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-   -   Suite Style - Dark Gaming vBulletin Skin - Darkvision 4.2.1 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=231695)

abbasbsp 05-31-2010 10:38 PM

nice styles ....

TalkTemplate 06-06-2010 01:19 PM

We are adding the facebook visible icon shortly.

Xencored 06-06-2010 02:37 PM

Thanks to all Supporters for making us the #1 Downloaded Style on vBulletin.org!

Your miles of mate :D

Downloads: 14758

frankiepeppers 06-10-2010 01:13 AM

HI, so i added the facebook login, however, it doesnt show up when someone is logged out of my forums, just when they are logged in already. i thought this was used to easily login to my forums for facebook users. seems like it only brings my users to facebook. how can i make this work right, so ppl can log into my site with their facebook accounts?

great skin by the way. can you tell me how to change the aqua neon text to a red to match my header? thanks very much.

TalkTemplate 06-18-2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Animemike (Post 2049361)
Thanks to all Supporters for making us the #1 Downloaded Style on vBulletin.org!

Your miles of mate :D

Downloads: 14758

This was for vBulletin 4.0. And it is the top Skin on the vb.org homepage.


Originally Posted by frankiepeppers (Post 2051300)
HI, so i added the facebook login, however, it doesnt show up when someone is logged out of my forums, just when they are logged in already. i thought this was used to easily login to my forums for facebook users. seems like it only brings my users to facebook. how can i make this work right, so ppl can log into my site with their facebook accounts?

great skin by the way. can you tell me how to change the aqua neon text to a red to match my header? thanks very much.

We will integrate this into the vBulletin 4.04 release.

Thank you

TalkTemplate 06-20-2010 01:38 AM

We are fast at work in bringing you the latest version of this style. Please check again shortly! (Or mark as installed to be notified automatically)

Kraxell 06-20-2010 09:12 PM


i installed the skin but on the header is the "TalkTemplate"-text. (banner.jpg)
Possible to get the PSD from the header-grafik to chance the text?

Best Regards


Got it:


antisha 06-21-2010 08:40 PM

Great skin! Is it compatible with vb 4.0.4 ?

TalkTemplate 06-23-2010 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by antisha (Post 2057112)
Great skin! Is it compatible with vb 4.0.4 ?

We are working on it. However, vBulletin has released 4.0.4 with a major style flaw which has impacted our method of upgrading. It is rated a "Showstopper" bug on vBulletin's Bug Tracker website so it should be fixed shortly.

adamhahn 06-25-2010 08:27 PM

Any update on when the skin will be compatible with 4.0.4?

dinamik 06-26-2010 08:53 PM

just installed it, i love the theme but i can;t get it to work with the CMS
you mention something about the pencil while hovering over an article
i dont have any articles on the forum


if i use default vb4 style it works; if i switch to darkvision i get a blank cms

any help?

KGI_Bling 06-29-2010 11:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have a new forum and a few of my users are having problems logging in with this skin installed. The problem appears to be the login box, it seems the users see the "User Name" text in and add their user name next to that where the password belongs and then they click login but are obviously then faced with an incorrect password screen as they didn't enter a password. This seems to be confusing a lot of my members and I was wondering if it would be possible to add the text "Password" in the password field (as in the image below)?

ozvr4com 07-01-2010 04:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi There,

Firstly props for the awesome theme.
I installed the theme by following the instructions however when i select the theme this is what i see (attached)

Any idea why?

Reycer 07-01-2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by KGI_Bling (Post 2061653)
I have a new forum and a few of my users are having problems logging in with this skin installed. The problem appears to be the login box, it seems the users see the "User Name" text in and add their user name next to that where the password belongs and then they click login but are obviously then faced with an incorrect password screen as they didn't enter a password. This seems to be confusing a lot of my members and I was wondering if it would be possible to add the text "Password" in the password field (as in the image below)?

Same problem here. Is there any way to add "password" and lighten the background of the text area up a bit? I've been looking through the stylevars but can't find it.

Otherwise THIS IS ONE GREAT STYLE!!! Good Job!

xeon1 07-03-2010 05:51 PM

I'm having a little problem with the titleimage stylevar.
when I try to change it to something else it always comes up with the word "Array"
I have no idea why this happens, i'm running version 4.0.4
A reply would be much appreciated :)
EDIT: a few more issues I found were that when I try to register a new account the facebook connect button does not show..even though the subject of "The Facebook Platform" shows...you can try it for yourself on my forums http://www.scuniverse.org
another thing was rather a question than a bug - in my front page I don't have the facebook "connect" button like in the default vbulletin skin, is there anyway to add it somehow? or that's for a future release?


Reycer 07-03-2010 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by xeon1 (Post 2063943)
I'm having a little problem with the titleimage stylevar.
when I try to change it to something else it always comes up with the word "Array"
I have no idea why this happens, i'm running version 4.0.4
A reply would be much appreciated :)
EDIT: a few more issues I found were that when I try to register a new account the facebook connect button does not show..even though the subject of "The Facebook Platform" shows...you can try it for yourself on my forums http://www.scuniverse.org
another thing was rather a question than a bug - in my front page I don't have the facebook "connect" button like in the default vbulletin skin, is there anyway to add it somehow? or that's for a future release?


The Array thing is a common 4.0.4 problem. I found that out the hard way to. Here's the fix for that.


Still waiting on the Facebook Login myself. I really like this style it's pretty cool, but the Facebook thing needs fixed definatly.

DAMINK 07-05-2010 06:32 AM

How would i go about changing the background image. Well changing it is easy. Just replace the image. But i want more specifically to repeat the image. Both x and y.
Anyone point me as to where to go?
Also agree with others. The login area is way too dark. Needs to be bigger and lighter.
A workaround for that would be great also.

PreciseDemise 07-06-2010 04:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi there, I love this Theme/Skin and am editing it for a Black/Red colour scheme, how ever I have problems with a couple of elements that I can't find the StyleVars for, I have included a Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 8 screen shot to show what I am talking about.

You can find our site at dbc-forum.net.

The problem I have are:
1. White background on Group Description area. Obviously the Font Colour for pretty much the entire site is White/Off White
2. The Headers used by Modules and non-forum sections are still black despite me changing all the one I can find to Mid Dark Red (#990000)
3. The New Nofication Highlight is almost white, and while obvious, is not in keeping also.

I would really appreciate help with these variables as it would be the finishing touches to the best dark theme for vBv4.0.x =)

TalkTemplate 07-06-2010 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 2064080)
The Array thing is a common 4.0.4 problem. I found that out the hard way to. Here's the fix for that.


Still waiting on the Facebook Login myself. I really like this style it's pretty cool, but the Facebook thing needs fixed definatly.


We've been working hard to develop the new version update. The array issue has been dealt with and will work fine with the new version release. We expect it to be complete this week with relatively little to no bugs.

xeon1 07-09-2010 11:44 AM

Thanks for letting us know that it was dealt with, I for one am anxiously awaiting the new release!
Now, about the darkvision style, will there be a new version for it too?
My website for instance is now awaiting the new style release because its functionality with the new version is not full...in the meantime I'm using another skin but I really want to get back to this one once it's compatible again..


wpeloquin 07-09-2010 03:16 PM

I am bookmarking this style, and also plan to dl it once updated to 4.0.4

GateKeper 07-09-2010 03:23 PM

NVM - I think I figured it out...

iyama 07-16-2010 06:31 AM

Last update 21 april 2010 and now whe have vb4.0.5.

And still there are several probs. :(

Is there a time about a updated skin ore just looking to a other 4.0.5 updated skin?

JazM 07-22-2010 06:46 PM

They said they were working on fixing this skin for 4.0.5 a few posts back.

The post is here

Originally Posted by impulse8 (Post 2065569)

We've been working hard to develop the new version update. The array issue has been dealt with and will work fine with the new version release. We expect it to be complete this week with relatively little to no bugs.

TalkTemplate 07-25-2010 09:30 PM

The update is expected this week. Thank you for your patience!

ifitsmedia 07-26-2010 08:49 AM

This is a very sexy looking skin. Thank you for making it available.

I hope to see the update soon!

NoVAmike 07-26-2010 11:22 PM

How come whenever I try to upload a new style, it merges with my existing style?

Then, nothing happens, my style looks the same and I am unable to select the style from the style dropdown at the bottom of the page..

axg 07-27-2010 05:03 PM

Hi, i love this skin. After trying out several other ones. I opted for this one due to it's simplicity.

I do how ever have an issue i cannot figure out how to fix. I am not sure if it is me, or just a bug with the skin. Attached is the image.

Look and see where is says, and that's if you can see it: Date Filter
How can i fix this?

In looking into this, there is a lot of other places where the text does not align, and is the wrong color.

ifitsmedia 07-27-2010 09:23 PM

Does anyone know how to fix the background colors of the buttons for BBcode in the editor?


The background is black but the button text is also black, it's impossible to read without hovering over them.

Gold Phan7om 08-01-2010 11:44 AM

This theme needs to be updated soon, there are alot of graphic problems with it.

PreciseDemise 08-01-2010 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by JazM (Post 2073034)
They said they were working on fixing this skin for 4.0.5 a few posts back.

The post is here

August and still waiting. I keep getting emails from them saying soon, but the Groups Page and some other need some serious TLC =(

axg 08-02-2010 01:16 PM

This is a great skin, but i have to agree. It still has a lot of issues that need to be addressed. I have been able to fix some, but there are lots others that i cannot find so that i can fix them.

An update would be much appreciated.

ifitsmedia 08-03-2010 07:45 AM

Loads of issues in this skin.... and too bad because it's beautiful.

iyama 08-03-2010 01:23 PM

I have deleted this style be-course Designer promised several times that it will be fixed.
Last update is from April, and now August. :(

Sorry but I'm believe it no more.

BeatleGuitar 08-05-2010 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by JazM (Post 2073034)
They said they were working on fixing this skin for 4.0.5 a few posts back.

So does this work in 4.0.5 or not? Nice looking but don't want to waste time if it isn't going to work!

DirtyBrown 08-05-2010 01:58 AM

this skin looks like a rip of my Dark_VB templates for 3.x and yes this is unenergizer....

your using some of my icons and images



Now, I have no future plans on developing skins professionally or for free. However it is still my art work and it is STILL copyrighted. You HAVE my permission to use the images but a simple, "Hey can i use this" would have been appreciated. Please credit my previous HARD work if you plan on using it.

Thank you,
Andrew Brown

axg 08-05-2010 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by BeatleGuitar (Post 2079416)
So does this work in 4.0.5 or not? Nice looking but don't want to waste time if it isn't going to work!

It works, i have it loaded. It just has the issues everyone is complaining about. Mostly issues with hard to see text.

axg 08-05-2010 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by DirtyBrown (Post 2079438)
this skin looks like a rip of my Dark_VB templates for 3.x and yes this is unenergizer....

your using some of my icons and images



Now, I have no future plans on developing skins professionally or for free. However it is still my art work and it is STILL copyrighted. You HAVE my permission to use the images but a simple, "Hey can i use this" would have been appreciated. Please credit my previous HARD work if you plan on using it.

Thank you,
Andrew Brown

WOW, i am running it and compared it to your images that are left, but i did not see the resemblance other than they are dark. The icons i could not match to yours at all.

I am not the developer of either skin, but for what i was able to compare, i did not see much of a resemblance. This was of course for the 3.6 version. The other looks like the links are all dead.

DirtyBrown 08-06-2010 03:47 AM

Im not here to argue or fight. I have no interest in shutting the skin down or anything like that. But the icons, gradients, color scheme, and other css values were copied. I am flattered that people still want to use this old stuff. The only thing I see different is the header image.

Also I made the mistake of linking to the wrong skin. The skin looks like a Dark_vb_v2 skin rip and not a dark_vb (v1) rip.


here are the other skins i made




DirtyBrown 08-06-2010 03:56 AM

The colors for the "yellow" version are also ripped. PLEASE CREDIT ME

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