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glo 09-24-2002 01:22 AM

I am not sure how i am supposed modify the templates?

And here is my path.
// make sure set your correct forums path, below

I have already completed the install of vbHome and that indicates that the path is correct?

So maybe it has something to do with the templates and index.php.

I am losing my hair over this hurdle...... :confused:

bouncer18 09-24-2002 05:06 PM


Originally posted by glo
I am not sure how i am supposed modify the templates?

And here is my path.
// make sure set your correct forums path, below


thats how mine is set.

as far as templates go...

go into /admin
near the bottom left you will see templates.
click edit and then edit them

Edited Due to Teck schooling me on the post below

TECK 09-24-2002 05:10 PM

thanks bouncer18. :)
but your path should be:
home/wwroot/purposebuilt/forums < without the / at the end.

glo, make sure you have the full path. i included in the reame file the information, how to get it.
also, for the templates, use the same aproach to add them.

xevious 09-24-2002 08:17 PM

Oh man, im having problems with the blank page also.
Here is what i get on my home page:
Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in C:\apache\htdocs\index.php on line 17
This is what i have for paths in the index:
I am installing this on a test board on my computer. Please let me know what i did wrong. Thank-you.

TECK 09-24-2002 08:30 PM

Some of you don't understand how the path settings are working, so I made a little tutorial to help you understand better.
First, create a file with the content:
[high]<?php phpinfo(32); ?>[/high]
Save it as info.php and upload it to your /forum folder.
When you open info.php in your browser, you will see there a list of env options set as default by your host.
One of them is called _SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"]. That's what you are looking for. The path to your folder.

Now, open vbHL index.php file and locate this code segment at the top:
Replace the [high]/wwwroot/test[/high] path with your actual full server path.

Let's suppose your full server path to your forums (where global.php is located) is:
chdir('c:/apache/htdocs/forum'); (for windows users)

The chdir function changes the path the the correct location of your global.php file, if you call it from a different location, like it's the case for vbHome (lite).
In the example above, if you place the index.php file in [high]/htdocs[/high] folder, it will still look for global.php in [high]/forum[/high] because chdir does the job for you and relocate the exact place where to look for the file (global.php).

The require function let know that global.php file is needed.
The dot in front of [high]/global.php[/high] (in require function) let know there is a link to either chdir folder or actual folder.

Adjust the correct path in your vbHL index.php file, and everything will work as it's suppose to. :)

xevious 09-24-2002 10:32 PM

Thanks alot Teck, works great now. Hehe, i am not very knowledgable about paths and such when it comes to running vb on my comp. Works fine now. Thank you. :)

glo 09-25-2002 12:06 AM

so does this mean that we should have created a vbHome folder with the new templates and index.php?

From what you jst said the chdir will point to a diffeerent index.php?

TECK 09-25-2002 12:11 AM

no glo. did you read the readmefirst file?

most of the time, people do this:
index.php < your vbHome (lite) file
---[forum] < your forums folder
------[index.php < your index.php file for your forumhome
------[more files here...
---------[admin] < your admin forums folder
------------[index.php < your index.php file for your admin CP
------------[more files here...

the chdir command is needed just to trace the /forum/global.php file, not your vbHL index.php file.
you can place anywhere you like the vbHL index.php file (included in the .zip), as long as you set the correct path to grab global.php, from your forums folder.
vbHome (lite) index.php file cannot work if the path is not correct.
once you set the right path, you can place even on the moon, your vbHome (lite) index.php and it will still work.

for example if your path is:
and your global.php is in /forum folder, you have to enter this:

if you do this, you can place your vbHome (lite) file in any of the upper folders, for example:
/home, /index, /site, /local

and as well as in lower ones:

or whereever you want to put it. did you get it now? :)

nokia8860 09-26-2002 07:07 AM

I'm currently getting the hang of this very GREAT hack for vB. This is just what I needed. Everything is working like a charm.

My question, if it is possible to answer is about the poll add on. I am using ver 3 of vbhome lite and when I add all the changes to make the poll work the load time on my page lengthens by alot (and I'm pulling up the page locally)

Could I be doing something wrong? (the answer is probably yes) But when I remove the code that is to be placed towards the end of the vbhome index file my page loads up fast again.

Any help if possible would be great.


TECK 09-26-2002 07:11 AM

i wouldnt recommend you to use that poll in vbHL 3.
it was designed for older versions... instead search the forums for "polls on home page" and insert that hack into it.

the good part about vbHL is that you can add any hack you want into it.
i think i will also make a add-on for this also... to avoid loading several queries. when i have time.

nokia8860 09-26-2002 07:18 AM


Thanks for the quick reply! I will search the site for another way to add a poll.

Once again thank you for this great hack! I too have pressed INSTALL :classic:

nokia8860 09-26-2002 08:14 AM

Sorry to bug you again TECK, I read a few pages back about changing some lines in the vbhome index file to prevent Private forum post from appearing in the "latest discussion" box.

I searched my index file but could not locate it. I have a private area in my site that I do not wish to be included in the latest discussion box. Any tips on how to remove it?

I am using v 3 of your hack.

Thanks :)

TECK 09-26-2002 08:18 AM

in v3 is done by default. any private forum threads will not show.

nokia8860 09-26-2002 08:28 AM

I must have did something wrong then. I will check my forum permissions.

The title shows up on the home page and when I click on it as a guest it says im not able to see the page. My concern is the title of the post is still there.

I will re check my forum permissions just in case.

Thank you again for your quick reply!

nokia8860 09-26-2002 08:40 AM

I checked my forum permissions and they area all set to private and also hid the private forums but the post still show up on the homepage.

Anything you can suggest?

Once again many thank you.

TECK 09-26-2002 08:46 AM

there is nothing i could suggest because the hack it's working flawlessly.

nokia8860 09-26-2002 08:47 AM

Thanks. I will continue to check to see what I am doing wrong on my end. Again thank you for this very cool hack!

TECK 09-26-2002 08:48 AM

what vb version you use?

nokia8860 09-26-2002 08:55 AM

v 2.2.7 Just did the upgrade today from 2.2.6

Ive attached the area that gets displayed from the home_article bits. It does its job where if I dont have permissions I can not view the thread. My question is, again it most likely is my fault in installation, can the title not show up if they are not allowed to view it anyways?

Thanks :)

nokia8860 09-26-2002 09:01 AM

I feel like an idiot. I just read the title of the hack. its for 2.2.8 d'oh!!!!

I guess I should download the release candidate. It will probably solve my problem :(

TECK 09-26-2002 09:02 AM

if you look in vbHL file you will see clearly that the permissions are set NOT to allow any private posts to be displayed.

if ($ipermcache["$forum[forumid]"]["canview"]==1
that means, if the forum have the "canview" permissions enabled, then show the thread info.
also, the hack is designed to work with any 2.2.x version. i was wondering if you had a lower version, but that's not the case.

TECK 09-26-2002 09:04 AM

do this. install a default unhacked test board. you will see it's working great...
also keep in mind the hack does not interact with any other hacks you have on your board. it pulls the info it needs by itself.

nokia8860 09-26-2002 09:08 AM

This is the only hack I have on the board. :)

I viewed my permission settings for my private area and for unregistered users and for other users that are not moderators or admins they can not view it.

Under the normal vB forums they can not see nor view the titles of the threads there.

Sorry for all the questions about this.

edit: again i know 100% that its probably something ive over looked. but thanks for helping me.

nokia8860 09-26-2002 09:12 AM


It was my settings. I goofed somewhere in making things private. Many thank yous for putting up with me!

Now on to finding a poll for my frontpage!!!!

:D :D :D

TECK 09-26-2002 09:13 AM

i was sure you missed something in the forum settings. :)

MultiSync 09-27-2002 03:59 AM


Is it possible to PM me some example how to add features to my front page? Like where to place all those lines... because I am new to this.

TECK 09-27-2002 04:03 AM

hello MultiSync... unfortunatelly not. please ask your colleagues who installed this hack for support related to addons.
i will support only the actual file, as stated on the first post.


Cluster One 09-27-2002 07:10 AM

I've got everything configured. I even ran the info.php and got the paths.

my forums directory is /home/buffy-fo/public_html/forums

I set it all up and all I get is a blank page. I've tried everything possible i know I've even read all the threads.

Mone' 09-27-2002 07:32 AM


Originally posted by Cluster One
I've got everything configured. I even ran the info.php and got the paths.

my forums directory is /home/buffy-fo/public_html/forums

I set it all up and all I get is a blank page. I've tried everything possible i know I've even read all the threads.

http://www.buffy-forums.com/ is showing up fine here........
you just need to set the image path and i think you are done with it.


glo 09-27-2002 08:07 AM

TECK, i am throwing my hands in the air!

I cant figure out your instructions. I get BLANK pages only!

let me email you directly.

glo 09-27-2002 01:37 PM


Originally posted by bouncer18


thats how mine is set.

as far as templates go...

go into /admin
near the bottom left you will see templates.
click edit and then edit them

Edited Due to Teck schooling me on the post below

Hi Bouncer,

I have spent a week trying to figure this out! It doesnt mention in the instructions that you actually use the vBulletin CP to add and modify the templates. This is where i have been getting stuck! I have since loaded the templates via the CP and tried to submit the full url for the images but i cant locate the {imagefolder} via the CP?

TECK 09-27-2002 05:01 PM

glo, i promise i will help you step by step, you will get up and running your vbHome. i got your emails and i will answer your questions here.

now please check my quidelines on how to submit your problems. my hacks are made by points and steps so is easy for me (and you) to deal with a specific part at the time.

i'll be looking here in the thread. i dont answer to emails related to hacks support.


TECK 09-27-2002 05:23 PM

ok glo, i'm looking on your email righe now and i answer to your highlited problems.
first of all, undo everything you did so far related to vbHL and start from a fresh copy. clear all your temporary files and redownload again the vbHL from here.

create the templates
1. in your vBulletin admin control panel, scroll down until you see Templates (is at the bottom on the left hand side).

2. click on Add.

3. enter there, one by one, the title and the contents of each template.

file index.php (your vbHL file)
1. open the file and make sure the chdir and is set like that:

2. save the file and place file in the [root] folder , in your case the folder above [high]/forums[/high]:
[glo-racing.com] < place the vBHL index.php file here, the folder should have the name /web or whatever
------[forums] < your forum folder

follow the rest of instructions included in the read me file.
DO NOT PERFORM AGAIN the Installer!!! you did it right??? ran the table modifications? and also the vBulletin file modifications?
so we only need to focus on the templates creation and making sure the vbHL index.php file have all the variables set correctly.

let me know.

glo 09-28-2002 12:16 AM


I have added the templates, and the vBHl index.php is placed in the root directory ie www.glo-racing.com/index.php

I did perform the installer again but the installer already recognised the initial installation and gave me the opion to cancel!

I modifed the bbcode and standarderror files too!

I have corrected the smilies and the imagefolders, but i still get a BLANK PAGE!

So i still have a blank page. I have looked at the vBHl index.php file and it still uses the imagefolder code, should this have changed???

My News forum is set to 2. please see www.glo-racing.com/forums
And should i be changing all the $bburl/ to forums/ in the templates???

TECK 09-28-2002 12:22 AM

try this.. rename the index.php vbHL file to home.php then comment like this:
// chdir('...

so it doesnt look for the right folder anymore because it's already there.
then move the new file (home.php) to your /forum folder and let me know if it displays everything correctly. if it still doesnt, you didnt add the templates properly.

also make sure you modified properly the vBulletin files listed in the readmefirst.txt file.
one thing, dont forget to post at least once, after you did all this, orelse you will get a blank page.

TECK 09-28-2002 12:24 AM

if you give me a temp admin access to your admin cp, i could look into it and see if the templates are added properly. is up to you.
make a username and password and give to that username admin status.. then when is all check restore it to regular user.

pm me all the info.

glo 09-28-2002 12:40 AM


I still get blank page, and the templates i entered but did not modify!

I have PM you the details!


TECK 09-28-2002 01:07 AM

ok. glo, i changed everything, the way it suppose to be. :)
we are back in business. now, where is the vbHL file? in /forum?
is named to what?

also did you edited the newthread.php file? and added the code is described in the readme file?

TECK 09-28-2002 01:13 AM

here it is what i'm gonna do. i'm gonna edit a fresh unhacked newthread.php file (for vb228) with the code the way it's supposed to be and send it in the pm. all you have to do is upload it to your server, ok?

TECK 09-28-2002 01:20 AM

ok glo, i send you in a pm the correctly modified file. just upload it.
then let me know when done. post here.


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