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Dave# 06-22-2002 09:18 PM


Originally posted by Dmitriy
I don't konw if this has already been asked before, I could not find an answer: Does the php have to be compiled --with-imap in order for this hack to work?

Marv 06-22-2002 11:27 PM

Hi Gilby,

come into my arms ;) This is what I was looking for since I started my own bb.
I must confess that I?m an old UBB-user and changed the bb-soft just with beginning of last week, so I?m not very familiar with php yet.

I run into some problems while installing your hack and after reading this 300 posts here, I still haven`t found a solution for it.

I?m on a shared server with php 4.2.1 installed and using NNTP Gateway 1.9 with the latest nntp.php you attached here few threads above.

I tried to figure out how this can work for me, but now after 6 hours I?m tiered and about to give up..

The nntp tells me while gateway.php is doing his job:
PHP Code:

1 group(sgatewayed.
200 Welcome to post.usenet.comNo Spamming is allowedPlease vist [url]http://www.usenet.com[/url] for premium Usenet Newsgroup services, 5.5h2, S0
Logging in to post.usenet.comgroup test
211 12 41913 41924 test selected340 Ok
recommended ID <3d150ce9$1@post.usenet.com>Posting Message from Testuser340 Okrecommended ID <3d150ce9$1@post.usenet.com

After that it?s running in a timeout and the browser stops - don?t know wether the servers timout or a timelimit in the nntp-script files and
the articles which seems to be send cannot be found in the targeted newsgroup.

Could you give me a little support for this ?

And by the way...you dunno how hard is it to read 300 articles in english...when your own language is german.. uhh.. :ogre: :surprised:

Hope you keep up the good work - IMHO this hack is godlike (guess the UT-players know what i mean..) and I would appreciate, that there would be others like that coming up in the next weeks :knockedout:

As Said: congratz, Gilby..

Marv 06-23-2002 08:53 AM


i missed to tell you of another problem. Everytime I click the gateway.php all messages in our board are send again. That means not new articles - the same posts as the last 50 times before :)

Another thingy is that you can?t hit the reply-Button (send eMail to the author) cause the email-adress is totally wrong.. (for example (Boardname Admin, origin-eMail: webmaster@domain.com turns into name "Admin" and email "Admin.6p21i@(tempdirectory).domain.com") - means, it won?t work.

Any suggestions for that, Gilbert?

Marv 06-23-2002 10:53 AM


installed the GUI now and gave the "Manual Syncronisation" a try.
But - havn?t I expected an error? - the echo is
PHP Code:

Fatal errorCannot redeclare stripslashesarray() in /homepages/xx/xxxxxxxxxx/htdocs/forum/admin/global.php on line 33 

But line 33@global.php is like this:
PHP Code:

 // get rid of slashes in get / post / cookie data
function stripslashesarray (&$arr) {
  while (list(
$key,$val)=each($arr)) {
    if (
$key!="templatesused" and $key!="argc" and $key!="argv") {
            if (
is_string($val) AND (strtoupper($key)!=$key OR ("".intval($key)=="$key"))) {
$arr["$key"] = stripslashes($val);
            } else if (
is_array($val) AND ($key == 'HTTP_POST_VARS' OR $key == 'HTTP_GET_VARS' OR strtoupper($key)!=$key)) {
$arr["$key"] = stripslashesarray($val);

Okay..I?m a php-newbie so I can?t read the php-script und get the point of what it tries to tell me. I have no glue what?s going wrong..

Is there a personal interpreter out there for me ;) ?

Marv 06-23-2002 11:51 AM

when I read all these articles from people keep on debugging some (mostly the own) minor errors, wouldn´t this addon be better placed in a beta-forum?

I don´t wanna say that this addon was a way early released - but people like me which aren´t to familiar with php and/or mySQL can´t do a debugging by their own and running in a little frustration :ermm:

Just my two thoughts..

Dmitriy 06-23-2002 12:17 PM

This addon has many issues, but they usually realted to servers, not the script.

Basically, this addon is not easy to add and it may not work on all types of servers.

- You need to have access to newsgroup server provided by your webhost and not all webhosts have it.

- Even if you have newsgroup access provided by your ISP, ISP may have it setup in such way that it will not work from outside their network, meaning that if you can access newsgroups from home, you may not be able to use the same account to access from your webserver.

- Even if you have access to news server, your host's news server (or any news server for that matter) may not have the access to newsgroup that you interested in.

- You need to make sure that TCP port 119 is open on your server

- You may need to compile the php with imap support, as stated by Gilby in one of these posts.

- In order to complie php with imap, you also need to install imap c-client library on the server first. From here:
Warning:(a big pain to install)

- If you need to install imap c-client libraries, you need to be sure that imapd is running of your server. If it's not running, you may need to add imapd to your /etc/services file and kill -HUP inetd

As you can see, a lot of things must go right before this addon will work.

Some people lucky and have all of these things already setup on the server, but some are not.

I know, I'be been though all these steps and finally got this thing to work.

The addon itself is a pretty much complete version, not beta, it's just it's a lot more difficult to get it to work than most other add-ons.

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 06-23-2002 01:53 PM

Lovely - just found out my isp doesnt support usenet --

so does anyone know of any cheap ones that do ?

In other words - anyone know of any cheap usenet account providers ?

Marv 06-23-2002 09:11 PM


Originally posted by Dmitriy
This addon has many issues, but they usually realted to servers, not the script.

Basically, this addon is not easy to add and it may not work on all types of servers.

Dmitriy, may be my posting came out wrong.

What you?ve mentioned is absolutly correct. It?s not as obvious to users like me, that an installation note can?t include & cover all types of local server-configurations.

What I would like to see is a little troubleshooting advice in there. As far as I can see most people here have run into 3 to 5 serious problems until they?ve got this addon to work. I would appreciate if the documentation could include those 5 cases with a little more detailed explanations. On the other side this needs additional time and work on it - and I don?t know if I could afford that if I would walk in Gilby?s shoes..

Sure - I can?t expect this. I have to be more than glad, that Gilbert had the time, the know-how and the mood to write this gateway-script - and finally to release this to public.

So..you?re right - the addon isn?t beta. And the more I think this over the more I got a glue, that it?s may be me who is in early beta...

Ermm... umm..for my taste this is a bit too much truth for today.. :speechless:

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 06-23-2002 09:51 PM


i believe im being ignored...


Marv 06-24-2002 03:25 PM

Hi everybody,

their are some things which we should keep in mind before we should use this addon, like the following restrictions which you find on most (german) newservers:


Users of the newsserver are expected to follow this set of rules.
Disregarding the rules may cause termination of access privileges without further notice.

Accurate Sender Address
The e-mail addresses in From:, Reply-To:, and Sender: fields must belong to you and they have to be valid. Using identifiers of other individuals without their permission or e-mail addresses that will bounce is not permitted. (For more details see paragraph 5.3 of the FAQ.)

No Control Messages
Users are not allowed to post control messages at this server. The only exception is to cancel your own articles.

Gilby?s fabulous hack doesn?t include the origin real email-adresses of the boardmembers to the postings which are being send to the newsgroups.
This is a serious problem in most countries and newsgroups and one of the bigger offenses you can run into..

I just don?t know how, but - in smple words - would it be that difficult to read out the eMail-adresses from the db so that Gilby?s addon can generate the valid emailadresse like

From: "Marvin Brandon" <marvin.brandon@gmx.de>
Does anyone has a glue how we could solve this ? Any suggestions ?

Another question..:
In point 2 of the newsserver rules they talk about "No Control Messages ". Is this NNTP-gateway script doing something like that ?


Marv 06-27-2002 05:42 PM


meanwhile the script is up & running. Okay..gateway.php still doesn?t tell me "All done" after it?s finished but that?s no problem at all - beside that it works perfectly and gets the job done. That?s what matters.

May be someone could assist me with a minor problem. gateway.php has to be run in your browser everytime you want to synchronize posts with the newsserver. (BTW: I have to do this with Opera or Netscape cause MSIE always wants to [i]download[/] gateway.php instead of executing the file..)

As someone mentioned a few posts before you could use opera and the built-in refresh-option or do it seperatly in a html-file like this

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="900">
<title>Iframe Newsgroup Synchronizer</title>

Iframe Newsgroup-Synchronizer

<iframe src="http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/gateway.php" width="100%" height="400" name="gateway.php in a box">
<p>Ihr Browser kann leider keine eingebetteten Frames anzeigen:
Sie k&ouml;nnen die eingebettete Seite &uuml;ber den folgenden Verweis
aufrufen: <a href="http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/gateway.php">manuelle Newsserver-Abfrage</a></p>

We?re on a shared server and so we?re not allowed to run cronjobs. Is it possible to let this job be done by another php.file ?

What I was thinking of:
I guess the most users here - assumed 98 percent of all german bb?s are installed on shared web-servers - can?t do cronjobs.

A solution to that could be to include a - let me call it - "pusher-option" which forces gateway.php to execute without any browser output. (in case the script won?t work proper vb?s db is already configged to send you an eMail-notification every time the error appears)

To reduce bandwith and transfer-volume a new function should be added to this that gateway.php is only executable every 15 (or whatever) minutes.

In practice it would happen like this:
User clicks the newsgroup-forum-link --> this one opens the forum and at the same time is executing gateway.php in a hidden way (without output to the users browser).
After that certain others are viewing this newsgroup-forum but only after [x]-minutes the gateway.php should be executed again by a click on the forum-link.
Otherwise on Boards with a heavy user load your transfer-volume would increase rapidly - and it?s not necsessary to synchronize with the newsserver every 60 seconds and let the users wait another 30 seconds until gateway.php is through with this job until they can view the threads inside..

Meanwhile I?m quite sure this belongs to the request-Forum, but I`ll leave it in here also. May be someone?s stumbling over this posting and.... :classic:


Bro_Joey_Gowdy 06-28-2002 10:11 PM

anyone know of any cheap usenet account providers ?

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 06-29-2002 05:09 PM

Is this hack compatable with http://www.usenet-access.com ??

(thinks to himself - if I ask enough questions some is bound to reply)

Marv 06-29-2002 06:03 PM

Hi Joey,

it should, Joey. The Newsgate Script is still using standard-ports and
therefore I see no reason why it shouldn´t work.

*a friendly smile through the line*,

Marv 06-29-2002 06:09 PM

um...that means.. so far as I remember - hadn?t some of us serious probs to
keep this script going with presupposed username/passwords?
In case thats correct, guess you have to check the whole thread.. so I hope
I?m wrong ;)

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 06-29-2002 08:40 PM

Thanks Marv,

God bless you !!


mcncyo 07-01-2002 09:18 AM

does this hack with verison 2.2.6?

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 07-01-2002 11:19 AM


Originally posted by cyo
does this hack with verison 2.2.6?


(p.s. - awesome avatar - Im a Jesus Freak as well)

Frenck 07-07-2002 12:36 PM

My forum is using the attachment to files hack, but the gateway script seems to put the attachments into the database?!

How to make this script working with the attachments to files hack?

Besides this little problem, the script is running fine! Great work!

Odoin 07-09-2002 02:42 AM

This might have been asked before, but there is so many posts I do not have time to search through them...

My question is... Is there a way to limit the amount of messages inported by the NNTP client? I mean like this one news group has over 5000+ messages and the client will not download them all at one shot it seems to time out before it gets done. Then I have to take the last message id and mod the forum with it, and start over but then the dates are messed up and it looks like all the messages were posted today. Any ideas?

Thank you in advance.


Mark Laudenbach

Schorsch 07-13-2002 04:08 AM

am I right that when:
  • - I have a virtual account with 100 MB Webspace, MAX. 100 MB database
    - not allowed to run cronjobs

I can forget this useful addon ??

I'm asking since I'm really scared about that my provider is cancelling my account when I'm installing this.


Dmitriy 07-19-2002 12:05 AM

I wonder how I can I exclude the posts in the usenet forusm from being included in the detnew and getdaily searches.

This script downloads a lot of posts from usenet and it confuses many of my members when they want to see new posts since last visit or new posts in the past 24 hours.

Can someone suggest how to hack the search.php to exclude certain forums from being counted towards the latest posts?

Odoin 07-19-2002 12:38 AM

This is something I need as well... When 500 messages are posted from the news groups a day it makes it hard for the users doing searchs.

beheader 07-25-2002 07:34 PM


Originally posted by Odoin
This might have been asked before, but there is so many posts I do not have time to search through them...

My question is... Is there a way to limit the amount of messages inported by the NNTP client? I mean like this one news group has over 5000+ messages and the client will not download them all at one shot it seems to time out before it gets done. Then I have to take the last message id and mod the forum with it, and start over but then the dates are messed up and it looks like all the messages were posted today. Any ideas?

There are only two ways I have been able to get around this was to either run a dnews server behind my firewall with a suck account from http://www.newshosting.com, or setup a newscache under linux.

Then set the limits so that only new posts are downloaded and not the 47,000 old posts.

Other than that- unless the script author makes a mod (or someone else) we are stuck with that situation.

beheader 07-29-2002 10:24 PM

Hi all,

Here's my notes on getting this mod working fulling under medium volume....

I. Installation and Config

The installation and config instructions were fine.

II. Server Choices

The mod as it stands communicates with any news server (tested 5 different servers: INN, Leafnode, Leafnode+, Dnews, Hampster, and Rumormill).


INN: Too industrial strength, pain to configure... don't do it (I did and now I need therapy)

Leafnode and Leafnode+: Excellent and simple. Must install from source. Ability to limit initial draw of articles from up stream server. Operates in "suck" client mode only. This is GPL software, and is currently still maintained.

Dnews: Excellent and simple. Faster than Leafnode variations. However is expensive! $95.00 for a single concurrent connection- and the prices only climb from there....

Hampster: Forget it. I'm not even going into it. But it's old, slow, and unsupported.

RumorMill: Forget it, old, Slow, and unsupported. (However if ti did work it would be a great use for an old Mac you have laying around)

My final Choice:


Why? Because Leafnode compiled flawlessly, added newsgroups flawlessly, is free, is GPL, has initial suck limits in place for new group additions, has limits for message size in place (keeps some idiot who posts a binary to a text group from screwing your server and forums up, and runs on linux- which saved me a win2k license....

III. Issues with the script itself.

The mod itself works brilliantly, with the exception of the following issues:

1. If you pull a text group directly from a server with a high retention (Like 4000 articles), the download will *timeout* (Along with the php script), leaving some house keeping things un-done in regard to the import of the messages. One of these things is fairly severe, in that when the gateway script is run again, the entire newsgroup will be pulled *again*- since the message numbers are not update when the import fails.

2. There are no size limitations in place in the script proper to avoid the importing of a multipart CD image. Just today, I had to reconfigure my local newsserver to avoid a binary that was posted to comp.sys.mac.games.action- the binary should not have been there, but 680 megs of usenet posts ended up in my sql database. This is a mess and not fun.

3. It appears that the mod doesn't poll for an initial group download in the same way as a standard newsreader.

Three separate caching servers (dnews, Leafnode, and Leafnode+) all did not recognize the poll to an empty newsgroup, and subsequently download the articles. I had to subscribe to the newsgroup first in Outlook, then the messages would download normally.

While I have not had a chance to check the code for this function, I will do so in the coming days and find out if I can isolate a mod for the mod to make sure that a subscription in the control panel will be enough to trigger the newsgroup to go active.

IV. Final config- how to make it workable....

My solution consists of:

1. a suck feed from http://www.newshosting.com ($25.00 a month- 500 MB a day)

2. Internally configured Leafnode server with initial post fetch, and size limits in place.

3. CBQ (Class Based Queing) implemented on a Linux firewall to keep usenet traffic from affecting other servers on my system.

Essentially, the Leafnode server is throttled to 56k of incoming bandwidth, and the forums server connects to it via 10/100 Full Duplex Ethernet.

It was at this final config that the usenet section at ASWP.net became usable with any kind of volume. It was a big job, and very intense in the level of tweaking needed, but we have it classified as rock solid at this point.

So here's the short list of what you need to make it workable:

1. Sucking usenet server, which you have control over, or that someone is willing to alter the config for.

2. A fast semi-dedicated server box with a lot of disk space.

3. The ability to throttle your bandwidth.

Well, anyhow- thats my take on it....

ThunderVipor 08-01-2002 02:09 PM

I'm very interested in this functionality, but have no experience with MySQL (in case it isn't obvious by my subject line :) ). Can someone please tell me how to run the nntp.sql script?

Thanks much.

glenvw 08-20-2002 09:49 PM

This is what I am looking for for sure.

Does it actually bring visitors from the newsgroups to your site? That would be awesome.

I am looking for someone intersted in installing. Any takers?

PS I also do not know how to run the nntp.sql script.

SeanM 09-07-2002 06:10 PM

I have installed this script numerous times.. It is really quite easy, if you need some help send me a message @ webmaster@weathertalk.net and I will help you as much as possible.


Brian Cruz 09-07-2002 07:02 PM

Is Gilby still around? I'm hoping he'll update this for vB3 when it comes out, particularly to take advantage of the new threaded view feature.

glenvw 09-08-2002 05:15 PM


fechten 09-10-2002 02:29 PM

Installed and this works great for pulling down the NNTP feed, but when I try to reply to a usenet thread from the forum and then sync it up I get:

441 Posting Failed (Message-ID doesn't conform to NNTP standards)

I have html, vb code, smilies, and icons turned off for the nntp forum. Is there any other config that I should do or do posts from vb to usenet not work with this gateway?


SRozhon 09-19-2002 01:14 AM

Thank you so much for those pics Sanjiyan! They helped me figure out what I was doing wrong. Great idea!! Oh, and this is an awesome hack Gilby! Thanks!!

SRozhon 09-19-2002 11:32 AM


Originally posted by Gilby

It should now work with every server, and if it doesn't let me know.

I think I have it set up right now, but I keep getting an IE message that says it isn't able to connect. I am using my isp server. Is that the problem?

When I try to syncronise manually with the GUI by gateway I get this error message:
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/forums/admin/adminfunctions.php:19) in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/forums/gateway.php on line 20

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare stripslashesarray() in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/forums/admin/global.php on line 33

Please help! This is the coolest hack I've seen yet!! :bunny:

SRozhon 09-21-2002 01:15 PM

ok, I took everything out and started over. This time I used the GUI by gamecrash. I am no longer getting the above error this time, but get this now instead.

2 group(s) gatewayed.
Could not connect to NNTP-serverLogging in to netnews.insightbb.com, group comp.graphics.apps.photoshop
Not connectedNot connectedCould not connect to NNTP-serverLogging in to netnews.insightbb.com, group comp.graphics.apps.paint-shop-pro
Not connectedNot connected

I'm not sure why it isn't connecting. I think it is set up right. Anyone have any suggestions??

certify 09-28-2002 07:33 AM

This is exaclky what I am looking for. :)

Great script!

Gardener 10-09-2002 12:59 AM

This is the first hack I have tried to install for VB, and I love it. The install went well with very few problems, except for one of the news groups I added. I added alt.binaries.pictures.gardens as one of the groups, and most of the pictures just show up as a page full of characters instead of the actual picture. I don't think this is a script problem, but rather a problem of not having something installed in either Apache or PHP to decode these pictures. Can someone give me a hand.


Gilby 10-09-2002 02:30 AM


Originally posted by Gardener
I don't think this is a script problem, but rather a problem of not having something installed in either Apache or PHP to decode these pictures. Can someone give me a hand.
This is an incompatibility with script where it does not support attachments that are not mime attachments and are uuencoded, which is what OE does for attachments.

Gardener 10-09-2002 10:34 AM

Thanks. I noticed that some of the pictures do show up as attachments, but most don't. I'll just have to remove that group. Thanks for your help.

Gardener 10-11-2002 05:52 PM

Is there any way to attach a footer to the end of postings made from my site and posted to usenet? Such as "Posted via my website".

Gardener 10-13-2002 10:17 AM


Originally posted by Gardener
Is there any way to attach a footer to the end of postings made from my site and posted to usenet? Such as "Posted via my website".

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