthecode. Ifthat isn't possible, then at a maximum 2 or 3 fileswhichneedto behand-edited. Also, a hack which is "versionchangeresistant"would begreat (although probably not realistic from acodingpoint ofview)when VBulletin goes on their update binges everyfewmonths. Ican'tspeak for Arial, or anyone else who may be interestedinthishack, butif it works and installation is a breeze, I'd be happytosendyou afew bucks when you've got a working app.
Well, I myself actually like doing things manually better.Comingtoany"installer", I have to read the install code, inordertounderstandwhat it is doing. its somewhat harder, but youknowexactlywhat you aredoing (if you understand the code).
Also, all the installation currently availabe only dothedatabasepart(insert template/phrases), none of them have permissiontoeditfile.
If you want to "edit" files "automatically, I will show you how to do it, using a different tool, which is great.

But that's gonna be later on the road. It's good when having people supporting the idea. Thanks

The new development for my YET ANOTHER AWARD SYSTEM start HERE:


ChrisBaktis 03-26-2005 01:17 AM

Im using 3.0.07 and during the install I received this error - I used the Standard .zip file.

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQLCREATE TABLE award (
awardid smallint(5unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(50NOT NULL default '',
description varchar(250NOT NULL default '',
icon_url varchar(250NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY    (awardid)
mysql errorYou have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
at line 7

mysql error number

ClockCrew 03-26-2005 09:45 PM

I have uploaded all the files...and when I do so, I go to Install this...and when I click Install....I get this...

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'add_new_award', 'Add New Award', '1')
mysql error: Duplicate entry 'add_new_award-0-1' for key 2

mysql error number: 1062

How do I fix this?

Eagle Creek 03-26-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by ClockCrew
I have uploaded all the files...and when I do so, I go to Install this...and when I click Install....I get this...

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phrase (phraseid, languageid, varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'add_new_award', 'Add New Award', '1')
mysql error: Duplicate entry 'add_new_award-0-1' for key 2

mysql error number: 1062

How do I fix this?

I s i t f u l l 3.0.7 c o m p a t i b l e ?

mtha 03-26-2005 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle Creek
I s i t f u l l 3.0.7 c o m p a t i b l e ?

yes it is, if you can install it properly.

Eagle Creek 03-26-2005 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by mtha
yes it is, if you can install it properly.

Thx... Because I have two 2.0.3 boards running and I want to upgrade but don't want to lose this hack.

And I see many problems in this thread.

ClockCrew 03-27-2005 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle Creek
I s i t f u l l 3.0.7 c o m p a t i b l e ?

yes, im not that dumb.

Eagle Creek 03-27-2005 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by ClockCrew
yes, im not that dumb.

What the * ??? I dont 'attack' you? I just want to know it for my own board!

mtha 03-27-2005 09:31 PM

peace out people. just a small missunderstand eachother :)
A new awards system coming up for you guys to fight :D

Eagle Creek 03-27-2005 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by mtha
peace out people. just a small missunderstand eachother :)
A new awards system coming up for you guys to fight :D

T t t t haaaaank you! :D

Will you announce the new options also?

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