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-   -   Extra Threadfields Lite(Add Text, Radio, Drop Down, & Checkbox Fields To Threads!) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=108888)

morrow 07-31-2006 02:02 AM

2 questions...

1. Is there a paid version yet.
a. What are the differences

2. how about a multiple choice option?


opensource 08-04-2006 10:44 AM

(i'm sorry about my english)
that's the hack i needed, great tool. i hope this option is included in the next vbulletin release.
i have only 1 problem: the text in the fields aren't searchable with the search function of the forum. how can i fix this?
thanks for the tool.

diretur 08-04-2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
I will hopefully look into this. Perhaps i will make it so that you have the option of making fields have permissions so that only certain usergroups can access them.

that would be great! I am looking forward to it.

btw: great hack!

0ptima 08-06-2006 01:32 AM

Anyone use this on 3.6?

BobbyBig 08-09-2006 06:30 PM

I just installed it but i dont see any menĂ¼ in my admin cp - how come ?
EDIT: well now its there, i am sure i watched the admin cp over and over about 5 times with nothing new after refresh :/

Mattikana 08-12-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by 0ptima
Anyone use this on 3.6?

Works flawless for me on 3.6 Gold :cool:

mac27 08-12-2006 09:02 PM

Same here. I use it on 3.6 with no issues.

opensource 08-16-2006 07:59 AM

(i'm sorry about my english.... isn't my language)
this plugin should be default for vBulletin, it's just great for individual forums, great job, thank you.

i've got only one problem:
the extra field input are not searchable. i used an extrafield for example for the names of a team who worked in a projekt, or a field with the technologie of the project. -> when i search with the normal search function of the board, there aren't any hits.

could any body help me?

zippokid 08-16-2006 02:57 PM

This is amazing. I made a trade/sell forum based on this

oricon 08-18-2006 09:50 AM

i have the same problem.... any fix?


Originally Posted by WoodiE

Sweet add-on - I've clicked INSTALL!

One question though, I've noticed that the only way the extra fields show when editing is when I click on "Thread Tools" > Edit Thread.

However if I click on the edit button in the post itself it doesn't show these options - how might I fix this?


0ptima 08-18-2006 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by oricon
i have the same problem.... any fix?

I asked this question more than once with no reply.....

Simplicity 08-19-2006 02:43 PM

I love this hack, its brilliant

[Feature Request]

What I want to do though is have certain forums show the extra thread fields in forumdisplay and in other forums, still use other custom thread fields but not show them in forumdisplay.

Would it be possible to add in a future version the ability to customise which forums show the thread fields on forumdisplay, perhaps on the create/edit forum page add a button 'show extra threadfields' [yes]o [no]o

This would allow much better customisation and allow me to use this hack in forums which have many custom threadfields (can make the forumdisplay very cluttered).

shadow187 08-20-2006 11:40 AM

Nice hack btw...

One Questian, is it possible to parse a text variable into a link ???


NetRover 08-24-2006 11:14 PM

Hi again, all installed and working fine on a new install of 3.6.0

I have studied but can't work out what to edit to pass my threadbits into the newthread title/subject.

toolblast 08-25-2006 05:10 PM

Hi Gio.. check your email please! And email me. You haven't replied to any of my emails it over a week. A hack I paid you to do was due for a demo yesturday.


WoodiE 08-29-2006 11:17 AM


Sweet add-on - I've clicked INSTALL!

One question though, I've noticed that the only way the extra fields show when editing is when I click on "Thread Tools" > Edit Thread.

However if I click on the edit button in the post itself it doesn't show these options - how might I fix this?


0ptima 08-29-2006 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by WoodiE

Sweet add-on - I've clicked INSTALL!

One question though, I've noticed that the only way the extra fields show when editing is when I click on "Thread Tools" > Edit Thread.

However if I click on the edit button in the post itself it doesn't show these options - how might I fix this?


I wish he would address this, several people want a fix for this.:cross-eyed:

bchertov 08-30-2006 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by 0ptima
I wish he would address this, several people want a fix for this.:cross-eyed:

You may notice this hack is called "Extra Threadfields" not
"Extra Postfields", and in my opinion, this is the best way to handle this.

0ptima 09-02-2006 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by bchertov
You may notice this hack is called "Extra Threadfields" not
"Extra Postfields", and in my opinion, this is the best way to handle this.

I would have bought the premium version if it could do it.... Looks like it cant


lasto 09-05-2006 03:35 PM

one small problem with this hack - when editing a thread it dont show the extra field u have put in so u cant edit it if u done someothing wrong or choose the wrong option - is there a fix for this ???

0ptima 09-07-2006 01:17 AM

No.... Take a look at the last few posts...

toolblast 09-08-2006 03:41 AM

Gio~logist (Giovanni) no longer responds to e-mails, vb.org PM's, siteresort.com PM's (his site), nor any other communication. He was away before and said he was in the hospital, but is now away once again.

If you are having the same issue with mis-communication please PM me so I can see if it is only me or if there are others not able to find gio. Thanks all!

Quarterbore 09-13-2006 02:54 AM

It is a shame... but here is a related thread:


toolblast 09-14-2006 03:44 PM

Thanks. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....2&postcount=10

kafi 09-14-2006 08:42 PM

it is very shame that so powerfull hack ended like this :-(

Nobody willing to take this on? Maybe from the ground up?

You can do any imaginable stuff with this hack - specially with premium feature where you can SEARCH this fields......

Kungfu 09-19-2006 03:05 AM

anyone having problems deleting the options. The go button does nothing for me.

Rankine 09-26-2006 07:28 AM

see this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...743#post931743 from post 233.

I have noticed problems with button.. i tried to change with links


$cell[2] .= "<a href=\"threadfields_admin.php?do=edit&fieldid=$threadfield[fieldid]\"><b>Edit</b></a> ";
          $cell[3] .= "<a href=\"threadfields_admin.php?do=delete&fieldid=$threadfield[fieldid]\"><b>Delete</b></a>";
      /* This button code is commented

$cell[2] .= "\n\t<div style=\"float: right;\">
<select class=\"bginput\" name=\"f$threadfield[fieldid]\">
<option value=\"edit\">Edit</option>
<option value=\"delete\">Delete</option></select>
<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"".$vbphrase['go']."\" onclick=\"js_threadfields_jump($threadfield[fieldid]);\" />


Marcus Lau 09-30-2006 07:16 PM

what about show what's enter when in preview???

taydu 11-09-2006 11:10 PM

Please help, for some reason I don't see the extra threadfields when I edit the messaga (using admim)

I did exactly like it said in the read me file.

How do i display the extra threadfields inside the post instead??

and how do I change the color (red) to make it more noticable


bada_bing 11-11-2006 05:55 PM

Does anyone know how I can list my extra fields like this within the Thread

Title: Bla Bla Bla

Field 1: xxxxxx
Field 2: xxxxxx
Field 3: xxxxxx

Instead of the standard

Title: Bla Bla Bla
Fields1: xxxxxxx Field 2: xxxxxxx Field 2: xxxxx

mac27 11-11-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
Does anyone know how I can list my extra fields like this within the Thread

Title: Bla Bla Bla

Field 1: xxxxxx
Field 2: xxxxxx
Field 3: xxxxxx

Instead of the standard

Title: Bla Bla Bla
Fields1: xxxxxxx Field 2: xxxxxxx Field 2: xxxxx

In your post bit or post bit legacy try this:

Find this:


<if condition="$post[postcount] == '1' ">
        <div align="right">$extrafields</div>

change to this:


<if condition="$post[postcount] == '1' ">
        <div align="left">$extrafields</div>

Basically your changing the word "right" to "Left".

mac27 11-11-2006 06:42 PM

Also you can change the size of the font used.

In post bit or post bit legacy.

Find this:

<if condition="$post[postcount] == '1' ">
        <div align="right">$extrafields</div>

replace with this:

<if condition="$post[postcount] == '1' ">
        <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="3"><div align="right">$extrafields</div></font>

To change the color of the extrafields replace with this:

<if condition="$post[postcount] == '1' ">
        <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="3" COLOR="#000000"><div align="left">$extrafields</div></font>

bada_bing 11-12-2006 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by mac27
Also you can change the size of the font used.

In post bit or post bit legacy.

Find this:

<if condition="$post[postcount] == '1' ">
        <div align="right">$extrafields</div>

replace with this:

<if condition="$post[postcount] == '1' ">
        <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="3"><div align="right">$extrafields</div></font>

To change the color of the extrafields replace with this:

<if condition="$post[postcount] == '1' ">
        <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="3" COLOR="#000000"><div align="left">$extrafields</div></font>

This does not do what I am asking other then just moving the fields from the right to left..... I am looking to have my fields listed in this manner
Field 1: xxxxxx
Field 2: xxxxxx
Field 3: xxxxxx

rather then this way Field 1: xxxxxx Field 2: xxxxxx Field 3: xxxxxx

mac27 11-12-2006 12:31 AM

This aligns the fields to the left. From your explanation that looks like what you are wanting. Is this screen shot what you are wanting? If so then what I posted does this.

bada_bing 11-12-2006 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by mac27
This aligns the fields to the left. From your explanation that looks like what you are wanting. Is this screen shot what you are wanting? If so then what I posted does this.

Yes your example is what I want to do but when I did your code edit all it did was just alligned the fields to the left rather then the right. I did not place them nicely top down like your posted example??? What did I do wrong?

mac27 11-12-2006 12:50 AM

Are you wanting the fields aligned to the right or the left? Also can you show me a screen shot of what this code edit does to your fields.

bada_bing 11-12-2006 12:54 AM

This is what I get when I add your first code im my postbit.. I want it alligned to the left under the Title

taydu 11-12-2006 07:18 AM

Mac27, how do I move it in with the message???

custom field1:
Custom field2:

Mesage here

and how do i make the custome field show up in when admin edit the post ???


mac27 11-13-2006 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by bada_bing (Post 1115154)
This is what I get when I add your first code im my postbit.. I want it alligned to the left under the Title

Ok here is what you need to do along with what I posted above.

In the showthread_extra_fields template, replace the contents with this:

<div><b>$threadfield[title]:</b> $thread[fieldvalue]</div>


Originally Posted by taydu (Post 1115329)
Mac27, how do I move it in with the message???

custom field1:
Custom field2:

Mesage here

and how do i make the custome field show up in when admin edit the post ???


I do not know of anyway to move the extrafields into the message. As for showing up when admin edit a thread. Once you are viewing the thread just click on "Thread Tools" then on "Edit Thread". This is the only way I know of editing the extrafields after they have been posted.

Bare with me I keep playing with this hack to see what else it can do. I am learning as I go.

bada_bing 11-13-2006 12:50 AM

awww Thank Ya Thank ya that worked great...


Originally Posted by mac27 (Post 1115864)
Ok here is what you need to do along with what I posted above.

In the showthread_extra_fields template, replace the contents with this:

<div><b>$threadfield[title]:</b> $thread[fieldvalue]</div>

I do not know of anyway to move the extrafields into the message. As for showing up when admin edit a thread. Once you are viewing the thread just click on "Thread Tools" then on "Edit Thread". This is the only way I know of editing the extrafields after they have been posted.

Bare with me I keep playing with this hack to see what else it can do. I am learning as I go.

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