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kall 11-26-2005 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by nievesidenshop
i had the same problem go to post #301 and your answer is there it worked for me :ermm:

Why is this even happening?

The script SHOULD be pulling $vboptions[forumhome].php .. so these changes shouldn't be necessary.

Very strange these things didn't affect me when Beta testing on vbenhanced, but they do on an upgrade to NZB.

dieselpowered 11-26-2005 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by darkworld
Anyone having problems wit score not saving - make sure you followed this step

If that doesn't work try creating a new category and placing all the games in there


Negative....score is not saving.

Boofo 11-26-2005 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by gael11
when you choose the space separator (Score Separator Example: will turn 1000 into 1 000), it gives a letter "s" not a space. I don't know if it has been reported yet. Too lazy to read every pages :D

That's because you need to pick the comma. That's how numbers over a thousand should be written anyway. ;)

Blam Forumz 11-26-2005 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Are you using VBSeo by chance?

Indeed I am, VBSEO 2.2.0 :/

Gemma 11-26-2005 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by xtremeoff-road
Negative....score is not saving.

And you tried the solution in post #301?



AshokForums.com 11-26-2005 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by 3dsoft
is there also a Arcade Chess game?
So that users can play chess against each other. That would be cool!

Yeh chess game would be cool.. is it possible??

Boofo 11-26-2005 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Blam Forumz
Indeed I am, VBSEO 2.2.0 :/


Boofo 11-26-2005 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by AshokForums.com
Yeh chess game would be cool.. is it possible??

Please read the last line in the first post.

Solitary Seraph 11-26-2005 06:29 PM

Okay, I also found out that we still have the old v3arcade, and I suspect that's screwing up the load. How do i get rid of the old arcade without it crashing my forum?

www.anfinitinetwork.com/forum is my site, if that helps.

Boofo 11-26-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by 3dsoft
is there also a Arcade Chess game?
So that users can play chess against each other. That would be cool!

Please read the last line in the first post.

amykhar 11-26-2005 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by kall
Amy, I had exactly the same problem... amongst many others involving the base_url variable not picking up the /forums/ path.

You need to go into arcade.php and fully qualify the path to arcade.php in the base_url parts at the top.

Fixed almost all the errors for me. :)

Yep. This fixed it. Specifically, change these two lines:

// modified to make less use of the index.php
$ibforums->vars['base_url'] = "arcade.php?$session[sessionurl]&";
$ibforums->base_url = "arcade.php?$session[sessionurl]&";


// modified to make less use of the index.php
$ibforums->vars['base_url'] = "/forums/arcade.php?$session[sessionurl]&";
$ibforums->base_url = "/forums/arcade.php?$session[sessionurl]&";

Boofo 11-26-2005 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rat1972
Where can i find games for this wonderful hack?

please don't reffer to the link in the opening post, i already tried, but the site has expired and is for hire.....

Read the last line (the highlighted one) in the first post. Games are NOT to be discussed in any way in this thread.

Boofo 11-26-2005 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
The "Your Favourites" display in the v3arcade skin appears to be screwed up.

Screenshot, sir, so we know what we are dealing with? ;)

Tulsa 11-26-2005 06:33 PM

Great hack! :)

It's working fine on mine as far as saving scores. I do have the footer issue but that's not really a big deal as it's simply replaced my background color with the forum color.

An interesting thing was just reported by one of my users, they are getting logged off by the system while in the arcade.

Any ideas on this one?

kall 11-26-2005 06:34 PM

Right... heres a possible cause of my headaches: The games_settings table has TWO entries. The upgrade must have added another line for some reason.

Perhaps if I remove one...

Blam Forumz 11-26-2005 06:39 PM

Thanks boofo


Originally Posted by kall
Amy, I had exactly the same problem... amongst many others involving the base_url variable not picking up the /forums/ path.

You need to go into arcade.php and fully qualify the path to arcade.php in the base_url parts at the top.

Fixed almost all the errors for me. :)

Eek, and how do i do that? :/

gameslover 11-26-2005 06:40 PM

Thanks you very much for that great hack !!!

I have a little question, if I have a problem installing some games, can I use this topic to ask for help ?

For example I am not able to install Yetisport 4 and 8, the game doesn't start when I try to play it...

kall 11-26-2005 06:42 PM

Ahh. Heh. There's a setting in 'Your Settings' that alows you to specify how many games are displayed per page.

How embarrassing. :)

Gemma 11-26-2005 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Blam Forumz
Thanks boofo

Eek, and how do i do that? :/


Paul M 11-26-2005 06:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Boofo
Screenshot, sir, so we know what we are dealing with? ;)


Zachariah 11-26-2005 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by darkworld


search for the 1st box of code - replace w/ 2nd box.

You can edit a php file in notepad.

Boofo 11-26-2005 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by kall
Ahh. Heh. There's a setting in 'Your Settings' that alows you to specify how many games are displayed per page.

How embarrassing. :)

That was something we added at the last minute. Kind of like a surprise. ;)

dieselpowered 11-26-2005 06:54 PM

No resolution to saving game scores eh??

kylek 11-26-2005 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rat1972
Where can i find games for this wonderful hack?

please don't reffer to the link in the opening post, i already tried, but the site has expired and is for hire.....

Read the whole first post - "** Please do not post any information, request or offer of Games here in this Thread, as it is only for support and questions concerning ibProArcade itself ! ** "

kall 11-26-2005 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
That was something we added at the last minute. Kind of like a surprise. ;)

Much like a thumbtack on the chair. :P

Any idea why my html doesn't parse in the announcement any more?

soniceffect 11-26-2005 06:57 PM

nothing at all I can say to this but EXCELLENT WORK :) ... nice one to all involved and expecially mr zero :)

puertoblack2003 11-26-2005 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by xtremeoff-road
No resolution to saving game scores eh??

read post #301 answer there, that's the solution i use and it's working well for me

4number8 11-26-2005 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by gameslover
Thanks you very much for that great hack !!!

I have a little question, if I have a problem installing some games, can I use this topic to ask for help ?

For example I am not able to install Yetisport 4 and 8, the game doesn't start when I try to play it...

You have a new PM

tteal 11-26-2005 07:23 PM

Wow very impressed! I upgraded from 2.5.1 I believe? and upgrade went without a hitch!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ggiersdorf 11-26-2005 07:24 PM

Thanks for the credits Zero, it was all you :) excellent modification and we as a copmmunity are truley appericative. Now we just need a freaking points systm that works :!!!!!!!!!! :)

Gemma 11-26-2005 07:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This will add clickable icons in the Who's Online section of your arcade (see screenshot for an example)

Open your mod_Arcade.php and find:

$DB->query("SELECT gid, gtitle FROM ibf_games_list WHERE gid IN ($games_list)");
while($g = $DB->fetch_row())
$games_names[$g['gid']] = $g['gtitle'];

$a = 0;
foreach( $active_list as $this_user )
$span_pre = "";
$span_suf = "";

$this_user['in_game'] = explode("|",$this_user['in_game']);
$gid = $this_user['in_game'][0];
$do = $this_user['in_game'][1];

if( $do == "play" )
$span_pre = "<span title='".$ibforums->lang["playing"].$games_names[$gid]."' style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed; padding-bottom: 1px;'>";
elseif( $do == "stats" )
$span_pre = "<span title='".$ibforums->lang["viewing"].$games_names[$gid]."'>";
$span_pre = "<span title='".$ibforums->lang["arcade_home"]."'>";
$span_suf = "</span>";

Replace it wit:

$DB->query("SELECT g.gid, g.gtitle, c.password, g.gname FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats as c WHERE gid IN ($games_list) AND g.gcat=c.c_id AND trim(password)=''");
while($g = $DB->fetch_row())
$games_id[$g['gid']] = $g['gid'];
$games_names[$g['gid']] = $g['gtitle'];
$games_gnames[$g['gid']] = $g['gname'];

$a = 0;
foreach( $active_list as $this_user )
$span_pre = "";
$span_suf = "";

$this_user['in_game'] = explode("|",$this_user['in_game']);
$gid = $this_user['in_game'][0];
$do = $this_user['in_game'][1];

if( ($do == "play") && (isset($games_names[$gid])))
$span_pre = "<a href={$ibforums->base_url}act=Arcade&do=play&gameid=".$games_id[$gid]."><IMG SRC='./arcade/images/".$games_gnames[$gid]."2.gif' border='0' alt='Click to Play: ".$games_names[$gid]."' /></a> <span title='".$ibforums->lang["playing"].$games_names[$gid]."' style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed; padding-bottom: 1px;'>";
elseif( $do == "stats" )
$span_pre = "<a href={$ibforums->base_url}act=Arcade&do=stats&gameid=".$games_id[$gid]."><IMG SRC='./arcade/images/arcadeleaders.gif' border='0' alt='Click to View Leaders: ".$games_names[$gid]."' /></a> <span title='".$ibforums->lang["viewing"].$games_names[$gid]."'>";
$span_pre = "<a href={$ibforums->base_url}act=Arcade><IMG SRC='./arcade/images/arcadehome.gif' border='0' alt='Click to View: Arcade Home' /></a> <span title='".$ibforums->lang["arcade_home"]."'>";
$span_suf = "</span>";

All done.Save and upload

Upload the images in the attached zip file into your arcade/images folder

Not really got much time to support anything jus now,that's why I've added it here and not made a separate thread


kylek 11-26-2005 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by ggiersdorf
Thanks for the credits Zero, it was all you :) excellent modification and we as a copmmunity are truley appericative. Now we just need a freaking points systm that works :!!!!!!!!!! :)

I second that !!

Just a short while ago we had the original 2.5.1 that was very hard to install and a lot of file changes, and no one seemed to be stepping up to do anything about it until Mr Z took it upon himself to give us a great arcade system for our forums.

Dont overlook the donation button everyone!!

Solitary Seraph 11-26-2005 07:44 PM

This installed quite easily, but it'd be nice if I knew what was going wrong with it, that made the arcade not show. Everything else works perfectly.

wise11 11-26-2005 07:51 PM


nice work


RaceJunkie 11-26-2005 07:56 PM


Open your AdminCP and do the following:

* Open the Menu Plugin-System
* Click Manage Products
* Click [Add/Import Product]
* Enter the path to the Product-XML-File: ./includes/xml/product-ibproarcade.xml and click IMPORT
* Confirm the Import of that Product
* Ready - the Hack is installed !
During this step I get this.

XML Error: mismatched tag at Line 45

Blam Forumz 11-26-2005 08:00 PM

Thanks zero!

duplu 11-26-2005 08:17 PM

I have a bit of a problem which I don't know is solveable.

The whole installation went fine and the arcade is running. However I have about 1,000 games and over 30,000 scores in the scores table. Any page in the arcade takes over 30 seconds to open on my test site. If I check the server (and this is a Dual Opteron server) I can see MySQL is going mad on queries. I guess it is trying to calculate the new top tables, does it do this on every page!?

VAN 11-26-2005 08:26 PM

Few more issues:

Editing scores produces a javascript error.
Error: 'score' is null or not an object

URL: admin/arcade.php?&code=scores&do=user&user=1117#

In ACP, search for games and the results give you an option to edit game or scores. Clicking on edit scores takes you to a page where you can only delete scores - not edit them.

URL: admin/arcade.php?&code=scores&do=game&gid=9

In ACP if you choose Score Tools and select a game levaing everything else blank, the page you are taken to is never for the selected game.

URL: admin/arcade.php?code=score_tools

TTG 11-26-2005 08:33 PM

Having read through all the posts and doing all the suggested edits, I'm still not able to save game scores


Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

This score was not submitted from the game. Your score will not be saved.

Madmp3zz 11-26-2005 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
got this working fine...apart from 2 things...

on some games, after u have played...whether u have the top score only, or all scores to be saved...it tells u that the score has not been saved...????

also...the categories arent working correctly.
i created 4 categories.....yet when i go into the admin cp, and trey to move a game into a category...the cat box is just a narrow box, with no category titles in it??

apart from that....a top conversion.

I'm having the exact same issue with the catagories.... any fix yet?

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