LoveStream |
08-30-2009 04:44 PM |
I notice that I set the latest version but this conflict with photopost.
I didn't see the code of photopost what is the reason.
Here, I got the error message from the photopost header. I use the same template in the gallery with forum.
HTML Code:
Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /home/hosting_users/wavero/www/gallery/index.php on line 187
I quoted the portion of error from index.php and marked with red color.
PHP Code:
if ( $Globals['undercat'] == "yes" ) { // Lets get the Recent Comments $numcompal = ($Globals['numcompal'] + 5); $queryz = ppmysql_query("SELECT c.username,c.userid,,,c.comment,p.bigimage,,p.storecat,p.userid,p.width,p.height FROM {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}comments c LEFT JOIN {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}photos p ON WHERE comment != '' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT $numcompal", $link); $numfound = 0; while ( list($cache['comments']['username'][$numfound], $cache['comments']['userid'][$numfound], $cache['comments']['cat'][$numfound], $cache['comments']['lcphoto'][$numfound], $comcomment, $thumbimg, $thumbcat, $storecat, $thumbuid, $thumbw, $thumbh ) = mysql_fetch_row($queryz)) { if ( $storecat != 0 ) $thumbcat = $storecat; // Clean up html conversions $comcomment = un_htmlspecialchars($comcomment); // Strip out BB codes /* --------------- this error line --------------- $find[] = '#\[.*/?\]#siU'; $replace[] = ''; --------------------------------------------------------------- end of error line */
$comcomment = preg_replace($find, $replace, $comcomment);
$cache['comments']['cat'][$numfound] = $thumbcat; $cache['comments']['comment'][$numfound] = ( strlen($comcomment) > 100 ? substr($comcomment,0,100)."..." : $comcomment ); $cache['comments']['thumblink'][$numfound] = get_imagethumb( $thumbimg, $thumbcat, $thumbuid, 1, 0, 1, $thumbw, $thumbh ); // Rotated? We need unrotated... if ( $Globals['rotatel'] > 0 || $Globals['rotatep'] > 0 ) $cache['comments']['thumblink'][$numfound] = str_replace("/thumbs/", "/mini/", $cache['comments']['thumblink'][$numfound]);
if ( $Globals['spider'] == "yes" ) $cache['comments']['link'][$numfound] = "{$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php/photo/{$cache['comments']['lcphoto'][$numfound]}/cat/{$cache['comments']['cat'][$numfound]}"; else $cache['comments']['link'][$numfound] = "{$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php?photo={$cache['comments']['lcphoto'][$numfound]}&cat={$cache['comments']['cat'][$numfound]}";
if ( $numfound == $Globals['numcompal'] ) break; $numfound++; } }