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fonzerelli_79 10-07-2002 10:08 AM

ive got it sorted now - thanks for all your help :)

Visionray 10-08-2002 08:14 AM


Originally posted by Visionray
I have a question. How do I make the Thread Titles and the number of views, replies etc. bold? What do I have to change and in what file? I think it would look much nicer if the text were bold.


Here it is on my site as a test www.fusionarena.com/newindex.php

Anyone? I can't figure this out for the life of me.

darker1 10-09-2002 12:45 PM

I am not able to get this hack working using xoops.. anyone care for telling me how they pulled it off?
step by step please :)

cklaszlo 10-10-2002 02:36 PM


I was wondering how to modify this hack to only display the first post of a thread and not all the replies to it?



I am using this hack for "Trip Reports." When a user posts a report in our boards (it will be in a moderator approval cue) I only want their original post of the thread to appear not all the replies.


Visionray 10-29-2002 03:48 PM

anyone know how to make the Thread Titles and the number of views, replies etc. bold?

Oh pretty please with sugar on top.

Logo 12-02-2002 06:14 PM

hi tub !

thanks for this wonderfull hack. the only problem i have is that the textformation is not equal an in the posting. Specially the <br> are missing. so the text is in one row.

This isn?t really nice for looking.

can u help me ?

Sorry about my english, but it all a long long time ago ;)

Logo 12-02-2002 06:17 PM

hi tub !

thanks for this wonderfull hack. the only problem i have is that the textformation is not equal an in the posting. Specially the <br> are missing. so the text is in one row.

This isn?t really nice for looking.

can u help me ?

Sorry about my english, but it all a long long time ago ;)

Logo 12-02-2002 06:17 PM

hi tub !

thanks for this wonderfull hack. the only problem i have is that the textformation is not equal an in the posting. Specially the <br> are missing. so the text is in one row.

This isn?t really nice for looking.

can u help me ?

Sorry about my english, but it all a long long time ago ;)

Visionray 12-03-2002 01:39 AM


Originally posted by Logo

This isn?t really nice for looking.

I believe this thread has been abandoned. I too wish there was a way to improve the appearance, but looks like tube isn't going to respond.

Logo 12-03-2002 06:56 AM

i hope he can help us..

(why did i have made a tripple post ??)

Ryan McBain 12-06-2002 03:05 AM

This hack is great. My question is how do I change it show it shows the actual date and time of the last post? You can see what I have done at http://www.ryanmcbain.com

Visionray 12-06-2002 06:34 AM

open up last10config.php and find this code


$lastpostdate = "0"; // show last post date and time? 1 = yes; 0 = no
Change the "0" to "1"

Also, look for this code


$showdate = "0"; // show the date, as well as the time? if the posts that show up in the list are likely to all be
from today (or you set $last24 to "1"),
you can set this to 0. if the posts are spread over multiple days, you probably want this set to 1.

Change that "0" to "1" as well.

Changing both of those will display both the date and time. If you only want to show the time, then just change the second code I posted to 1, and leave the first to 0.

Dude, if you can find a way to make the links bold I will give you a million dollars. It would look much nicer bold don't you think? I haven't been able to find a way.

Ryan McBain 12-08-2002 02:49 PM

I did that and nothing happens. And also. I made a new thread just to check and see if the hack works. And the same 5 threads are up there. I must of done something wrong there, and thats why I cant get the hack to show the date and time.

DO you have any suggestions?


Originally posted by Visionray
open up last10config.php and find this code


$lastpostdate = "0"; // show last post date and time? 1 = yes; 0 = no
Change the "0" to "1"

Also, look for this code


$showdate = "0"; // show the date, as well as the time? if the posts that show up in the list are likely to all be
from today (or you set $last24 to "1"),
you can set this to 0. if the posts are spread over multiple days, you probably want this set to 1.

Change that "0" to "1" as well.

Changing both of those will display both the date and time. If you only want to show the time, then just change the second code I posted to 1, and leave the first to 0.

Dude, if you can find a way to make the links bold I will give you a million dollars. It would look much nicer bold don't you think? I haven't been able to find a way.

Katman 12-09-2002 02:38 AM

So far I love this hack but............

The smilies in the post don't show up, and I can't put forumid's in both the $excludeforums and $includeforums. If I put numbers seperated by commas without spaces into both of these I get an error: "Error: $includeforums and $excludeforums are both set with numbers. Please remove the numbers from one of these two to proceed."

$path = "forums/admin"; // path to your config.php file (usually in the /admin directory) - NO TRAILING SLASH! Do not include "config.php"
$url = "http://www.katanaplanet.com/forums"; // URL to your board - NO TRAILING SLASH!
$urlimg = "http://www.katanaplanet.com/forums/images"; // URL to your board's images - NO TRAILING

Smilies Source Code as displayed by browser with above configuration:
<img src="http://www.katanaplanet.com/forums//forums/images/smilies/cool.gif" border=0>

Web Site:

ericsmith 12-12-2002 10:18 PM

Could you add ability to show the Rating column in the next version.

rharbison 12-18-2002 03:16 AM

Can this hack be installed to a regular html page? The instructions say the following:

> To include it on a PHP-parsed page (.php, .php3, .phtml, etc.)...
> To include it on a server-parsed page (.shtml, .shtm, .ssi, etc.)...

I want to install it on my index.html page. I'd really rather not change that to index.php or index.shtml etc, as it's currently listed on google etc as index.html

Can I use this without changing the page type/extension?

Hal 12-20-2002 01:35 AM


Originally posted by rharbison
Can this hack be installed to a regular html page? The instructions say the following:

> To include it on a PHP-parsed page (.php, .php3, .phtml, etc.)...
> To include it on a server-parsed page (.shtml, .shtm, .ssi, etc.)...

I want to install it on my index.html page. I'd really rather not change that to index.php or index.shtml etc, as it's currently listed on google etc as index.html

Can I use this without changing the page type/extension?

With an Apache server, you can use the "XBitHack on" directive in an .htaccess file and chmod the html file to be executable. This adds to server load somewhat but will parse the html files for server side includes. (If you are on a shared host, check with host staff first).

Ryan McBain 12-20-2002 02:56 AM

I got it to work, check it out at http://www.ryanmcbain.com :)

julius 01-01-2003 07:38 AM

I want to exclude some threads to show, but config let me only to exclude some forum.
Anyone know if is it possible?

jimmy mac 01-10-2003 06:33 AM

i'm having a problem getting anything to show up. i am pretty sure i configured everything right but i'm adding this to a block on nuke and nothing happens when i add the code to pull up last10.php.

i even tried uploading a plain html page and trying it and still got nothing. any ideas on what i'm doing wrong? i have both the .php files uploaded to my main directory.

suzannev 01-10-2003 01:04 PM

This was exactly what I needed!! I have this installed not only on my main page, but it is also installed throughout the site to pull up certain forums on certain pages. This made my life much. much easier.

{{bowing down}}

Just one comment - there is no option to show just the date of a post, it's either date and time or just time. It would be nice to have just the date too. I don't have a mega site like most here.

Take Care,

Emotional support for the terminally ill since 1999

vfxtalk 01-13-2003 08:14 PM

hi guys,

well i didnt read all 30 pages of the beast.... :)

does this hack work for v2.2.9 ??? Also, will it work with a skin that i have purchased from vbskins.com

Cheers for your help :D


suzannev 01-13-2003 08:21 PM

Hi Paul,

I have it installed on 2.2.9 with no problems. I have 2 instances of it running on one page in different formats by just renaming the last10config.php file to last10config2.php and editing the last10.php to reflect it.

vfxtalk 01-13-2003 08:53 PM

hi there,

do you have an URL where i can see what it looks like with v2.2.9??



suzannev 01-14-2003 02:05 AM

<a href="http://www.cacfriends.com/shareacard.shtml" target="_blank">http://www.cacfriends.com/shareacard.shtml</a>

It's highly customizable.

vfxtalk 01-14-2003 02:11 AM

thanks again!!! :D

gopherhockey 01-22-2003 06:17 PM

I have seen many requests for information regarding running this on a server that is NOT the same as the vb server.

I even saw one user say he got it working.

Can someone quickly point out whether or not this really works accross servers, and if so how?

Step number one - the path to config.php - appears to be a show stopper right away..

I don't even want to mess with this unless someone can perhaps tell how this might be done, or a definite "no, this doesn't work that way"


SVTBlackLight01 02-11-2003 02:41 AM

:banana: By far the best hack for me to date. :banana:

Robink 02-20-2003 03:21 PM

I get the time wrong in this...

Any idea why??

Jethro 02-26-2003 03:37 AM

Nice work dude :laugh:

Installed and running on version 2.3.0 (have an early version running on 2.2.6 but think we might be changing to the latest version which rocks ... like ... er the Rocky Mountains).

Will post up urls when we upload our pages :)

Robink 02-26-2003 03:57 PM

It displays the time wrong for me!
Can anyone help??

Jethro 03-02-2003 03:17 AM

Nice one, just installed it live. No hassles even for a newbie like myself :glasses:

And here's a pic.....

stark427 03-06-2003 11:35 PM

Nice hack :)

Is there any version which displays the latest XX threads, instead of posts?

thanx in advance :)

Steve_S 03-07-2003 07:24 AM


Originally posted by gopherhockey
I have seen many requests for information regarding running this on a server that is NOT the same as the vb server.

I even saw one user say he got it working.

Can someone quickly point out whether or not this really works accross servers, and if so how?

Step number one - the path to config.php - appears to be a show stopper right away..

I don't even want to mess with this unless someone can perhaps tell how this might be done, or a definite "no, this doesn't work that way"


Not that hard. Step by step at:


D|ver 03-10-2003 09:11 AM

thank you for this cool hack :)

but how can i display the today/yesterday text instead of the date?

thuffner 04-02-2003 08:44 PM

It can't connect to my MySQL database for some reason, and all my info is correct...



Any suggestions?

mcyates 04-12-2003 05:34 PM

My server is 7 hour behind and all the times are wrong. Can this be changed?

Haddy 04-13-2003 07:27 PM

What do I have to edit to make the links open in a blank page...I tryed adding target="_blank" to the last10.php part where it calls the link but it gave me an error....Am I missing something?

filmhobbit 04-14-2003 04:36 AM


03-07-03 at 10:18 AM Steve_S said this in Post #434
Not that hard. Step by step at:


Hi Steve,

The problem with this hack is that it requires a seperate file to be downloaded and installed on the remote server. I want to use this as an easy to use way to drive traffic to my site by making headlines displayable to ANYONE who wants to use them. In other words, ideally I'd like any random webmaster who comes by my site to be able to copy a simple script, insert it on his page and have our headlines displayed there without having to install anything, etc. This way is very difficult and I've had no success getting it to work, let alone making it possible for many users to use it easily.

Is there any way at all to do this?

Sharg 04-27-2003 10:56 PM

Is there no way to have this hack extracting the firt post only (without taking care of the last post ) ?

This way, we could use it for news without having user replies bumping up the news with their comments as "last post".


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