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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - [obsolete!] vbMediaWiki 4.0.2 RC 3 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=235342)

BRotondi 03-14-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by rockinaway (Post 2003284)
Is there any way...

Not yet... would be possible of course, if someone has time and energy to get through the stuff...

BRotondi 03-14-2010 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by McAtze (Post 2003377)
What is wrong ??

The file is missing... (path, ...)

McAtze 03-14-2010 09:33 PM

Yeah, it runs .. great.


BRotondi 03-14-2010 10:20 PM

Nice to hear! :)

dadams982 03-15-2010 12:42 PM

Is there any consequence in changing the Char Set on a new instillation?

milaszewski 03-17-2010 12:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have a problem. I use my forums with latin ISO-8852-2.
Everything inside MediaWiki is fine, I can see Polish characters with no problems: ąśćźęół
The problem is the VB search results. All Polish chars are swapped with "?". Please take a look at the attachment. What is the solution to overcome this problem?

mandingo 03-17-2010 01:00 AM

Getting this error at forum search results page:


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [path]/packages/vbmediawiki/search/result/wiki.php on line 15

BRotondi 03-17-2010 04:12 AM

@milaszewski: As much as I understood, your only solution would be a char-converter wiki to vb... or perhaps to change both to UTF-8 which also can be very difficult / on a large scale...

milaszewski 03-17-2010 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by BRotondi (Post 2005264)
@milaszewski: As much as I understood, your only solution would be a char-converter wiki to vb... or perhaps to change both to UTF-8 which also can be very difficult / on a large scale...

what about this?

Many of you will not be able to change the forum charset, so this product is checking the charset and will convert the MediaWiki content. You should make sure that you remove all not Latin languages from the MediaWiki.
the above is from the mod description... so it seems to me that the mod is designed to overcome the problem, but somehow it doesn't

BRotondi 03-17-2010 05:34 AM

@milaszewski: I'm not sure about that, but would say that at the moment only UTF-8 (wiki) -> latin (vB) is suported. You need UTF-8 -> ISO-8852-2.

@all: What exatly means bepe with

You should make sure that you remove all not Latin languages from the MediaWiki.
MediaWiki is always UTF-8, or not? (My assumtion: UTF-8 supports every language, latin only some of them. So the UTF-8 -> latin will not work for others...)

milaszewski 03-17-2010 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by BRotondi (Post 2005288)
@milaszewski: I'm not sure about that, but would say that at the moment only UTF-8 (wiki) -> latin (vB) is suported. You need UTF-8 -> ISO-8852-2.

ISO-8852-2 is latin

milaszewski 03-17-2010 06:41 AM

The problem is even more serious - usernames containing Polish characters are unable to access Wiki. For example Kołtun username is seen as Ko - it doesn't recognize ł letter.

quantic 03-17-2010 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by quantic (Post 2001322)
I have the same problem when using another skin, for example monobook... I don't know if it was happening before installing this module.

I'm using latest versions, but it's not a fresh install but an upgrade from an older one.

I'm looking for people with the same problem (using this module or not), as I can create now a page 'Content' and another one named 'content', that is not right.

Note: I have $wgCapitalLinks set to true.

Thank you.

Ok, more on this... The problem appears when saving a page.

- If I save a page with the module working, links don't work at all and the effect is the same as if set $wgCapitalLinks to false ( [[content]] doesn't link to the page named 'Content' ).

- If I comment "require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );" so the module is not loaded, the links works perfectly after I save the page.

I will appreciate any help on this.
Ty :)

BRotondi 03-17-2010 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by milaszewski (Post 2005301)
ISO-8852-2 is latin

My fault. To be clear: German and English vBulletins use ISO-8859-1 (Latin alphabet No. 1), but your polish version ISO-8852-2 (Latin alphabet No. 2)...

Have a look at ACP > Language Manger > Edit Settings > HTML Character Set German and English will show ISO-8859-1, but Polish ISO-8859-2

I think, this affects only the Language Pack. vBulletin itself should be the same.

Back to the code: bepe uses

iconv( "UTF-8", $vbulletin->userinfo['lang_charset']
which should convert the right way, but obviously doesn't...

Perhaps also a problem with

        // Check an additional blacklist of troublemaker characters.
        // Should these be merged into the title char list?
        $unicodeBlacklist = '/[' .
            '\x{0080}-\x{009f}' . # iso-8859-1 control chars
            '\x{00a0}' .          # non-breaking space
            '\x{2000}-\x{200f}' . # various whitespace
            '\x{2028}-\x{202f}' . # breaks and control chars
            '\x{3000}' .          # ideographic space
            '\x{e000}-\x{f8ff}' . # private use

Well... but we cannot cover bepe with issues and issues as long it is a one man show...

LbR 03-17-2010 08:47 AM

Is there any option that it replaces up FAQ then it will be great

quantic 03-17-2010 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by quantic (Post 2005331)
Ok, more on this... The problem appears when saving a page.

- If I save a page with the module working, links don't work at all and the effect is the same as if set $wgCapitalLinks to false ( [[content]] doesn't link to the page named 'Content' ).

- If I comment "require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );" so the module is not loaded, the links works perfectly after I save the page.

I will appreciate any help on this.
Ty :)

Ok, I found '$wgCapitalLinks = false;' on the file 'includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php'

I tried to comment this line and now links are working as expected, so I can write 'This is some [[content]] as example' and the link points to the page 'Content'.

Now I have a problem with usernames as they are expected with the first letter uppercase, even after uploading the 'User.php' provided with the module.

Am I the only one with this problem?

Ty in advance.

BRotondi 03-17-2010 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by quantic (Post 2005416)
Ok, I found '$wgCapitalLinks = false;' on the file 'includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php'

I tried to comment this line and now links are working as expected

Thanks for the Info! Seems like things are not perfect for people using $wgCapitalLinks = true; ...

Eruantien 03-17-2010 12:27 PM

Are those using this Wiki integration for english boards having any major issues? I love this project so much that I want to start using it now ;)

jo8jo 03-17-2010 01:17 PM


It means that users are registered on the both systems at the same time, and when they log-in, they're logged to both systems at the same time.
I'm using wikimedia version 1.15.2 ? 2010-03-08, it works fine but when i'm clicking on "wiki"-tab i'm always getting logged off.
Is it necessary to install mediawiki into the same database as vbulletin? Or are there any other settings?

Hopefully someone can help me fix this login-problem .... :(

BRotondi 03-17-2010 01:58 PM


It works nice here with
  • MW1.15.1, UTF-8, ENGINE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARSET=binary
  • VB4.0.2, ISO-8852-1
  • separate databases but on the same Server, no prefixes
  • installed on //server/path/forum and //server/path/w
  • Wiki: short URL, vB: CEO-URL with Rewrite
Greetings, Bruno

Stifler 03-17-2010 04:28 PM

installed 1.15.2 but having the same logon error switching between vb and mwiki

Gargi 03-17-2010 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Gargi (Post 2002994)
New Wiki article error: When I click on New Wiki Articles I get this error message:

Warnung: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [path]/packages/vbmediawiki/search/searchcontroller/newwiki.php (Zeile 34)

Also when I click on the users profile .View all wiki articles by ... I get no result.

Integration itself works fine. Just the search thing is a bit buggy on my installation.


Okay, problem was sitting infront of the keyboard (again :D ). Had a wrong database name in the admincp and haven't seen it for 1 billion times looking over it :) Search function works almost now. Only thing left is showing all users wiki articles by clicking on the link in the user profile. The link "....search.php?do=finduser&userid=123&contenttype =vBMediaWiki_Wiki" delivers no results. Searching within the extended search selecting WikiArticels and searching for the user delivers the correct articles. It ought to work, but just that link in the profile leads to nothing.

Keep on rocking!


Gargi 03-17-2010 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by mandingo (Post 2005163)
Getting this error at forum search results page:


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [path]/packages/vbmediawiki/search/result/wiki.php on line 15

This seems to be a kind of database error. Are the database login information set correctly in your admincp? Ran into the same problem (see posting above).


BRotondi 03-18-2010 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by jo8jo (Post 2005504)
it works fine but when i'm clicking on "wiki"-tab i'm always getting logged off.

Try to set your Cookie Path to "/". This helped in MediaWiki/vBulletin Single Sign-On.

Just had - and tested - an idea which perhaps is an interesting extension:
  • Create a User "Wiki".
  • Allow everyone to edit his postings by bypassing the permission check. (2 edits in 2 files, more for blog and article)
In the history of these postings you will see who edited the post, as you see it in MediaWiki. (Example, History)

mandingo 03-19-2010 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gargi (Post 2005747)
This seems to be a kind of database error. Are the database login information set correctly in your admincp? Ran into the same problem (see posting above).


You nailed it there,thanks,totally put a hyphen where I need an underscore.
*slaps self*

Gargi 03-19-2010 07:05 PM

Good to hear! :)


mattpist 03-21-2010 01:47 AM

excellent mod!

and had another admin try to install it and he got it.

Toxic2 03-21-2010 09:29 AM

wiki has updated their software to 1.15.2 thinking maybe it might have some issues resolved to enhance this add on. OR possibly correct a few present bugs. Worth checking??

Tomas J Anderso 03-23-2010 06:58 PM

I added the 2 lines to the localsettings.php, no error appeared however I'm not quite sure it's actually loading the file.

The wiki

Anyone has any clues or idea's perhaps ?

BRotondi 03-23-2010 07:09 PM

You have to set the skin to vbMediaWiki! (Localsettings and where changed also in the usersettings, Test: &useskin=vbmediawiki)

Tomas J Anderso 03-23-2010 07:54 PM

Still means though the users of vB aren't taken back as wiki-users seeing as the skin should be autoloaded with the AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php.

BRotondi 03-23-2010 09:44 PM

This lacks in the install instructions, but I mentioned it allready earlier and right above: You have to change the default skin in LocalSettings.php!

$wgDefaultSkin = 'vbmediawiki';

WeMovie.co.uk 03-24-2010 09:19 AM

I cannot find localsettings.php.
I've read upto page 7 of this thread and although people seem to be giving the solution... it doesn't make sense to me. I do not have the localsettings.php in ANY of the wiki folders. Please help?!

WeMovie.co.uk 03-24-2010 09:31 AM

Nevermind. I just realised I need to download and install MediaWiki.
Could someone link me to the correct version - 1.15.1?! I'm under the impression that's the version that works with this vB mod. Is that correct?
I can only see a download for version 1.15.2.

BRotondi 03-24-2010 11:45 AM

1.15.1 works, don't know about 1.15.2...

mediawiki.org > Download > 1.15

Tomas J Anderso 03-24-2010 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by BRotondi (Post 2009018)
This lacks in the install instructions, but I mentioned it allready earlier and right above: You have to change the default skin in LocalSettings.php!

$wgDefaultSkin = 'vbmediawiki';

As stated that would fix the theme, not the actual fact users from vB are linked to the wiki as stated in my previous part. Yes it did fix the theme, not the underlaying system.

WeMovie.co.uk 03-24-2010 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by BRotondi (Post 2009331)
1.15.1 works, don't know about 1.15.2...

mediawiki.org > Download > 1.15

Thankyou :)
but which one is it? There are several downloads for 1.15.1 on that page...???

EDIT: OK I still don't get this. I downloaded the last 1.15.1 MediaWiki version on that page... but all it is is 1 file and I don't understand what I'm supposed to do with it.
The installation instructions for this mod need to be clearer, imo.
Also, I still don't have the localsettings.php file... where does this even come from?!

BRotondi 03-24-2010 06:10 PM

:) You must first learn how to get into a product: If you want to use MediaWiki, then use their forum (mwusers.com) for Support. If you install vB ... the same. If you THEN want the bridge - after everything works fine - ask here ;)

WeMovie.co.uk 03-24-2010 06:44 PM

i don't think i have the patience.
it looks like a nice mod though.

BRotondi 03-25-2010 11:05 AM

What a pitty you edited your last post. I just found the right answer :):

Originally Posted by WeMovie.co.uk (Post 2009563)
I have neither the time nor the patience to learn how to do SOMETHING else.
Modifications should be easy to install... or atleast as hassle free as possible.
It looks like a nice mod though, but I just don't have the time.

"Are you going to the Apple store to learn driving, only because you installed an iPhone in you car?"

But you are not the first to misunderstand this mod. I really hope, bepe will be back soon, so we can update informations and install instructions.

I'm still rearranging my forum to create a suitable support place for this and other mods or projects. Hope this will do things here easier and clearer!


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