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Veer 07-24-2010 09:19 PM

Is there any issue with YAAS installation? If we use both at the same time?

DragonByte Tech 07-24-2010 10:42 PM

No issue, the Pro version also offers an importer should you want to make the switch complete :)


RobbieZ 07-26-2010 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2074048)
No issue, the Pro version also offers an importer should you want to make the switch complete :)


But dont we lose the community aspect? The YAAS system auto creates a poll allowing members to vote for a Yes, No or Maybe.

DragonByte Tech 07-26-2010 03:12 PM

It's true, vBAA doesn't have such functionality (yet) :)
It does however have Requests / Nominations.


Veer 07-26-2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2074048)
No issue, the Pro version also offers an importer should you want to make the switch complete :)



For the 'awards' at the moment I'll stick with YAAS, because I like its specialized award interface. I will just disable awards in vBAA.. so just wanna know in case I use both hacks is there any clash between the code of them? I'm running 25k board.

RobbieZ 07-26-2010 11:02 PM


If you have set activity for threads in 5 stages. 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and a member already has over the last count.

Will vbaa award them with all 5 achievements when you integrate this mod?

DragonByte Tech 07-27-2010 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by RobbieZ (Post 2074993)

If you have set activity for threads in 5 stages. 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and a member already has over the last count.

Will vbaa award them with all 5 achievements when you integrate this mod?

If you set the criteria to >= and not just = then yes it will.


Sarcoth 07-27-2010 04:03 PM

I use both vBActivity and vBCredits II. Can we have a switch added so I can turn off showing points? I basically want to still show the levels of the users and activity bars, but I'd like to disable showing the points. I can do this myself, but I thought I would make the recommendation. Thanks.

Tyran1 07-28-2010 09:49 AM

Not work with 4.0.5 !!!

PHP Code:

Schwerer FehlerDBTech_Framework_Permissions::Registry::bf_ugp[dbtech_vbactivitypermissionsis not an array in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/libs/permissions.php (Zeile 91)
#0 vb_error_handler(256, DBTech_Framework_Permissions::Registry::bf_ugp[dbtech_vbactivitypermissions] is not an array, /srv/www/htdocs/web79/html/1/vb4/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/libs/permissions.php, 91, Array ([registry] => vB_Registry Object ([datastore] => vB_Datastore Object ([defaultitems] => Array ([0] => options,[1] => bitfields,[2] => attachmentcache,[3] => forumcache,[4] => usergroupcache,[5] => stylecache,[6] => languagecache,[7] => products,[8] => pluginlist,[9] => cron,[10] => profilefield,[11] => loadcache,[12] => noticecache),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[dbobject] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => usr_web79_6,[connection_master] => Resource id #25,[connection_slave] => Resource id #25,[connection_recent] => Resource id #25,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE user SET lastactivity = 1280314138 WHERE userid = 1 ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => 0,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 5),[prefix] => ,[checked_options] => 1),[input] => vB_Input_Cleaner Object ([shortvars] => Array ([f] => forumid,[t] => threadid,[p] => postid,[u] => userid,[a] => announcementid,[c] => calendarid,[e] => eventid,[q] => query,[pp] => perpage,[page] => pagenumber,[sort] => sortfield,[order] => sortorder),[superglobal_lookup] => Array ([g] => _GET,[p] => _POST,[r] => _REQUEST,[c] => _COOKIE,[s] => _SERVER,[e] => _ENV,[f] => _FILES),[scriptpath] => ,[reloadurl] => ,[wolpath] => ,[url] => ,[ipaddress] => ,[alt_ip] => ,[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[cleaned_vars] => Array ([vbulletin_collapse] => 7,[bb_referrerid] => 3,[bb_userid] => 3,[bb_password] => 7,[bb_lastvisit] => 3,[bb_lastactivity] => 3,[bb_threadedmode] => 9,[bb_sessionhash] => 9,[bb_userstyleid] => 3,[bb_languageid] => 3,[s] => 9,[styleid] => 2,[langid] => 2)),[db] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => usr_web79_6,[connection_master] => Resource id #25,[connection_slave] => Resource id #25,[connection_recent] => Resource id #25,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE user SET lastactivity = 1280314138 WHERE userid = 1 ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => 0,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 5),[userinfo] => Array ([userid] => 1,[temp] => ,[field43] => maennlich,[field44] => nein,[field45] => Keine Angabe,[field46] => Darmstadt,[field47] => It - Administrator,[field48] => Mich gibt es nicht nur Virtuell ;-),[field49] => ,[field50] => ,[field51] => Probleme bei der Programmierung!,[field53] => Bestanden,[field55] => ,[field56] => ,[field57] => ,[field58] => Keine Angabe,[field59] => Keine Angabe,[field60] => ,[subfolders] => ,[pmfolders] => a:0:{},[buddylist] => ,[ignorelist] => ,[signature] => ,[searchprefs] => ,[rank] => ,[usergroupid] => 6,[ 

DragonByte Tech 07-28-2010 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2075351)
I use both vBActivity and vBCredits II. Can we have a switch added so I can turn off showing points? I basically want to still show the levels of the users and activity bars, but I'd like to disable showing the points. I can do this myself, but I thought I would make the recommendation. Thanks.

It will be added to the next version :)


Originally Posted by Tyran1 (Post 2075690)
Not work with 4.0.5 !!!

Please try clicking "Rebuild Bitfields" under the "Rebuild" column in the AdminCP left side nav.
If this doesn't appear for you, try enabling Debug Mode temporarily and then refresh the admincp.

Some server configurations have problems properly rebuilding the bitfields, so it must be done manually.


WorldCraft 08-01-2010 01:38 PM

Hey so I was looking for a nice activity monitoring mod and I found this, installed on 3.8x forum and was very impressed, but today (a day later) I find that 3 people have daily % in the thousands, is this a bug and does it have a fix?

Daily Activity
User 1 - 2,928.57%
User 2 - 1,500.00%
User 3 - 1,500.00%

Or does it mean these people are 1,500% more active than usual etc?

Any help would be greatly appreciated =D

DragonByte Tech 08-01-2010 04:25 PM

It's not a bug, it means that the "Minimum Points" threshold on your forum is set too low. Try adjusting it, then the next day it should be fine.


DragonByte Tech 08-01-2010 04:30 PM

It's likely that your threshold for ativity being counted is too low.

Go to your ACP, vBActivity, settings, Activity Stats Settings

And set the "minimum points" higher.

What this does is only includes people who earn at least that many points in the calculation. For instance if you had it as 0. the calculation would be Total points earned in timeframe/total number of members. If it was 20 the calculation would be Total points earned in timeframe/total number of members with at least 20 points.

This makes the target a little higher - simply increase this number until you have %ages you like the look of =)


Sarcoth 08-02-2010 01:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I have a really strange situation under the Activity Target Winners. Check out the attached screenshot. The main Activity Target Winner is the only banned user on my forum. He can't post; the banned usergroup is set to be Excluded from Global, Contests, and Trophies for vBActivity; the user has been set to be Excluded from vBActivity; and the user has not been on the forum since 10/2009. So, how is he getting the Activity Target Winner title every week and month?

I noticed this last week and that is when I set the banned usergroup and the userid to excluded. I could understand the old ones being there, but now there are 2 new ones. That is besides the point though. How can he win something when he hasn't been online for 9-10 months.

DragonByte Tech 08-02-2010 03:40 PM

I'll have to investigate this further, I'll post back when I have some news or if I need more information :)


WorldCraft 08-03-2010 04:32 PM

^Thanks guys ;)

Gero50 08-04-2010 12:28 AM

Installed thanks for the great work on this mod.

DragonByte Tech 08-04-2010 11:04 PM

v2.1.2 has been released, which fixes all known problems as reported by you all.
No new features have been added, but it's recommended to update to help prevent any issues from occurring on your forum.

- DragonByte Tech Development Team

Chonan 08-05-2010 03:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I was excited to see the update. I was hoping it would fix an issue I have with your excellent mod. That being my "leaderboards" aren't working properly.

Observe : Attachment 120461

Only a tiny fraction of users are bring shown. I am certain I'm overlooking something obvious, but can you perhaps tell me what is amiss here?

I can see it's not counting activity points in other areas too. Attachment 120462

People are leveling up. Seems like it's working in the other areas....Would love to get this sorted. People do love it!

Thanks and congrats on a really really great mod.

Sarcoth 08-05-2010 01:02 PM

That's a first. I have my update notification turned off here and you guys didn't send one out from DBT? What gives? :)

DragonByte Tech 08-05-2010 01:05 PM

Please run the following script:

This should hopefully fix the problem :)
If the numbers are still 0 after doing this, please try running Recalculate Points from the Maintenance page in vBActivity's admincp nav.


DragonByte Tech 08-05-2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 2079590)
That's a first. I have my update notification turned off here and you guys didn't send one out from DBT? What gives? :)

We're going to send a collated mail on friday about all our product updates :)


Sarcoth 08-05-2010 01:11 PM

Understood. I wish I could get to the site from here to get my Pro updates. I'll get them tomorrow night. Thanks.

RobbieZ 08-05-2010 03:37 PM

Serious bug in new release.

There are broken images appearing next to the awards if activated.


On viewing image this page will open in your browser:


Index of /test/images/icons/vbactivity

Parent Directory
Apache mod_fcgid/2.3.5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at www.

DragonByte Tech 08-05-2010 04:02 PM

That's hardly a serious problem.

Give me a link to a post on your forum where this is happening and I'll see if I can tell what's going on.


RobbieZ 08-05-2010 04:31 PM

My test forum is ht accessed passworded , may I Pm you?

DragonByte Tech 08-05-2010 04:40 PM



RobbieZ 08-05-2010 05:56 PM

It'll have to be tomorrow. Had to scoot to work. Sorry

Chonan 08-06-2010 01:24 PM

Thanks Fillip! It mostly works now. :)

It's not calculating thanks given or received. Other then that, looks golden!

DragonByte Tech 08-06-2010 02:50 PM

Keep in mind that that feature only works with [DBTech]'s Advanced Post Thanks / Like mod :)


RedTrinity 08-11-2010 02:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi DB Tech,

I would like to have the postbit stats listed in a different place to "below post count" on postbit profiles, as they are currently conflicting with the placement of another hack. But it's the only checkbox currently available in the settings?


The following template hooks need to be present in the postbit and/or postbit_legacy template(s) in order for its respective checkbox to work as intended:

* Below Rank: postbit_userinfo_left
* Below Post Count: postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts
* Below Reputation: postbit_userinfo_right
* Before Signature: postbit_signature_start
* After Signature: postbit_signature_end
All the other mentioned hooks are intact, so I am not sure why the other placement options are not displaying. Otherwise, I'd appreciate some direction into how to do it manually.

Thanks in advance for your help :)

DragonByte Tech 08-11-2010 11:19 AM

The other options had to be removed because it proved impossible to successfully support multiple placements (which all require different html tag wrappers) on multiple skins across multiple vB versions.

You can use the following variables to manually place various components:
PHP Code:




Please note that at this point in time, the collapse menus are not supported with manual placement enabled.


RedTrinity 08-12-2010 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2082109)
You can use the following variables to manually place various components:
PHP Code:




Hi Filip, could you please tell me in what file I need add these variables? I tried in postbit_legacy but they didn't work, so I'm assuming they need to go somewhere else.

Thanks :)

DragonByte Tech 08-12-2010 11:10 PM

They need to go in that template, yeah.

vB4 templates need you to add it like so:
{vb:raw vbactivity_postbit.activitystat}
and so on.

Please be advised that this is currently untested and unsupported functionality.


RedTrinity 08-13-2010 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2082961)
vB4 templates need you to add it like so:
{vb:raw vbactivity_postbit.activitystat}
and so on.

Ahh. Got it. Thanks :) Awesome feature, btw :D Its like VBexperience and the award/medal mod in one, so I ditched both in favour of this.

Keep up the good work :up:

RedTrinity 08-13-2010 01:23 AM

Sorry, got one more question... is it possible to assign a non-admin to be able to give out awards? If so, how? One of our moderators had the responsibility with YAAS, which she would like to continue doing.

Thanks in advance :)

GONUMBER6 08-14-2010 02:27 PM

Hi Fillip,

Ever since I installed the new version, for some reason it is showing more than my set amount of achievements in postbit- but only for some users. Not all in same usergroup. I have noticed 1 admin and 1 moderator are showing 6 achievements instead of the set amount (4). Weird huh?

Also, under the "Activity", how do I get rid of it showing 300+ pages of activity? I think this will get rather annoying after it reaches 1000+ pages!


DragonByte Tech 08-14-2010 02:52 PM

Maybe you had one or more Achievement set as Sticky, they ignore the normal counter IIRC.


GONUMBER6 08-14-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2083767)
Maybe you had one or more Achievement set as Sticky, they ignore the normal counter IIRC.


Yep, that is what it was, thanks!

Any thoughts on the activity feed to be less pages shown on your next version?

DragonByte Tech 08-14-2010 06:29 PM

That's not something we can control. Did you customise the templates that control pagination? Try it with a fresh style.


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