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sandrodz 03-20-2007 09:39 PM

I'm still having problem with related articles... they just don't show up :S how are those served? maybe I'm missing something :(

Eagle Creek 03-23-2007 11:57 AM

Mary? I've got some problems..

First: people can keep rating, even when they already have given a rate/review. So they can vote 5 times " excellent " on row if they want.
Second: when a category has a "'" (==> ' <==) in it's name, posting an article will give a vB Dbase error.

Please reply :).

louis_chypher 03-23-2007 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1204936)
Also please write me what PHP and MySQL versions are you running.Maria

PHP 5.1.4 MySQl 5.0.8

Fearlessninja 03-26-2007 05:42 AM

It would be great if this hack had a subcategory option.

MaryTheG(r)eek 03-26-2007 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by Fearlessninja (Post 1212471)
It would be great if this hack had a subcategory option.

A special version of vbArticles, which is targeting to News Publishing rather to Article Reviews, has been released yesterday. It's name is vbNews and most propably should be also a free version for it too (sure with subcategories option).You can demo it at: http://www.madebymary.com/vbnews.php
Some of the main differences than vbArticles (except supporting subcategories) are:- RSS Feeds- Banners per category- Can be install even as your index page by renaming the file- Supports page breaks with pagination- Admin can setup usergroups for posting per categoryand some others that really I don't remember right now.Maria

Fearlessninja 03-26-2007 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1212476)
A special version of vbArticles, which is targeting to News Publishing rather to Article Reviews, has been released yesterday. It's name is vbNews and most propably should be also a free version for it too (sure with subcategories option).You can demo it at: http://www.madebymary.com/vbnews.php
Some of the main differences than vbArticles (except supporting subcategories) are:- RSS Feeds- Banners per category- Can be install even as your index page by renaming the file- Supports page breaks with pagination- Admin can setup usergroups for posting per categoryand some others that really I don't remember right now.Maria

Thats great to hear ^^, I'll hang on tight and wait for the free version ^^

bada_bing 03-27-2007 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1204670)
Please dont use this site for support of the commercial version
Thank you

I have tried to get a response via your forum, PM on vb.org and your site and via email and no resolution as of yet.

Sam1985 03-29-2007 07:51 PM

Hi Maria

I have tried your vbarticles before.
There is on thing stoping me for adopting it.

I have 10 subjects (English, Math, History, etc....) I need to have subcategories for every subject. I am running a custom script I made(very basic and I could not integrate it with vb due to my limited knowledge of php and mysql)

I see above that you have a news version of the system, but I think this is a bit different than vbarticles for me to even use it for my purpose.

I think vbarticles is a great system for my purpose, but I am hoping you can release a version that supports subcategories (I have seen so many people requesting this) i am sorry to be the one asking for the 1000000 time.

If you are planning major upgrades do you think a mod for vbarticles is possible to allow subcats?

Please let me know. I will purchase several copies mainly because of subcats and the search features.


snakeair 03-31-2007 05:29 PM

So far it works. I'm telling my members to PM me if they find anything wrong while posting.

Fearlessninja 03-31-2007 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sam1985 (Post 1215554)
Hi Maria

I have tried your vbarticles before.
There is on thing stoping me for adopting it.

I have 10 subjects (English, Math, History, etc....) I need to have subcategories for every subject. I am running a custom script I made(very basic and I could not integrate it with vb due to my limited knowledge of php and mysql)

I see above that you have a news version of the system, but I think this is a bit different than vbarticles for me to even use it for my purpose.

I think vbarticles is a great system for my purpose, but I am hoping you can release a version that supports subcategories (I have seen so many people requesting this) i am sorry to be the one asking for the 1000000 time.

If you are planning major upgrades do you think a mod for vbarticles is possible to allow subcats?

Please let me know. I will purchase several copies mainly because of subcats and the search features.


I totally agree with what you're saying, if you made sub-categories for VB-articles, it would be perfect. I wouldn't need the extra functions in the news system.

bada_bing 04-06-2007 01:45 PM

Where is Mary? Looks like she disaapeared from this site and her own forum

sandrodz 04-22-2007 12:46 PM

I'm not using license for vbarticles and vbnews any more. If anyone wants I can sell for reduced price :)

tommykjensen 04-22-2007 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing (Post 1221059)
Where is Mary? Looks like she disaapeared from this site and her own forum

Look here:

It appears that she do not want to provide any support here. I was looking at using this MOD maybe even buy it. Buy the lack of communication here result in me dropping this. Her last post in this thread is from 27/3 but I have noticed she has been online several times since then (check the profile to see).

MaryTheG(r)eek 04-22-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by sandrodz (Post 1233322)
I'm not using license for vbarticles and vbnews any more. If anyone wants I can sell for reduced price :)

You can't sell something that you got for free (vbNews). As for vbArticles, just send me by email PayPal's transaction id and you'll get a full refund :)

MaryTheG(r)eek 04-22-2007 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sam1985 (Post 1215554)
Hi Maria

I have tried your vbarticles before.
There is on thing stoping me for adopting it.

I have 10 subjects (English, Math, History, etc....) I need to have subcategories for every subject. I am running a custom script I made(very basic and I could not integrate it with vb due to my limited knowledge of php and mysql)

I see above that you have a news version of the system, but I think this is a bit different than vbarticles for me to even use it for my purpose.

I think vbarticles is a great system for my purpose, but I am hoping you can release a version that supports subcategories (I have seen so many people requesting this) i am sorry to be the one asking for the 1000000 time.

If you are planning major upgrades do you think a mod for vbarticles is possible to allow subcats?

Please let me know. I will purchase several copies mainly because of subcats and the search features.


As vbNews has much more features than vbArticles, this will be the one which will have an update by having a switch which will let admin to decide if the system will work with:
  1. Comments (reviews) and Rating
  2. Comments only
  3. None of them
In this way you can use all vbNews' features (subcategories, chapters etc), plus Rate and Review of vbArticles.

MaryTheG(r)eek 04-22-2007 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by tommykjensen (Post 1233362)
Look here:

It appears that she do not want to provide any support here. I was looking at using this MOD maybe even buy it. Buy the lack of communication here result in me dropping this. Her last post in this thread is from 27/3 but I have noticed she has been online several times since then (check the profile to see).

I'm wondering if you (talking in general for all who ask for it) even thought that Maria is a human like all of you, and maybe something happen to her. Just wondering. Nothing more.

As for visits here, the system says that member "MicroHellas" visited the site. This dosen't means that I was the one.


tommykjensen 04-22-2007 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1233377)
As for visits here, the system says that member "MicroHellas" visited the site. This dosen't means that I was the one.

?? Do you share you account with someone else ? Strange if that is the case.

MaryTheG(r)eek 04-23-2007 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by tommykjensen (Post 1233555)
?? Do you share you account with someone else ? Strange if that is the case.

I'm not sharing my account. I just ask from a friend to login and reply to some messages as I was unable to do it.

louis_chypher 04-24-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by louis_chypher (Post 1205156)
[Fri Mar 16 13:12:33 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/chroot/home/content/b/b/d/bbdsms/html/forums/vbarticles/images/bullet.gif

[Fri Mar 16 13:13:28 2007] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=louis.chypher@gmail.com; linda: /var/chroot/home/content/b/b/d/bbdsms/html/forums/vbarticles.php

[Fri Mar 16 13:14:02 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/chroot/home/content/b/b/d/bbdsms/html/forums/vbarticles/images/bullet.gif

Is the error that I get from the log file from the server.

PHP 5.1.4 MySQl 5.0.8

Hi, Thanks for the mod. I was wondering about the error that I've been getting if it's fine with you if I just go ahead and work on solving it myself?

MaryTheG(r)eek 04-25-2007 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by louis_chypher (Post 1234900)
PHP 5.1.4 MySQl 5.0.8

Hi, Thanks for the mod. I was wondering about the error that I've been getting if it's fine with you if I just go ahead and work on solving it myself?


Seems that for some reason bullet.gif hasn't uploaded in your site. Upload it from your zipfile or download it here (attached). You must upload it at: vbarticles/images/

ShawnV 04-26-2007 05:12 PM

Do you have a branding free version of the commercial product, if so how much is it?



MaryTheG(r)eek 04-26-2007 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by ShawnV (Post 1235946)
Do you have a branding free version of the commercial product, if so how much is it?



Branding Free has standard price of $25 for all modules, Free and/or Commercials.

ShawnV 04-26-2007 07:32 PM

Great, one more question, would the vbArticles script be best for use by my clients to post stories, tall tells, ergo: chapters of books and so on, its for a fantasy site. As well as reviews and how to manuals on games?



MaryTheG(r)eek 04-27-2007 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnV (Post 1236018)
Great, one more question, would the vbArticles script be best for use by my clients to post stories, tall tells, ergo: chapters of books and so on, its for a fantasy site. As well as reviews and how to manuals on games?



Even if vbArticles supports pagination, I don't recomment it for long stories (eg Books, Tutorials etc). To do this, I believe that the best is vbNews. I've also post a free version here. More important additions in vbnews:
  • Supports subcategories
  • Supports unlimited chapters (every chapter with pagination if its a long one)
  • Can be used even as main page of your site
  • Supports sponsors (Banners) per category
  • You can assign usergroup permissions for adding articles per category
  • .... and more...
Disavandange at this moment. vbNews supports only commenting and not rating.

ShawnV 04-27-2007 04:04 PM

I looked at that, however it looks more like a CMS and news center then the article one, news this and that where the other has things like author, and editors choice and so on.

Can news be set up to look like your other mod so its theme is about stories, books, BLOGS and authors, rather then news?



louis_chypher 04-27-2007 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1235075)

Seems that for some reason bullet.gif hasn't uploaded in your site. Upload it from your zipfile or download it here (attached). You must upload it at: vbarticles/images/

a check of the vbarticles/images directory reveals that the file bullet.gif already exist.

I uploaded the gif bullet.gif that you posted.

at the save of a new article I get the same error message.

WNxWakko 05-06-2007 04:59 PM


This program has huge security issues due to the use of HTML. I upgraded to a new server and so I did a little experiment on my old one. I was able to crash the server through the HTML capabilities in this program within about 2 minutes. Thus I have removed this program from my site and will not continue use of it.

MaryTheG(r)eek 05-06-2007 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 1242548)

This program has huge security issues due to the use of HTML. I upgraded to a new server and so I did a little experiment on my old one. I was able to crash the server through the HTML capabilities in this program within about 2 minutes. Thus I have removed this program from my site and will not continue use of it.

My Congratulation that you found something that everyone knows in this planet !!! Do you know any script using HTML editor, that in hands of experiant users like you, didn't crashed?... Or do you think that using other type of editors your system is safe? If you think something like that, sorry but you're a dreamer.
The fact my dear, is to wish nobody to give attention to "our" site. If someone wants to crash our servers, can be done it easily. It's not more than 3 weeks, that as I know hackers crashed Microsoft's server.

And finally, you've the choice to give to your users access to simple editor. Giving them access to the full editor, means that you trust them.

WNxWakko 05-06-2007 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1242556)
My Congratulation that you found something that everyone knows in this planet !!!

If you believe that, then you are naive. A lot of people come here, download plugs, install them and know nothing about how they work. I am sorry you appear to be offended by my post.

bidouilleur 05-06-2007 06:02 PM

and next to that, it is the servers admins responsibility to secure the server. You say html can crash a server, indeed but PHP, CGI are a lot worse and easier to crack servers.

This is the major head ache of every server admin, not only to protect against those wanting to kill your server, but also against those starting to code and 'by accident' kill your server. Not every server kill is because someone wanted it. I saw in the past simple scripts overload a server to crash just by sending mysql in a loop.

No single script is perfect and the more options scripts give, the harder it will be to keep a server secure. That's the price to pay for trying to give better and better programs.

Don't only blame coders, I saw enough servers ran by youngster knowing hardly a line of Linux to host accounts. Today it is easy, a few $, a server package that manages all and they think all is fine... yeah... except that keeping a server secure, is almost a full time job.

I'm sure most coders learn as they go and even experienced coders still find new loopholes.. same for server admins, what seems perfect today might be... hopeless in a few weeks.

Instead just saying it is bad, maybe contact her and share your knowledge, findings, who knows you both can even find a solution to make it better. We all will be better with it.

WNxWakko 05-06-2007 06:50 PM

The best way to make this script safer would have been to use the VB code itself. Almost all the portals and other add-ins, utilize the VB code rather than using HTML. It wont make it foolproof, but changing it over to vb code would make it 100x more secure. Anyone can download a kiddie script and run it on the html with no knowledge of anything. However trying to crash a server with VB code would take some expert experience beyond most. That alone would make this script more valuable and allow for less headache worries. The coding to utilize VB code is not very difficult for someone who was able to create a script like this, so why don't consider that? If you did, I would give you a 5 star rating.

MaryTheG(r)eek 05-07-2007 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 1242599)
The best way to make this script safer would have been to use the VB code itself. Almost all the portals and other add-ins, utilize the VB code rather than using HTML. It wont make it foolproof, but changing it over to vb code would make it 100x more secure. Anyone can download a kiddie script and run it on the html with no knowledge of anything. However trying to crash a server with VB code would take some expert experience beyond most. That alone would make this script more valuable and allow for less headache worries. The coding to utilize VB code is not very difficult for someone who was able to create a script like this, so why don't consider that? If you did, I would give you a 5 star rating.

Now, you hit the point. Do you think that I'm so crazy to work in something new while there is something ready to use? I wrote it many times before (also in posts for vBnews). I wanted to use vB editor. But as long as, the vB's support team told me that I'm breaking the vB's licence by doing it, I had no other chance than to find (and pay for it) another editor.

And as a way to close it for ever. Why you're asking from me to add vB editor while I don't have permission to do it, and you don't contact the Administrators here to allow me add it? One of them is who replied negative to my support ticket. Just for referrence my details of my support ticket are: Ticketid: 594682 Feb 08th '07 05:50am

freewhiteeagle 05-12-2007 02:57 PM


Just installed the MOD. I've noticed that the vBArticles CP wasn't showing in my vBulletin CP in spite of my logging out and back in. I went and rechecked I had uploaded the php file in the right place. Actually, I hadn't, so I moved it. Yet it's still not showing. Any idea?



MaryTheG(r)eek 05-12-2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by freewhiteeagle (Post 1246269)

Just installed the MOD. I've noticed that the vBArticles CP wasn't showing in my vBulletin CP in spite of my logging out and back in. I went and rechecked I had uploaded the php file in the right place. Actually, I hadn't, so I moved it. Yet it's still not showing. Any idea?



Have you upload cpnav_vbarticles.xml to your_forum/includes/xml ?

freewhiteeagle 05-13-2007 12:10 AM

Yep! I have.

freewhiteeagle 05-15-2007 05:42 PM

Hi again,

I figured out what was wrong. Somehow I had uploaded the entire xml folder instead of the separate files. anyhow, vBarticles is now showing in my CP.

However, when I click on 'Add Article', I get the following message:

Warning: main(vbarticles/editor/class.rich.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /vbarticles.php on line 675

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'vbarticles/editor/class.rich.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/rawfree/public_html/forum/vbarticles.php on line 675

Any idea?


MaryTheG(r)eek 05-16-2007 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by freewhiteeagle (Post 1248263)
Hi again,

I figured out what was wrong. Somehow I had uploaded the entire xml folder instead of the separate files. anyhow, vBarticles is now showing in my CP.

However, when I click on 'Add Article', I get the following message:

Warning: main(vbarticles/editor/class.rich.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /vbarticles.php on line 675

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'vbarticles/editor/class.rich.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/rawfree/public_html/forum/vbarticles.php on line 675

Any idea?


Seems that you had problems during uploading files in your server. Check if the file class.rich.php exists at vbarticles/editor/ and its not "0" bytes.

kunjuk 05-16-2007 09:14 PM

I get a lot of problems while adding pictures, it erase the pictures of my other articles and add the last one I just uploaded to all articles I dont understand what is wrong.

clal2912 05-29-2007 02:24 PM


does anybody know how I can show the last 5 articles in VBAdvanced Home Page? Something like that latesttopic.

I suppose that I have to do a new module.. If someone can you help me.

Thank you,

clal2912 05-29-2007 02:26 PM

<i>I get a lot of problems while adding pictures, it erase the pictures of my other articles and add the last one I just uploaded to all articles I dont understand what is wrong.</i>

I had the same problem. It depends on the php versions. Now I have 4.4.6 and everything works. I had the problem with php 4.4.2


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