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-   -   Add-On Releases - Country Flags - Postbit & Postbit_Legacy. vB 4.0.x (Inc GO (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=229511)

Welshy2008 04-27-2011 08:52 AM

Lol - thanks for updating your post.

K!nG 04-29-2011 07:24 PM

Great Mod.... Working on 4.1.3 :) default n custom skinz

Furcal15 05-11-2011 08:40 PM

I tried using the last template edit that is for 4.1.1 on my 4.1.3 and couldn't get it to work. I used the code for 4.0.6-4.0.7 which is this:


<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldX']"> <dt>Country</dt> <img src="http://www.YOURFORUM ADDRESS.com/forum/images/buttons/flags/{vb:raw post.fieldX}.GIF" alt="This is {vb:raw post.username}'s Country Flag" border="" /></vb:if></p>
<!-- Wy Flags End -->

And it worked fine. Although, I did not use this for country flags. Instead I used it for my baseball forum and choosing your favorite team, it works wonders. If you want to use it for something else like I did here is how I did it (it is modified).


<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['field15']"><img src="http://www.baseballnation.net/images/teams/{vb:raw post.field15}.png" alt="This is {vb:raw post.username}'s favorite team." border="" /></vb:if></p>
<!-- Wy Flags End -->

As you can see, I changed the original image file extension from .GIF to .png....I also took out

so no text displays, just my logo.

If you want to use it for something other than country flags. Your image name must match the option name.

For instance in options I had the whole list of MLB teams instead of a list of countries. It looks like this:


Arizona Diamondbacks
Atlanta Braves
Baltimore Orioles
Boston Red Sox
Chicago White Sox
Chicago Cubs
Cincinnati Reds
Cleveland Indians
Colorado Rockies
Detroit Tigers
Florida Marlins
Houston Astros
Kansas City Royals
Los Angeles Angels
Los Angeles Dodgers
Milwaukee Brewers
Minnesota Twins
New York Mets
New York Yankees
Oakland Athletics
Philadelphia Phillies
Pittsburgh Pirates
San Diego Padres
San Francisco Giants
Seattle Mariners
St. Louis Cardinals
Tampa Bay Rays
Texas Rangers
Toronto Blue Jays
Washington Nationals

All my images in the images/teams directory have to match the option names exactly. So for the Arizona Diamondbacks...In my images/teams folder it is saved exactly how it is in the options list for the field. The image is Arizona Diamondbacks.png --- It must be typed exactly how it is in the options field.

TEMPESTADE 05-12-2011 01:37 PM

good everything is well explained but what is the code for version 4.1.3 of someone kind soul can tell I'm confused! grateful

billstelling 05-12-2011 02:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Find this in the postbit_legacy and add it just below it.

<img src="{vb:raw post.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw post.username}}" title="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw post.username}}" />
                        <vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
                                <hr />
                                <dl class="userinfo_extra">

and i changed the code slightly to get rid of "Country:"

<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['field5']"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/flags/{vb:raw post.field5}.GIF" alt="Users Country Flag" border="" /></vb:if>
<!-- Wy Flags End -->

I got it to work after a little trial and error.. It needs to be placed below the avatar code when you have modded the post bits all to hell.. I have several adds to it and once i found were it needed to go it works great! Oh, I am using vB 4.1.3

Attachment 129010

doctorsexy 05-24-2011 12:42 PM

installed on 4.1.3 with a bit of head scratchin...thanks

dearone 05-25-2011 03:17 AM

guys still i can not isntall it in 4.1.3

joeychgo 05-25-2011 07:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I've installed it but I keep getting this alignment issue where it's at the side of the avatar.

billstelling 05-25-2011 11:14 PM

did you put it below <dl class="userinfo_extra">
I had to experiment a bit to find were to put it.. post were you put it in the code and we will see if we can help.

EasyEazy 05-29-2011 01:21 PM

Installed and looking great. Great mod and thanks for the effort put in.

EasyEazy 05-29-2011 01:50 PM

Is there any chance of a Northern Ireland flag Welshy?

barmen_1982 05-30-2011 12:40 PM

Thank you master

jhon13 06-16-2011 06:42 AM

can anyone tell me how to it for 4.1.4

COL NIL SATIS 06-18-2011 12:59 PM

whats the code for 4.1.3 guys??

Popa Andrei 07-01-2011 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by COL NIL SATIS (Post 2209424)
whats the code for 4.1.3 guys??

I used this for mi 4.1.4 postbit_legacy


<vb:if condition="$post['field6']"><dt><style="text-align:left"> Nationality</dt> <dd><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/flags/{vb:raw post.field6}.GIF" align="middle" alt="{vb:raw post.field6}" border="" /></dd></vb:if>

COL NIL SATIS 07-02-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 2215346)
I used this for mi 4.1.4 postbit_legacy


<vb:if condition="$post['field6']"><dt><style="text-align:left"> Nationality</dt> <dd><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/flags/{vb:raw post.field6}.GIF" align="middle" alt="{vb:raw post.field6}" border="" /></dd></vb:if>


K!nG 07-02-2011 04:34 PM

I installed it on 4.1.3 upgraded to 4.1.4 and still working just fine :)

Popa Andrei 07-04-2011 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by COL NIL SATIS (Post 2215807)

your welocome

n00bl3t 07-10-2011 05:54 PM

Ah can someone help me!

I am on 4.1.4 and I did everything perfectly. All images are in the right folders/path but for some reason, I can't get the pictures to actually show. Users can pick their flag/option and it just shows the name, not the picture. Any ideas?


NVM! Got it working.

My problem is I had the images under images/buttons/flags but it had to be under YourStyle/buttons/flags

! :)

K!nG 07-24-2011 03:58 PM

Something weird happend.... i had it installed on like 4 different skins and out of nowhere it went away from 2 skins but its still there in other 2... i uploaded everything again ... edit templates again but still doesn't show anything at all :O can someone help me on this one ???

hhumas 07-24-2011 11:59 PM

will it work with 4.1.4

Rakehel 08-01-2011 08:15 AM

Can anyone elaborate upon what n00b3t is saying here. On my server, there's a directory for each style?


Originally Posted by n00bl3t (Post 2219030)
Ah can someone help me!

I am on 4.1.4 and I did everything perfectly. All images are in the right folders/path but for some reason, I can't get the pictures to actually show. Users can pick their flag/option and it just shows the name, not the picture. Any ideas?


NVM! Got it working.

My problem is I had the images under images/buttons/flags but it had to be under YourStyle/buttons/flags

! :)

CharlieDelta 08-02-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rakehel (Post 2227558)
Can anyone elaborate upon what n00b3t is saying here. On my server, there's a directory for each style?

Yes that is correct. It is actually located in images/yourstyle/buttons/flags.
This is assuming you have custome styles on your forum other than the default style.

Rakehel 08-03-2011 08:20 AM

Thank you Charlie. I do have 5 styles in addition to the default and mobile, but I'm not finding them anywhere in my forum directory. I see the "CP Styles" folder.

I'm asking because we like the flags mod, and a similar zodiac mod, but I can't get the flags to display no matter what I do. Just the names, and right-clicking one even allows me to access the image file's properties. The modification for vb 3.8.6 and earlier worked fine for years.

I've checked chmodding. I've tried different directories for the flags folder. I've verified the listing and spellings in the Admin CP. The custom profile field is set up, the same as the older flags mod.

I tried using the orignal template code listed here, but it didn't work. I also wanted the border/box like the rest of the info in the post display-member info data. Can anyone tell me why this code won't work?


<div class="post_field"><dt><vb:if condition="$post['field6']"><style="text-align:left">My Flag</dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_flags}{vb:raw post.field6}.GIF" align="middle" alt="{vb:raw post.field6}" border="0" /></vb:if></dd></div>

Any help would be genuinely appreciated.

CharlieDelta 08-03-2011 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rakehel (Post 2228589)
but I'm not finding them anywhere in my forum directory. I see the "CP Styles" folder.

This is your problem. You need to add the flags file that contains all the images to your proper sytle directory. Look something like this = forum/images/tribalgold/buttons/flags
I had a look at your site with firebug and your images are not in any directory.

Rakehel 08-04-2011 07:26 AM

The images were located in 3 directories in an effort to test paths. What are you talking about?

Will that code work or not?

CharlieDelta 08-04-2011 02:54 PM

If you have an image path of "flags" in your stylevars then I guess the code would work, otherwise you should use the imgdir_button. Another option you could try is a direct url, something like

<img src="http://www.yoursite.com/forum/images/buttons/flags/{vb:raw post.field6}.GIF"
I tested this and it worked for me.

Charged 08-12-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by gyaronn (Post 1940245)
there is a flag that is messing for: Faroe Islands i have added it

I've found a matching animated one for anyone that wants it.


K!nG 08-12-2011 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by K!nG (Post 2224375)
Something weird happend.... i had it installed on like 4 different skins and out of nowhere it went away from 2 skins but its still there in other 2... i uploaded everything again ... edit templates again but still doesn't show anything at all :O can someone help me on this one ???

Any info on this one ???? why its showing in 2 styles and not showing in 2 styles all of sudden while it was working just fine before on all 4 styles :::(

CharlieDelta 08-13-2011 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by K!nG (Post 2232847)
Any info on this one ???? why its showing in 2 styles and not showing in 2 styles all of sudden while it was working just fine before on all 4 styles :::(

Have you ensured your code is correct in the 2 style templates? Are the images in the correct directory for each style?

K!nG 08-15-2011 02:42 AM

Well in one of the style it was working fine for like a month and then one day all of sudden when i logged in it wasn't working ... i went to check the images they were there ,, then i checked the template edits they were there but its not showing :(

Aitorcillo 08-15-2011 11:39 PM

This mod works with vbulletin 4.1.5? Thank you

K!nG 08-19-2011 10:17 PM

It does work on 4.1.5 just to mention its working on my 2 skins but its not working on my other 2 skins lol

hhumas 08-19-2011 11:00 PM

is there any change of getting it on 4.1.4 ???

Scalemotorcars 08-20-2011 12:08 AM

Ive been using an extra profile field for country for some time now that's required on registration. I already have all the countries in the master list. (plus a few more)

Could I simply use that field id with the images and code from this mod. looks fairly straight forward.

oldfan 09-07-2011 12:38 PM

installed on 4.1.5 and works great thanks :D

vb50kgpoo 09-14-2011 09:44 AM

Great mod, thank you.

I would love NATO and NASA flags BTW
Some people might also like the 50 US States
Some people might also like the flag of Cornwall (I have been trying to get them independence for years :eek:)
Would Soviet CCCP, Nazi German and Imperial WW2 Japanese be in bad taste for some forums?

Majest 09-15-2011 06:42 AM

Thanks, works on vB4.1.5.

Dave Hybrid 10-21-2011 11:33 PM

Awsome MOD.

Flags are a work of art!

That is all. :D

tanerokutan 10-22-2011 03:17 PM

is it work for 4.1.7 ?

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