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-   -   Major Additions - CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal login (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197)

prandah 04-04-2011 08:37 PM

how to fix archive ?
when i installed it , my vbulletin archive doesn't work :(

amagab 04-19-2011 01:57 PM

Does the developer of this mod provide paid support if needed?

proxx 04-20-2011 05:15 PM

Hi guys,

I'm using VBadvanced on my forum1.com

Since it doesn't seem to be possible to run a second copy of VBadvanced for forum2.com, can I somehow redirect users directly to forum2.com/forum.php when they visit forum2.com ?

betts02 04-24-2011 06:58 AM

OK i am starting to understand some of the stuff here, BUT

As its just 1 install and the same admincp

Do ALL modifications work on all the domains you set up ?
Can a modification be turned off per domain or set to work on say 2 domains and not others ?

Also as it states you need a seperate licence for each domain, Is this still the case for sub-domains ?

Many thanks in advance

Arthran 04-25-2011 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by betts02 (Post 2188012)
OK i am starting to understand some of the stuff here, BUT

As its just 1 install and the same admincp

Do ALL modifications work on all the domains you set up ?
Can a modification be turned off per domain or set to work on say 2 domains and not others ?

Also as it states you need a seperate licence for each domain, Is this still the case for sub-domains ?

Many thanks in advance

Ok, From experience and from the research I've done, i'll try to help here.

All Modifications work everywhere, there is now way to turn them off on certain domains. As it is a single installation, any code modification will take effect everywhere.

You need a separate licence per domain, but not per subdomain, as this is considered part of the original site you are licenced for. This was covered earlier in the thread.

Hope this helps

Arthran 04-25-2011 10:48 AM

Also a couple of other points.

1) Remember to set your css as file format, this is the only way I could get the theme to load on my subdomains.

2) be carefull with your forum layout, if you nest forums too deep Cerberus wont load those forums. so far I have found anything inside a catagory will not load, although a catagory will, this may be something I am doing wrong, but it is slightly frustrating.

Shogo 05-01-2011 02:13 AM


I have a little problem with this mod

I use this


bbtitle=Fou De Concours


When I post a message anywhere in the board (f20 or others), the message goes to f44 (restricted area for the admin)

Do you know why?

Am I doing something wrong?

CvP 05-03-2011 05:35 AM

Lets assume you have this config:
domain 1, forum 1, forum c
domain 2, forum 2, forum c
domain x, all forums

You make a new thread in forum 1, it will be marked as read in domain 1 but:
- it will be marked as unread in domain x
- it will show up in "what's new" of domain 1

You make a new thread in forum c (from domain 1), it will be marked as read in domain 1 but:
- it will me amrked as unread in domain 2 and domain x
- it will show up in "what's new" of domain 1

Anyone got around this problem?

PS: This happens using "inactivity/cookie based" Thread/Forum Read Marking Type. I will check and post back how it goes with database marking.
Edit: Database marking (automatic) solves this issue.

CvP 05-03-2011 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Shogo (Post 2190534)

I have a little problem with this mod

I use this


bbtitle=Fou De Concours


When I post a message anywhere in the board (f20 or others), the message goes to f44 (restricted area for the admin)

Do you know why?

Am I doing something wrong?

The mod posted here is really buggy. you need to apply all the fixes described through out the thread or use the XML provided by KW802 (look for it a few pages back)

Shogo 05-04-2011 01:11 AM

Hi thanks
Now it's better but I still have a problem!

I explain

That's my configuration

bbtitle=Fou De Concours


Website 1 : foudeconcours (primary) (blue style)
Website 2 : lesgratuits (red style)

When I'm on the 2nd website (everything is ok : style, ...) but when I click in a "forum", the style come back to the website 1 (blue style) and all the links are website 1 again!

Hard to explain

2nd weird thing : http://www.lesgratuits.be/forum is not working (redirected to website 1) but lesgratuis.be/forum/forum.php is working!!!

Can you look here ? :

Website 1 : http://www.foudeconcours.com/forum
Website 2 : http://www.lesgratuits.be/forum/forum.php

Example of not working links : http://www.lesgratuits.be/forum/support-et-questions/

PS : I have VBSEO but I don't know if it's not working because of that?!

Thank you

CvP 05-04-2011 06:30 AM

The first thing to do is disable ALL other mods/plugins except vbcms, vbblogs and vbcerb. Then see if this problem exists or not.

Shogo 05-07-2011 12:31 AM

looks like i had to desactivate vbseo and reactivate it ! strange!!!

CvP 05-07-2011 05:39 AM

Does anyone know why moving the plugin codes to php files cause so many errors?

Derekclarke 05-08-2011 06:54 PM

Ok, I have Just installed a New Vb forum from scratch, and used this as the first Modification on the Forum.

I have example.com as my main forum and test.example.com (test.example.com is a parked domain)

i can visit either site, and all looks spot on, it uses a different style sheet for each domain as expected.

however, i get this on the main domain you do not have permission to access this page.

on the second i can post, but if i go into a catagory in the second domain and post, the post always shows in the last catagory and not the one i am trying to post in. :(

anyone got any ideas how to resolve this?

Shogo 05-08-2011 08:06 PM

Do you have installed this version of the mod?


Derekclarke 05-10-2011 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Shogo (Post 2193410)
Do you have installed this version of the mod?


TY, i had the one at the top of the thread installed.

I have changed to the one you have linked too and it works :)

angeljs 05-11-2011 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2126597)
I don't believe it....IT WORKS :D :D :D

I setup one domain and installed a default vb
Imported the plugin
Added a new forum category and a new forum in that category - this gave me the default Category (id1) and Forum plus 1 more Category (id4) and Forum
Went to the admin CP - Settings and at the bottom was the settings for this mod
Entered the following for 2 domains (1 master and 1 slave) - using domainx as a substitute for my domain with 2 different extensions:
bbtitle=Domain X Home

I then followed the cpanel steps in https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....8&postcount=30

How would I get this to work with a subdomain, please?

Dzi13 05-13-2011 10:13 PM


do I need to have vBulletin code files on all subdomains or i need only one files location?

karlm 05-13-2011 11:45 PM

Wouldn't it help if the author of the hack updated the xml?

StonePilot 05-15-2011 07:47 PM

Ok, I have read about 1/2 of the posts in this thread. I like the concept, but I'm VERY apprehensive to load an unsupported mod onto one site that will essentially handle the delivery of some or all of the forum content to subdomains and other domains.

For me, this would be very nice to have, but as someone asked early in this thread how duplicate content will be treated by Google ... well, unless there is a canonical tag pointing to just one forum you run some risks of having duplicate content.

I really just want the ability to have another domain-based forum and share the same user database across the two sites. But again, I'm very hesitant to jump into a mod that is not supported or documented very well.

How's everyone like it thus far? Who's got a successful install and how long did it take?

Arthran 05-16-2011 01:36 PM

It took me a little while to get my head around it, but I now have it working clearly with subdomains. And with a bit of menu trickery its mostly all neatly done without any content duplication.


hilfe-forum 05-16-2011 04:12 PM

Top Mod!

nocte 05-17-2011 01:53 AM

Is it possible to root all global sites like usercp.php, faq.php or calendar.php to one main (sub)domain?

eh69 05-23-2011 02:13 PM

What I set wrong? I want have blogs on subdomain:


gundamkid 05-26-2011 09:35 AM

I'm using vbulletin version 4.1.3, after I installed this mod, my forum cannot auto-detect and choice mobile theme. How can I use for mobile theme?

CvP 05-26-2011 10:35 AM

You can't. This mod doesn't support that yet.

KW802 05-26-2011 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by CvP (Post 2200163)
You can't. This mod doesn't support that yet.

... and thank you for reminding me to spare a few minutes and finish wrapping up my last set of changes. I already have code in place to allow for multiple unique styles per domain, just have to add something about the mobile style selection.

FReeSTER 05-26-2011 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2200222)
... and thank you for reminding me to spare a few minutes and finish wrapping up my last set of changes. I already have code in place to allow for multiple unique styles per domain, just have to add something about the mobile style selection.

You are the best for sure bro, thanks a lot

amagab 05-29-2011 06:01 PM

I have it working and really love this mod. I've been waiting for this for a long time and appreciate all work that goes into it. Can't wait until it's supported. I would even pay for support if that will take it to the next level.

Question: Does this work with the vBulletin Mobile Suit?

Thanks again!

merk_aus 06-07-2011 02:05 AM

I have an issue since upgrading to vb4.1.3 PL1 when I login people can post on the main site no issues...

However when they go to post in any of the other boards it comes up no permissions (and attempts to get them to post on the main site).

Before anyone suggests YES I Do have KW802's XML from post 221.

Any ideas/suggestions?

I forgot to mention I do have vBSEO installed :D

EDIT: I have disabled vBSEO and it all seems to work properly. mmmmm.... any suggestions at all to get this to work, it would be a shame to have to lose vBSEO.

sticky 06-07-2011 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by merk_aus (Post 2204474)
I have an issue since upgrading to vb4.1.3 PL1 when I login people can post on the main site no issues...

However when they go to post in any of the other boards it comes up no permissions (and attempts to get them to post on the main site).

Before anyone suggests YES I Do have KW802's XML from post 221.

Any ideas/suggestions?

I forgot to mention I do have vBSEO installed :D

EDIT: I have disabled vBSEO and it all seems to work properly. mmmmm.... any suggestions at all to get this to work, it would be a shame to have to lose vBSEO.

This is why I don't upgrade :)

merk_aus 06-09-2011 10:25 PM

Sometimes some of us have to bite the bullet and upgrade

merk_aus 06-13-2011 09:22 PM

Okay so another question for you guys.
I have vBulletin Publishing Suite and three domains.
Domain1.com has the vBCMS and I want to keep it that way.
Domain3.com I am happy to have go straight to the forums (as it currently does)
however Domain2.com I want to point to a vBAdvanced installation.

Any idea how to do this and set it up successfully?

Hareth 06-17-2011 12:27 AM

Hello guys,

We’re using vBulletin 4.1.4, and have tried using CERBERUS 1 Mod with different subdomains and each has its own language, such as English.mydomain.com , French.mydomain.com, Arabic.mydomain.com ..
We’ve loaded and applied language packs for each subdomain and normalized to UTF-8.

The issue we’re having is that each subdomain Language Interface is getting a mix of the default language forum. Say, our main forum default language is English, then when users go to French.mydomain.com will get the French page but has a mix of English words in the Registration, making a new post and such. That makes them confused.

My question, is there a way that we can have a full Language User Interface for each subdomain that looks totaly independent from the other subdomains.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help me with this, or direct me to a resolution.

Thanks in advance.

merk_aus 06-22-2011 11:58 PM

I was wondering if anyone could help me set the favicons seperate for each board.

I have five boards all together (all with licenses so don't threat) - however need all of them to have a different fav icon.

I found this:

<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain1.com'">
Test code

Posted by: BirdofPrey5

However don't know if that can help, or how to do else/if conditionals.

Any help would be greatfully appreciated.

BirdOPrey5 06-23-2011 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by merk_aus (Post 2211555)
I was wondering if anyone could help me set the favicons seperate for each board.

I have five boards all together (all with licenses so don't threat) - however need all of them to have a different fav icon.

I found this:

<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain1.com'">
Test code

Posted by: BirdofPrey5

However don't know if that can help, or how to do else/if conditionals.

Any help would be greatfully appreciated.

This should work for favicons but I haven't tested...


<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain1.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon1.png" />
<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain2.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon2.png" />
<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain3.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon3.png" />

and so on... You can do if-else statements but there is no reason to in the setup you described.

sticky 06-23-2011 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2211560)
This should work for favicons but I haven't tested...


<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain1.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon1.png" />
<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain2.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon2.png" />
<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain3.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon3.png" />

and so on... You can do if-else statements but there is no reason to in the setup you described.

I tested it, works.

sticky 06-23-2011 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2211560)
This should work for favicons but I haven't tested...


<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain1.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon1.png" />
<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain2.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon2.png" />
<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'www.domain3.com'">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/somewhere/myicon3.png" />

and so on... You can do if-else statements but there is no reason to in the setup you described.

You actually helped me with this back on page 21 :) : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=303

merk_aus 06-23-2011 12:45 AM

chuck that in the headinclude template or the header?
Sorry for being a complete idiot.

BirdOPrey5 06-23-2011 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2211575)
You actually helped me with this back on page 21 :) : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=303



Originally Posted by merk_aus (Post 2211579)
chuck that in the headinclude template or the header?
Sorry for being a complete idiot.

headinclude would be the most appropriate place.

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