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Brother Malachi 06-21-2008 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by logicuk (Post 1555636)
If javascript is disbaled no one can see your forums including the spider

do you think you can fix it?

Don't spiders look in the source and not what is actually visible in the browser?

vidan 06-21-2008 08:58 PM

THANKS BOB, INSTALL rite now, anyway there is no problem with SEO right?

bobster65 06-21-2008 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by logicuk (Post 1555636)
If javascript is disbaled no one can see your forums including the spider

do you think you can fix it?

Both versions are fully search engine unobtrusive, so Spiders have NO problem using either one. This has been tested and documented by Dynamic Drive (the creator of the .js files). IF Spiders hit the site with Java script disabled, they will have access to a very simple basic HTML LIST which has URLs that it can access and get to the information it needs while spidering a site with TABs installed.. Simple as that.

The AJAX Beta release is "As is" .. this is for those that want to "test" it out, play with it, use it etc.. no further development will be done on either version as we are working on version 2.0

If you are worried about people that have JS disabled, then when you install this (or anything else that uses JS), install it on a child style and have the parent style NON Tabbed. Heck, some people don't like the tabs, this way they can choose ;)

vidan 06-21-2008 09:59 PM

hello bob, tryin to install,but fail. the tabs showed perfectly, but when click one or another tab it open nothing, only the loading.gif then no forum come out.

in step 3 :

STEP 3 - Create a NEW Template: FORUMHOMETAB

in step 4 :Insert this line at the very begining of the template.
<if condition="(THIS_SCRIPT == 'tabforumhome' AND in_array($forum['forumid'], $GLOBALS[tabcats])) OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay'">

is it tabforumhome or forumhometab? or both correctly?


vidan 06-21-2008 10:41 PM

FIXED! INSTALLED!! GOOD!!!!!!!! thanks bob

bobster65 06-21-2008 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by vidan (Post 1555687)
hello bob, tryin to install,but fail. the tabs showed perfectly, but when click one or another tab it open nothing, only the loading.gif then no forum come out.

in step 3 :

STEP 3 - Create a NEW Template: FORUMHOMETAB

in step 4 :Insert this line at the very begining of the template.
<if condition="(THIS_SCRIPT == 'tabforumhome' AND in_array($forum['forumid'], $GLOBALS[tabcats])) OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay'">

is it tabforumhome or forumhometab? or both correctly?


THe THIS SCRIPT is for the php file which is named tabforumhome.php I purposely named the template just the opposite so that there would be no confusion lol

bobster65 06-21-2008 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by vidan (Post 1555711)

i include my lv1 nopost and lv1post

you have not applied the template changes to those two templates.... read the install doc again, it shows you what template changes need to be made.. its the simplest template edit possible as you insert one line of code at the very beginning of the template and one tag at the very end..

Reminisce32 06-22-2008 09:49 AM

Hi.. i think i did everything correctly but the tabs are not showing

you can see how it looks here http://www.maddengurus.com/forums/?styleid=1

or just go to the bottom and change the template to Default Style

what did i do wrong?

when i go to http://www.maddengurus.com/forums/tabforumhome.php

it shows Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /includes/functions_forumlist.php(350) : eval()'d code on line 1

is something wrong with tabforumhome.php in the beta version?

Scamorz 06-22-2008 10:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi bob, thank you for this mod. It works but i found some problems...

I had to put /forum/ in the path to ajaxtabs.css and ajaxtabs.js
The script now is working but i don't see loading.gif

In Internet Explorer 6 i see this picture in the attachment:

Reminisce32 06-22-2008 11:44 AM

scamorz, any idea why mine looks the way it does? i checked the template edits over and over and i uploaded everything to the right place.

Scamorz 06-22-2008 12:12 PM

reminisce i dont' know. You can try to add /forum to the path before /clientscript/tabs/ajaxtabs.css and /clientscript/tabs/ajaxtabs.js in forumhome....so it works for me.

Reminisce32 06-22-2008 12:22 PM

fixed it.. had to put the whole link from http://---------ajaxtabs.css and .js.


Reminisce32 06-22-2008 02:52 PM

for some odd reason when i add another tab.. it adds it.. but when i click it it also pulls up another tab so two tabs come up and it wont open by itself.. anyone seen this before?

bobster65 06-22-2008 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Reminisce32 (Post 1556083)
for some odd reason when i add another tab.. it adds it.. but when i click it it also pulls up another tab so two tabs come up and it wont open by itself.. anyone seen this before?

post your code.

Reminisce32 06-22-2008 03:09 PM

edit... nevermind i saw the problem

..great mod. cant wait for the next version.

Scamorz 06-22-2008 04:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, i edited the path in .js file and now i see loading.gif
But in IE 6 i see this bad layout:
How i can resolve it?

bobster65 06-22-2008 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Scamorz (Post 1556127)
Ok, i edited the path in .js file and now i see loading.gif
But in IE 6 i see this bad layout:
How i can resolve it?

Play around with the CSS a little. Just make a copy of the original and start making adjustments to it (thats how I do it).. I am far from a CSS junkie lol .. Friggin IE messes everything up.. works fine for you in FF tho?

Scamorz 06-22-2008 04:18 PM

In FF works fine...
i am not expert in css...but i try to modify something:(

EDIT: i deleted <br style="clear: left" /> and now the layout in IE6 is ok! ;)
Great mod!

bobster65 06-22-2008 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Scamorz (Post 1556137)
In FF works fine...
i am not expert in css...but i try to modify something:(

do you have a link to your site so I can look at it in IE?

karnevil 06-22-2008 05:10 PM

Hmmm well i'm not sure what I am doing wrong


The 'tabs' end up being a bullet point list and there are no forums on forumhome at all, then if you click on each ''tab'' it takes you to www.legalbeagles.info/forums/tabforumhome.php with the relevant forum categories on - without any of the forum formatting (standard forumhome is www.legalbeagles.info/forums

I did all the template changes, and created the new template, and treble checked them, and the files are uploaded. I can't work out what I am missing at all.

Have removed template changes for now.

Am I missing something really obvious ?

Thanks in advance.

karnevil 06-22-2008 05:18 PM

okay from reading it could be the path to /clientscript

so will try that out on test forum.

YEP thats it :) just took the preceeding / off the links.

Works brilliantly now. sorry for my panic :)

Brother Malachi 06-22-2008 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by karnevil (Post 1556182)
Hmmm well i'm not sure what I am doing wrong


The 'tabs' end up being a bullet point list and there are no forums on forumhome at all, then if you click on each ''tab'' it takes you to www.legalbeagles.info/forums/tabforumhome.php with the relevant forum categories on - without any of the forum formatting (standard forumhome is www.legalbeagles.info/forums

I did all the template changes, and created the new template, and treble checked them, and the files are uploaded. I can't work out what I am missing at all.

Have removed template changes for now.

Am I missing something really obvious ?

Thanks in advance.

Did you forget to add the includes for the css and javascript files?

Reminisce32 06-22-2008 06:46 PM

any way to make the tabs match the colors of a custom skin? its currently the default vBulletin color

bobster65 06-22-2008 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Reminisce32 (Post 1556250)
any way to make the tabs match the colors of a custom skin? its currently the default vBulletin color

Yes, thats all done in the CSS file. Just change the back ground colors for the various elements.. pretty easy..

Digital Jedi 06-22-2008 07:27 PM

Anyone know where the default Loading GIF is located? I wanted to switch mine to that one, but for the life of me, I can't seem to find it. I know I've found it before.

bobster65 06-22-2008 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1556272)
Anyone know where the default Loading GIF is located? I wanted to switch mine to that one, but for the life of me, I can't seem to find it. I know I've found it before.

I have one loaded in the zip file in the Clientscripts/Tabs folder .. you can put it where ever you want, just edit the ajaxtabs.js file and towards the top (maybe 3 lines down) is the path to the image.. just change the path to where you uploaded the image.

Digital Jedi 06-22-2008 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1556277)
I have one loaded in the zip file in the Clientscripts/Tabs folder .. you can put it where ever you want, just edit the ajaxtabs.js file and towards the top (maybe 3 lines down) is the path to the image.. just change the path to where you uploaded the image.

Actually, I'm trying to change that one to the one my forum uses for Quick Reply, but for the life of me, I can't find that load icon. I thought it was in images/misc or [stylevar]/misc, but didn't see it there. For some reason, it's alluding me.

bobster65 06-22-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1556279)
Actually, I'm trying to change that one to the one my forum uses for Quick Reply, but for the life of me, I can't find that load icon. I thought it was in images/misc or [stylevar]/misc, but didn't see it there. For some reason, it's alluding me.

default vbulletin comes with 2 named 11x11progress.gif and 13x13progress.gif they are in the misc directory.. might those be the ones? There is also one named progress.gif

Digital Jedi 06-22-2008 07:48 PM

"Progress" Ack! That's why I couldn't find it. I was looking for "load" or some variation thereof. Thanks. <smacks head>

Digital Jedi 06-23-2008 04:01 AM

I dummied up some tabs on templates that aren't FORUMHOME, and managed to get the "fake" tabs to work as regular links, and even take you to the correct tab. I was wondering, though, what I would need to do to get a dummied tab to look like a selected tab. I tried mimicking the CSS and putting an inline style for that particular <li>, but that didn't seem to do anything. Functionally, everything's working, but aesthetically I can't reproduce that selected effect on the dummied tabs.

smnoel 06-23-2008 05:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)

This is a great mod and I am looking forward to 2.0 and 3.0!
I am using Version 1.5

In action: http://www.frugalvillage.com/forums

My problem.
-When I switch tabs it lags and takes time between.
-there is a border where the loading gif used to appear.

Looking at other boards they seem to be loading instantly and do not have a space between the tab and the forum.

What am I doing wrong? (Is this tied to a limitation in 1.5?)
Let me know what you need.

Thank you in advance.

karnevil 06-23-2008 09:53 AM

I get the same thing.

Also another small problem is in my WHOS ONLINE list - I get ''Unknown Location /forums/tabforumhome.php?tabcat[]=100&tabcat[]=1&tabcat[]=166&tabcat[]=5&tabcat[]=35&tabcat[]=69&tabcat[]=132&tabcat[]=75&1214218''

which kicks it out of alignment - I guess I could have a word wrap for the layout.l..but would rather it stayed staying Viewing Index (or even the tab name?)

(ooo it did it here too sorry)

smneol - I really like your forum btw xxx

bobster65 06-23-2008 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by karnevil (Post 1556706)
I get the same thing.

Also another small problem is in my WHOS ONLINE list - I get ''Unknown Location /forums/tabforumhome.php?tabcat[]=100&tabcat[]=1&tabcat[]=166&tabcat[]=5&tabcat[]=35&tabcat[]=69&tabcat[]=132&tabcat[]=75&1214218''

which kicks it out of alignment - I guess I could have a word wrap for the layout.l..but would rather it stayed staying Viewing Index (or even the tab name?)

(ooo it did it here too sorry)

smneol - I really like your forum btw xxx

lol... I KNEW I forgot to add something. I'll create an XML File for the WOL so that will be fixed .. thanks for pointing that out.

bobster65 06-23-2008 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1556535)
I dummied up some tabs on templates that aren't FORUMHOME, and managed to get the "fake" tabs to work as regular links, and even take you to the correct tab. I was wondering, though, what I would need to do to get a dummied tab to look like a selected tab. I tried mimicking the CSS and putting an inline style for that particular <li>, but that didn't seem to do anything. Functionally, everything's working, but aesthetically I can't reproduce that selected effect on the dummied tabs.

the Rollover effect or the "selected" effect? Selected isn't going to work on other pages, cause you are leaving the page when you click on it.. selected only takes affect after an onclick event.

bobster65 06-23-2008 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by smnoel (Post 1556555)

This is a great mod and I am looking forward to 2.0 and 3.0!
I am using Version 1.5

In action: http://www.frugalvillage.com/forums

My problem.
-When I switch tabs it lags and takes time between.
-there is a border where the loading gif used to appear.

Looking at other boards they seem to be loading instantly and do not have a space between the tab and the forum.

What am I doing wrong? (Is this tied to a limitation in 1.5?)
Let me know what you need.

Thank you in advance.


-When I switch tabs it lags and takes time between.
This not a problem, that is standard with this version as its checking the forums for new data (AJAX). The YUI Version is dang near instant tho.

You might be looking at boards that have the NON AJAX Version installed.. there is no lag time on the NON AJAX version as everything is preloaded, but it takes longer to load the first time and the data is never refreshed.

LOADING.gif - You need to edit the ajaxtabs.js file and change the path to your Loading image (its not showing up for me).. The Path is right at the top of the file (maybe 3 lines down)..

Other than that, your site looks good and is running like it should.. the loading/lag time (for me) is less than 1 second ...

smnoel 06-23-2008 01:19 PM


Thank you very much!


Thank you! I actually removed the gif image trying to reduce the size loading bar.
(do not want the loading gif)
I was unable to figure out how.

bobster65 06-23-2008 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by smnoel (Post 1556808)

Thank you very much!


Thank you! I actually removed the gif image trying to reduce the size loading bar.
(do not want the loading gif)
I was unable to figure out how.

That "space" is a space between the bottom of the forums and the Whats going on Box. Its not caused or created by the tabs, it has always been there as a separation between the two. Are you wanting the Tabs to touch the top of the whats going on box? If so, you CAN remove that space, but then when the Forums display, the last one will touch the Whats going on box.

Digital Jedi 06-23-2008 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1556774)
the Rollover effect or the "selected" effect? Selected isn't going to work on other pages, cause you are leaving the page when you click on it.. selected only takes affect after an onclick event.

Anyway to fake the look, or will the <li> always use the main CSS style, even if I use new class?

bobster65 06-23-2008 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1556961)
Anyway to fake the look, or will the <li> always use the main CSS style, even if I use new class?

You can fake the rollover effect, but I don't know about the "Selected" ... If I wasn't working on v2.0 I would figure out something for ya..

Digital Jedi 06-23-2008 04:50 PM

That's okay. Just wondering if I overlooked a method. I'll have to come back to it myself. My forums has been closed for too many days. :D

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