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Dannyloski 07-18-2007 01:03 AM

^ ebaumsworld.com would also require the "Extract Info" feature ...

GrendelKhan{TSU 07-18-2007 05:12 AM

will this conflict with existing mods for converting youtube et al.? like the anymedia code. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150491

ForYou 07-18-2007 06:54 AM

Hello ,

What About Mp3 , Please I need to convert Mp3 Link !!

LIKE this ,


iogames 07-18-2007 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by ForYou (Post 1294373)
Hello ,

What About Mp3 , Please I need to convert Mp3 Link !!

LIKE this ,


Try AnyMedia, it's as powerful as this :D

I'm using it! http://chat.iogames.com/news/51-pira...ean-intro.html

ForYou 07-18-2007 08:53 AM

Hello ,

What is the link of AnyMedia ,


Dannyloski 07-18-2007 12:36 PM

This Hack can be used for MP3s shouldn't be hard to do, I think.

Anyways, guys this is not my Thread and I'm not the Designer/Coder of this Hack, but I think we should keep this thread to be about AME - Auto Media Embedding, not about AnyMedia. If you would like to suggest another Hack to someone or something, I think that is best done via PM ... Just my $0.02, so that this stays on topic.

ForYou, do a search you'll find AnyMedia ... Its a very Popular 3.6 Hack ...

GrendelKhan{TSU, I do not believe this Hack conflicts with others (in your case AnyMedia), but to be on the safe side I would ask nix (author of AnyMedia) and get a confirmation.

InTeNsE-HuMoR 07-18-2007 06:42 PM

Some gametrailers movies don't work.

For example:




Is it possible to make a fix?

4x4 Mecca 07-19-2007 04:33 AM

Is there a way to use the ebay affiliate program with this? I'm not sure how the coding works, can someone here post how it works? Is it just "&pid=XXXXXXXXXXXX" on the end of any link going to ebay?

ckeins 07-19-2007 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by 4x4 Mecca (Post 1295362)
Is there a way to use the ebay affiliate program with this? I'm not sure how the coding works, can someone here post how it works? Is it just "&pid=XXXXXXXXXXXX" on the end of any link going to ebay?

I aksed myself the same question. I just need to extract the auction number. The problem may be, that there are different URLs for the same ebay auction (short, long,...)

It may be difficult to extract the ebay auction number out of ebay links like this:


because the text before this auction number is different from auction to auction.

GrendelKhan{TSU 07-19-2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1294558)
This Hack can be used for MP3s shouldn't be hard to do, I think.

Anyways, guys this is not my Thread and I'm not the Designer/Coder of this Hack, but I think we should keep this thread to be about AME - Auto Media Embedding, not about AnyMedia. If you would like to suggest another Hack to someone or something, I think that is best done via PM ... Just my $0.02, so that this stays on topic.

ForYou, do a search you'll find AnyMedia ... Its a very Popular 3.6 Hack ...

GrendelKhan{TSU, I do not believe this Hack conflicts with others (in your case AnyMedia), but to be on the safe side I would ask nix (author of AnyMedia) and get a confirmation.

that would be great appreciated!! this looks amazing. and I'm loving anything that helps serverload, speed and efficiency. centrialized system seems most scalable too. ;)

great job. :)

TrIn@dOr 07-19-2007 03:33 PM

Sorry for this noob question, but how can i add this others formats?, going where?


I downloaded all.

Other question: how can i rebuild old URLs??, going where?

Dannyloski 07-19-2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by InTeNsE-HuMoR
Some gametrailers movies don't work.

For example:




Is it possible to make a fix?

Delete the old GameTrailers .XML that you Imported from your AME CP and install this one (see attachment). It should work now, sorry about that.


Originally Posted by 4x4 Mecca
Is there a way to use the ebay affiliate program with this? I'm not sure how the coding works, can someone here post how it works? Is it just "&pid=XXXXXXXXXXXX" on the end of any link going to ebay?


Originally Posted by ckeins
I aksed myself the same question. I just need to extract the auction number. The problem may be, that there are different URLs for the same ebay auction (short, long,...)

It may be difficult to extract the ebay auction number out of ebay links like this:


because the text before this auction number is different from auction to auction.

Could either of you two explain a little more on how the entire eBay Affiliate Program works, etc. Maybe provide a link where I can get some more info and see if this can be integrated or not ...


Originally Posted by TrIn@dOr
Sorry for this noob question, but how can i add this others formats?


I downloaded all.

AdminCP > AME CP > Import > Browse ... Do that, its pretty simnple and straightforward ...

[QUOTE]Cant get this to work as expected. If I post a new thread or reply it just shows the link (I have vbseo, so it shows the link with title etc). If however I edit a post and strip out the [url= etc. BBcode it works as expected.

I've searched and read this thread through, but I'm still no clear if this is vbseo causing this, and if there's a combination of settings to use as a workaround?

Could someone help?

My guess is that its vBSEO that's conflicting, since it changes and makes it show the title ... But I'm not 100% sure, you would have to get confirmation from The Geek once he gets back from vacation ...

InTeNsE-HuMoR 07-19-2007 07:39 PM


Did you preview the thread before posting it? If you preview a thread with a link, VB automaticaly adds the url tags which prevent it being converted by AME to video.

Dannyloski 07-19-2007 09:08 PM

Hmmm, try disabling vBSEO completely and seeing if it works ... Then you can see if its that, if its not then we can Rule that out and continue on with the other Hacks you have installed ...

Lizard King 07-20-2007 06:33 AM

The youtube links donow work when they have "-" or "_" characters inside the url. Is there a way to fix this.

Dannyloski 07-20-2007 11:19 AM

Lizard King, please post an example link that did not work for YouTube ... Make sure that the "Automatically parse links in text" option under Additional Options when you "Reply" is NOT checked.

mini2, okay, then its not vBSEO ... What other Hacks do you have installed on your site?

jasculs 07-20-2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Lizard King (Post 1296310)
The youtube links donow work when they have "-" or "_" characters inside the url. Is there a way to fix this.

It works fine for me when the have those characters

lowey 07-21-2007 08:19 AM

Now, this is an awesome hack, it's a really huge time saver and beautifully executed! BUT, how can I prevent AME from processing an URL in case I simply wanted to have the standard link shown?

Sometimes this is quite useful in situations where download versions of higher definition are directly linked with a videofile.

BTW, is it possible that the administrator could post videos anywhere, no matter which forums are open for AM embedding?


Dannyloski 07-21-2007 03:03 PM

lowey, If you desire that the Link is not parsed into a Video Player you simply unselect/uncheck the "Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on)." option that is located under "Additional Options" when you create a New Reply/Thread (by default it is checked for the user) ...


BTW, is it possible that the administrator could post videos anywhere, no matter which forums are open for AME embedding?
As of now, this option is not available, but it is something that can be added easily (I believe) by The Geek ... You would have to wait for him to come back from Vacation and see if he wishes to add this option to the AME Hack ...

Southernphuk 07-22-2007 12:32 PM

Installed and working like its supposed to. Thanks.

lowey 07-22-2007 03:40 PM

Dannyloski, thanks for the info! I didn't even notice any advanced options. :D

BTW, is it also possible to embed .swf-Files using AME? If so, can someone please point me to the Addon?


acquiesce 07-22-2007 04:22 PM

Installed at http://teenchillout.com

Works brilliantly. Thankyou for such an absolutely fantastic mod.

loonytune15 07-23-2007 08:17 AM

This hack works great. I have installed it on 2 forums and both work perfectly :D

Dannyloski 07-23-2007 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by lowey
BTW, is it also possible to embed .swf-Files using AME? If so, can someone please point me to the Addon?

You want to embed .swf Files from what site? Your own or what? Let me know, and maybe I can help you out ...

The Geek 07-23-2007 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by furst (Post 1292123)
For some reason it's adding this little "middot;" thing to all of the titles when I embed from stage6. Any idea why that's happening?

"Stage6 · George Carlin"

Thats because vB is translating the special characters into their HTML characters. Ill have to add that one to the exception list when I get back in town.

The Geek 07-23-2007 03:39 PM

Danny, Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the help you are giving everyone here and the extra add ons you have submitted. Im still out of town until late next week (I stole a computer to try and catch up on things). Ill do a tutorial on using the extraction regexp on my return. It is pretty easy and with playing around with the yahoo def, you should be able to figure it out pretty easily :)

Anyhoo, thanks everyone and we will see you soon!

Dannyloski 07-23-2007 04:15 PM

^ No problem man :up: ... I'll try and play around with the Yahoo Code see if I can understand it, but that Tutorial would be awesome and I'll look forward to it when you get back ...

Dannyloski 07-23-2007 04:37 PM

mini2, umm what YouTube links are you using?

Dannyloski 07-23-2007 06:28 PM

mini2, it has to be a Hack that you've got installed in the newreply template or that works in that template ... I tried those links by doing a new thread and posting them, doing a quick reply and posting them, and doing a regular reply to a thread and posting them and ALL worked. If the Regular Reply is not working for you then check to see the Hacks that you've got installed that affect that template and try disabling them and see if that's the case ...

UgLy-NeRd 07-23-2007 07:51 PM

<a href="http://digg.com/tools/integrate" target="_blank">http://digg.com/tools/integrate</a>

Could someone make an addon for digg? I tried and don't understand the RegExp very well.

Peter Armenti 07-23-2007 07:58 PM

Hello.. I had this operating properly on a previous install but I'm having trouble now.. it seems inserting the URL's is working fine.. but inserting EMBED codes is not.. is there a quick explanation for this? something I'm missing? you can fine an example here..


Drix 07-23-2007 08:03 PM

Love it! Thanks!

Dannyloski 07-23-2007 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by UgLy-NeRd

Could someone make an addon for digg? I tried and don't understand the RegExp very well.

Ummm, why would you want it? I dont understand ... can you explain a little more?


Originally Posted by Peter Armenti
Hello.. I had this operating properly on a previous install but I'm having trouble now.. it seems inserting the URL's is working fine.. but inserting EMBED codes is not.. is there a quick explanation for this? something I'm missing? you can fine an example here..

Reply With Quote

This Hack does not support adding Embed Codes to your Post and converting them to the Video ... It never has. This Hack's purpose is for users to post the URL of the Video and then this Hack automatically converting it into the Actual Video. If you want to allow the Embed Code you need to allow HTML on your Site, but that it a very high security risk that you'll be taking on ...

john_robot 07-23-2007 10:32 PM

Hi, can you support http://www.magnify.net/ pls

Carlos2 07-24-2007 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1278377)
Reserved for user contributed definitions to import into AME.

User contributed:

Videotube And Liveleak -VideoTube contributed by Ren? Kunze and the LiveLeak contributed by DaNIEL MeNTED. I contributed a couple of very minor tweaks to some of the regexps.


How can i install these ones? When i try to import product its says to me "Undefined path".

sportsoutlaw 07-24-2007 02:02 PM

Just installed, this is awesome.

Does anybody here use redlasso? I would love to be able to add this to the system, but I have no idea how to do it.

Dannyloski 07-24-2007 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by john_robot
Hi, can you support http://www.magnify.net/ pls

Get me some Vid Links and an Embed Code for that Site and I'll see if if its possible to get it to work ...


Originally Posted by Carlos2
How can i install these ones? When i try to import product its says to me "Undefined path".

You do not add these through the Add/Import Product option ... Instead you do this:
AdminCP > AME CP > Import > Browse > Select the downloaded .xml > Click "Import" Button


Originally Posted by sportsoutlaw
Just installed, this is awesome.

Does anybody here use redlasso? I would love to be able to add this to the system, but I have no idea how to do it.

I agree that this is an awesome hack ... If you get me some Vid Links and an Embed Code for RedLasso I'll see if I can get it to work ... I see that its in Beta right now and you can only access the site via Invitation ...

sportsoutlaw 07-24-2007 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1300218)
I agree that this is an awesome hack ... If you get me some Vid Links and an Embed Code for RedLasso I'll see if I can get it to work ... I see that its in Beta right now and you can only access the site via Invitation ...



Do those help?

Dannyloski 07-24-2007 03:16 PM

^ Get me the Embed Code for them ...

Carlos2 07-24-2007 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1300218)
Get me some Vid Links and an Embed Code for that Site and I'll see if if its possible to get it to work ...

You do not add these through the Add/Import Product option ... Instead you do this:
AdminCP > AME CP > Import > Browse > Select the downloaded .xml > Click "Import" Button

I agree that this is an awesome hack ... If you get me some Vid Links and an Embed Code for RedLasso I'll see if I can get it to work ... I see that its in Beta right now and you can only access the site via Invitation ...

Thanks!!!! Working ;)

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