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Dave Hybrid 07-15-2009 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by 1Unreal (Post 1849383)
This mod uses the Google translation API and Google doesn't currently support Persian.

Actually it does support it now, just adsense isnt allowed on persian pages, and as most of run adsense i wont be adding it. Thanks.

Dave Hybrid 07-15-2009 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1849318)
Interesting: Installed barely one day and:

Wow, that's pretty good, mine goes up around 500k a day. You must have a large site with a lot of spider activity.

burntire 07-15-2009 06:39 PM

This is what I have after 24 hours. Not bad

3 table(s) Sum 71,282 9.8 MiB

racale 07-15-2009 06:45 PM

ce something wrong but I do not know what and where,now I'm trying to vbseo and does nothing to farenon

Dave Hybrid 07-15-2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by burntire (Post 1849411)
This is what I have after 24 hours. Not bad

3 table(s) Sum 71,282 9.8 MiB

Sounds spot on for your site size/popularity. :up:

Sweeks 07-15-2009 07:49 PM

Is there a simple way to get the flags code to validate? That is the only 1 problem left with this mod I think :D

Dave Hybrid 07-15-2009 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sweeks (Post 1849455)
Is there a simple way to get the flags code to validate? That is the only 1 problem left with this mod I think :D

Really? The code validates just fine on my forums.

Sweeks 07-15-2009 07:58 PM

I will show you where the errors are:



Seems to be forumdisplay and showthread unless I am mistaken. I havent tested it on the homepage as I am using only elsewhere than the index ;)

Dave Hybrid 07-15-2009 08:06 PM

It because the non vbseo version uses ampersands (&) in the urls. Difficult to avoid unless you rewrite them. For what it's worth seowise the engines dont give a monkeys about valid markup. But I agree it is a pain, i myself settle for nothing less than valid markup.

Sweeks 07-15-2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1849471)
It because the non vbseo version uses ampersands (&) in the urls. Difficult to avoid unless you rewrite them. For what it's worth seowise the engines dont give a monkeys about valid markup. But I agree it is a pain, i myself settle for nothing less than valid markup.

Thanks for letting me know :up: do you have any guides on htaccess rewriting for these specific URLs or a guide I could use to fix the ampersands problem? That would a great help :)

alehawk 07-15-2009 09:13 PM

thank you very much for this mod, is usefull for non english language sites.

Dave Hybrid 07-15-2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by alehawk (Post 1849521)
thank you very much for this mod, is usefull for non english language sites.

Thanks for removing the credit link, what is with some of you. :down:

burntire 07-15-2009 11:16 PM

You get credit on my site. LOL

Dave Hybrid 07-15-2009 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by burntire (Post 1849593)
You get credit on my site. LOL

And i extend my thanks for that, it shows kind and keeps the project growing and developing.

It's not much to ask considering how much traffic this mod gives the end user, which makes them more in adsense.

Some people are just take, take, take.

burntire 07-16-2009 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1849597)
And i extend my thanks for that, it shows kind and keeps the project growing and developing.

It's not much to ask considering how much traffic this mod gives the end user, which makes them more in adsense.

Some people are just take, take, take.

Hey its that all about me generation out there.

I appreciate your hard work.

azn_romeo_4u 07-16-2009 01:21 AM

Anyone with 2mill + post try this? This would increase my page content by millions...could cause some massive cpu/memory problems...

is there a simple way to remove them in case that happens? I would just dumb the new tables that were created right?

imported_silkroad 07-16-2009 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by azn_romeo_4u (Post 1849640)
Anyone with 2mill + post try this? This would increase my page content by millions...could cause some massive cpu/memory problems...

is there a simple way to remove them in case that happens? I would just dumb the new tables that were created right?

When you install this, you will see that your post count is not that big of a deal because pages do not get translated and stored in the database until someone, or a bot, pulls a page with the translation flag at the end.

So, there is no mass "translation" at all, if you have no bots clicking on the translations flags; and even if you have GoogleBot pulling on your site at all times, like we do, with 20 to 50 bots pulling at any time, the bots do not only pull on the translations flags, they are pulling all your content, so don't worry, this mod will not crash your site.


Zi55 07-16-2009 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1849108)
You need to use this code in the plugin;

$translateflags = ob_get_contents();

You then add this to your template;

<!-- vBGT Code Start-->
<div align="center">
<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
<!-- vBGT Code End -->

Make sure you upload translateflags.php to your FORUM folder.

At the end of the day the install works, you must have missed a step or not followed it correct.

Dear Dave ,
I am sure everything has done fine , maybe because of my MySQL or Php version .
I use php 5.2.10 and MySQL 5.0.83 did you wanna me to send you one of sites details , so you can check by your self ?
Thanks ,

CThiessen 07-16-2009 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1849643)
So, there is no mass "translation" at all, if you have no bots clicking on the translations flags; and even if you have GoogleBot pulling on your site at all times, like we do, with 20 to 50 bots pulling at any time, the bots do not only pull on the translations flags, they are pulling all your content, so don't worry, this mod will not crash your site.


well not this script will crash your server.
But you should have ever an eye on your Server load and memory.
This script needs some of that. My Server crashed after I put this script on.
So I am try to optimise my server settings without any success.

The reason (I hope) was the crawler form www brandwatch net
They didi not respect the robos.txt at all:

User-agent: magpie-crawler
  Disallow: /

Dose not help.

They try to crawl my site with a speed 50 times higher than Google.
All ?normal? Search Engines donning their Job with more respect.

I goning to move server anyway but is planed for November this Year.
My current one has only 1G of memory.
So: additional needs + to high crawler activities + low memory = crash

But it?s not this script, it was the crawler. Now he find himself in the IP-Tables as ?Drop? :p
This AddOn is working very well.


imported_silkroad 07-16-2009 06:04 PM

In appreciation of Dave's mod, I have updated a screen shot of some of our charts, where I have superimposed the timeline of when this mod was installed so you can see load avg, network load, GoogleBot hits/sec, etc.

From the charts, you can get a fairly good idea what to expect from this mod as far as performance hit and how GoogleBot starts to interact.

Mostly, you will see increased network usage based on GoogleBot hitting your flags and the translations, in and out, which will effect your load, network utilization, cpu, apache workers, etc.

It's all in the graphs... attached for reference. A picture speaks a thousand words, so they say :-)

Graph and stats discussion moved here.

racale 07-16-2009 06:49 PM

evening all

I did this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=294

I now find it on cleaner and saver this is normal


also doing this and always slow

good job thanks to all

CThiessen 07-16-2009 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1850057)
A picture speaks a thousand words, so they say :-)

were you get that picture from?
Looks like a pretty good chart.


imported_silkroad 07-16-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1850086)
were you get that picture from?
Looks like a pretty good chart.



imported_silkroad 07-16-2009 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1845065)
v2.4 Official Release

* More DB optimization, fastest ever read/write cache speed :)

Upgrade Info;

Open new translate.php file, add settings as detailed in install and disable cache, so $enablecache=false

Run the following MySQL querys one by one.

Hi Dave,

Do we need to do this on a new 2.4 install and why or why not?


Dave Hybrid 07-16-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1850057)
In appreciation of Dave's mod, I have updated a screen shot of some of our charts, where I have superimposed the timeline of when this mod was installed so you can see load avg, network load, GoogleBot hits/sec, etc.

From the charts, you can get a fairly good idea what to expect from this mod as far as performance hit and how GoogleBot starts to interact.

Mostly, you will see increased network usage based on GoogleBot hitting your flags and the translations, in and out, which will effect your load, network utilization, cpu, apache workers, etc.

It's all in the graphs... attached for reference. A picture speaks a thousand words, so they say :-)

Hi, what script are you using to pull all that data mate?

Dave Hybrid 07-16-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1850095)
Hi Dave,

Do we need to do this on a new 2.4 install and why or why not?


No, you originally downloaded and installed 2.4, which is the latest version.

NLP-er 07-16-2009 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by racale (Post 1850080)
evening all

I did this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=294

I now find it on cleaner and saver this is normal


also doing this and always slow

good job thanks to all

Thats ok. Cleaner ans saver are only for maintenance - those are used manually when you want to delete duplicated data wrom wt_cache once a while. such duplication can happen only in this table - possible, but rare :)

NLP-er 07-16-2009 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1850095)
Hi Dave,

Do we need to do this on a new 2.4 install and why or why not?


No - this is only update instruction so it applaies when you update from previous version. In new instalation of newest release, everything is the best :D

imported_silkroad 07-17-2009 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1850099)
Hi, what script are you using to pull all that data mate?

Hi Dave,

We are big fans of Zabbix, which is free and open source. See, for example some, this post on extending Zabbix to monitor Apache2. Treason Uncloaked!, GoogleBot(s) and vBulletin:

Version 3: Zabbix Scripts for Monitoring Apache2 (+ vBulletin)


imported_silkroad 07-17-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1850228)
No - this is only update instruction so it applaies when you update from previous version. In new instalation of newest release, everything is the best :D

Thanks! Great idea to have upgrade instructions to optimize tables!

45wheelgun 07-17-2009 01:40 PM

I want to thank Dave for writing such a cool package, and for putting up with me. My ISP "did something" to make it work, and I am thrilled. Dave bent over backwards trying to help me get it together.

To those who are removing the ad, just remember karma is a Bit..

45wheelgun 07-17-2009 01:42 PM

Is the language you pick supposed to be "sticky"? While I am getting the translations fine, when you click a link of the forum page rather then seeing page two in the language you picked, you are seeing it in English. Is this the way it is supposed to be or have I still got some work to do?

CThiessen 07-17-2009 03:32 PM

I just see in Woopra that i am Number ONE in Google:

Google Results

NO Idea in what.
Great Mod.


azn_romeo_4u 07-17-2009 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by 45wheelgun (Post 1850559)
Is the language you pick supposed to be "sticky"? While I am getting the translations fine, when you click a link of the forum page rather then seeing page two in the language you picked, you are seeing it in English. Is this the way it is supposed to be or have I still got some work to do?

I noticed that as well, it doesn't get stickied. Only on the page that you are on. That in itself is a pro and con though I think.

Neutral Singh 07-17-2009 07:43 PM

Amazing Mod! Is it possible to add other languages? If yes what is simplest approach to it... i would like to have Brazilian and a few other in the list... how could i do it? Thanks again!!

cynthetiq 07-17-2009 08:25 PM

while we have some information as to how much traffic is increased, what about the real traffic that matters which is converting this to more membership.

Can anyone correlate this increase in traffic to getting more members?

imported_silkroad 07-18-2009 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by cynthetiq (Post 1850777)
while we have some information as to how much traffic is increased, what about the real traffic that matters which is converting this to more membership.

Can anyone correlate this increase in traffic to getting more members?

I think the stated goal of this mod is to increase search engine referral traffic. Converting new visits to members (active or not) is a completely different process. Any "stats" in this area would be misleading, IMHO.

imported_silkroad 07-18-2009 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1850226)
Thats ok. Cleaner ans saver are only for maintenance - those are used manually when you want to delete duplicated data wrom wt_cache once a while. such duplication can happen only in this table - possible, but rare :)

I have a related question.

Would it be more efficient and faster to have database tables for each translation instead of "small" and "medium" mega tables for an entire site?

We have been running this mod for just a few days, and at the current tables growth rate, our translation database will be nearly 1.2 Terrabytes in three dB tables when it is all "done and dusted" as they say, hahaha. I calculate this, perhaps incorrectly, as it seems Google has have cached around 200 pages (for each of 28 languages =~ 6000 pages) out out nearly 400Kpages, and the translation dB is currently 600MB. If we assume approximate linear growth, the full transation dB would be 400K/200 * 600 MB or 1.2 TB

I notice that our translated pages are much slower loading than the same page not in the translation dB (by quite a large factor, much slower, even though there are less MySQL queries for the translated page).

Why not put the translated pages, at least, in their own tables?

NLP-er 07-18-2009 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by cynthetiq (Post 1850777)
while we have some information as to how much traffic is increased, what about the real traffic that matters which is converting this to more membership.

Can anyone correlate this increase in traffic to getting more members?

For me it's not relevant. My forum is in Polish and I don't want anyone who doesn't know Polish be user.

I simply hope for more clicks in adSense :D

NLP-er 07-18-2009 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by imported_silkroad (Post 1850911)
I have a related question.

Would it be more efficient and faster to have database tables for each translation instead of "small" and "medium" mega tables for an entire site?

We have been running this mod for just a few days, and at the current tables growth rate, our translation database will be nearly 1.2 Terrabytes in three dB tables when it is all "done and dusted" as they say, hahaha. I calculate this, perhaps incorrectly, as it seems Google has have cached around 200 pages (for each of 28 languages =~ 6000 pages) out out nearly 400Kpages, and the translation dB is currently 600MB. If we assume approximate linear growth, the full transation dB would be 400K/200 * 600 MB or 1.2 TB

I notice that our translated pages are much slower loading than the same page not in the translation dB (by quite a large factor, much slower, even though there are less MySQL queries for the translated page).

Why not put the translated pages, at least, in their own tables?

It wouldn't :) DB has set indexes and data access is instant and constant :)

Translated pages will ALWAYS generate slower that not translated because first is generated normal page and after that it's translated :)

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