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antiekeradio 03-07-2007 10:37 PM

Hmm, the beauty of this mod for my board would be that I could ask the questions in Dutch.

this would mean i could use really simple questions, enabling even 'slightly less intelligent' :-) humans to register, while still keeping out the bots and even the human spammers (who don't speak dutch)

still; 2 questions:

- Are there "Phrases" in this plugin so that the title of the question box and the error text can be translated?

- Is it possible to define a {question:answer} set per language?

I am going to install it anyway but consider either a feature request for the future (if not 'yes' already)

PS when reading all the stuff about the problems with CAPTCHA image and all the specific settings etc, I already thought of a custom question system like the one made possible by this. Quite silly vBulletin doesn't want to make this 'out of the box', actually.
totally agree with the MoM award!

Smoothie 03-08-2007 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by ThePiston (Post 1198349)
pretty nice add-on... ever think of including a stock or sample bundle of Q/As in the txt file?

That would defeat the whole purpose of this mod.

antiekeradio 03-08-2007 08:48 AM

after install it seems that both questions are 'no' atm.

where do i change the title of the question box and the error text???

antiekeradio 03-08-2007 08:51 AM

ah, i'm very sorry. the search function of the phrases seems to be case-sensitive, even when it is set not be so. Found the phrases!

rungss 03-08-2007 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by antiekeradio (Post 1198629)
ah, i'm very sorry. the search function of the phrases seems to be case-sensitive, even when it is set not be so. Found the phrases!

I came across this plugin just now.

I have one query, is the validation/search function case sensitive or is it customizable.

If it is case sensitive then user might have a tough time figuring out the answer in the right case combination.

Also if the answer is multiple word or a combination of special characters and alphabets, it again can create a problem for the user.

What is required is a system which verifies that the end user is indeed a human with least trouble for the user. and that the user is not prompted again and again unnecessarily to retype the answer or verify them.

Bijay Rungta
Software Architect

Smoothie 03-08-2007 01:15 PM

The answers, they are not case-sensitive.

antialiasis 03-11-2007 01:06 AM

antiekeradio, a user posted fairly recently somewhere in this thread with a modification of this hack that allows for questions to be in different languages. However, it is not exactly going to help keeping out spammers any better if the questions are already also in English, is it? And if you want them only in Dutch, you can just put them in in Dutch right from the start.


Originally Posted by ThePiston
can you tell me in very simple terms where I find "form template "? thanks

I'm not sure what you're referring to... the first thing I thought of when I saw that was that you had been installing the Forms Hack and are having trouble with that, but then you should ask for support in that hack's own support thread.

rungss, the answers are case insensitive. Whether the answer is multi-worded or such of course depends entirely upon the administrator of the forum; it is therefore up to them to have the sense to select questions whose answers are straightforward enough to make the user have little choice in how to type their answer as long as they do know what it is. If there is any choice at all, the multiple answers can take care of it, such as by allowing the user to answer either "4" or "four" if the answer is the number four. I am fairly certain that all that is possible to do on my end to ensure the convenience of the user has been done.

Top Nurse 03-12-2007 07:54 PM

I just installed this into our live forum and it works perfectly in 3.6.5! (see here for the hack mod)



Originally Posted by derfelix (Post 1182738)
Ok i looked a little into the multilingual support.. as I was not satisfied with the solution above. I am using the hack https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=98904 by JoergZ for translating customfields and i thought that i could use a few lines of code here. (actually it is a code snippet I posted in that thread to adapt his hack)

The basic idea is: You only need the question translated, you can define the answers in different languages.. so you give the answers in all installed languages.

3 steps to make it work multilanguage with phrases.

Top Nurse 03-12-2007 08:01 PM

See this post.


Originally Posted by antiekeradio (Post 1198404)

- Are there "Phrases" in this plugin so that the title of the question box and the error text can be translated?

antialiasis 03-13-2007 12:01 AM

That's the questions themselves, not the title of the question box and the error text, however.

I think I named those phrases "nospam_question" and "nospam_wrong_answer", but my memory may be failing me.

SaN-DeeP 03-18-2007 12:58 AM

Why does numerical "2" always appears in text box for me ?

SaN-DeeP 03-18-2007 01:03 AM

anways, reinstalled with "overwrite" and now fixed.

Rich 03-18-2007 04:43 PM

This doesn't work in Opera browsers.

I just tested this on several different browsers. Each of these browsers are the newest they have out:

IE - Works

Mozilla - Works

Netscape - Works

Flock - Works

Slim Browser - Works

Opera - Does NOT Work

Smoothie 03-18-2007 04:54 PM

works with Opera for me.

PoetJA-1975 03-19-2007 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 1206555)
This doesn't work in Opera browsers.

I just tested this on several different browsers. Each of these browsers are the newest they have out:

IE - Works

Mozilla - Works

Netscape - Works

Flock - Works

Slim Browser - Works

Opera - Does NOT Work

I've been using Opera for almost 2 years now-
NoSpam works perfectly for my opera - You may wanna make sure you have the newest version installed - I think it's 9.10 ;)


Rich 03-19-2007 04:01 PM

Version 9.10
Build 8679
Platform Win32
System Windows NT 6.0

I will redownload it and see if perhaps something was amuck. I already checked to see if I had the latest updates, and I do. (I used the "Help" at the top of the browser to check.)

I am not certain why it won't display for me unless it has to do with my OS. I am using Windows Vista.

captainron19 03-19-2007 06:43 PM

Does this work with Version 3.6.5?

aramik 03-21-2007 11:50 AM

ive installed it and all, but it appears it doesn't stop the spam bots too be honest :(

antialiasis 03-23-2007 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 1206555)
This doesn't work in Opera browsers.

I just tested this on several different browsers. Each of these browsers are the newest they have out:

IE - Works

Mozilla - Works

Netscape - Works

Flock - Works

Slim Browser - Works

Opera - Does NOT Work

That quite simply does not make sense; all the code it uses is server-side (meaning the browser will never even know it existed) and then basic HTML which all browsers support. Exactly how is it "not working", anyway? Does the question not appear or what?


Originally Posted by captainron19 (Post 1207524)
Does this work with Version 3.6.5?

I believe somebody posted earlier in the thread that it works fine with 3.6.5; I would be very surprised if it did not, either way, considering I don't believe any of the files that this hack contains plugins in were changed at all.


Originally Posted by aramik (Post 1208726)
ive installed it and all, but it appears it doesn't stop the spam bots too be honest :(

There are three possible explanations for this.
a) Your questions aren't good enough. What questions are you using?
b) The spammers at your forum are legitimate human beings or had legitimate human beings register for them, in which case I'm afraid there is no stopping them. Is there anything making you believe they are definitely bots?
c) You forgot to turn it on in the Admin CP. :P

As I have said, this hack is theoretically impossible for a computer at even the most advanced level of AI known in the world today to bypass, as long as the administrator makes up varied enough questions. Thus, if it doesn't stop spam at your forums, nothing will. :/

Smoothie 03-24-2007 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by captainron19 (Post 1207524)
Does this work with Version 3.6.5?

Does a bear crap in the woods?

aramik 03-24-2007 02:52 PM

Hmm, it's on. Well the types of usernames they register with and the certain sections they post in make me believe they are too stupid to be human. It could be my questions, ill add more complex ones.

derfelix 03-24-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Top Nurse (Post 1201910)
I just installed this into our live forum and it works perfectly in 3.6.5! (see here for the hack mod)


Happy to read its working.. but.. its also a draw back..
if you have for example 3 languages installed, you also have to accept at least 3 answers for every question. .. that makes it a little easier for bots as some may consider it as a password and use brute force.... . :confused:

btw a question.. as the difficulty of the questions often comes up.

isnt it rather the length of the answer? because in my understanding, either someone understands the question or doesnt.. if he doesnt then the difficulty doesnt matter.

but if he does he can answer any question.. or am I wrong??
thats why i meant.. the length of the answer might rather be important.. rather than the difficulty... (a program will take longer to find a fitting word with 8 letters than a three letter word)


antialiasis 03-24-2007 11:52 PM

Well, the thing is that no computer is going to be programmed to sit there cycling through possible answers to NoSpam! questions, especially if the questions change randomly. It makes much more economical sense to just make it give up and go to a forum that doesn't have NoSpam! installed. Remember that to prevent a thief from breaking in, you only need your house to be a bit more secure than your neighbour's. ;)

wwhiker 03-25-2007 12:43 AM

This is awesome! Thank you so much. :up:

Rich 03-25-2007 01:10 AM


Yes, the issue was that it just wasn't appearing in Opera at all. It displayed fine in every other browser, but for some reason, it didn't display in Opera. I went ahead and redownloaded Opera and it started working. I had even emptied the cache and temp files to see if it was just a quirk. Who knows, but it displays in Opera now and that is all I was concerned about.

odie3 03-25-2007 07:48 PM

Very nice - this is great! I added like 10 questions!

Thank You!

BTW, it would be nice to have a link to refresh the question like the image has... ;)

toytaco99 03-27-2007 03:01 AM

Just wanted to post up a thanks to the developer of this plugin. It has worked WONDERS for our forum. We used to get between 3 and 4 new Spam registrations each day and in the past week since I installed it, we have had NONE. Excellent job. :up:

blinking8s 03-27-2007 06:40 AM

Ok...I've been pounding my head against the wall.

We recently upgraded to 3.6.5 and for months have been plagued with spam, it's worse than ever now.

So I downloaded the NoSpam! 3.0, uploaded the xml, and now I'm lost.

Everything is present in the admin, but I can't seem to get it to display.

The install instructions don't seem to tell me a lot, they end with a nice THATS IT! and you would think things would work.

Which template files do I need to edit? The implimentation file discribes it's use with the quick register hack at the top. That confused me, because I don't have that.

I don't see any option to select the pages it appears on. Just if I want it on a specific 4 pages which looks to be present in the previous versions changelog.

Do I need captcha enabled?

I apologize for my retardation. It's frustrating cause so many users have given praise on ease of installation and how good a job this has done. But the instructions and troubleshooting are just not clear to me.

antialiasis 03-27-2007 10:06 PM

There should be a file in the NoSpam! zip you got called troubleshooting.txt. This describes the template edits you need to make to make NoSpam! appear on each of the supported pages if it does not work immediately upon installation. Follow the instructions for those pages you have enabled where it is not working. The integration file is about integrating NoSpam! with other hacks and is not relevant to your case if you don't need it integrated with other hacks.

Those four options are the pages you can select for it to appear on, as they are the only places in the forum at which I could picture NoSpam! as being remotely useful. The change since version 2.0 is that now you can choose to disable it for one or more of those pages, while previously it would always appear on all of them. Make sure you at least have it set to be enabled at registration, and perhaps the others if you would like that; now follow the instructions for template edits in the troubleshooting.txt file you downloaded for each page you enabled where it is not appearing. For example, if you enabled it at registration but not at the Contact Us page, you should follow the instructions under REGISTRATION, but not those under CONTACT US.

jketron 03-28-2007 03:27 AM

I am running 3.6.5 vbulletin and your latest version of NoSpam and I had it working fine, for reasons unknown I no longer get the prompt during new user registration to enter the text for Nospam verification. I have the little image thing that the users have to type but the field and question are missing. I have it enabled in the admincp and the new user registration fails with the notice that I didn't answer the NoSpam question...I never got the chance


blinking8s 03-28-2007 09:16 AM

I went through the troubleshooting and triple checked that everything is in place, nospam is enabled and everything appears to function fine within the admin

but...it does not display in registration or any of the other pages.


i uninstalled the addon, then reinstalled it, and it had DOUBLE NoSPAM in the templates, so I had to goback and remove the troubleshooting stuff I had added...haha

oh well, it appears to be working now, I am very excited...

antiekeradio 03-28-2007 08:24 PM

first month of use allmost over:

0 spambot registrations.

*knocks wood with a BIG smile.

antialiasis 03-28-2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by jketron (Post 1214219)
I am running 3.6.5 vbulletin and your latest version of NoSpam and I had it working fine, for reasons unknown I no longer get the prompt during new user registration to enter the text for Nospam verification. I have the little image thing that the users have to type but the field and question are missing. I have it enabled in the admincp and the new user registration fails with the notice that I didn't answer the NoSpam question...I never got the chance


View the troubleshooting.txt file you should have downloaded with the hack and make the template edit listed for registration.

Damien001 03-29-2007 07:53 AM

i have install no spam but it seem that some bots are getting by

also have the proxing checker running could that be interfering?

putergirl 04-03-2007 12:26 AM

After another annoying spam registration today I installed your program and it worked right out of the box! Thank you so much. :)

TMM 04-04-2007 07:47 AM


This looks like a great mod - 2 questions:
  • Any chance this will work with 2.2.9....?
  • Can it be set up so that it only applies for guest postings?



haynesforum 04-04-2007 09:18 AM

I've installed NoSpam!, added the question and answer, selected for it to appear on the reg and contact pages and added $nospamfield above $imagereg in their templates but no questions are displayed.


We have vBulletin 3.6.4 and NoSpam3.0, PHP 5.5.

Luky 04-04-2007 09:28 AM

Upgrade to 3.6.5 :) Its safer.

Ncturnal 04-04-2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by TMM (Post 1219514)

This looks like a great mod - 2 questions:
  • Any chance this will work with 2.2.9....?
  • Can it be set up so that it only applies for guest postings?



Version 2.2.9??? :down: Jeebus, uprgrade already. Posting open to Guests? Seriously, I'm speechless. I think you should seriously re-evaluate how you run a forum.

antialiasis 04-04-2007 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by TMM (Post 1219514)

This looks like a great mod - 2 questions:
  • Any chance this will work with 2.2.9....?
  • Can it be set up so that it only applies for guest postings?



It can apply only for guest posting just fine, but I'm afraid that to my knowledge the vBulletin software has been pretty much entirely rewritten since 2.2.9 and I have absolutely no experience with pre-3.5 vBulletin. This isn't such a complicated hack and probably wouldn't take too long to specialize to 2.2.9 for you if you desperately needed it, but that would need me to dig into outdated code that just about nobody is using. If you are using CAPTCHA and yet your forum is being filled with spambots, I might look into it as a favor, but don't count on it. It would be a much better idea to upgrade your forum if at all possible.


Originally Posted by haynesforum (Post 1219536)
I've installed NoSpam!, added the question and answer, selected for it to appear on the reg and contact pages and added $nospamfield above $imagereg in their templates but no questions are displayed.


We have vBulletin 3.6.4 and NoSpam3.0, PHP 5.5.


If you trust me, I could probably figure it out if you gave me admin access to your forum for a little while, but of course it is perfectly understandable if you aren't too fond of the idea. If you try to register, do you get an error message about having answered the question incorrectly or not?

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