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-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130946)

Zoints 11-29-2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pulsorock (Post 1127928)
Hi David!

I posted what I think is a bug in here:

Thank you :)

sambah 11-29-2006 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1118920)
Prices provided above.

Advantages over the free version? There aren't any in my opinion. What would be the advantages for a city in the USA that blew up all their major roads in and out? Do you really think that will keep the people in that want to leave the city? It sure keeps lots of people out and stops all kinds of interaction. If communities truly become interconnected (and they will, even if its not Zoints that pulls it off) we're going to have a few virtual North Korea's on the internet I think.

If it is your opinion that the autonomy version provides less benefits than this one, then why is this free, and the autonomy version $120?

influence 11-29-2006 11:54 PM

I wanna get the autonomy version but then my heart so why should I because there is not much of a difference between paying and using a free version except for the linking thats it. I just hope the photo album feature was still there. I dont know why they took that out.

Pulsorock 11-30-2006 12:00 AM

I want to share some of the profile mods my users have done in just a few hours of the add-on being installed on my site.

Among others least complex than those listed, but very cool profiles...

.... and of course... mine... simple, but nice:

Zoints 11-30-2006 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by sambah (Post 1128378)
If it is your opinion that the autonomy version provides less benefits than this one, then why is this free, and the autonomy version $120?

Zoints Local is designed to usher in an era of forum owners working together in a mutually beneficial manner. The sooner we can all do that, the sooner forums become the center of interaction on the net. As a forum owner, it bothers me that social networks like MySpace get all the headlines and have 2 million people joining per day. All of us know that the quality of the content and interactions on message board based communities is far and above greater than what goes on there.

The problem is size. Separate, we're all mere specks in this vast internet. Together, working in a mutually beneficial manner, we are far bigger than MySpace. Zoints is simply the necessary connector. You'll never hear me talk about how great Zoints is. You'll only hear me talk about how great the communities are and what a positive difference they make for so many.

Autonomy goes against all that. Zoints isn't going to deny someone use of the software because they don't have the same vision we have. But because it takes time and resources to provide that separate version that goes against what our overall mission is, then we need to charge for it.

Mark my words. Interconnected communities operating in a mutually beneficial manner are the future of the internet.

Pulsorock 11-30-2006 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1128425)
Zoints Local is designed to usher in an era of forum owners working together in a mutually beneficial manner. The sooner we can all do that, the sooner forums become the center of interaction on the net. As a forum owner, it bothers me that social networks like MySpace get all the headlines and have 2 million people joining per day. All of us know that the quality of the content and interactions on message board based communities is far and above greater than what goes on there.

The problem is size. Separate, we're all mere specks in this vast internet. Together, working in a mutually beneficial manner, we are far bigger than MySpace. Zoints is simply the necessary connector. You'll never hear me talk about how great Zoints is. You'll only hear me talk about how great the communities are and what a positive difference they make for so many.

Mark my words. Interconnected communities operating in a mutually beneficial manner are the future of the internet.

Amen my brotha' hehehe ;)

basketmen 11-30-2006 04:15 AM

I have problem

i use lattest zoints local in my forum

when Add a Member to Your Network and press Add Member button always get error


The page cannot be displayed

but if you try that member to network again it had done :


You have already requested to add this member to your network. Your request is still pending approval. Until approved, you may not try to add this member again or add them to any additional groups

can anybody get answer of my problem? i dont want always get error messages when someone add other member to network

Zoints 11-30-2006 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by basketmen (Post 1128492)
when Add a Member to Your Network and press Add Member button always get error

What url are you at when you get that error?


Originally Posted by basketmen (Post 1128492)
but if you try that member to network again it had done :

That means the request went through to them. You just didn't get redirected properly for some reason.

basketmen 11-30-2006 04:30 AM

Yes you right the request is done, my problem is just always get message error after add someone to be network

you can try add someone in my forum www.indonesiaindonesia.com/forum
username : test
password : test

i had reinstall 3 times and still get that errors, is it something wrong in my host?

Zoints 11-30-2006 07:46 AM

By forum owner request, we are releasing a new vBulletin product (2.1.2) with some great options. And since we're doing that, we decided to release Zoints Local 1.0.1 to deal with a few bugs too. Let's talk about the vBulletin product first:

We were using "Zoints" all over the place, and you folks didn't like it. No problem, with the new vBulletin product, you can change the name of your profile system MUCH easier. In addition, you can change the postbit links and link to member blogs in the navbar as you can see with the below screenshot.


Upgrade Instructions

1. Unzip the file.
2. Access your vbulletin admincp
3. Import the .xml product via the product manager (set overwrite to yes)


2006/11/29 - 2.1.2
* Ability to change various link names in the options
* Blog link in navbar (off by default)

Zoints 11-30-2006 07:49 AM

As stated above, we decided to release Zoints Local 1.0.1. There aren't any critical bugs, just a few annoyances, the biggest being the media block decided to die on us. In addition, we removed some references to Zoints from the profile side of things so you can continue to brand everything as yours :)

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Select "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0.1"

That's it!


2006/11/29: 1.0.1
* Avatar maximum size restriction
* Avatar display issue fixed
* Pulling headinclude template for vBulletin
* Pending friends issue fixed
* Media block fixed
* Various streamlining of text / names
* Blocking users fix
* Various misc bugfixes
* Removed various references to "Zoints"

Greek76 11-30-2006 08:27 AM

Upgraded and its went nice and smooth. Great job! My only question is on the Enable profile link in post bit I dont see a link besides the one above the user name which say's view example zoints profile. Is it because Im using postbit legacy possibly? If so is their a way to fix it? Thanks

Zoints 11-30-2006 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Greek76 (Post 1128588)
Upgraded and its went nice and smooth. Great job! My only question is on the Enable profile link in post bit I dont see a link besides the one above the user name which say's view example zoints profile. Is it because Im using postbit legacy possibly? If so is their a way to fix it? Thanks

Thank you for your kind words.

I took a quick look at your forum and my guess is because of all the hacks you have in your postbit, the automated system wasn't able to add the link. In the readme file in the zip, we provide instructions for manually editing the postbit to add it.

But what do you mean by "View example Zoints profile"? Where are you seeing that?

taurus999s 11-30-2006 02:40 PM

Hi, I am all new to vBulletin and all and Zoints looked promising. Could you tell me if Zoints is fits the requirements?

What I am building is a gaming community. In this community, I have people who play different games i.e. World of Warcraft, Eve Online and etc. Within each game, e.g. World of Warcraft, the players are grouped into 'guilds'. What I would like to do is to pull together all the players regardless of game and 'guilds' into a single forum.

Then I would like to post 'guild info' on some sort of a central page/database so that individual gamers could link themselves to one or more 'guilds' in one or more games. Each 'guild' would need to have some data points/information defined i.e. Guild Name, Server, Server Type, Guild's Home Website, Membership requirements, Raiding Hours, Contact, Current Status, Last Updated Date, Dungeon 1: Farming Status etc.

Is Zoints The plugin to use for the above purpose? If not, would you be able to recommend one? :) I am going blind from all the posts I am reading. From the description, Zoints looks promising but the description is to vague.

Thank you.

Greek76 11-30-2006 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1128600)
Thank you for your kind words.

I took a quick look at your forum and my guess is because of all the hacks you have in your postbit, the automated system wasn't able to add the link. In the readme file in the zip, we provide instructions for manually editing the postbit to add it.

But what do you mean by "View example Zoints profile"? Where are you seeing that?

If you click on a user name it will show"View (username) Zoints profile".
Ok that worked I edited postbit legacy template. Thanks for your quick response.

Zoints 11-30-2006 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by taurus999s (Post 1128758)
Then I would like to post 'guild info' on some sort of a central page/database so that individual gamers could link themselves to one or more 'guilds' in one or more games. Each 'guild' would need to have some data points/information defined i.e. Guild Name, Server, Server Type, Guild's Home Website, Membership requirements, Raiding Hours, Contact, Current Status, Last Updated Date, Dungeon 1: Farming Status etc.

Are you looking ot use Zoints Local to create the central page/database? Or to do what you outlined in the rest of the post?

influence 11-30-2006 08:41 PM

is the photo album feature ever going to be included to zoints local like the centralized zoints product?

AricM 11-30-2006 10:01 PM

First off, great product you guys have. My members are just loving it.

I have noticed a possible bug? Usernames with a '&' in them don't seem to work (error message is "no user found") when using the rewrite method.

Also, when changing a user's username on the forum, it doesn't change their name in the z_user table. I had to do it manually. Maybe a "rebuild" function would help :)

That is all.

Keep up the good work!

projectego 11-30-2006 10:25 PM

[high]* projectego clicks install :)[/high]

Zoints 11-30-2006 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by influence (Post 1128980)
is the photo album feature ever going to be included to zoints local like the centralized zoints product?

The photo album on Zoints Central isn't that good yet. There are far better (even free) photo albums available. Our present plans call for allowing easy integration with the various albums on the market today. That will be done in the next major feature release.


Originally Posted by projectego (Post 1129033)
[high]* projectego clicks install :)[/high]

Thanks :) We look forward to working with you.

Zoints 11-30-2006 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by AricM (Post 1129025)
First off, great product you guys have. My members are just loving it.

Thank you. And it's great to hear your members are enjoying it :)


Originally Posted by AricM (Post 1129025)
I have noticed a possible bug? Usernames with a '&' in them don't seem to work (error message is "no user found") when using the rewrite method.

Also, when changing a user's username on the forum, it doesn't change their name in the z_user table. I had to do it manually. Maybe a "rebuild" function would help :)

Both of those are working as designed. Here's how it works:

1. If a user has a special character in their name, because we show their name in the url, it would create a problem. Therefore, the first time they access their profile, they'll be asked to create a different name for their profile that doesn't have a special character. After they do that, then everything will work normally.

2. Their username will be updated after they access their profile once the name change is made.

AricM 11-30-2006 11:36 PM

Awesome, thanks :)

htrshgytrs 12-01-2006 03:51 AM

loving this mod, thanks a bunch!

One question though, is there a way to show members who have updated their zoints profile (ideally in the postbit)? We have 23000 members and i'd like to be able to see who is using this system without randomly checking.

eg replace this edit;


<if condition="$show['zointsprofile']">
<div><a href="$vboptions[zointsprofile_zurl]?id=$post[userid]" target="_blank">$vbphrase[zointsprofile_my_zoints_profile]</a></div>
with output something like;


View My Profile!
Updated x days ago
Also, would be nice to have a block that show the 10 most recent updated profiles. Unless i've missed this somewhere already?

thanks again

Zoints 12-01-2006 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by htrshgytrs (Post 1129192)
loving this mod, thanks a bunch!

It's our pleasure :) Thank you for utilizing it!


Originally Posted by htrshgytrs (Post 1129192)
One question though, is there a way to show members who have updated their zoints profile (ideally in the postbit)?

Interesting idea Steve. In your opinion (and others are welcome to chime in) what should trip the system as being updated? Style edit? Photo edit? Blog entry? What else?

Zoints 12-01-2006 08:13 AM

Me and the folks behind the scenes here wanted to put out a quick thank you to those of you who were kind enough to nominate Zoints Local for Modification of the Month. Thanks!

htrshgytrs 12-01-2006 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1129275)
Interesting idea Steve. In your opinion (and others are welcome to chime in) what should trip the system as being updated? Style edit? Photo edit? Blog entry? What else?

Thats a great question, one which i couldn't decide before i posted. I would say an overall profile edit (any/all part/s), as once that has been changed its clear people are aware of the new system.

There are other mods around that use carp RSS to update the post bit with recent blog posts, thats the sort of 'liveness' i'm looking for. ie, x member updated their x , x days ago.

And a 'recently updated' block would promote usage amongst other members.

taurus999s 12-01-2006 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1128880)
Are you looking ot use Zoints Local to create the central page/database? Or to do what you outlined in the rest of the post?

I am looking to see if Zoints could do most of the listed stuff i.e. perhaps a moderator controlled 'list of communities' which would be equivalent to 'guilds' and/or 'games'. So people could sign up for each community (guild or games). Then I could appoint leaders of sort who could create a specific page for the community (guild) posting relevant info such as their own home page etc.

Is this requirement too far removed from Zoints? What I am trying to do is build a community by exposing folks to more than just their own little community but perhaps they may wish to take part in more than one community i.e. multiple games.

I am trying to understand it at the conceptual level. I will give it a test drive this weekend.

Thank you.

Pulsorock 12-01-2006 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1129278)
Me and the folks behind the scenes here wanted to put out a quick thank you to those of you who were kind enough to nominate Zoints Local for Modification of the Month. Thanks!

Your're welcome....

Zoints got my vote.. :)

Greek76 12-01-2006 05:33 PM

Zoints local and seo has to be by far the best mods. Within a month Im on the first page of google under greek forum lol. This Zoints local I believe is going to be a hit.

DChapman it would be great if their was an option to add an mp3 file to the blogs like you can in myspace.

Zoints 12-01-2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by taurus999s (Post 1129342)
I am looking to see if Zoints could do most of the listed stuff i.e. perhaps a moderator controlled 'list of communities' which would be equivalent to 'guilds' and/or 'games'. So people could sign up for each community (guild or games). Then I could appoint leaders of sort who could create a specific page for the community (guild) posting relevant info such as their own home page etc.

Is this requirement too far removed from Zoints? What I am trying to do is build a community by exposing folks to more than just their own little community but perhaps they may wish to take part in more than one community i.e. multiple games.

While pretty much anything is possible with the platform, it wouldn't be able to do what you're asking for out of the box and would require some hacking. As we move forward, what you're wanting to accomplish will become a much easier task as we add more functionality. As much as I'd love to sell you on this as it being exactly what you're looking for, I don't think it is.

Zoints 12-01-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Greek76 (Post 1129513)
DChapman it would be great if their was an option to add an mp3 file to the blogs like you can in myspace.

On the blog? Can you link me to an example of what you're looking for? Thanks.

Zoints 12-01-2006 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by htrshgytrs (Post 1129309)
There are other mods around that use carp RSS to update the post bit with recent blog posts, thats the sort of 'liveness' i'm looking for. ie, x member updated their x , x days ago.

Can you link me to an implementation like you speak of? I'd like to learn more about it. Thank you.


Originally Posted by htrshgytrs (Post 1129309)
And a 'recently updated' block would promote usage amongst other members.

Agreed. Your idea would be a significant value add to any community.

htrshgytrs 12-01-2006 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1129528)
Can you link me to an implementation like you speak of? I'd like to learn more about it. Thank you.

eg link

thanks in advance :cool:

Zoints 12-02-2006 07:32 PM

We've released 2.1.3 of the vBulletin product. There was an issue for people performing manual edits of the navbar. Unless you were doing manual edits of the navbar, you don't need to upgrade.


Originally Posted by htrshgytrs (Post 1129722)
eg link

Heheh, thank you.

thenetbox 12-03-2006 03:36 PM

Hi.. after upgrading I get the following error when I click on the blog link:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class z_profile:blog in /home/forum/z/blog.php on line 11

gamerzindo 12-03-2006 07:40 PM

thankssssssssssssssssssss install.. awesome

Zoints 12-03-2006 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by thenetbox (Post 1130891)
Hi.. after upgrading I get the following error when I click on the blog link:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class z_profile:blog in /home/forum/z/blog.php on line 11

What version of php are you running?

thenetbox 12-04-2006 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1131260)
What version of php are you running?

The version is:

----@----- [~]# php --version
PHP 4.4.4 (cli) (built: Sep 17 2006 18:47:31)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

actually I uninstalled another mod and it started working.

Canis Firebrand 12-04-2006 04:54 PM

I just downloaded both zip files from this thread and got it installed. Everything looks to be working fine.

One thing that is odd, when I go into the Zoints Local Admin area, I see this message at the top.

You are currently running version "1.0"

The latest version is: 1.0.1
Version 1.0.1 of Zoints Local and a new vBulletin product are now available and can be downloaded here. There are no critical bug fixes in these versions, just a few annoyances fixed and a fix for the media block.

Zoints 12-04-2006 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by thenetbox (Post 1131517)
The version is:

----@----- [~]# php --version
PHP 4.4.4 (cli) (built: Sep 17 2006 18:47:31)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

actually I uninstalled another mod and it started working.

So that we can efficiently assist others who might run into this issue, what mod did you uninstall? Thanks!

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