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49er 02-05-2006 02:51 PM

Hack is work great, thx.
But can you explain what i do to remove one of the cash (points) sum figures from view on my postbit. :ermm:

OAndrea 02-05-2006 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by OAndrea
can I install this on VB3.5.2?

Hello Anyone got an answer for me, are you guys installing this on 3.5.2 also?

49er 02-05-2006 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by OAndrea
Hello Anyone got an answer for me, are you guys installing this on 3.5.2 also?

I have!! no problem. :squareeyed:

OAndrea 02-05-2006 03:11 PM

Thanks Teepeg!

redtailboa 02-05-2006 03:12 PM

Ok, I setup a test site and copied all my data over and did a upgrade to VB 3.5.3. I then upgraded ebux from 1.0.3 to 1.0.5a and it still messes up my forum. I cannot login, I cannot do anything. I also tried uninstalling the product, then reinstalling. Directly after the uninstall I try to post a message and it messes up. Again, here is a sql error I get via email.

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT filename, attachment.postid, attachment.userid, attachmentid,
attachment.dateline, SUBSTRING(filedata, 1, 2097152) AS filedata, filesize,
attachment.visible, mimetype, thread.forumid, thread.threadid, thread.postuserid,
post.visible AS post_visible, thread.visible AS thread_visible

FROM attachment AS attachment
LEFT JOIN attachmenttype AS attachmenttype ON (attachmenttype.extension = attachment.extension)
LEFT JOIN post AS post ON (post.postid = attachment.postid)
LEFT JOIN thread AS thread ON (post.threadid = thread.threadid)

WHERE attachmentid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at $
Error Number : 1064
Date : Sunday, February 5th 2006 @ 04:12:48 PM
Script : http://old.redtailboa.net/forums/att...1&d=1138976009
Referrer : http://old.redtailboa.net/forums/t20...d-up-news.html
IP Address :
Username : natas
Classname : vb_database
================================================== ===

OAndrea 02-05-2006 03:13 PM

BTW I would LOVE to see the option for buying gifts on this, that is what my forum members are really wanting! I mean they want it BAD!

redtailboa 02-05-2006 03:13 PM

FYI, I am willing to give the creator of this hack full admin access to the test site to work out the problem, PM me or email me at natas@spamcop.net

caimakale 02-05-2006 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Sai01
sorry if i offened anybody... i didn't mean to compare it to ushop. it's just my stupid opinion and would be best if i didn't bring it up...

in fact i think the feature are equal(plus it's still a baby)! when i said i prefer ushop i meant as in the looks and layout of it. But doing this hacks for us in only 3 days? that's something very great and awesome!

also thanks for the reply, so... searhcing for "Points" in phrase huh? i'll do that. and thank you CMX! for making a fantasy(ushop) into a reality!

I wasn't trying to single you out, there have been quite a few others on here saying the same thing and the last thing any of us want is CMX getting frustrated and giving up on this project because negativity towards it. Sorry if it appeared that way though.

I just say sit back and enjoy the ride for the next week or so, things will start happening. Others will start releasing hacks for it, ChurchMedia released his products hack for it here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=274 , I am working on some things for it, and CMX hasn't given up on it either.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-05-2006 03:54 PM

A lot of posts here to read, I've read all of them now. I've fixed the bugs I have come across in the posts that I could replicate.

No idea how redtailboa's bug is coming about because this hack doesnt even do anything to any attachment plugins at all :/

As far as "giving up"? Why would I give up over some negative comments? There is simply no reason too, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And just because some dont like it doesnt mean that there arent a lot of people who do like it!

I've did a little bit of work on it over the past day or so, I've really improved the Add Option for the Admin CP. I'm doing more testing on it today, and if all goes well and all are working, it will be released later today. (Probably about 8 to 10 hours after this post.)

I realize that some of the templates that I've created are not the most elegant looking, I'm a coder, not a graphic artist. If someone can redesign the estore_main template and make it nice and purrrrrrrrrrty, I'm all for adding it in. Someone posted a screen shot of a bank that looks awesome and I will incorporate that into the release very soon.

Here are a list of things that I have done so far for the v1.0.6 to be released later today:

v1.0.6 Update:
1) Bugfix: View Richest Member setting was always displaying top 30, it now displays how many you have the eBux Setting for.
2) eStore Main: Displays the item description in the database when it lists the items for sale.
3) Bugfix: Donate, Admin Donate, Thief & Bank eStore Options check that the amount is numeric properly now.
4) When eStore is not enabled now, it displays a closed message.
5) eStore Options: Lose Reputation Points on Successful Thief & Failed Thief. (2 Different Settings, Use a value of 0 for no loss.)
6) Custom User Title eStore Options now set the user table field customtitle = 1.
7) eStore Option: Sticky Thread, lets a user sticky a thread. (Requires them to enter the threadid)
8) eStore Option: Unticky Thread, lets a user unsticky a thread. (Requires them to enter the threadid)
9) eStore option Set Type field has a new drop down called 'Add Integer' which will add to the field setname. Useful for making an eStore Option to buy more post counts, or anything that you just want to increase.
10) Backend Changes: A VERY Major change has occurred in the back end. There was a LOT of database changes done to the estoreitems table and the items contained in it. One that is so great now you can almost add actions for anything you want. I won't go into detail of what this means, but lets just say something like this. The table named 'thread' has threadid, visible, sticky, sticky_expiry, votenum, etc..

Well with the new system in place, I'll demonstrate how to add a new eStore Option for say example, Sticky Thread... (NOTE this is not a perfect example because the sticky thread has its own field for 'sticky_expiry' and has to be accounted for to make it expire properly. But for the sake of this example, it will set the sticky = 1 where threadid = id the person entered.

First you go to the Admin CP and choose Add New Option. Type Sticky Thread for the Item Name and type a description you want it to use, setup all the costs, expire days, refill, usergroups, etc.. Then use the following settings:
Item Script Location: blank (Meaning do not type anything in this field!)
Item Table Name: thread
Where Name: threadid
Where Value: $action['threadid']
Set Type: Choose Bitfield
Set Name: sticky
Set Value: 1
Phrase Name 1: estore_threadid
Field Name 1: threadid

Then choose Add Option and there you have it. As you can see these back end changes allow for lots of tables to be modified via eStore Options.

With this kind of system in place, its almost virtually endless of the possibilities to add/modify the tables/fields.


Frugal 02-05-2006 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Deimos
There are usergroup permissions, they're done per ITEM
You have to go into the item manager section, click the first item and in there there's a field to put in the "allowed usergroups" (you need to note down the number of the user group or groups you want added to that list)

Thanks man, that's just what I needed :D


TosaInu 02-05-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by LBSources
sure, just make the template edits to the template (of the skin) of your choice.. obviously though if your members find http://www.yourdomain.com/estore.php they will find the store and they can participate .. but they WONT see points in their postbits and memberinfo.

also if youre trying to do this for testing reason.. this isnt a good way.. create a test board instead..


Lenny :)


Point is that our board has some different faces. Fun with glowing usernames is nice for some forums, but does not really suit the others. It doesn't bother me if they find the shop (they better do :) ).

inkpassion 02-05-2006 04:32 PM

caimakale - can you be bribed into making a gifts hack ;)

LBSources 02-05-2006 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
As far as "giving up"? Why would I give up over some negative comments? There is simply no reason too, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And just because some dont like it doesnt mean that there arent a lot of people who do like it!

:) thats the attitude..

inkpassion 02-05-2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
I realize that some of the templates that I've created are not the most elegant looking, I'm a coder, not a graphic artist. If someone can redesign the estore_main template and make it nice and purrrrrrrrrrty, I'm all for adding it in. Someone posted a screen shot of a bank that looks awesome and I will incorporate that into the release very soon.

Im a designer not a hardcore coder (more like code hacker)... want to be friends ;)

I am going setup a sandbox forums and see what I can do to help make it look better. I have the next couple of days off so I should be able to throw somthing together. Do you have some layout/design idea's?

JsnakeJ 02-05-2006 04:45 PM

I could redesign it if today wasn't the super bowl. Maybe I will work on it during the week.

evenmonkeys 02-05-2006 04:48 PM

When I have the eStore closed, people are still able to purchase items. It doesn't actually give them the item, but it takes their points and removed one from the quantity.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-05-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by inkpassion
Im a designer not a hardcore coder (more like code hacker)... want to be friends ;)

I am going setup a sandbox forums and see what I can do to help make it look better. I have the next couple of days off so I should be able to throw somthing together. Do you have some layout/design idea's?

I dont really have anything in mind, so whatever you could work on would be great.

xYarub: That's one of the bugs caused by the store not saying its closed when the setting is not enabled. That will be fixed in v1.0.6.

I have started a "gifts" feature, I have it so it adds the gift into the gift table, all thats left is the plugin's for the gift caching and such...

EDIT: UGGH that gift hack is atrocious.... The thing caches all of the gifts everytime showthread.php is called. If you have say 3000 gifts in the database, and 300 people viewing a thread at around the same time, can you say server crash?

There has to be a better way to do it, as it would suck bad to put a separate query for each new user that has posted on that page for the thread too.

[high]* CMX_CMGSCCC thinks


caimakale 02-05-2006 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by inkpassion
caimakale - can you be bribed into making a gifts hack ;)

I will look into it if/when I finish the ribbons addon. I have the xml complete and have tested it for the ribbons. I am trying to incorporate it with the old ribbons hack, that way if your users have purchased ribbons in the past and you still have those tables in your database, it will pick right up where you left off.

I currently have it displaying ribbons that were purchased in the past on my site, now I am trying to make it into an action so you can purchase more ribbons through the store.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-05-2006 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by caimakale
I will look into it if/when I finish the ribbons addon. I have the xml complete and have tested it for the ribbons. I am trying to incorporate it with the old ribbons hack, that way if your users have purchased ribbons in the past and you still have those tables in your database, it will pick right up where you left off.

I currently have it displaying ribbons that were purchased in the past on my site, now I am trying to make it into an action so you can purchase more ribbons through the store.

I'm going to release a new version here shortly today, v1.0.6 that will make adding stuff to the store a bit easier and some of the fields have been changed, so just a heads up on that.


caimakale 02-05-2006 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
I'm going to release a new version here shortly today, v1.0.6 that will make adding stuff to the store a bit easier and some of the fields have been changed, so just a heads up on that.


Okay...that's good. I was gonna stop working on it until later tonight anyways (gotta game to watch). I will download and install later tonight so I can see what changes I need to make on my end.

49er 02-05-2006 05:51 PM

I seem to be missing something, i just bought myself a colour but it does not show, i wrote the colour Red in the display box is this correct or do i need to write the clour code in there?

Edit: Ah it does give me the Colour, it shows it up in my posts iwas looking at the Currently Active Users: where it doesnot show :disappointed:

JsnakeJ 02-05-2006 05:51 PM

I'm working on the main templates. I have it looking similar to uShops all I wish you would do is PM me the line so that I could add in descriptions. Nice working with you. :)

Edit: Also, how would I go about making the items be horizontal rather than vertical? I have them looking good but they won't change from being vertical. :ermm:

shaynehammy 02-05-2006 07:16 PM

Apologies if this has been answered already. Is this capable of being intergrated with VBookie?



Frugal 02-05-2006 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by shaynehammy
Apologies if this has been answered already. Is this capable of being intergrated with VBookie?



See this post



The Chief 02-05-2006 07:20 PM

installed and it works great, thanks so much!!

/me clicks install

LBSources 02-05-2006 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by caimakale
It's funny people are complaining about this hack in comparison to uShop. Where is uShop? Development is slower than cold tar moving uphill which doesn't give much hope for support when it is released. CMX continues to make eStore better and better everyday, please remember it's still in it's infancy.

One more opinion...As the creators of uShop have done in their thread, I feel the same should stand here, and that is no talk about any product but (in this case) eBux and eStore. Again that is just an opinion, I have no authority to enforce it, but fair is fair.

+1 well said.. very well said.. why even troll here about how ushop is better when it doesnt even exist?


Cheertobi 02-05-2006 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by LBSources
+1 well said.. very well said.. why even troll here about how ushop is better when it doesnt even exist?

It does exist! https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=107233 Beta 1 has been released a few minutes ago!

No, it seems to become fun ;)


Frugal 02-05-2006 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by LBSources
+1 well said.. very well said.. why even troll here about how ushop is better when it doesnt even exist?


It does now ;) Although I can't help thinking if it hadn't been for ebux there would still be no store for 3.5 Well now we have 2, choice is always good.


49er 02-05-2006 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Cheertobi
It does exist! https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=107233 Beta 1 has been released a few minutes ago!

No, it seems to become fun ;)


Well i for one will be sticking with this mod, as was already stated i think this will only get better, and no silent coders are working here. :ninja:

LBSources 02-05-2006 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by teepeg
Well i for one will be sticking with this mod, as was already stated i think this will only get better, and no silent coders are working here. :ninja:

lol .. true

Cheertobi 02-05-2006 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by teepeg
Well i for one will be sticking with this mod, as was already stated i think this will only get better, and no silent coders are working here. :ninja:

Well, I do not have time the next week to install one of each! So I wait and see how things going!

Right now I can say, CMX did an amazing with all of his fast updates and bugfixes!


LBSources 02-05-2006 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Cheertobi
It does exist! https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=107233 Beta 1 has been released a few minutes ago!

No, it seems to become fun ;)


ah, how ironic.. well .. if cmx can get estore looking a lil more pretty with the help of a designer.. at the rate he updates and corrects bugs.. it should be a great package long term.. but of course ushop is what most know..

whatever floats the boat!

Lenny :)

The Chief 02-05-2006 08:40 PM

I'm def? staying with eBux and eStore, CMX has done everything, they just released in a hurry, they won't do any updates I am sure ;)

kofoid 02-05-2006 08:45 PM

I am going to install this as soon as the gifts are available.... I think it's total BS that after MONTHS of asking for status, GD FINALLY releases ucash/ushop when CMX releases ebux. My money is on CMX to provide support and options faster than geeky


caimakale 02-05-2006 08:45 PM

I am on board with eBux & eStore...my php skills are minimal at best, but I will do what I can to code some addons for it. Plus at this point I have more faith in CMX getting things done and adding to the hack.

The Chief 02-05-2006 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by kofoid
I am going to install this as soon as the gifts are available.... I think it's total BS that after MONTHS of asking for status, GD FINALLY releases ucash/ushop when CMX releases ebux. My money is on CMX to provide support and options faster than geeky


lol, totally :P

inkpassion 02-05-2006 08:52 PM

I waited and waited got ushop to be finished and then here comes this guy from know where and starts kickin butt. I just installed a fresh 3.5.3 with 1.5a ebux/estore. Time to turnon the music and get a theme cranked out.

The Chief 02-05-2006 08:52 PM

how come my members cannot purchase any items??

they don't see anything on the eStore, they only see like The Richest users...


PixelFx 02-05-2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by gamebgs
how come my members cannot purchase any items??

they don't see anything on the eStore, they only see like The Richest users...


I may be able to help with some of the visual end later, I havent installed this yet, as I was waiting for a few more systems to be done, however, if I change any of the layouts I can post them if you want .. if you like them :P

The Chief 02-05-2006 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by PixelFx
I may be able to help with some of the visual end later, I havent installed this yet, as I was waiting for a few more systems to be done, however, if I change any of the layouts I can post them if you want .. if you like them :P

that would be great ;)

but that didn't really answer my question...

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