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offlead 05-06-2004 08:53 PM

Well, it's installed, but I can't access the admin portion? :ermm:

(I haven't installed a lot of hacks, so I may be missing some simple.)

I followed the instructions.txt. Uploaded the files it says to upload. local_links.php and local_links_template.xml are in my main forum directory. local_links_install.php was placed in my admincp directory, and I ran the install script. The tables were created. The templates were installed. I get to the page that says


Run Step 3: Goto Links/Files AdminCP to check/initialise permissions?
Installation complete: Goto Links/Files main page
If I click on the link for the AdminCP, I get the standard forum error stating:


you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

The non-admin link takes me to a Links page, but of course, there's nothing there.

I'm logged in as one of the admins (or I wouldn't be able to access to install script in the first place).

AndrewD 05-07-2004 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by offlead
Well, it's installed, but I can't access the admin portion? :ermm:

(I haven't installed a lot of hacks, so I may be missing some simple.)

I followed the instructions.txt. Uploaded the files it says to upload. local_links.php and local_links_template.xml are in my main forum directory. local_links_install.php was placed in my admincp directory, and I ran the install script. The tables were created. The templates were installed. I get to the page that says

If I click on the link for the AdminCP, I get the standard forum error stating:

The non-admin link takes me to a Links page, but of course, there's nothing there.

I'm logged in as one of the admins (or I wouldn't be able to access to install script in the first place).

1) Check ( standard VB admincp, users ) that you are using a userid with *primary* usergroup = Administrator (not an additional usergroup). Please also check (admincp, usergroups) that the admin usergroup id is 6.

2) Upload the attached script into your main forums directory (uid.php) and point your browser at it. It will report what it thinks is your usergroupid. It should say 6.

Get back to me if you still have problems.

offlead 05-07-2004 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
1) Check ( standard VB admincp, users ) that you are using a userid with *primary* usergroup = Administrator (not an additional usergroup). Please also check (admincp, usergroups) that the admin usergroup id is 6.

2) Upload the attached script into your main forums directory (uid.php) and point your browser at it. It will report what it thinks is your usergroupid. It should say 6.

Get back to me if you still have problems.

Thanks!! I assumed it was something just this simple, but this never occurred to me. (Due to site-politics, all of the admins are regular users with "admin" as a secondary usergroup. We have one primary admin user that we can log in as for special site announcements and, of course, situations just like this. It just never occurred to me. :) )

I get in just fine now. Thanks bunches!!

offlead 05-07-2004 08:00 AM

Okay, I've started setting things up, and it all looks to be working so far. Very nice, and quite close to exactly what we were looking for.

A couple quick questions. First, is there a way to grant admin access based on secondary usergroups? While our admins can log in as the primary admin, if they have to do so it becomes much less likely that they'll pitch in to help out with this. Also, some of them cannot seem to remember the precise login information for the primary admin to save their lives. ;) (Again, all of the admins are listed as regular members by primary group, with admin as a secondary group. The users do not know who all of the admins are, and this is done on purpose.)

Second, it would be very useful if our regular registered users could suggest categories, that would go into moderation pending approval by an admin. I don't want them to be able to just add any old categories, but I also know that I won't be able to think of all the cats we'll need. Can this be accomplished? Would this be accomplished if I assigned a default_forumid that matched a forum that allows registered members to post, but where their posts are moderated pending approval? (This just came to me, and I'll try it out after I get a few hours sleep, unless I hear that it won't work.)

Thanks again. Lovely work!!

AndrewD 05-07-2004 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by offlead
Okay, I've started setting things up, and it all looks to be working so far. Very nice, and quite close to exactly what we were looking for.

A couple quick questions. First, is there a way to grant admin access based on secondary usergroups? While our admins can log in as the primary admin, if they have to do so it becomes much less likely that they'll pitch in to help out with this. Also, some of them cannot seem to remember the precise login information for the primary admin to save their lives. ;) (Again, all of the admins are listed as regular members by primary group, with admin as a secondary group. The users do not know who all of the admins are, and this is done on purpose.)

Second, it would be very useful if our regular registered users could suggest categories, that would go into moderation pending approval by an admin. I don't want them to be able to just add any old categories, but I also know that I won't be able to think of all the cats we'll need. Can this be accomplished? Would this be accomplished if I assigned a default_forumid that matched a forum that allows registered members to post, but where their posts are moderated pending approval? (This just came to me, and I'll try it out after I get a few hours sleep, unless I hear that it won't work.)

Thanks again. Lovely work!!

Thanks and glad you've got it working. I realise that I need to deal with the admin usergroup issue, so will look at that this weekend.

Moderation is close to ready. I have it working for new links but had not realised that new categories should also be moderated. I'll give that some thought - it is not difficult.

offlead 05-07-2004 01:16 PM

Great! Yeah, letting others use your work tends to bring little except more work! ;) I do appreciate it. I'll be taking what we've got so far live today, and I'll just tend it myself until we get the secondary usergroup and moderation set up. They can always suggest categories in one of the forums.

This is great, because this is one of the last functionalities we wanted for the site, and once I have it set up on my own hobby site, I'll be setting it up for on of my clients as well.

Holidazed 05-07-2004 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Access to files/links and categories is controlled by assigning them to a forum. So if you want only some usergroups to see certain links, you assign these links (or their category) to a forum that has the same usergroup permissions. The association between link and forum or category and forum can be changed by anyone who has can_edit_link and/or can_edit_category access to the links database (set via the link_admin page).

AndrewD, The links thing installed flawlessly.

Question, when 1st installed, I can create a sub-category. Should it not be called a "Category" and then have "Sub-Categories" underneath the "Category"??

AndrewD 05-07-2004 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
AndrewD, The links thing installed flawlessly.

Question, when 1st installed, I can create a sub-category. Should it not be called a "Category" and then have "Sub-Categories" underneath the "Category"??


You're right - I think they should all be called categories and they will be in version 1.2.

Holidazed 05-07-2004 04:16 PM

I just thought it was odd. Main Categories and Sub-Categories seems the right way to go. BTW, thanks for the hack. It is quite awesome.

BTW, any idea of how long the wait for 1.2 will be?

AndrewD 05-07-2004 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
BTW, any idea of how long the wait for 1.2 will be?

Only a couple of days! :squareeyed: I had it ready until I learned I'd missed a feature... :knockedout:

Holidazed 05-07-2004 06:54 PM

Sweet!! Please consider the following suggestions.

Add something that displays the username of the person you submitted the link.
Give a count of how many links that user has submitted.
Have these two options editable by any usergroup that has permission to edit a link.
If a link owner (the person who submitted it) changes, have it change the count of total links that user has submitted.

offlead 05-07-2004 09:58 PM

Quick question. When viewing the main links index, it lists out the categories, and for each displays the number of sub-cats within, as well as the number of links. This link number does not include links which are in the sub-cats. So where we've set up some categories which will probably not have any links, but only sub-cats, it displays zero links. This is accurate, but I'd rather (on my forum) have that number reflect the total of links plus the links within the sub-categories. What would I need to change?

Did that make any sense? :)

AndrewD 05-08-2004 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by offlead
Quick question. When viewing the main links index, it lists out the categories, and for each displays the number of sub-cats within, as well as the number of links. This link number does not include links which are in the sub-cats. So where we've set up some categories which will probably not have any links, but only sub-cats, it displays zero links. This is accurate, but I'd rather (on my forum) have that number reflect the total of links plus the links within the sub-categories. What would I need to change?

Did that make any sense? :)

It makes sense but was discussed a few weeks ago (go back a few dozen posts) when this feature was added - the consensus at the time was that people preferred only seeing the count going down one level. Let me think about this.

AndrewD 05-08-2004 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by bitg
Sweet!! Please consider the following suggestions..

1. Add something that displays the username of the person you submitted the link.

this is easy - just edit the links_linkbit template and include the variable $linkusername somewhere sensible.

2. Give a count of how many links that user has submitted.

if you want this to appear in the main display, it will require a new database table, to avoid having to read the entire links table each time round

3. Have these two options editable by any usergroup that has permission to edit a link.

how about "change owner to editor" - I don't think an editor should be able to assign the link to anyone?

4. If a link owner (the person who submitted it) changes, have it change the count of total links that user has submitted]

yes but see (2)


AndrewD 05-08-2004 10:45 AM

Beta version of 1.20 released, including moderation of new links/categories. See first post in this thread.

Moderation is turned on/off via the admin page, including specifying which user groups can moderate (and therefore are exempt from having their own posts moderated).

Appreciate feedback.

offlead 05-08-2004 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Beta version of 1.20 released, including moderation of new links/categories. See first post in this thread.

Moderation is turned on/off via the admin page, including specifying which user groups can moderate (and therefore are exempt from having their own posts moderated).

Appreciate feedback.

Ahhh, sneaky! You got the upgrade finished while I edited all my templates! ;) I'm going to upgrade, and then double back to make the template changes again. Most is just things specific to how I prefer things laid out, but did you really mean to put the forumjump into the header? Shouldn't it be in the footer, like the rest of vb pages?

Thanks for all your work, Andrew. I'll let you know how it works on my end.

Natch 05-08-2004 01:54 PM

As I mentioned in my PM - very cool new changes AndrewD :D and thanks for the integration!


offlead 05-08-2004 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
It makes sense but was discussed a few weeks ago (go back a few dozen posts) when this feature was added - the consensus at the time was that people preferred only seeing the count going down one level. Let me think about this.

I can see why most folks would want it to list only the links within the category, and not within nested sub-cats. In fact I have another site using different software that is set up just the opposite, and it isn't appropriate for that site. In this one situation, however, I'd prefer to be able to switch it 'round for my forum only. Most of our main cats aren't going to have their own links, just sub-cats, so I want people to be able to tell that there ARE links in there, even if down a level or two. I'll see if I can figure it out. :)

offlead 05-08-2004 02:38 PM

Andrew, got the upgrade run, and the secondary usergroup permissions appears to work just great. I'm logged in as my regular self, and can access the admin stuff, even though admin is my secondary ug. Thanks!! Just what we needed!

Having trouble with the moderation however. Perhaps I'm missing something. I have a regular user who has submitted a test link for me. But the link becomes immediately available and viewable, even to someone not logged in at all.

Great work though. Thanks!

AndrewD 05-08-2004 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by offlead
Ahhh, sneaky! You got the upgrade finished while I edited all my templates! ;) I'm going to upgrade, and then double back to make the template changes again. Most is just things specific to how I prefer things laid out, but did you really mean to put the forumjump into the header? Shouldn't it be in the footer, like the rest of vb pages?

Thanks for all your work, Andrew. I'll let you know how it works on my end.


I put the forumjump in the header as we'd redesigned our site this way - people were missing the box when it was in the footer.

AndrewD 05-08-2004 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by offlead
Andrew, got the upgrade run, and the secondary usergroup permissions appears to work just great. I'm logged in as my regular self, and can access the admin stuff, even though admin is my secondary ug. Thanks!! Just what we needed!

Having trouble with the moderation however. Perhaps I'm missing something. I have a regular user who has submitted a test link for me. But the link becomes immediately available and viewable, even to someone not logged in at all.

Great work though. Thanks!

Have you turned on moderation? By default it's turned off - have a look in the admin page - set the moderation value to 1.

offlead 05-08-2004 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Have you turned on moderation? By default it's turned off - have a look in the admin page - set the moderation value to 1.

*smacks self in head* Thanks Andrew. That was indeed the trouble, and I think I just need more sleep or more coffee. I musta looked at that 30 times without actually SEEING it. :)

We tested out a non-admin member adding both a link and a category. The link test ran perfectly, no issues that I could see. Adding a category however had one glitch that I could see. In a level 2 subcat, there was an existing level 3 subcat when the member added another. While the new subcat was held in moderation, NO subcats showed up when viewing that level 2 page. The existing links in that section showed up fine, just not the existing subcat.

AndrewD 05-08-2004 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by offlead
*smacks self in head* Thanks Andrew. That was indeed the trouble, and I think I just need more sleep or more coffee. I musta looked at that 30 times without actually SEEING it. :)

We tested out a non-admin member adding both a link and a category. The link test ran perfectly, no issues that I could see. Adding a category however had one glitch that I could see. In a level 2 subcat, there was an existing level 3 subcat when the member added another. While the new subcat was held in moderation, NO subcats showed up when viewing that level 2 page. The existing links in that section showed up fine, just not the existing subcat.

Sorry, line 610 in local_links.php reads
PHP Code:

if ($thiscat['catmoderate'] and $bbuserinfo['userid'] != $thiscat['catuserid']) break; 

The "break" should read "continue".

Will fix in the morning.

offlead 05-08-2004 06:37 PM

Thanks again, Andrew! Works now.

offlead 05-08-2004 11:41 PM

Andrew, thought you might like to see what I did with this. I did some tweaking of the layouts, and also added some instructions for our users, with the Categories and with the Links. There are also submission instructions/guidelines on the addlink and addcat sections, which of course you can't see without being a member. It's integrated into our forum index using forum set up as a forwarding link (under the Around the Corner section of the index).


Lovely hack!

Skyline_GT 05-09-2004 02:01 AM

hm.. darn didn't fix the status bar?
for downloading file..

also I don't know why the permission stuff doesn't work..
Even I set the default_forumid to a forum that guest can't download files, but they still can...

AndrewD 05-09-2004 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Skyline_GT
hm.. darn didn't fix the status bar?
for downloading file.....

Not "didnt fix" but apparantly can't fix. IE, Mozilla, Opera + Acrobat + etc + etc are seriously inconsistent and I need to live my real life too. This hack works the way that VBulletin works. You can switch it to an alternative (force the open/save as dialogue) - look at line 93 of local_links.php and follow the instructions. I make no guarantee that this will work in all situations - it messed up for us with certain combinations of IE + Adobe Acrobat.


also I don't know why the permission stuff doesn't work..
Even I set the default_forumid to a forum that guest can't download files, but they still can...
Works fine for me - how are you setting this up? If a user can see a forum in VB, then this hack will let her see links associated with that forum.

AndrewD 05-09-2004 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by bitg
Sweet!! Please consider the following suggestions.

Add something that displays the username of the person you submitted the link.
Give a count of how many links that user has submitted.
Have these two options editable by any usergroup that has permission to edit a link.
If a link owner (the person who submitted it) changes, have it change the count of total links that user has submitted.

1. Add something that displays the username of the person you submitted the link.

this is easy - just edit the links_linkbit template and include the variable $linkusername somewhere sensible.

2. Give a count of how many links that user has submitted.

added to version 1.21, directly accessible via admin page and with a new search (see instructions.txt, local_links.php&action=show&user=nn)

3. Have these two options editable by any usergroup that has permission to edit a link.

not yet done

4. If a link owner (the person who submitted it) changes, have it change the count of total links that user has submitted]

not yet done

chrisvonc 05-09-2004 08:26 PM

I used the vb Link Directory 2.0 hack on my 2.3 forums however, I am going to be upgrading my production forum to vB3.0.1 soon and wanted to know if there is a way to retain all the exisiting links in my DB and have them show up under this version? I really dont want to re-enter all the links and descriptions again but this portion is holding up the production side's upgrade and really would like to go live with the new version.

Thanks in advance! :)


Pitman 05-09-2004 10:35 PM

What about an A-Z search kinda like the member list where it shows A, B, C... at the top of the catagories?

Pitman 05-09-2004 10:54 PM

Also when rating a link in the second page (and I assume ever page following that) it would redirect to the page containing the link instead of the first page.

Just an idea :)

MaxScript 05-10-2004 02:49 AM

great work [clicked install]

AndrewD 05-10-2004 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by chrisvonc
I used the vb Link Directory 2.0 hack on my 2.3 forums however, I am going to be upgrading my production forum to vB3.0.1 soon and wanted to know if there is a way to retain all the existing links in my DB and have them show up under this version? I really dont want to re-enter all the links and descriptions again but this portion is holding up the production side's upgrade and really would like to go live with the new version.

Thanks in advance! :)


This should be straightforward - export the relevant database tables, reformat and import. I don't know what the table structure for the 2.0 hack looks like = and as far as I can tell, the code is no longer available on vb.org. Feel free to send me this information at ad_rodin at noos.fr - I'll think about it next weekend

AndrewD 05-10-2004 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pitman
Also when rating a link in the second page (and I assume ever page following that) it would redirect to the page containing the link instead of the first page.

Just an idea :)

Not a bad idea at that :) - page handling was only added recently and I'm still sorting out the consequences.

added a few minutes later ;) - indeed, this is a trivial fix (ditto on editing links) - will load it next weekend.

As for a-z jumps, I'm not sure I want to get into that but will add it to the wishlist.

Holidazed 05-10-2004 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Not a bad idea at that :) - page handling was only added recently and I'm still sorting out the consequences.

added a few minutes later ;) - indeed, this is a trivial fix (ditto on editing links) - will load it next weekend.

As for a-z jumps, I'm not sure I want to get into that but will add it to the wishlist.

Andrew, thanks for the upgrade. I downloaded it, but I do not see any upgrade instructions. Do I need to completely re-install? do I need to uninstall first?

chrisvonc 05-10-2004 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
This should be straightforward - export the relevant database tables, reformat and import. I don't know what the table structure for the 2.0 hack looks like = and as far as I can tell, the code is no longer available on vb.org. Feel free to send me this information at ad_rodin at noos.fr - I'll think about it next weekend

Thank you very much Andrew. I will email you in a bit when I get home tonight. Sounds very promising! :)

Skyline_GT 05-10-2004 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Not "didnt fix" but apparantly can't fix. IE, Mozilla, Opera + Acrobat + etc + etc are seriously inconsistent and I need to live my real life too. This hack works the way that VBulletin works. You can switch it to an alternative (force the open/save as dialogue) - look at line 93 of local_links.php and follow the instructions. I make no guarantee that this will work in all situations - it messed up for us with certain combinations of IE + Adobe Acrobat.

Works fine for me - how are you setting this up? If a user can see a forum in VB, then this hack will let her see links associated with that forum.

here is a screenshot of it...
I don't know why..
but I logout and whe I try to view it database.. and it works..
how come?
I thought I limited only member can download and see the files..

Skyline_GT 05-10-2004 10:47 PM

I wonder is it possible to set the permission itself/
like not from the forum permission?
You can set the download/link permission itself from the usegroup manage?

AndrewD 05-11-2004 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by bitg
Andrew, thanks for the upgrade. I downloaded it, but I do not see any upgrade instructions. Do I need to completely re-install? do I need to uninstall first?

Sorry if that was unclear.

You do not need to uninstall. Simply re-run the installation - it will work out what to do - step 1 checks the database, step 2 deals with the templates. You will lose any modifications you have made to this hack's templates, so it's a good idea to keep a record of these..

AndrewD 05-11-2004 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Skyline_GT
I wonder is it possible to set the permission itself/
like not from the forum permission?
You can set the download/link permission itself from the usegroup manage?

Yes, it would be possible, but I wanted as far a s possible to build on standard vb code, not write a new permissions system.

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