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PoC2 02-27-2011 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by wtfaatp (Post 2167017)
Anyway you could implement this to a widget for the main page?

Make it show it shows the last {setamount} donators?

something like this

If so that would be awsome.

A CMS Widget like that would be extremely useful. Anyone knows how that one was done?

Also, as others have requested an "automatic laspe/revert" for any added/moved usergroup (after a specified time) would be great too!

wtfaatp 02-27-2011 10:04 PM

Also would it be possible to change the progress from just a line to a entire bar?
On my site this is how lit looks right now
Only showing a bar of how much was paid.
[...............|...............] 50%
Anyway we could get something like
[////////////|...............] 50%
So that everything behind were we are will be filled in?

midnz 02-28-2011 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by wtfaatp (Post 2167677)
Also would it be possible to change the progress from just a line to a entire bar?
On my site this is how lit looks right now
Only showing a bar of how much was paid.
[...............|...............] 50%
Anyway we could get something like
[////////////|...............] 50%
So that everything behind were we are will be filled in?

Just add a color to:
AdminCP/Options/VSa - PayPal Donate
Custom color for "Done" part (blank to use alt1 bgcolor)

qubed 02-28-2011 07:43 AM

it looks like there is an issue with 1 month subscriptions in vb 4.1.2 - all other monthly subscription options are working, however, the "1" month is conflicting with the redirection to paypal.

ozzy47 03-08-2011 12:03 AM

Ok I have look throught the mod and this has been asked over and over, but I still do not see a answer.

How do I get the donation goal bar to show somewhere else other than below navbar, what phrase does it use, like on the older version of the mod you would put $cybpaypal_donbar where you wanted the bar to show.

pgb 03-12-2011 09:45 AM

Major issue with this... donations come up as payments - not donations. This means that a non-profit wouldn't get discounted transaction rates for the donation as it shows up as a normal payment instead.

Anyone know how to change the link to Paypal to correct this?

commonwealth 03-12-2011 11:56 AM

I am getting this error:

Warning: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: Display_Visitors_User in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 4097

and I am not that great with figuring out what is wrong, can anyone help with that?

otherwise I think the program is great, with some outstanding features. Excellent work.

Valter 03-13-2011 08:32 PM

fetch_template() function is not used anywhere in this product.

Ensure that you have no some old vB3 add-on(s) installed on your forums.

ICannt.org 03-14-2011 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by pgb (Post 2172513)
Major issue with this... donations come up as payments - not donations. This means that a non-profit wouldn't get discounted transaction rates for the donation as it shows up as a normal payment instead.

Anyone know how to change the link to Paypal to correct this?

I've found the same issue, it is also frustrating from a tax perspective.

wtfaatp 03-15-2011 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by pgb (Post 2172513)
Major issue with this... donations come up as payments - not donations. This means that a non-profit wouldn't get discounted transaction rates for the donation as it shows up as a normal payment instead.

Anyone know how to change the link to Paypal to correct this?

Please fix to this ASAP...

ALso anyway to get a widget?

Winter Sonata 03-15-2011 11:04 AM

Hello , Can I use a Personal PayPal account to receive donations ?|

stator 03-19-2011 07:40 AM

How to avoid fees that papypal taken upon each donation ??!!!!!!!!

masterross 03-19-2011 07:55 AM

Read PayPal terms before asking stupid questions:

BigAl205 03-21-2011 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by PjDaBadMan (Post 2011605)
Is it possible to move the position of the donation bar. I have installed the AJAX chatbox. I want to know if i can move it ontop of the shoutbox???

I would also like to know this, I've tried uninstalling and re-installing the shoutbox, but it always pop to the top.

Whiteknite 03-22-2011 03:58 PM

I just got this installed. I tried to test it by making a donation to myself, and got a message saying I couldn't do that. Which is what I expected to get. When I see how well it's working on www.truchristianchat.net I will let you all know. :)

Za4a Tuner 03-25-2011 12:24 PM

can some tell me, how i can show the "Donation Bar" on FORUMHOME below the NAVBAR?
The automatically editing doesn't work! :(

stator 03-25-2011 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by masterross (Post 2175013)
Read PayPal terms before asking stupid questions:

Sorry Mr.Smart

The matter that I was new to PayPal
And thanks for your politeness. :down:

qubed 03-28-2011 10:50 AM

Anyone have this working on 4.1.2?

Za4a Tuner 03-29-2011 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by qubed (Post 2178273)
Anyone have this working on 4.1.2?

Yes, i run this on vB 4.1.2, no problems till now!


Originally Posted by Za4a Tuner (Post 2177292)
can some tell me, how i can show the "Donation Bar" on FORUMHOME below the NAVBAR?
The automatically editing doesn't work! :(

I found the error -> i didn's set the option, how much money have to be collected!
The standard is "0", after editing the field, the donation bar is shown !

kr Chris

DirtRider 03-30-2011 07:48 AM

I have just installed it on 4.1.2 and for the most part it seems to work. However it seems I am having some issues with the PM functions.

1. I only have "Send PM to user when donation is confirmed" but when I do manual additions it still send a PM to the member ?
2. I cannot get it to send a PM to admin using the following option "Who will be noticed about new donations (comma separated list of IDs)" The ID's are as follows 1;2
3. I just noticed now when you "Move or Add confirmed donor to your VIP/Donor usergroup?" it does not add the member to that group, I have it set to add to group?

PoC2 04-01-2011 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by DirtBanger (Post 2179029)
3. I just noticed now when you "Move or Add confirmed donor to your VIP/Donor usergroup?" it does not add the member to that group, I have it set to add to group?

I noticed the same thing. It doesn't move (or add) members to a new group.

Rofo 04-02-2011 04:43 AM

Installed and rated. Great mod, thank you very much.

Im trying to change this though and put the name of the charity I am supporting instead of my own site.


I've searched the templates and can't find it. Can someone help me out?

HeLLCiTo 04-02-2011 09:09 AM

can i put "goal bar" in signs or below avatar?

Za4a Tuner 04-02-2011 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Rofo (Post 2179992)
Installed and rated. Great mod, thank you very much.

Im trying to change this though and put the name of the charity I am supporting instead of my own site.
I've searched the templates and can't find it. Can someone help me out?

I'm not really sure what you want to change!
But all yuo have to do, is go to your acp => search pharses => search for "donate to support" ... and change the content to what you like to ;)
If you won't your sidename to appear, even replace the "{1}" in the phrase "vsapaypal_title" to what should be shown ;)

DirtRider 04-02-2011 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by DirtBanger (Post 2179029)
I have just installed it on 4.1.2 and for the most part it seems to work. However it seems I am having some issues with the PM functions.

1. I only have "Send PM to user when donation is confirmed" but when I do manual additions it still send a PM to the member ?
2. I cannot get it to send a PM to admin using the following option "Who will be noticed about new donations (comma separated list of IDs)" The ID's are as follows 1;2
3. I just noticed now when you "Move or Add confirmed donor to your VIP/Donor usergroup?" it does not add the member to that group, I have it set to add to group?

Any ideas on this one ?

Za4a Tuner 04-02-2011 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by DirtBanger (Post 2180057)
2. I cannot get it to send a PM to admin using the following option "Who will be noticed about new donations (comma separated list of IDs)" The ID's are as follows 1;2

separate the ID's with a comma, not a semicolon!
For example: 1,2

Originally Posted by DirtBanger (Post 2180057)
3. I just noticed now when you "Move or Add confirmed donor to your VIP/Donor usergroup?" it does not add the member to that group, I have it set to add to group?

for me it works, BUT the usergroupranking is not shown in postbit.

DirtRider 04-02-2011 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Za4a Tuner (Post 2180064)
separate the ID's with a comma, not a semicolon!
For example: 1,2

I did have it as a comma to start off with and it did not work and now it is back as a comma again. However I have since noticed you also need to have "Send notices to Staff when someone used Donate system" selected before it will work. I never selected this as I took it this would also send PM to your mods and supermods but I notice it does not.


for me it works, BUT the usergroupranking is not shown in postbit.
I have also notice the possible issue with this as well. If that members has no other "Additional Usergroups" then it will add them to the as the "Move or Add confirmed donor to your VIP/Donor usergroup?" is setup. I have my one setup as "add user to VIP list"

Rofo 04-02-2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Za4a Tuner (Post 2180053)
I'm not really sure what you want to change!
But all yuo have to do, is go to your acp => search pharses => search for "donate to support" ... and change the content to what you like to ;)
If you won't your sidename to appear, even replace the "{1}" in the phrase "vsapaypal_title" to what should be shown ;)

Thank you, thats what I needed :)


decentplayboy 04-07-2011 01:40 PM

i have install this mod and i like it. But i still encounter some problem. After make the paypal payment, it was directed to smilies page and that's it. The donation page also not updated as well but the payment has already gone through. How to fix this issue? thanks

dustoff99 04-08-2011 02:00 AM

MOD is not working for me, (brand new to vB) and this is my first MOD attempt. :mad:

"The link you have used to enter the PayPal system is invalid. Please review the link and try again."

After reading 29 pages, I didn't see a fix for this and had to disable the MOD. It looks great, just hope to fix this before I delete it. :eek:

Currently running version 4.1.3

dustoff99 04-10-2011 03:07 AM

For some reason, it wont work when "I" test it out. However had another user test it, confirmed it and it's working great. Thank you...

PoC2 04-13-2011 12:28 PM

Does anyone have a fix for getting the "add to new usergroup" to work? :)

DirtRider 04-15-2011 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by PoC2 (Post 2184182)
Does anyone have a fix for getting the "add to new usergroup" to work? :)

No it would seem not, I asked about this some time back as well :confused:

DirtRider 04-15-2011 05:32 AM

What I would also like to see is some way to deduct funds that may have been spent from the total. Maybe being able to add an entry "Hosting Paid $xx.xx and this would reflect against the total.

fanyap 04-15-2011 02:06 PM

Thank you for this addon but this definitely has some problems and it would be great if it could be updated. After making donations, members are not showing up on the donation list.

david fernandez 04-15-2011 06:15 PM

When someone donates it doesnt show up on the donation bar? any one someone please help. the settings are all set up right ive went threw them hundreds of times, payments go threw but donation bar doesn not move??

also its set up as a quantity/item not a donation even though on the options this hack says nothing but donations but when someone donates it will say quantity

anyone know a solution for the above to problems? anything would be a great help

www.highclassmods.com if anyone wants to see what i mean

david fernandez 04-15-2011 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ortix (Post 2079658)
how do i reset the counter for donations? I reached my goal, but now i want to restart it. I'm doing it yearly, even if i change it to weekly it's still reading like 200%

anything in the tables?

when people donate your goal is working? from what im reading, n im having this issue the bar doesnt move at all.

Welshy2008 04-16-2011 10:35 PM

Does this mod give the option to the donator (by selection tick box) to remain annonymous, and remain off the donators list? (Or better still, just be seen by Admin and no-one else that is set to view the table).

We get some modest members who do not want it to be known that they donate and I respect their privacy.

If this feature is not currently included, would it be possible for you to add it to the next version please?

Many thanks.

Welshy2008 04-17-2011 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Welshy2008 (Post 2185455)
[S]Does this mod give the option to the donator (by selection tick box) to remain annonymous, and remain off the donators list? (Or better still, just be seen by Admin and no-one else that is set to view the table).

We get some modest members who do not want it to be known that they donate and I respect their privacy.

If this feature is not currently included, would it be possible for you to add it to the next version please?

Many thanks[/S].

Installed, rated and nominated.

I have just set it so that admin can view the donators list.

How do I go about giving them a regular subscription, please? I can't seem to find it. :(

john h 04-22-2011 09:29 PM

It seems that PayPal do not like the word "Donate" being used for any transactions unless you are a registered charity or non-profit organisation.

PayPal have limited my account because I used this mod on my website. I now have to provide them with proof that I am a registered charity or non-profit organisation or I have to refund all donations.

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