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-   -   Major Additions - PhotoPlog: The Lite Gallery (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=101368)

chimaira 12-17-2005 04:30 PM

Using 3.5.1 and the photoplug group doesnt appear in the admin panel.. Looks like i have to upgrade to 3.5.2 which i wasnt planning on doing for a bit. :disappointed:

calorie 12-17-2005 04:40 PM

Sounds like an install issue. Run through the installation steps again, and when done, do the following to ensure its occurrence:


MrNase 12-17-2005 04:49 PM

Iam trying it out at the moment. So far it looks great! :)

I moved it outside the forum's directory, it was amazingly simply. I now just have to translate it :disappointed:

chimaira 12-17-2005 04:51 PM


worked a treat
Many thanks for the response. :)

rookiyong 12-18-2005 01:07 AM

Hi calorie, that was a good gallery, everythings works fine. Just a couple of queries as I could not find an answer.

1) I tried deleting a photo and it gets deleted without showing. However, the file together with all the large, medium, small files are physically still in the server. Do I have to manually remove them or is there an option I missed out? :)

2) I am not sure of the capability of having 4 sizes of files but any way to limit them to just a thumb and the original image? (saves diskspace for me :P )


JAYEMULE 12-18-2005 01:17 AM

I thought the installation went well, but when I go to mydomain/photoplog I get page can not be found error. Any thoughts on what I did wrong maybe ?
I followed the directions step by step. Went back and checked it out again. I may be too tired to see it. I can see the photoplog in my admincp and all just can't get to it. My members will really enjoy this if I can get it to work.

calorie 12-18-2005 01:30 AM

@rookiyong: see post394 and try a couple of file edits:

// in functions.php near top of photoplog_create_thumbs function add:

if ($sub_dir != 'small') // or medium or large
        return true;

// in file.php look for $photoplog_thumb_dir about a 1/3 the way down:

                if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 'l')
                        $photoplog_thumb_dir = 'large'; // or medium or small
                else if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 'm')
                        $photoplog_thumb_dir = 'medium'; // or small or large
                else if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 's')
                        $photoplog_thumb_dir = 'small'; // or medium or large
                else if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 'o')
                        $photoplog_thumb_dir = ''; //original
                        $photoplog_thumb_dir = $vbulletin->options['photoplog_default_size'];

@JAYEMULE: what are your settings for these:
  • vB Homepage URL
  • vB Forum URL
  • PhotoPlog Directory
  • Duplicate Directory

LJR 12-18-2005 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by calorie
@LJR: just follow the general upgrade instructions about 2/3 down the README.txt file, there's no need to go through all the steps.

Hey Calorie, thanks for responding.

I actually had followed those instructions. My version was 1.0.3 and I followed the upgrade instructions from to I simply copied all the files in the photoplog folder (except config) to the server and then updated the product in admin cp. I have upgraded from prior versions before with no problems, but this time resulted in that SQL error.

Uninstalling and taking it back to 1.0.3 gets it working again.

Any other ideas please?

calorie 12-18-2005 10:43 AM

That SQL error deals with MySQL version, but the 'offending' queries were changed to allow for older MySQL versions. Don't do the step by step stuff, do all the general upgrade instructions again: revert PhotoPlog templates, if changed, FTP both /photoplog and /forum content, install the product, then call the following to ensure its occurrence:


LJR 12-18-2005 10:57 AM

Righto will try that probably tomorrow (just about to climb on a flight to Boston).

Thanks for the help.

Racenut 12-18-2005 08:18 PM

I have added the Random pics to my forum home right below the navbar per the readme. The title bar however has no description. Is there a way to add text to this title bar like " random photos from the gallery?

thanks for a great free gallery :)

calorie 12-18-2005 10:03 PM

Upgrade to

JAYEMULE 12-18-2005 11:36 PM

@JAYEMULE: what are your settings for these:
vB Homepage URL
vB Forum URL
PhotoPlog Directory
Duplicate Directory

Cakorie, I will have to go look and check those settings and get back to you.


OK This is just a test site I have to try installing things before I put them on my active board.
VB Forum URL is www.mydomain.com/forum
Photoplog directory is www.mydomain.com/forum/photoplog
Duplicate Directory - didn't set one up, it didn't look like I needed one.

Thanks for your help. I am sure the mistake has to be on my end.


calorie 12-19-2005 06:26 AM

@JAYEMULE: set your PhotoPlog directory to /forum/photoplog

FYI: v.1.0.5 released (search feature and moderate comments)

Aaron RV 12-19-2005 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by calorie
@JAYEMULE: set your PhotoPlog directory to /forum/photoplog

FYI: v.1.0.5 released (search feature and moderate comments)

:up: :up: :up:

Tefra 12-19-2005 10:26 AM

updated to 1.0.5 i am also waiting for a quick search .
Things i am waiting :
- Original dimensions of the image
- Java autoresize popup to open original image
- Fast import from a folder where i will have upload the files
- Better look for subcategories maybe align in columns ?
- Stats in index (total images , total categories , total views , total commets)
- The pagination must be also in botton as it is in the top of the file list

I have said it before i will say it again PhtoPlog is the best free standalone image gallery that exists for vbulletin 3.5.x . Thank you calorie for your work

allstar55 12-19-2005 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by calorie
@JAYEMULE: set your PhotoPlog directory to /forum/photoplog

FYI: v.1.0.5 released (search feature and moderate comments)

Nice update, i like that delete from FTP :)

Next coming toplist for the pictures?

indie 12-19-2005 05:33 PM

Is there a main template that is a shell for the content? I have a custom style, and it's all messed up. When this happened with vbA custom templates, I fixed by not using tables, but just TR and TD. However, it's not working with the templates I'm editing.

nitro 12-19-2005 05:56 PM

Cool out of beta now eh :)

@Calorie The forumhome thumbs plugin moving that to global_start hook as you said, to be able to use the variable in other vb product templates like a cms is there any photoplog globals that would also need adding ?

calorie 12-19-2005 06:44 PM

@indie: try changing your skin's background attributes to inline style like so:

<!-- example -->

<!-- from --> <td background="images/misc/foobar.gif">

<!-- to --> <td style="background-image: url(images/misc/foobar.gif);">

@nitro: if you change the hook to global_start, then the thumbs variable set in the plugin should be available for use in vB templates. Can't say whether this translates to the CMS you are using and its templates.

allstar55 12-19-2005 07:07 PM

An Block Modul for vbadvanced with random pictures with stars would to be fine ;)

Can you make it in the future calorie?

Racenut 12-19-2005 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
Upgrade to

Is there anyway to add this manually to version 1.04? Someone else installed this for me and is no longer available. I have no clue how to upgrade.


indie 12-19-2005 07:40 PM

Thanks for telling me how to fix my issue!

calorie 12-19-2005 07:59 PM

@Tefra and @allstar55: not sure what the future holds, ATM am taking a code break.

@Racenut: 1.0.4 is out, 1.0.5 is in, but there are upgrade instructions in the readme file.

@indie: right, just change the background="whatever" bits to style="whatever" bits like so:

background="images/indietalk/misc/vborgtop_02.gif" =>
style="background-image: url(images/indietalk/misc/vborgtop_02.gif);"

background="images/indietalk/misc/vborgmiddle_01.gif" =>
style="background-image: url(images/indietalk/misc/vborgmiddle_01.gif);"

background="images/indietalk/misc/vborgmiddle_03.gif" =>
style="background-image: url(images/indietalk/misc/vborgmiddle_03.gif);"

indie 12-19-2005 08:12 PM

Wow, thanks so much! I am going to donate paypal funds.

indie 12-19-2005 09:17 PM

A few things:

1. If you allow BBcode, and if you start the description with BBcode, like a bolded title, on the home page, it says "unavailable..." under posted by, instead of showing text. This is important to my site because I will be uploading some products, and it makes them look unavailable.

2. It'd be nice to have an editor when making the description for members that don't know BBcode, and are used to using the editor in the postbit (for BBcode, smilies, etc.)

Great Product!

calorie 12-19-2005 09:26 PM

Can you post a screen of what you see?

calorie 12-19-2005 09:44 PM

Oh wait, I think I know what you mean. In the file list, under posted by, you have $vbulletin->options['lastthreadchars'] * 2 allowed characters, but if it breaks in the middle of a tag, the whole tag is removed to avoid a broken tag onscreen, hence unavailable. To confirm, try setting the description to a small thing like [b ]foo[ /b] and then it should show.

lordnex 12-19-2005 10:40 PM

Calorie I'm still getting "not available"

My screen shots are what I'm getting. It's accepting the title, just not the comment itself. The permissions are for my typical user. Allowed to comment, no editing or deleting.
Admins have yes across the board.
I just downloaded the current version and upgraded it entirely. I'm going to uninstall the product and try to see if that works .. I would like to know what may be the problem (save someone else from losing stuff)

Just FYI, I completely removed the product and then reinstalled it and I'm still getting the error. Ideas?

calorie 12-19-2005 10:51 PM

You don't need to uninstall the product to upgrade. If you do uninstall the product, you'll tank your gallery.

calorie 12-19-2005 10:54 PM

Go to vBulletin Options -> Message Posting Interface Options -> Enable Clickable Message Formatting Controls -> set the Full Editor to Disable Controls and try another comment. What do you get?

lordnex 12-19-2005 11:02 PM

same thing.
Can I complicate this?
When I post a comment with my test ID (which only is a regular registered user.. no additional groups or such) it still says "not available" but additionally when I edit the comment the comments I typed are still there.

I havent' edited any templates for this (they're all stock standard with the install) and I haven't added any of the other things people have put out for this either.

lordnex 12-19-2005 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
You don't need to uninstall the product to upgrade. If you do uninstall the product, you'll tank your gallery.

I know.. I wanted to see if something botched or whatnot. I haven't really had much use out of it aside from tests from a few users and whatnot. So i'm not worried about losing data right now from unstalling-installing. I'm a good tester and good at breaking things. :D

calorie 12-19-2005 11:16 PM

In PhotoPlog's index.php find:

                                        $photoplog_rate_comment = photoplog_process_text($photoplog_rate_comment, $photoplog_catid, false, false);
And temporarily replace with:

echo htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_rate_comment)."<br /><br />";
                                        $photoplog_rate_comment = photoplog_process_text($photoplog_rate_comment, $photoplog_catid, false, false);
echo htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_rate_comment)."<br /><br />";

What do you see onscreen when you refresh a page with comments?

lordnex 12-19-2005 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
In PhotoPlog's index.php find:

                                        $photoplog_rate_comment = photoplog_process_text($photoplog_rate_comment, $photoplog_catid, false, false);
And temporarily replace with:

echo htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_rate_comment)."<br /><br />";
                                        $photoplog_rate_comment = photoplog_process_text($photoplog_rate_comment, $photoplog_catid, false, false);
echo htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_rate_comment)."<br /><br />";

What do you see onscreen when you refresh a page with comments?

Ok screenshots.. text at the top of the page now. Has the actual comments for the 3 that i've left and the "not available" thing too

calorie 12-19-2005 11:30 PM

Okay, found it. Go to vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Maximum Characters Per Post -> set to a large positive number instead of zero. That'll take care of it for now. Will update the mod later tonight.

lordnex 12-19-2005 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by calorie
Okay, found it. Go to vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Maximum Characters Per Post -> set to a large positive number instead of zero. That'll take care of it for now. Will update the mod later tonight.

Groovy. I'm glad that worked (and surprised no one else here caught that.. I guess i"m the only one that lets users type full length stories in their posts .. heh)

Thanks.. restored my index file and all is well. Now time to head out with the GF

indie 12-19-2005 11:44 PM

1. My maximum characters per post is at 10,000 and I still get "not available" when I start with BBcode.

2. How can I show a different header for this mod? When users go to this page I want the header to change. How would I call a second header and where would I pu that code? If you can help, thanks.

calorie 12-20-2005 01:58 AM

@lordnex: okay, upgrade to v. and that should do away with postmaxchars equals lastthreadchars equals zero related issues. Upgrade instructions, some quick FTPing is all, are in the new zip file.

@indie: see post428, do you see text with a smaller BBcode description? The fetch_template('header') call can be found in photoplog_output_error and photoplog_output_page of PhotoPlog's functions.php file.

indie 12-20-2005 02:49 AM

It says Not Available...

I want it to show at least part of that description.


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