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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Steam Connect - Sign in with your Steam Account! [RC3] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=266883)

Skyrider 05-05-2013 08:29 AM

Hey Disasterpiece, I've found a tiny issue with the profile pictures. The URL of the steam avatar plugin is wrong.. It's set to:


$xprepared = array('username' => $userinfo['username']);
The username I assume, is used by friendly URL (SEO). But most boards are using UserID, even with friendly URL being used. As such, unknown user:


This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view.
I personally solved this by altering it to the UserID instead, but later on removed the entire profile picture being non-clickable. But I suppose it's good to let you know of this small issue.

DannyC55 05-20-2013 10:27 AM

Q: Are you able to search steam Id's associated with forum accounts?

fpiccioli 05-22-2013 09:06 AM

awesome job!

Disasterpiece 05-22-2013 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by YantieDan (Post 2423098)
Q: Are you able to search steam Id's associated with forum accounts?

If you're the admin and you have access to phpmyadmin, you can via query. But it's not implemented as a AdminCP / UserCP feature.

fpiccioli 05-24-2013 11:17 AM

the problem is: if I create a group example "steam users" this group does not have full access to the cms of the forum, you should edit the file to make vbcms_edit_publisher be able to view the new group.
you can find a solution?

Disasterpiece 05-24-2013 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by fpiccioli (Post 2423896)
the problem is: if I create a group example "steam users" this group does not have full access to the cms of the forum, you should edit the file to make vbcms_edit_publisher be able to view the new group.
you can find a solution?

I don't understand your post.

I don't own the vbulletin cms, so I'm not sure I can fix bugs associated with it.

fpiccioli 05-24-2013 11:42 AM

cms has a list of groups to which is granted to display, es:

Registered Users
Super Moderators
Unregistered / Not Logged In
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation
Users Awaiting Moderation

if I create a new group es: "steam users" this new group will be outside of the list above and then those who subscribe to the forum with your plugin will not display the cms.

fpiccioli 05-24-2013 12:40 PM

it is possible to make visible the new group without modifying anything ............ I just have to look better :D :D


thx for support :D

fpiccioli 05-27-2013 07:01 AM

I do not understand why new users registered with this pugin not enabled the avatar that they use on steam, is there any solution?

xTu 05-30-2013 04:48 PM

I too am unable to link my steam account, it takes me to login2.php but says the Page cannot be displayed. The error log doens't provide any details which is odd. Also with Steam registration enableed, users are unable to login at all. I have to leave Steam Registration disabled. Running VB 4.2.1

Ambrosine 06-04-2013 03:40 AM

Hit a weird bug, with any user who's signed in using steam, if you click on their profile picture, then from within the players profile, click the profile picture again, you get: "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view."

The URL links the player wrong for some reason, not sure why.

Disasterpiece 06-04-2013 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ambrosine (Post 2425687)
Hit a weird bug, with any user who's signed in using steam, if you click on their profile picture, then from within the players profile, click the profile picture again, you get: "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view."

The URL links the player wrong for some reason, not sure why.

Can you show the url as it should be and as it is redirected to the broken profile?

Ambrosine 06-04-2013 03:19 PM

for example, while on the profile, the link


When hovering over the profile picture from within the profile, it links to:

^ this is the invalid link that then takes you to the page where it says: "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view."

fpiccioli 06-04-2013 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ambrosine (Post 2425687)
Hit a weird bug, with any user who's signed in using steam, if you click on their profile picture, then from within the players profile, click the profile picture again, you get: "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view."

The URL links the player wrong for some reason, not sure why.

Same for me, and more the registered profile for some reason does not display the avatar of steam, I have to do I manually

Ambrosine 06-04-2013 07:57 PM

Glad I'm not the only one having a similar issue, I reached out to vbulletin.com support thinking it might have been a bug there but they seem stumped so I'm assuming it may be the result of this addon?

At any rate Disaster, thank you for the assistance in this and for the wonderful addon, it's been great thus far.

Ambrosine 06-05-2013 03:27 PM

Vbulletin support's feedback:


I've just uploaded a profile picture to the vBSupport account however it's not showing on the profile which would suggest that something is modifying the code and preventing these from displaying correctly. When I upload an image on my 4.2.1 test site, it works correctly and displays the correct URL."

FreakySt0rm 06-07-2013 06:53 AM


I've recently installed this onto our forum and when I try to sign in using the sign in with steam button, I get a http error page with this message:


The website encountered an error while retrieving http://www.st0rm.net/forum/login2.ph...FE4NjfX2MN0%3D. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
I've followed the install steps precisely and changed the permissions for the files :-\ Anyone know how to solve this?

Extra Info:
Forum System: vB 4.2.0 running on Debian 7 Apache 2.2.22 PHP 5.4.4-13 MySQL 5.5.28-1
The SQL entries appear to have been created successfully. In vb_user it's added steam_link and steam_code fields and in vb_datastore it's created steam_softlinks which just contains a:0:{}

The buttons appear to work, as when I click on them, I can log into the Steam Page, it's when it returns me to our forum/login2.php URL that it throws the error.

Ambrosine 06-15-2013 12:04 PM


I was just curious if you were able to look into the issue I reported a bit ago, was wondering if you found the issue.


Daftpaladin 06-17-2013 01:57 PM

For some reason it does not show up in our header or registration area. Were not seeing any errors. Help?

Cadellin 06-23-2013 04:59 PM

I'm having a problem where people trying to register end up with the following error:


There has been a Problem with your input:
  • A required field called Nationality is missing or has an invalid value.
  • A required field called Enter the first character of the word "Monkey" is missing or has an invalid value.

I've checked my register_steam template is up-to-date with the default template and it contains the inserts for the custom required fields but they aren't being populated.

What can I do to a) override the required fields for people using Steam Connect or b) include those fields?

Two points:

1. After further investigation it appears that the code to retrieve the custom fields is missing from login2.php. I seem to have fixed the issue by copying lines 1034-1315 & 1317-1319 from register.php and inserting them at line 754 of login2.php - works for me as a temporary solution but no promises on it's reliability or safety.

2. This mod is uncompatible with the Spambot Stopper mod and results in a php error at final submission for users. Not sure if the author wants to add support or just put a warning somewhere.

What's the best fix for this DisasterPiece?

Disasterpiece 06-23-2013 08:39 PM

You need to disable any profilefields which are marked as required. Currently, support for custom profile fields which need to be filled out at the registration are not supported.

Ambrosine 07-01-2013 10:28 PM

Disaster, can you please comment to my issue I posted on the last page regarding not being able to click profile pictures and it linking you to the incorrect page? This only occurs with your addon being installed.

Thank you.

xTu 07-09-2013 03:21 PM


Cadellin 07-10-2013 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2430038)
You need to disable any profilefields which are marked as required. Currently, support for custom profile fields which need to be filled out at the registration are not supported.

Thanks for the reply. It would be really useful to have these included in the next release. Required profile fields is probably the most common anti-bot measure out there so this will affect quite a few people using your (otherwise brilliant) add-on.

trancegodly 07-20-2013 04:07 PM

Is there a way to grab their steam name? Because I would like to put this under their location field.

dirtysouth 08-16-2013 09:59 PM

Hey guys I am having an issue, the steam connect button doesnt show up on any of my skins......

See it here: http://www.dirtysouthservers.com/forum.php

Disasterpiece 08-20-2013 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by dirtysouth (Post 2439256)
Hey guys I am having an issue, the steam connect button doesnt show up on any of my skins......

See it here: http://www.dirtysouthservers.com/forum.php

It does now, so I guess you have resolved the problem on your own?

fookaa 08-27-2013 03:18 PM


Will custom profile fields be added to this mod or not ?

The main point for me is allowing users to quickly register but i cant enable that feature with out the custom profile fields ....

TheEliteGaming 08-30-2013 01:31 PM

Hey, ich frag einfach mal auf Deutsch ^^

I hab gerade alles (richtig hoff.) gemacht was du geschrieben hast.

I wollte wissen wieso die SteamID nirgendwo angezeigt wird.

Hier ist mein profil: http://vbulletin.the-elitegaming.com/member.php?3-sabo

Ich wei? nicht ob ich was falsch gemacht habe aber ich glaube schon :I

Pittski 08-30-2013 06:17 PM

Hey, Disaster

I am curious if you have another update coming soon. Some of my members have been asking about a Steam Plugin. I noticed last Update was November 2012, and I want to do a clean install of this. I rather would wait for the next update if there is one coming.



- Does not work as "only" way to register. Needs to be parallel with regular registrations
I really don't see this as a issue, The way I see it is, if people get the ability to start registering through steam without having to register through the forums, it could circumvent some user group setups for forums, unless you can still IP ban steam accounts on the forums?

Rushyman 09-26-2013 03:50 AM

I am setting this up on site which shares the VB user database to login via an external file. I can get this to work fine but is there a way to redirect to the page they were viewing once they have logged in on steam instead of going to the forum homepage?

MetroDk 10-12-2013 11:56 AM

How do i update my Steam Profile to make sure it shows exactly like my Status does ONLINE/OFFLINE/Busy/Away i use this but everytime my steam profile at forum tells me i am online but i am not how to fix this?

Disasterpiece 10-12-2013 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by MetroDk (Post 2452575)
How do i update my Steam Profile to make sure it shows exactly like my Status does ONLINE/OFFLINE/Busy/Away i use this but everytime my steam profile at forum tells me i am online but i am not how to fix this?

Are you online via mobile app maybe?

Is the cron script updated on a regular basis?

what does the steam connect debug box in admincp/user management say?

MetroDk 10-12-2013 02:17 PM

well i use normal forum login on our vbulletin but my steam profile shows away it shows online

MetroDk 10-12-2013 02:18 PM

can u help me add me over steam so we can talk My steam Profile name is MetroZep then i can tell u

MetroDk 10-12-2013 02:19 PM

its just i have tried this for a week and it does same thing it doenst update 100 %

MetroDk 10-12-2013 02:32 PM

here u can see what i mean

in forum it shows online but on my steam it shows away thats what i want to fix if u can help me over Steam i be glad

My steam profile is MetroZep

MetroDk 10-12-2013 02:41 PM

i got chmod 777 on cache but somehow it doenst write it 100 % as my steam profile says

MetroDk 10-12-2013 03:07 PM

cron gives me this:

* steamconnect_cron, performing scheduled tasks at a weekly base
* @author Disasterpiece
* @author Andreas "Radon" Rudolph <radon@purgatory-labs.de>
* @version 1.4.5rc3

// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
if (!is_object($vbulletin->db))

require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_steamconnect.php';

// ################################################## ######################
// ######################### START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// ################################################## ######################

// Clear datastore for steam softlinks
$tmp = array();
build_datastore('steam_softlinks', serialize($tmp), true);

$stc_cache = stc_cache::getInstance();

echo "<br><br>";

// Re-validate all usergroups

$finishat = update_user_steamgroup_assoc(null, null, 1, 1, 1);

log_cron_action("Processed $finishat users", $nextitem, 1);


Disasterpiece 10-12-2013 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by MetroDk (Post 2452623)
well i use normal forum login on our vbulletin but my steam profile shows away it shows online

Can you rephrase that and use punctuation please? Your text is hard to understand.


The steambadge is supposed to only show online or offline. There is no away/busy right now as far as I'm aware.

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