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barnsi 10-04-2017 02:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
...and today again (at #Rev908) and 2.3.0 is back!
YES!!! importing a thread works perfekt now without an Error. Thank you very much :)

issuelist.php?projectid=1&issuetypeid=SFMInfo still causes this fatal error

boarddocTOR 12-07-2017 07:29 AM

I have v 2.3.0 installed and it works fine except for 2 issues I'm trying to resolve. I'm using vBulletin v 4.2.5.

1) There is no option for me to set up how attachments are saved. I'm concerned I'm going to eventually have a corrupted database since there's no way of knowing where my attachments are going to be saved. This image shows my control panel on this matter.


2) Issue Type Manager - No matter how I try to configure this I can't get the color styles applied to my issues. The attached images show what I have set up in Issue Manager. The dark styles are different than the light styles, which, according to the instructions they must be. So I don't think that's the problem.


I've also set up the status color ID's in vBulletin options. This doesn't seem to work either. Have I entered the IDs correctly? I don't have any documentation on what the ID actually is.


I also changed the Issue color to "Severity Color" and that didn't work either.


If anyone can help me out, it would be mucho appreciated!

dunc07 01-27-2018 09:09 AM

In the "status color options" screen, the list of "Dark Styles" and "Light Styles" does not refer to some color IDs, but to the actual "vbulletin style IDs" that are available on your forum.

You can check the available styles by using the vBulletin admin panel, then look for the "Styles & Templates -> Style Manager" page.

Here, you will have a list of all styles, by default these are only "vB4 Default Style" and "Default Mobile Style". Unfortunately, that list does NOT show the actual ID of each style.

In order to find the IDs, either simply do a mouseover on the style names and check the URL, e.g. <foobar>/forum/forum.php?styleid=5, or select "Edit Style Options -> Edit Settings" from the drop-down boxes on the right and hit the "GO" button. On the new page, the title bar of the options screen will now show the name and ID of the style you've selected, e.g. "Style: vB4 Default Style (id: 5)".

These ID number are what you have to use in the "Project Tools: Status Color Options" screens you've posted.

barnsi 05-23-2018 11:26 AM


Is this path still working? Can?t connect :(

Dave 05-23-2018 12:21 PM

Works fine to me, check the source code of the page. It doesn't display anything visible.

barnsi 05-24-2018 12:38 PM

Thank you, Dave.
I needed other Proxy-Settings, now connection is working fine again.

barnsi 05-25-2018 12:54 PM

There is still one bug left (at revision 914):
it is impossible to delete an old Issuetype
Example: projecttype.php?do=typedelete&issuetypeid=bug
Perhaps because it also is not possible to delete the last remaining Issuestatus?
Example: projecttype.php?do=statusdelete&issuestatusid=31

Is there a trick? :)

paradoxG(r)eek 07-02-2018 05:42 AM

Unable to install it with vB4.2.5. Tried with PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1. The only difference is that with PHP 7.0 & 7.1 I'm getting error:

Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 89 in /home/christer/public_html/includes/class_dm_pt_project.php
#0 /home/christer/public_html/includes/functions.php(196): vB_DataManager_Pt_Project->vB_DataManager_Pt_Project(Object(vB_Registry), 3)
#1 /home/christer/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201) : eval()'d code(568): datamanager_init('pt_project', Object(vB_Registry), 3)
#2 /home/christer/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201): eval()
#3 /home/christer/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1755): install_product(' #4 {main}

while with PHP 5.6 I'm not getting any error but system frozes at "Importing Product". I tried with both version available here (minified and not), but again nothing. Also tried a trick that I read somewhere here to import it from server instead from computer. Again nothing.

Any idea where I can find a direct link to download the latest 2.3.0 (or 2.3.1)? Some links that I found simple does not work.

Thank you

Hostboard 07-20-2018 12:49 PM

I have a copy of 2.3.1 on my NAS. Send me a PM and I will give you a link to it...

Raptor 01-06-2019 11:13 PM

I have the exact same problem. Can't find 2.30 (or 2.3.1) anywhere - its not in the SVN branch either.

Hostboard 01-07-2019 10:43 AM

Replied to PM

Hostboard 09-05-2019 01:22 PM

I checked the SVN and see that there has been updates as late as July 2019 by yrigaud. Not sure if the SVN was compromised or if the changes are valid. Anyone shed some light on the ID or want to run a DIFF on the updated files? The trunk where the updates are shows as v2.3.0 and not 2.3.1

Dave 09-05-2019 01:46 PM

Seems legit. /includes/class_pt_issuelist.php was updated to fix a XSS security issue.
If you use a tool such as TortoiseSVN, you can easily see the commit history.


In Omnibus 09-05-2019 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2600551)
I checked the SVN and see that there has been updates as late as July 2019 by yrigaud. Not sure if the SVN was compromised or if the changes are valid. Anyone shed some light on the ID or want to run a DIFF on the updated files? The trunk where the updates are shows as v2.3.0 and not 2.3.1

Yves Rigaud used to work for vBulletin (he might still, I'm not certain) and probably uses this himself so it would be a legitimate update.

BlackxRam 02-16-2020 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2595356)
Unable to install it with vB4.2.5. Tried with PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1. The only difference is that with PHP 7.0 & 7.1 I'm getting error:

Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 89 in /home/christer/public_html/includes/class_dm_pt_project.php
#0 /home/christer/public_html/includes/functions.php(196): vB_DataManager_Pt_Project->vB_DataManager_Pt_Project(Object(vB_Registry), 3)
#1 /home/christer/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201) : eval()'d code(568): datamanager_init('pt_project', Object(vB_Registry), 3)
#2 /home/christer/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201): eval()
#3 /home/christer/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1755): install_product(' #4 {main}

while with PHP 5.6 I'm not getting any error but system frozes at "Importing Product". I tried with both version available here (minified and not), but again nothing. Also tried a trick that I read somewhere here to import it from server instead from computer. Again nothing.

Any idea where I can find a direct link to download the latest 2.3.0 (or 2.3.1)? Some links that I found simple does not work.

Thank you

Im getting the exact same error on a clean VB installation. Im guessing this mod is dead for new vbulletin versions?

Dave 02-16-2020 07:53 PM

It's a PHP incompatibility error and not related to vBulletin. The call to vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager should be replaced with vB_DataManager::__construct

syriac 05-07-2020 11:13 AM

Any update to this for vBulletin version 5.6.1?

PitchouneN64ngc 08-15-2020 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by In Omnibus (Post 2600553)
Yves Rigaud used to work for vBulletin (he might still, I'm not certain) and probably uses this himself so it would be a legitimate update.

Yup, it's me :)

I know there isn't a lot of updates but all the stuff is still working. The latest fix in the repo is i got someone who tried to do an xss issue with the pagenumber value in the url.

I will try to finish officially that 2.3.0 (2.3.1? It's not even in the milestones :D) to be able to release at least all php 7.0/7.1 compatibilities (as vB4 is not php 7.2 compatible, nothing will be done for this php version and higher). I have currently health issues which will need a surgery in less than a week :)

Hostboard 08-15-2020 11:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Interesting as my PT install says 2.3.1 and I know it was nothing that I did. I have attached a copy for of the XML for reference. Anyways were on PHP 7.4.9 and running smoothly...
Still would love to see some sort of update/final release.

PitchouneN64ngc 08-16-2020 09:27 PM

It's definitively 2.3.0 the next release, how could I release 2.3.1 without 2.3.0 before? :D

KevinL 01-11-2021 05:00 PM

I was wondering if I could get some info on downloading the most recent copy of Project tools? I see a few mentions of either version 2.3.0 or 2.3.1. Any info would be great.


Hostboard 01-11-2021 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by KevinL (Post 2605731)
I was wondering if I could get some info on downloading the most recent copy of Project tools? I see a few mentions of either version 2.3.0 or 2.3.1. Any info would be great.


I will upload my copy to my server and PM you a link latter on tonight...

KevinL 01-11-2021 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2605732)
I will upload my copy to my server and PM you a link latter on tonight...

Excellent! Thank you!

PitchouneN64ngc 02-27-2021 12:59 PM

I'm actually have some issues found to fix. They are locally (2 files in admincp and the product file), but I don't know why, my svn login doesn't work anymore. I'll try to see who should I contact to have it working back.

Hostboard 03-02-2021 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by PitchouneN64ngc (Post 2606479)
I'm actually have some issues found to fix. They are locally (2 files in admincp and the product file), but I don't know why, my svn login doesn't work anymore. I'll try to see who should I contact to have it working back.

Can you post the files here in an attachment or note the changes?

KevinL 03-30-2021 12:06 AM

Few issues.

1. When trying to view pages in the project timeline it just refreshes to the first page.

I was able go to the old issues by clicking on the breadcrumb after the fix below.

For php 7+ I made the following change on line 448 of issuelist.php:

PHP Code:

$post_issue_options[] = $type


PHP Code:

$post_issue_options $type

ChrisTERiS 09-11-2021 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2605732)
I will upload my copy to my server and PM you a link latter on tonight...

Even if I've some problems with my PM, could you please send me the latest file? Is for 4.2.5 and supports PHP 7?

Thank you

Hostboard 08-02-2022 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2607465)
Even if I've some problems with my PM, could you please send me the latest file? Is for 4.2.5 and supports PHP 7?

Thank you

Just inbox me and I'll send you a link.

Hostboard 08-02-2022 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by PitchouneN64ngc (Post 2606479)
I'm actually have some issues found to fix. They are locally (2 files in admincp and the product file), but I don't know why, my svn login doesn't work anymore. I'll try to see who should I contact to have it working back.

Any chance you can either post the files or send them to me?
My login to the SVN is still working.

erosolmi 08-17-2022 02:22 PM

Tried to update to 2.2.2 under VB 4.2.5 and PHP 7.1.33 but got error:

Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 89 in /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/class_dm_pt_project.php
#0 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/functions.php(196): vB_DataManager_Pt_Project->vB_DataManager_Pt_Project(Object(vB_Registry), 2)
#1 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201) : eval()'d code(139): datamanager_init('pt_project', Object(vB_Registry), 2)
#2 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201): eval()
#3 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/admincp___XYZ/plugin.php(1755): install_product(' #4 {main}

Fatal User Error: Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 89 in ..../includes/class_dm_pt_project.php in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
Trace Data:
#1 : vbstop() called in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 6089
#2 : vbulletin_error_handler() called in on line
#3 : trigger_error() called in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
#4 : vB::handleException() called in on line

Var Type:
[ NULL ]

Var Data:

Anyone can help?

Hostboard 08-17-2022 04:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by erosolmi (Post 2608744)
Tried to update to 2.2.2 under VB 4.2.5 and PHP 7.1.33 but got error:

Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 89 in /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/class_dm_pt_project.php
#0 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/functions.php(196): vB_DataManager_Pt_Project->vB_DataManager_Pt_Project(Object(vB_Registry), 2)
#1 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201) : eval()'d code(139): datamanager_init('pt_project', Object(vB_Registry), 2)
#2 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201): eval()
#3 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/admincp___XYZ/plugin.php(1755): install_product(' #4 {main}

Fatal User Error: Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 89 in ..../includes/class_dm_pt_project.php in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
Trace Data:
#1 : vbstop() called in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 6089
#2 : vbulletin_error_handler() called in on line
#3 : trigger_error() called in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
#4 : vB::handleException() called in on line

Var Type:
[ NULL ]

Var Data:

Anyone can help?

While vBulletin is PHP 7.1.x compliant I am not sure about PT
Backup and try this file (running on PHP 7.4.x).

erosolmi 08-17-2022 04:49 PM

Thanks a lot.
I tried, passed that point but now same error in another file: class_dm_pt_milestone.php

Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 96 in /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/class_dm_pt_milestone.php
#0 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/functions.php(196): vB_DataManager_Pt_Milestone->vB_DataManager_Pt_Milestone(Object(vB_Registry) , 2)
#1 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201) : eval()'d code(265): datamanager_init('pt_milestone', Object(vB_Registry), 2)
#2 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201): eval()
#3 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/admincp___XYZ/plugin.php(1755): install_product(' #4 {main}

Fatal User Error: Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 96 in ..../includes/class_dm_pt_milestone.php in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
Trace Data:
#1 : vbstop() called in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 6089
#2 : vbulletin_error_handler() called in on line
#3 : trigger_error() called in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
#4 : vB::handleException() called in on line

Var Type:
[ NULL ]

Var Data:

Hostboard 08-17-2022 05:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by erosolmi (Post 2608746)
Thanks a lot.
I tried, passed that point but now same error in another file: class_dm_pt_milestone.php

Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 96 in /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/class_dm_pt_milestone.php
#0 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/functions.php(196): vB_DataManager_Pt_Milestone->vB_DataManager_Pt_Milestone(Object(vB_Registry) , 2)
#1 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201) : eval()'d code(265): datamanager_init('pt_milestone', Object(vB_Registry), 2)
#2 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(1201): eval()
#3 /home/thinba5/public_html/community/admincp___XYZ/plugin.php(1755): install_product(' #4 {main}

Fatal User Error: Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 96 in ..../includes/class_dm_pt_milestone.php in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
Trace Data:
#1 : vbstop() called in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 6089
#2 : vbulletin_error_handler() called in on line
#3 : trigger_error() called in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
#4 : vB::handleException() called in on line

Var Type:
[ NULL ]

Var Data:

Try this. Same note as before.

erosolmi 08-17-2022 05:13 PM

Now I get a MySql error.
mysqli_query(): (42S22/1054): Unknown column 'options' in 'field list' in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 1386

Steven ... thanks a lot for your help.
I think I will give up and move into another project management tool.

erosolmi 08-17-2022 05:18 PM

Also get SQL error about a table that doesn't exists.
I think that my try and retry skipped some SQL updates.

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.5:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT issuenote.*, issue.*, issuenote.username AS noteusername, issuenote.ipaddress AS noteipaddress, issuemagicselect.*,

user.*, userfield.*, usertextfield.*, pt_user.*,
IF(user.displaygroupid = 0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, user.infractiongroupid,

issue.visible, issue.lastactivity, issue.lastpost,
user.lastactivity AS user_lastactivity

FROM pt_issue AS issue
INNER JOIN pt_issuenote AS issuenote ON
(issuenote.issuenoteid = issue.firstnoteid)
INNER JOIN pt_issuemagicselect AS issuemagicselect ON
(issuemagicselect.issueid = issue.issueid)

LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = issuenote.userid)
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON (userfield.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN usertextfield AS usertextfield ON (usertextfield.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN pt_user AS pt_user ON (pt_user.userid = user.userid)

WHERE issue.issueid = 26;

MySQL Error : Table 'pt_issuemagicselect' doesn't exist

Hostboard 08-17-2022 05:20 PM

My class_core.php file has been updated for PHP 8.0.x I am running under PHP 7.4.x Not sure if it is compatible with a latter PHP version. More than willing to let you try it if you want. Heading out for a while so won't be able to reply till tonight if you do.

Hostboard 08-17-2022 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by erosolmi (Post 2608750)
Also get SQL error about a table that doesn't exists.
I think that my try and retry skipped some SQL updates.

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.5:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT issuenote.*, issue.*, issuenote.username AS noteusername, issuenote.ipaddress AS noteipaddress, issuemagicselect.*,

user.*, userfield.*, usertextfield.*, pt_user.*,
IF(user.displaygroupid = 0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, user.infractiongroupid,

issue.visible, issue.lastactivity, issue.lastpost,
user.lastactivity AS user_lastactivity

FROM pt_issue AS issue
INNER JOIN pt_issuenote AS issuenote ON
(issuenote.issuenoteid = issue.firstnoteid)
INNER JOIN pt_issuemagicselect AS issuemagicselect ON
(issuemagicselect.issueid = issue.issueid)

LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = issuenote.userid)
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON (userfield.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN usertextfield AS usertextfield ON (usertextfield.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN pt_user AS pt_user ON (pt_user.userid = user.userid)

WHERE issue.issueid = 26;

MySQL Error : Table 'pt_issuemagicselect' doesn't exist

Have you tried re-running the installer? Looks like it did not complete.

erosolmi 08-18-2022 04:15 AM

Yes, all errors come from an install process.
My previous working PT version was 2.1.4 and tried to upgrade to 2.2.2.

Hostboard 12-31-2022 02:42 PM

The SVN shows an update as late as 8/15/2020
Would be nice to know what changes were made so I can do a DIFF since my files were updated for PHP 7.4.x

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