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final kaoss 10-07-2010 03:27 PM

For everyone who paid to remove the link, here is the fix
goto plugin manager and find the part listed below
Untick the footer advertisement


Product : SEOforums.org Fuzzy SEO Booster RC2
Add plugin content to page templates    process_templates_complete        [Edit] [Delete]
Footer advertisment    global_start        [Edit] [Delete]
Forum Seoqueries    forumdisplay_start        [Edit] [Delete]
Forum Seoqueries    forumhome_start        [Edit] [Delete]
Forum Seoqueries    init_startup        [Edit] [Delete]
Forum Seoqueries    showthread_start        [Edit] [Delete]
Test template hook    cache_templates        [Edit] [Delete]

oddmud 10-08-2010 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by extreme-gaming (Post 2107708)
I don't see any reason to uninstall it as a matter of fact if this plugin essentially made tags in posts instead of the spammy little boxes that are sometimes left behind, I would be way more satisfied with this.

Because I no longer want it? vBSEO is doing a fine job for my SEO work. It's just added text on the screen that's not necessary.

GONUMBER6 10-08-2010 03:47 PM

I got this message in my email this morning, what does it mean?

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT FROM seoqueries_terms WHERE term_value='english bulldog forums\';

MySQL Error   : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''english bulldog forums\'' 
at line 1
Error Number  
Request Date  
FridayOctober 8th 2010 12:50:52 AM
Error Date    
FridayOctober 8th 2010 12:50:52 AM
Referrer      http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.englishbulldognews.com%2Fforums%2Fforum.php&rct=j&q=english%20bulldog%20forums%5C&ei=Rr-uTMPIGoKBlAe42pnlDw&usg=AFQjCNHlQX0vQOzwsFmI0p63ieVH74K39w&sig2=yVeReUYchoAPvKwdUFViLQ
IP Address
MySQL Version 

MOGmartin 10-08-2010 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by GONUMBER6 (Post 2108151)
I got this message in my email this morning, what does it mean?

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT FROM seoqueries_terms WHERE term_value='english bulldog forums\';

MySQL Error   : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''english bulldog forums\'' 
at line 1
Error Number  
Request Date  
FridayOctober 8th 2010 12:50:52 AM
Error Date    
FridayOctober 8th 2010 12:50:52 AM
Referrer      http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.englishbulldognews.com%2Fforums%2Fforum.php&rct=j&q=english%20bulldog%20forums%5C&ei=Rr-uTMPIGoKBlAe42pnlDw&usg=AFQjCNHlQX0vQOzwsFmI0p63ieVH74K39w&sig2=yVeReUYchoAPvKwdUFViLQ
IP Address
MySQL Version 

Its a bug, if the search term used to find your site contains a backslash, it doesnt work. Refreshing makes it all ok, but thats obviously not ideal.

Ive got a bug fix for this coming out on Monday or Tuesday (Ive been fixing some other stuff in my other plugins this week).



GONUMBER6 10-08-2010 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by MOGmartin (Post 2108163)
Its a bug, if the search term used to find your site contains a backslash, it doesnt work. Refreshing makes it all ok, but thats obviously not ideal.

Ive got a bug fix for this coming out on Monday or Tuesday (Ive been fixing some other stuff in my other plugins this week).



Awesome thank you. I am also having a pageination issue. If I go under 'search keywords' the page is stretched out very far due to having 97 pages of search terms. I got a huge boost once I installed the vBET software- is there anyway you can stop this from going on and on and on? let me know if you need a print screen if you don't understand what I am talking about. Thanks, I love this plug in!

MOGmartin 10-08-2010 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by GONUMBER6 (Post 2108169)
Awesome thank you. I am also having a pageination issue. If I go under 'search keywords' the page is stretched out very far due to having 97 pages of search terms. I got a huge boost once I installed the vBET software- is there anyway you can stop this from going on and on and on? let me know if you need a print screen if you don't understand what I am talking about. Thanks, I love this plug in!

LOL - I hear ya, the new release is actually primarily aimed at that problem. I checked mine the other day on seoforums.org and had over 1500 pages... its about a mile long!!

glad you like the plugin mate,


GONUMBER6 10-09-2010 01:04 AM

Great, be looking forward to the upgrade!

Should I be banning the single digit number searches? Like "5"? or "2h?" I am assuming these are crawlers of some sort. But then I got to thinkin' (I do this a LOT) that maybe someone will not land if the put in "5 star bulldogs"? Because 5 is banned?

MOGmartin 10-09-2010 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by GONUMBER6 (Post 2108293)
Great, be looking forward to the upgrade!

Should I be banning the single digit number searches? Like "5"? or "2h?" I am assuming these are crawlers of some sort. But then I got to thinkin' (I do this a LOT) that maybe someone will not land if the put in "5 star bulldogs"? Because 5 is banned?

The last new option in the next version is "minimum query length", which will be set by default to 3, so any searches with 3 or less characters would not be recorded.

its a roundabout way, but will solve that problem.

MOGmartin 10-13-2010 12:19 PM

new version now released and available for download, sorry about the time it took guys!

MOGmartin 10-13-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by semprot (Post 2109740)
Thanks. Downloaded. Pagination is perfect !

glad to hear you like it!

also - if you have any of those random keywords, like 0h that have creeped in, just delete them using the keyword search or keyword delete tools, they wont come back now after installing the new version.

nkumaran 10-13-2010 02:44 PM

Thank you.

LouisB 10-13-2010 04:48 PM

Re-installed now it's updated. Thanks for the update.

MOGmartin 10-13-2010 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by LouisB (Post 2109806)
Re-installed now it's updated. Thanks for the update.

your welcome, and thanks for bearing with me!

GONUMBER6 10-13-2010 11:48 PM

Wonderful, the pagination is so much better, thank you!

MOGmartin 10-14-2010 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by GONUMBER6 (Post 2109947)
Wonderful, the pagination is so much better, thank you!

you're very welcome!

glad the upgrades are helping people!!

kall 10-14-2010 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by GONUMBER6 (Post 2109947)
Wonderful, the pagination is so much better, thank you!


Visitors found this page by searching for:
english bulldog forum, english bulldog forums, english bulldog news forum, 2, 8, bulldog forums, 7, к?ƒ?‡е?ˆки имена на английски б?ƒлдог, engleski buldog, 11, 23, buldog anglicky krmenie, 17, lost english bulldog, 13, 1, 26, 4, ?–н?„о?€ма?†?–я ?„о?‚о заголовки по англ?–йс?Œк?–й, tìm hi??ƒu về bull dog, bulldog forum, 101 nagykutya maltese, английски б?ƒлдог снимки, 9, pets
Is that really helping?

MOGmartin 10-15-2010 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by kall (Post 2110124)
Is that really helping?

at a guess, those foreign language queries are coming from the VB Enterprise Translator - my plugin is recording queries in other languages and storing them on the main record for every thread.

Its ugly, and its a pain, but its something Im already trying to work around, because my board also uses the VBET plugin.

yjeanrenaud 10-17-2010 04:34 PM

great mod, thanks. I am wondering if it is possible to enable this add-on only for guests?

oddmud 10-18-2010 02:26 PM

Nice to ignore my request to uninstall this properly MOGMartin, along with your autolinker. You leave crumbs behind when uninstalled. I want rid of them.

KissOfDeath 10-20-2010 07:40 AM

I paid for the gold product on Mar 16, 2010, a the product has been updated a number of times but their is no member download area visible on your site you seem to be sending download links to everyone manually, i've never had access to the updates, you abandoned your sales site so their was no support when i posted threads, emailed you and sent you pm's on a number of occasions

you seems to be back on your sales site now, and i posted a thread asking for support (which showed me a message saying all threads are moderated and needs to be checked by a moderator first)

The email i received said "Your Purchase No.: 17" in the content
the paypal transaction id was Unique Transaction ID #61590292MX936643C

If you remember correctly i was able to remove the branding myself but gave you the money for the gold version anyway Look here, but you told me to download the gold version because it had extra features

If the gold version of this update is the same but just have the branding removed let me know and i'll just remove the branding myself

KissOfDeath 10-21-2010 06:35 PM

Still no response huh....

Well i'm just going to remove the footer links from this one again with a clear conscience knowing that i have paid for the gold version

cdoyle 10-21-2010 08:10 PM

I installed this, and it seems to be working OK, just had a question.

On the forum home, it adds the search terms right under 'what's going on' and the text is pretty big. My concern is, as more and more terms are added here. It's going to push my who's online, and other stats down to far.

Is there a way to make it so the terms are the last item in the what's going on? Also is the text suppose to be so much larger than everything else?

Marv 10-22-2010 04:13 PM


any chance you could please update your mod with a fix to work with the vb 4.0.8 WGO style changes in the latest release?

cdoyle 10-23-2010 02:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is this how it's suppose to look?
The text is so big compared to everything else, and blocky looking. Is there a benefit for it being like that?

Also how can I move this to the bottom of the 'WGO' area?

oddmud 10-23-2010 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Marv (Post 2112834)

any chance you could please update your mod with a fix to work with the vb 4.0.8 WGO style changes in the latest release?

Just find what template it's using in the block on the page, then find the <h3> in the template and replace it with <h3 class="blocksubhead">. That should fix it. I don't have this installed anymore or I would tell you exactly what template it was.

OldSchoolDSL 10-23-2010 07:43 PM

Working on 4.0.8 with no errors.

cdoyle 10-25-2010 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by cdoyle (Post 2113198)
Is this how it's suppose to look?
The text is so big compared to everything else, and blocky looking. Is there a benefit for it being like that?

Also how can I move this to the bottom of the 'WGO' area?

Is it suppose to look this way?
Is there any way to move it to the bottom of 'WGO'

I noticed the font looks the same on the threads too, it just doesn't seem to really to fit into the rest of the forum.

cdoyle 10-27-2010 01:35 AM

Looks like this mod really isn't supported?
The fonts look out of place on my forum home, and really need to be at the bottom of the WGO.

Anyone know how to make these tweaks so it looks better?

dannycutts 11-01-2010 03:26 PM

Hello Vbulletin masters :D:D:D:D

right on my site www.plasterersforum.com if you scroll down to the whats going on section and if you look at Visitors found this page by searching for: section you will see that its all aligned all wrong.

I have had a look at how to get it to line up with the others but vb4 has me stumped...

Thanks for any help


MOGmartin 11-01-2010 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Marv (Post 2112834)

any chance you could please update your mod with a fix to work with the vb 4.0.8 WGO style changes in the latest release?


Originally Posted by cdoyle (Post 2113198)
Is this how it's suppose to look?
The text is so big compared to everything else, and blocky looking. Is there a benefit for it being like that?

Also how can I move this to the bottom of the 'WGO' area?


Originally Posted by oddmud (Post 2113204)
Just find what template it's using in the block on the page, then find the <h3> in the template and replace it with <h3 class="blocksubhead">. That should fix it. I don't have this installed anymore or I would tell you exactly what template it was.


Originally Posted by cdoyle (Post 2113809)
Is it suppose to look this way?
Is there any way to move it to the bottom of 'WGO'

I noticed the font looks the same on the threads too, it just doesn't seem to really to fit into the rest of the forum.


Originally Posted by cdoyle (Post 2114688)
Looks like this mod really isn't supported?
The fonts look out of place on my forum home, and really need to be at the bottom of the WGO.

Anyone know how to make these tweaks so it looks better?

hey guys,

its my first time checking in at vb.org for a few weeks, was unaware that .08 had been released until about 5 minutes ago.

I will take a look at these styling issues tomorrow, as Im going to upgrade my installation in the morning.

will update the styling hopefully by the end of the day, it doesnt look to complicated.



dannycutts 11-01-2010 06:47 PM

Awesome thanks


MOGmartin 11-01-2010 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by dannycutts (Post 2116864)
Awesome thanks


no probs mate

Cybeth 11-01-2010 09:22 PM

I would like a fuzzy version for 4.0.8. I paid by PayPal in July. In his forum, no questions answered, and shitty people.

zonaenlinea 11-02-2010 12:47 AM

this is free or I have to vBSEO

dannycutts 11-02-2010 07:37 AM

this is free but you cant go wrong with VBseo either :-)

Cybeth 11-02-2010 06:06 PM

do not buy http://seoforums.org. The money is gone.

8thos 11-02-2010 09:15 PM


dannycutts 11-03-2010 09:36 AM

hmmm I not sure how to get to forumdisplay.php to tell you sorry (i am using vbseo)


AfterWorldForum 11-03-2010 05:10 PM

Just one question. How can people who paid for a branding free version download the latest version exactly? There's no obvious place in your forum as to where to go.

I also asked a legit question and my thread was locked, rather than being answered.

I bought one of your other mods, and never even got that to work. This mod at least does seem to do what it states, but it does seem that you are going out of your way to grieve your existing customers in obtaining updates.

I'll be sure not to repeat my mistake.

RichieBoy67 11-03-2010 11:25 PM

Geez, The mod doesn't seem bad but how many links do you need? I can understanding author credit etc but the selfless promotion within this mod is ridiculous! My client has a fitness site and having a link toi your forum right there in the middle of everything is just really not the way most coders promote their products...

Uninstalled-- sorry-- Remove some of the links and I would consider installing this on 4 of my clients sites....

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