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The Wedge 04-04-2003 07:07 AM

nevermind now

The Wedge 04-04-2003 07:42 AM

holy ++++, i just did my first game!!

The Wedge 04-04-2003 07:54 AM

Ping Pong

Game Identifer: ping
Game Hash Offset: 5
Score Return Variable: $scorevariable

HTML Code for Game:

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="550" height="380">
<param name="movie" value="$vpa_gameurl?location=$vpa_bburl&gamename=$game&gamehash=$gamehash&s=$session[sessionhash]&username=$username&highscore=$highscore&bbtitle=$bbtitle">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name=bgcolor value="#576375">
<embed src="$vpa_gameurl" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="550" height="380">

this is my first game, but now im on the hunt to find more!!!!!!!!!!

The Wedge 04-04-2003 07:55 AM

image for the game

Mr L 04-04-2003 07:56 AM


I got Tie Fighter and the other game from http://www.flashkit.com/movies/Games/Full_Game_Source


The Wedge 04-04-2003 07:57 AM

yeah thats where i got mine, but im really excited about my first game, i hope its just one of many, if somebody finds a game, lemme get a hold of it, ill try my best, lol, thats only if i can do it like i did ping pong!!

The Wedge 04-04-2003 08:23 AM

X-Mas SnowBoarding!

Game Identifer: xmas
Game Hash Offset: 5
Score Return Variable: $scorevariable

HTML Code for Game:


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="700" height="500">
<param name="movie" value="$vpa_gameurl?location=$vpa_bburl&gamename=$game&gamehash=$gamehash&s=$session[sessionhash]&username=$username&highscore=$highscore&bbtitle=$bbtitle">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name=bgcolor value="#576375">
<embed src="$vpa_gameurl" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="700" height="500">

wow, i feel like i'm on a frigin roll, just add both of these games through the ADMIN, and i would love some feedback!!

The Wedge 04-04-2003 08:29 AM

Icon for game above..

Zelda-King 04-04-2003 09:19 AM

They work fine for me. The only game I'm having trouble with is Pong (not Ping Pong). I can't get the score working.

Well done!

I call the game 'Xmas Boarding' myself... like it says on the game.

Mickie D 04-04-2003 09:22 AM

top stuff guys i am getting a big collection for my games area ... i ahve one problem though (dunno if this is the right forum for this)

right the problem is i have about 20 games now or less ... but my page queries are 86 !!!!! for the main arcade page.

arrrghhh help how can i reduce these queires :(

Mr L 04-04-2003 09:27 AM


Today at 11:22 AM Mickie D said this in Post #409
top stuff guys i am getting a big collection for my games area ... i ahve one problem though (dunno if this is the right forum for this)

right the problem is i have about 20 games now or less ... but my page queries are 86 !!!!! for the main arcade page.

arrrghhh help how can i reduce these queires :(

Is that 20 games for the Arcade all with high-score support?

Do you have any that are not on this thread your willing to share?

Erwin 04-04-2003 09:40 AM

The 4 new games - Pong, Ping Pong, Star Wars and X-mas Snowboard all works fine. Thanks! :)

Zelda-King 04-04-2003 10:00 AM

I just don't know the scorevariable for Pong. The original $playerScore isn't working for me.

Erwin 04-04-2003 10:10 AM

You need to beat the computer to actually score. :) It's not that easy. You can try to reduce the maximum points to win, but still hard. :) I haven't beaten the computer yet...

Zelda-King 04-04-2003 10:11 AM

Gah! I should have realised that from Hexxagon (which has a similar issue).

Kars10 04-04-2003 10:26 AM

The Games working great.
But whats with the Querys on the Arcade - Page (for me 73!!)?
Is there any way to reduce them?


Link14716 04-04-2003 10:47 AM


Page generated in 0.55994296 seconds (34.65% PHP - 65.35% MySQL) with 107 queries.
This thing needs an optimization. ;)

Kars10 04-04-2003 11:14 AM


Today at 10:54 The Wedge said this in Post #402
Ping Pong

this is my first game, but now im on the hunt to find more!!!!!!!!!!

Is there a way to add a Start-count in the game, because when i click on Play Ping Pong it starts direct! :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance
Kars :)

Mr L 04-04-2003 11:45 AM

All working on my site, thanks to everyone involved.

Is there anyway to make the screen bigger on Ping Pong, it seems very small?

I've adjusted the width and heigh, but the playfield is not very big.

NuclioN 04-04-2003 11:48 AM

A lot of queries indeed. :(

I've made another icon for xmas though. ;)

drumsy 04-04-2003 03:26 PM


Yesterday at 09:59 PM dstruct2k said this in Post #378
TIE Fighter

This is the Star Wars Shooter that was submitted earler, it was easy to fix up.

Thank you for the MySQL query now will everyone else please submit the MySQL query when releasing a new game?

Thank you!!!

drumsy 04-04-2003 03:39 PM


03-28-03 at 03:38 PM drumsy said this in Post #356
I'm having a problem with new games. The initial five released work wonderfully and the thumbnail images display properly but the two I've installed lately, Simon Says and Hexagon, are displaying the thumbnails very poorly. Colors are mixed up and the image is junky. What could be the problem? I can't manually add the image because I get an error having to do with openbase_dir or something like that. We also are running in safe mode.

Simon Says and Hexagon still don't work but the Tie Fighter icon does. Can anyone still help me with this?

futureal 04-04-2003 05:10 PM

Hi everybody,

Thanks for all the new games. You guys are the ones making this hack awesome! I have updated the first post in the thread with the links to all of the new games I've seen.

Regarding optimization:

Because of the way the "mini scoreboards" work on the main page, when more games are added you are seeing tons and tons of queries. I have a new version of the hack ready (though I haven't done the install instructions yet) that fixes a few minor bugs and some other annoyances.

After seeing how many games are available, I think it's time to re-think how the mini-boards are done. Instead of querying on a per-game basis, I think I will see if I can pull everything on one or two massive queries and then sort the information into arrays via PHP. With any luck, there will be a demo of this up on one of my sites soon that I can point you to.

Thanks for the feedback!

The Wedge 04-04-2003 05:47 PM

ill try and do some editing to the flash files of Ping Pong, but i'm not that good, so i might send it to my uncle, anyway, ill try and do this later tonitei cant believe i edited em!!!

Mr L 04-04-2003 06:13 PM

I don't know how one goes about this, but how is a hack awarded a Hack Of The Month prize?

This hack (I know this thread is part and parcel of a main hack and I am not talking directly about the individual games) has absolutely transformed my board.

I can put my hands up and say this is clearly the best addon that I have done for vBulletin. My board is about Retrogaming as the signature says and some of these games that have come through with the help of this hack have helped it no ends.

Cheers futureal for the best vBulletin addition yet and allowing one that is also easially expandable with the modification of FLA files.

Jitway 04-04-2003 07:15 PM

I agree has to be one of the greatest if not the greatest

Jakor Sevel 04-04-2003 08:59 PM

thanks for all the games. Now if only someone could convert that pinball game *hint hint* ^_^

DigitalDesktops 04-04-2003 09:22 PM

Witch Hunt

Game Hash Offset: 5
Score Return Variable: $score
HTML Code for Game:


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="550" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="$vpa_gameurl?location=$vpa_bburl&gamename=$game&gamehash=$gamehash&s=$session[sessionhash]">
<param name=loop value=false>
<param name=menu value=false>
<param name=quality value=high>
<param name=bgcolor value=#000000>
<embed src="$vpa_gameurl" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="550" height="400">

I'll get sql query posted up soon.

EvilLS1 04-04-2003 09:55 PM


Today at 07:10 PM futureal said this in Post #422

Regarding optimization:

Because of the way the "mini scoreboards" work on the main page, when more games are added you are seeing tons and tons of queries.

So its just the mini scoreboards that are causing all the extra queries? And if so, couldn't they be easily removed?

I'd be willing to ditch the mini scoreboards in order to cut down the number of queries so that I can add more games. If members want to see all the scores they can click on the link to view the big scoreboards.

Erwin 04-04-2003 10:29 PM

I've optmized my ProArcade so it only has 16 queries, from the original 83 queries.

I did this by removing all score board information, mini scoreboard, high score etc. from the Arcade main page, and just kept the game name and description, and links to the high scores.

No matter how many games you add, the queries should remain at 16, as it takes only ONE query to get the name and description.

If anyone wants to know how to do this, I can gladly show them. But otherwise, ask futureal. ;)

EvilLS1 04-04-2003 10:40 PM

I would like to remove the mini scoreboards, but I want to keep the top score, user score, etc in the main table.. How many queries can I eliminate by removing just the mini scorebaords? I'm at work right now and don't have access to any of the files or else I'd look myself.

Erwin 04-04-2003 10:47 PM

With 16 games, if you just remove the Mini Scoreboards, you go down from 83 queries to 65 queries only. I didn't think it was enough.

This is because it takes a lot of queries to find out the user's own highscore, what rank he or she is at, how many users have played it, the overall high score, is he the high scorer etc.

EvilLS1 04-04-2003 10:50 PM

Thanks Erwin. Hmm.. In that case I think I'd be better off to remove everything that you removed.

Erwin 04-04-2003 10:53 PM

When you are down to the minimum 16 queries, no matter how many games you add, it should still stay at 16. :) Because all you're left is the 1 query to get the name and description.

gwhooooey 04-05-2003 02:28 AM

Anyone done donkey kong yet?

Or how about that Kill Kenny southpark game I linked to earlier on page 25/26 or whatever it was. Can anyone do them?

Still no luck on a frogger score board either I take it, ah well....kepp up the good work guys, much appreciated

Kars10 04-05-2003 06:09 AM

Ok, i have deleted everything Erwin says (thanks Erwin) and get 16 Querys (my proarcade.php attached). :)


Erwin 04-05-2003 09:30 AM

Exactly, Kars. :) For those who want to do this, don't forget to edit the templates:

vbproarcade_arcade - remove the $arcadebit table
remove the table headers columns for High score etc. just leave the name and description

vbproarcade_arcadebit - remove all extra columns except name and description.

Done. :)

Mickie D 04-05-2003 10:57 AM

thanks for the querie drop :) 87 is very high lmao

now 15-16 on page.

right where can i download these flash games ???? i will try to make a good few ?? any ideas

Mr L 04-05-2003 11:22 AM

<a href="http://www.flashkit.com/movies/Games/Full_Game_Source/" target="_blank">http://www.flashkit.com/movies/Games/Full_Game_Source/</a>

Kars10 04-05-2003 01:13 PM

I am working on Frogger right now, but its kinda hard! :(
Everytime i have played the game it redirects me to the scoreboard but i can?t add my scores! :(


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