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PJSkiboy 09-02-2010 12:10 PM

Installed this on my test 4.0.6 publishing suite and it worked perfectly the first time.

I sincerely hope this is updated as this is one of the most useful mods out there. Great design.

Popa Andrei 09-03-2010 06:35 AM

how can we change the colors of the tab?

PJSkiboy 09-03-2010 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2093133)
how can we change the colors of the tab?

Isn't this question answered like 5 posts before your question?

Popa Andrei 09-04-2010 12:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 2086111)
I did too, but as stylevar. So when you switch style, color changes also. Try switching style at bottom left :)

how did you do it?

wath could cause this white space bettwen the tabs and forums?
using vbulletin 4.0.6

PJSkiboy 09-04-2010 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2093475)
how did you do it?

wath could cause this white space bettwen the tabs and forums?
using vbulletin 4.0.6

Mine is doing the same thing. Running 4.0.6 as well.

ChrisGojcaj 09-05-2010 02:56 PM

Could somebody help me? (I am new to this stuff)
I am installing this great mod and I am not sure what to do next...
I am on step 3:

STEP 3. Open the Template Edits Text File and apply the 6 Edits to the 3 Templates specified within the document. You will need to apply these edits to each STYLE that you wish to have a Tabbed Forum Home on.
Could somebody explain what I have to edit? (Step-by-step please)

PJSkiboy 09-05-2010 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisGojcaj (Post 2094153)
Could somebody help me? (I am new to this stuff)
I am installing this great mod and I am not sure what to do next...
I am on step 3:

Could somebody explain what I have to edit? (Step-by-step please)


First, take notice of the part that reads, "you'll have to apply these template edits to each style you have."

I say that because I didn't pay enough attention at first to this and then when I installed the mod on my default style I couldn't figure out why I had some issues with my custom styles. (Which I still am, but that's a seperate issue.)

What you'll need to do is this:

In whatever style you want to install this mod on:

1. Under Styles and Templates in the ACP (admin control panel)
- Click on Style Manager
- For the style you want to install the mod on, to the far right you'll see a drop down box. Click on that and select "Edit Templates"
- On the left hand side you'll see all kinds of templates and template categories. You'll want to locate the category labeled, "Forum Home Templates >>"
- Double-click on that.
- Then you'll be looking for each of the actual templates that the instructions refer to.

2. In the folder for this mod that includes all the files, open up the document that is labeled "Template Edits."
- You'll see each template you'll need to edit in here.
- For example:

That means you'll need to look under the template, FORUMHOME and follow his instructions precisely. Don't forget to click on "save" at the bottom of the page after you make the necessary changes. Then refresh your forum home page to see the effects from your edits.

If all else fails, I'll be working on solving a seperate problem I'm having with this mod and a particular style today, so you may catch me in front of the computer. My AIM is "pjskiboy" or Gtalk is "pjskiboy". I'll help you out if you catch me online. Just instant message me. (I'm having a soft heart because I remember when I first started messing with this stuff and I was completely lost. Now I'm only slightly lost at times, lol.)

PJSkiboy 09-05-2010 05:06 PM

Now, for my particular issue with this mod. And it appears to be relegated to the Blackened custom style. I posted the following post in the thread for that style as well.


OK, i figured out the issue with the mgc_chatbox mod not displaying the images in the chatbox itself. I didn't read carefully enough in regards to the part of you having to copy the images folder over to the styles folder for EACH style you use. Derrrrrr....... So I got that squared away.

I'm still left with this:


It's almost like padding somewhere in between the forum categories, but no idea where to look in the templates to be able to at least change the background color. Could I possibly change the background color of the forums to match and solve this problem? (hopefully just answered my own question.....)


Just tried looking through the Stylevars, but I don't see anything at first.

Also, when I inspect the page source for that area that I have circled, it is include in the <div class="yui-dispatchable"> selection.

Popa Andrei 09-06-2010 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by PJSkiboy (Post 2093724)
Mine is doing the same thing. Running 4.0.6 as well.

so is the 4.0.6 creating the stylevar automatic or how do i modifi it?

PJSkiboy 09-06-2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2094745)
so is the 4.0.6 creating the stylevar automatic or how do i modifi it?

I haven't figured it out yet myself.

Popa Andrei 09-08-2010 04:12 PM

so is there anyone that could help us?

PJSkiboy 09-09-2010 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2095492)
so is there anyone that could help us?

The guy that created the style actually looked at that issue the other day and he was able to provide a solution. While it corrects that white space for that particular style, it will mess up any other styles you have selectable by your forum members.

If you are interested, PM me and I'll give you the info he gave me.

Santori 09-18-2010 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 2078332)
As there was no point for me to use the collapse since all categories are tabs, I created a plugin at forumhome_start to disable the collapse button, and I simply put in it

PHP Code:

$show['collapsable_forums'] = true

Suggestion: It would be nice to add the tab colors class in stylevar

Hello ,great mod, Thank you.

But I think its necessary to resolve this problem with collapse button. For example I need to make tabs with different forums and different categories each forum.

Collapse button is very important.


Popa Andrei 09-20-2010 10:51 AM

how can y make the .css to be a stylevar?

HappyFeet 09-20-2010 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by cloferba (Post 2026172)

if i disable Javascript Optimiser options from supercharged 1.3 mod i can see all ok...tabs and everything

i hope to enable Javascript Optimiser option and keep using this fantastic mod!

I have been fighting this thing, double and triple checking my install and template edits. I started disabling mods and was walking all around my problem. I decided to start reading every single post to find a possible solution and I finally find you at post #325!!!

Thank you, it works now and at least I know I'm not crazy... Disabled optimizer on test board and it finally starts working. Now on to the .css color issue... WHEW!:up:

Alfa1 09-21-2010 10:14 PM

Is it possible to get the AJAX content instantly loaded, by caching the data every X minutes?

The loading of the tabbed content takes a lot of time. I rather have some delay in showing the last posts, than having to wait on the tabbed content to load, at every click.

Crrrazzzy 09-22-2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 2078469)
Hi Bobster, I thought I'd let you know. You have a major bug in there. In plugin forumhome_complete you are checking for $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] instead of $vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids']

so later on in the class_yui.php the explode(",", $tab['limitTo']) is checking for only the primary group, causing the ones with secondary usergroups not to view the tab.

I fixed my copy, but in my opinion this mod is way too nice for me to remain silent.

My solution is not the final solution. It works for me as I only have one secondary usergroup, the customer group.

A permanent solution would be to send just the $vbulletin->userinfo array and to replace the call with

if (is_member_of($this->usergroup, $tab['limitTo']))

what did you do to fix this as i am having hte same issue


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2003476)
just installed it and y suggest that you make the tabs remain on all forum pages not only in FORUMHOME

same with this....is there a solution?

Santori 09-24-2010 02:39 AM

Hello, I ask again for a solution for the problem with collapse button.

Thank you very much

CharlieDelta 09-26-2010 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by PJSkiboy (Post 2095842)
The guy that created the style actually looked at that issue the other day and he was able to provide a solution. While it corrects that white space for that particular style, it will mess up any other styles you have selectable by your forum members.

If you are interested, PM me and I'll give you the info he gave me.

I would be interested in that info, if you wouldn't mind.

PJSkiboy 09-27-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2103427)
I would be interested in that info, if you wouldn't mind.

PM sent to you with the instructions.

Popa Andrei 09-27-2010 02:36 PM

can u tell me how to make a diferent style var for a light theme?
I have a light theme and a dark one.

PJSkiboy 09-27-2010 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2103718)
can u tell me how to make a diferent style var for a light theme?
I have a light theme and a dark one.


I'm in the same boat.

Right now I've got the tab mod installed on my light theme and not on my dark theme because when you change the hex code in the css file for the mod, it changes that background color in between the categories for ALL styles you have that mod installed on.

Pretty sure we'd have to edit the mod to where it called a different .css file for each style.

If I could manage some free time in the next week, I'll tinker with it some, but no promises. I'm not much of a coder.

Lionel 09-27-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2103718)
can u tell me how to make a diferent style var for a light theme?
I have a light theme and a dark one.

edit the tabview.css or skin-tfh.css to remove those declarations:

.yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover
.yui-navset .yui-content

and then in FORUMHOME template put this in your head


<style type="text/css">
.yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover {
background:{vb:stylevar forumhead_background};
color:{vb:stylevar forumhead_color};
.yui-navset .yui-content {
border-top:5px solid #384b6b;
go there and switch style to see result

Lionel 09-27-2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Crrrazzzy (Post 2101928)
what did you do to fix this as i am having hte same issue

fixing this is very simple. Edit the template Create Tabs at forumhome_complete and replace the second line with

$yui = new vB_YUI($vbulletin, $vbulletin->userinfo, 'tfh');

and in class_yui.php

replace the line below (I don't remember what the original code was)

$tab['limitTo'] = explode(",", $tab['limitTo']);


if (is_member_of($this->usergroup, $tab['limitTo']))

so the block becomes

PHP Code:

$tab['limitTo'] == 'all')
$this->code .= "YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate(new YAHOO.widget.Tab({label: '" mysql_escape_string($tab['title']) . "', " $tab['contentT'] . ": '" $tab['content'] . "', active: " $tab['active'] .", cacheData: " $tab['cacheData'] ."}), " $this->name ");";
$tab['limitTo'] = explode(","$tab['limitTo']);
                    if (
$this->code .= "YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate(new YAHOO.widget.Tab({label: '" mysql_escape_string($tab['title']) . "', " $tab['contentT'] . ": '" $tab['content'] . "', active: " $tab['active'] .", cacheData: " $tab['cacheData'] ."}), " $this->name ");";

Popa Andrei 09-29-2010 02:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 2103722)
edit the tabview.css or skin-tfh.css to remove those declarations:

.yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover
.yui-navset .yui-content

and then in FORUMHOME template put this in your head

go there and switch style to see result

It works but can you make the same thing like in the tabs to this area to?
Attachment 122416

PS this fix should be integrated in the mod.

Pvtiste 09-29-2010 04:19 PM

Excellent ! Thank you for sharing :)
Installed and perfectly works!

Santori 09-30-2010 01:38 AM

Sorry, but what happens with de collapse button, nobody wants to give a solution?

Popa Andrei 09-30-2010 08:34 AM

if the autor of the plugin would give a little bit interest in the mod....

Crrrazzzy 10-03-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2104648)
It works but can you make the same thing like in the tabs to this area to?
Attachment 122416

PS this fix should be integrated in the mod.

this should be added to the plugin

masterweb 10-03-2010 04:11 PM

Installed on a 4.0.7 version and never worked as supposed. Unisntalled :(

Crrrazzzy 10-04-2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by masterweb (Post 2106379)
Installed on a 4.0.7 version and never worked as supposed. Unisntalled :(

i have it working on my 4.0.7 .... is there anything i might be able to help you with?
what was "not working" for you?

devilsmania 10-04-2010 06:06 PM

installed on 4.0.7 and working.

sputera 10-06-2010 12:16 AM

I've installed on my 4.0.7 but seems its not working....

I cant see any "tabs" at the left side of admincp...


Update: now I can see it after refresh the page.

sputera 10-06-2010 02:04 AM

Yes...... It's working on 4.0.7 and already do some changes..... But, I need more to make this mod greater......


As per screenshot above, I want to remove the "dark blue" line and combine my tab with the forum title..... I believe that it is just a spacing issue..... but, may I know where to edit?


I manage to change that blue color to red color but still figuring out for the white spacing...

sputera 10-06-2010 08:22 AM

Thank god..................... after few cup of tea, I managed to settle down my TAB look and feel.

Here's the result:


Ok, here's the step i did:

1] I follow the instruction as post #423. This will ensure that the tab will use my template style.

<style type="text/css">
.yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover {
background:{vb:stylevar forumhead_background};
color:{vb:stylevar forumhead_color};
.yui-navset .yui-content {
border-top:5px solid #384b6b;
2] For the white space, I change the background color:

<style type="text/css">
.yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover {
background:{vb:stylevar forumhead_background};
color:{vb:stylevar forumhead_color};
.yui-navset .yui-content {
background:#ffffff; <------ I change the color to almost black.
border-top:5px solid #384b6b;
2] Then, I edit the border, color, font style, etc at this file >>> skin-tfh.css

You can check my forum at: http://www.scramriders.com/forum. It's still under configuration......

Hope this help...

XiTCLUB 10-06-2010 11:40 AM

this is not more useable the default style is good & feel fine for visitors

Avrojet 10-10-2010 03:15 PM

I was wondering if anybody had gone through this guide to make the browser's back button bring you back to your last active tab?


Originally Posted by sinucello (Post 1963136)
to answer the question myself:
no, it will not remember the tab. Meanwhile I found out that ajax-history can be done. Here`s an example with jquery tabs:
select a tab, click on one of the links in the right nav, click the browsers back button and your tab will still be selected. This is done with the jquery history plugin:
Something similar exists for the yui framework:
They even have an example on how to use this with a tab navigation:

I`ve only very few experience with Ajax so I`d be glad if this could be implemented.

thanks - all the best,

W!cKeD 10-14-2010 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 2006746)
ah crap.. I KNEW that there was something else I need to fix! gah! I'll try and figure out a solution for that tomorrow if I have time.

Did you test it in IE to see if it fixed the IE issues that you were having? Everything seemed to work fine for me in IE.

Any Solution or fix here? In Chrome it show me the forum without a style.

karlm 10-15-2010 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by karlm (Post 2049039)

Originally Posted by karlm (Post 2029847)
Due to some d/b issues I was encountering, I uninstalled all my plugins - including this one. However, now that my d/b issues are resolved, I went to reinstall this. Upon trying to install, it claims the tables already exist as if it hadn't been uninstalled.

What can i do to get this installed again, please?

Bobster, any chance you could look into helping with this when you get a moment, please? I've been using this hack for a long time - but am currently unable to use it due to the above errors (tables already exist).

Just bumping my own support request...

gigawiz 10-18-2010 12:58 AM

i have 4.0.7 and when i add a tab it doesent show the content i folled the instructions any help please??

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