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AzzidReign 04-06-2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1220882)
When i wrote the plugin description, the plugin worked only from lastpost activity, and you didn't have the option. I forgot to update the descriptions when i gave users the choice.

Thanks for the explanation, I figured that's what happened and I was hoping to point it out. Great mod, thank you.

Also, could there be an option to send to the people who chose not to receive emails from the administrators? I would like to send 1 email to these people since it's a lot of them and then just leave it at that.

Alibass 04-07-2007 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by cowudders14 (Post 1221114)
Ditto here - Installed and working, but the emails are in plain text with html tags. Looking at the source of the message, I can see it is sending with

MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Thus, the email readers are quite correctly displaying it as plain text, despite the html tags in it.

I am having the same issue. Has anyone heard if there is a fix for this? I was having no problems until I upgraded from 1.09 to 1.10

djbaxter 04-07-2007 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Alibass (Post 1221661)
I am having the same issue. Has anyone heard if there is a fix for this? I was having no problems until I upgraded from 1.09 to 1.10

That I believe was the switch to the vbmail system from regular email.

kenfuzed 04-07-2007 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by kenfuzed (Post 1221190)
I installed this today and set it up per the instructions. To test it out I manually kicked it off job but it only sent out to 7 members even though there are over 1000 inactive. Two of the members emailed just joined this morning.

What could be causing this?

Still not working, log states "no emails to send" I'm ready to uninstall.

C Braithwaite 04-08-2007 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1221804)
That I believe was the switch to the vbmail system from regular email.

yes, that is the case - vbmail sends out plain text. im trying to think of a work around.

croportal 04-08-2007 08:06 AM

how to remove from footer your link to the site

i have edit php file like this

$message = $message . "";

and still showing


croportal 04-08-2007 08:10 AM

i now see that you can removed the link

i have uninstall the product

this is really stupid move

C Braithwaite 04-08-2007 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by croportal (Post 1222533)
how to remove from footer your link to the site

i have edit php file like this

$message = $message . "";

and still showing



croportal 04-08-2007 08:24 AM


i dont speak english very well

C Braithwaite 04-08-2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by croportal (Post 1222545)

i dont speak english very well

it means that if you read the instructions, you will find your answers

GreeceMonkey 04-08-2007 11:17 AM


I hope I have not missed the information but what exactly does the following options do ?

Show footer link?

Add credit to emails sent


djbaxter 04-08-2007 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by GreeceMonkey (Post 1222608)
I hope I have not missed the information but what exactly does the following options do ?

Show footer link?

Places a small footer link on your forum to give credit and a link to the author of this add-on.


Originally Posted by GreeceMonkey (Post 1222608)
Add credit to emails sent

That's an alternate option to give credit to the author - for those who whined about the footer link, Chris made it easy to remove the footer link and added an option to place the link in the emails sent out by the add-on instead.

croportal 04-08-2007 03:21 PM

i have read instructions and i dont see where you mention footer link?

djbaxter 04-08-2007 03:43 PM

Admin CP | vBulletin Options | Inactive user reminder emails

GreeceMonkey 04-08-2007 04:07 PM

Ok, thanks for that, now I understand it, I will use it. I have about 3000 qualifiying people that would receive this at the first run, and I did not want to send it, without knowing what it was going to do.

I will send it now, and of course I keep you updated with the progress and impact this has


MikeHolohan 04-09-2007 04:58 AM

Installed, ran cron job, said 20 emails were sent, one of which was to my test account but after 20 mins I still didn't get an email... Mike.

Added... two hours later, still no email...

mediax 04-09-2007 06:52 AM

It doesn't sent any mails out ? I hope you can fix it this is a great idea !

MikeHolohan 04-09-2007 10:20 AM

Uninstalled, doesn't work... Mike.

trickfly 04-09-2007 03:29 PM

remindermail.php ? That was not included in the zip download

I uploaded reminder.php to includes > cron (directory) NOT remindermail.php

Please help

djbaxter 04-09-2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by trickfly (Post 1223354)
remindermail.php ? That was not included in the zip download

I uploaded reminder.php to includes > cron (directory) NOT remindermail.php

Please help

The correct file for this add-on is remindermail.php.

mediax 04-09-2007 03:57 PM

nope it mails nothing and generates no logs

djbaxter 04-09-2007 04:20 PM

1. check that you have enabled the add-on in vBulletin Options

2. check that you have the latest version installed

Alibass 04-09-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1222451)
yes, that is the case - vbmail sends out plain text. im trying to think of a work around.

Just wanted to touch base and see if you have possibly reached a work around or fix for this problem.


voteforbird 04-09-2007 04:30 PM

Is "frequency" the number of reminder emails they'll get? Or how many days before another one will be sent?

obmob 04-09-2007 04:31 PM

WOW, so many posts, it seems some are having troubles, i'll test the latest version and see if i have the same.

djbaxter 04-09-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by voteforbird (Post 1223411)
Is "frequency" the number of reminder emails they'll get? Or how many days before another one will be sent?

The second: how many days before another will be sent out.

voteforbird 04-09-2007 05:30 PM

I ran my cron and nothing happened. No emails were actually sent.

MikeHolohan 04-09-2007 05:45 PM

I ran my cron job, it said 20 emails sent, it even generated a log but no emails were actually sent... Mike.

MikeHolohan 04-09-2007 06:34 PM

Ok finally got it working but I can see all the html tags, is there a way to fix this, what will happen If I remove all the tags and just use plain text?

This is the email I got on my test account...

<p>Hello, Paddy!</p>
<p>We've noticed that you've not been active on Faith Forum for quite some time now,
and we miss you!</p>
<p>Could we not tempt you back?</p>
<p>If you don't remember your password, you can request it here: <a href="http://www.faithforum.eu/login.php?do=lostpw">http://www.faithforum.eu/login.php?do=lostpw</a></p>
<p>We hope to see you soon</p>
<p>Kindest Regards</p>
Faith Forum
<p><a href="http://faithforum.eu">http://faithforum.eu</a></p>


voteforbird 04-09-2007 07:35 PM

I wasn't sure about the whole text/HTML thing, so I simply added a <br /> after each line so it would still be legible if someone had to read the HTML as text.

Of course, the email aren't sending, so it doesn't actually matter.

Alibass 04-09-2007 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by MikeHolohan (Post 1223497)
Ok finally got it working but I can see all the html tags, is there a way to fix this, what will happen If I remove all the tags and just use plain text?

This is the email I got on my test account...

<p>Hello, Paddy!</p>
<p>We've noticed that you've not been active on Faith Forum for quite some time now,
and we miss you!</p>
<p>Could we not tempt you back?</p>
<p>If you don't remember your password, you can request it here: <a href="http://www.faithforum.eu/login.php?do=lostpw">http://www.faithforum.eu/login.php?do=lostpw</a></p>
<p>We hope to see you soon</p>
<p>Kindest Regards</p>
Faith Forum
<p><a href="http://faithforum.eu">http://faithforum.eu</a></p>


I'm afraid you are in the same boat as the rest of us until the developer can figure out a work around for this problem. :(

mediax 04-09-2007 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1223401)
1. check that you have enabled the add-on in vBulletin Options

2. check that you have the latest version installed

All these things are oke but it doen't work

kenfuzed 04-09-2007 10:50 PM

What DOES this mod do, because it sure doesn't send emails or anything remotely close to what it says it can do. Three days and 3 pages of complaints ranging from "only sends out text as html" to "sends nothing". WOW, this is the best mod ever! Thanks, where do I vote for MOTM?

I'm clicking Uninstall, I'm so done with this pile of steaming nonsense. Someone should pull the plug on this one, because its a gonner'.

djbaxter 04-09-2007 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by kenfuzed (Post 1223658)
What DOES this mod do, because it sure doesn't send emails or anything remotely close to what it says it can do. Three days and 3 pages of complaints ranging from "only sends out text as html" to "sends nothing". WOW, this is the best mod ever! Thanks, where do I vote for MOTM?

I'm clicking Uninstall, I'm so done with this pile of steaming nonsense. Someone should pull the plug on this one, because its a gonner'.

Correction: Three days over a holiday weekend.

But thanks for sharing. :D

MikeHolohan 04-10-2007 04:08 AM

Even tho it sent out the mails as html, I am still getting people coming back, so it gets a thumbs up from me, just hope some of this other stuff gets sorted out, good job, thanks Chris... Mike.

GreeceMonkey 04-10-2007 11:19 AM

Having read through most of the posts for this mod, it does seem this is not as straight forward as it seems. I installed this yesterday and got the same results an many other people who posted.

It logs the email as being send the schedual task log, it show them as sending if this is run manually - the problem is it does not send the emails.

Does this require the SMTP option to be configured, or can this work using the normal PHP methods.

I am trying to get this to work on 3.6.5 and dont have SMTP configured with in VB options.

I would if anybody knows the exact config of any users who got it working.

I wounder if this depends on the forum name as it uses the name as part of the FROM address.

Any ideas, I would like to help in getting this one sorted out, as this is an automatic way of keeping my forums alive.


djbaxter 04-10-2007 11:46 AM

The problem is the use of the vBulletin mail system, not whether it's SMTP or PHP. Earlier versions actually worked very well. Someone suggested using the vBulletin mail-system and it seems in switching to that something went awry.

Chris, perhaps as a temporary fix, you could repost version 1.09 as a an optional download?

rapsearch 04-10-2007 12:44 PM


Awsome mod!

One issue i'm having though. I've set the amount of emails at 2 but it keeps on mailing to inactive accounts. now some people get it like 10 times already and they want to report me to spam protection sites :(...

What's wrong and how can i make sure it only emails the reminder like 2 times and then never again.

trickfly 04-10-2007 12:50 PM

I installed this mod like as directed by the instructions, I have set the following options as:


Bu when I go to schedule tasks and click run on the Inactive Email reminder task I get:
Found 0 Inactive users


I have over a thousand members and it found 0 ?

Please can you help


djbaxter 04-10-2007 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by rapsearch (Post 1224132)

Awsome mod!

One issue i'm having though. I've set the amount of emails at 2 but it keeps on mailing to inactive accounts. now some people get it like 10 times already and they want to report me to spam protection sites :(...

What's wrong and how can i make sure it only emails the reminder like 2 times and then never again.

You can't.

Set "Days of Inactivity" to something reasonable, like 30 minimum - 60 or 90 better.

Set "Frequency" to something reasonable, like 30 minimum. This isn't the number of emails to send out - this is the number of days to wait before sending out another "nag". You have it set to nag your members every 2 days - no wonder they're getting annoyed.


Originally Posted by trickfly (Post 1224136)
I installed this mod like as directed by the instructions, I have set the following options as:


Bu when I go to schedule tasks and click run on the Inactive Email reminder task I get:
Found 0 Inactive users


I have over a thousand members and it found 0 ?

Please can you help


Answered in PM. The problem is, I think, the switch to the vBulletin mail system in version 1.10. I understand that the author is working on this.

See my post above where I've suggested he make version 1.09 (which worked well) available for download until the fix is determined.

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